Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 388 Deep in the Qinling Mountains, the fate of Wu Gensheng and Zhang Zhiwei

Chapter 388 Deep in the Qinling Mountains, the fate of Wu Gensheng and Zhang Zhiwei

Deep in the Qinling Mountains, in the cave of the 24th Section Tongtian Valley, Wu Gensheng cursed Zhang Boduan.

Because behind this stone carving it is written

——This "Wuzhen Chapter" sings about the great elixirs, medicines, and the subtle purposes of heat. If a good person has an immortal bone, his wisdom will be self-evident by looking at it, and he can find the text to explain it. There is no need for Bo Duan to make a fuss. Oral instruction.

This is a gift from heaven, not something Bo Duan has passed down from time to time. It is like the hymn at the end of the chapter, which talks about seeing nature, which is the so-called way to the supreme enlightenment.

However, the way of doing nothing...

From now on, if there are people with strong instincts who read and hear this chapter, they will know that Bo Duan has heard Bodhidharma and the Sixth Patriarch’s wonderful teachings of the highest vehicle, and can understand all the dharma with one word; if the habitual tendency is still there, he will return to the middle and lower views. , and it is not Bo Duan’s fault.



What this passage means is that the stone carving above is the "Enlightenment Chapter", which records all the details of the Taoist golden elixir method.

If someone is interested in studying the Tao, has extraordinary talents and excellent understanding, after reading the content of this stone carving, he will definitely have a clear mind and be self-taught without a teacher. This is a blessing given to him by God.

In this way, there is no need for Zhang Boduan to teach him personally, and it has nothing to do with Zhang Boduan. Even if there is divine punishment, it cannot be punished on Zhang Boduan's head.

However, the "Wuzhen Chapter" does not involve the path of the supreme enlightenment of knowing one's mind and one's nature, that is, the path of inaction.

The way is to look at external things with a normal mind. No matter whether it is external influence or internal influence, it cannot influence oneself. In this way, there will be no deviation in understanding the true story.

But unfortunately, ordinary people have different fates and karma, and their natural wisdom is also sharp and blunt. Many people are unable to maintain their original minds and are affected by delusions. Often when they hear a word, they will have many different interpretations.

Therefore, the Dharma taught by Sakyamuni, Manjusri and others will be very different and have great disadvantages in the hands of those who are taught it.

In the future, if anyone with strong wisdom and understanding sees what he left behind, he will know that he, Zhang Boduan, has received the most superior inheritance from Bodhidharma and the Sixth Patriarch, and has understood all their subtleties. What he left behind, Zhang Boduan, can be Enlightenment of all dharma.

But if the later Qi practitioners are dull and do not understand the best ideas he left behind, but only understand his mediocre views, then the mistakes he makes and the troubles he causes have nothing to do with Zhang Boduan.

"This is a bit shameless!"

Wu Gensheng looked at what Zhang Boduan had left, then looked back at the entrance of the cave.

From here, he could glimpse a corner of the valley outside, and naturally he could also see the densely carved patterns on the valley.

Those lines may seem chaotic, but when observed from any angle or part, the information conveyed to the viewer is consistent.

Although somewhat abstract, it is more simple and can cause feedback from the depths of consciousness, guiding the energy in the human body to flow automatically according to a certain method.

This method is called "Three Cars". It is not a superb method. It can even be said to be a cheap method that is not worth mentioning.

However, no matter what the method spread by the outside world is, it has an audience, and all require qualifications, so not everyone can practice it.

But only the practice method called "Three Cheli" created by Zhang Boduan is applicable to everyone.

Anyone who enters this valley will automatically learn these "three chariot powers", open up the Ren and Du meridians, and successfully obtain Qi.

"I have been to this valley several times, and every time I am amazed by its uncanny craftsmanship. Whether it is the Qi Bureau outside or the pattern inside where people can learn the three-wheel force without any teacher, it is amazing."

"Zhang Boduan, the real person of Ziyang, is worthy of the name of the ancestor of the acquired strangers. He is also a fourth type of person with good ways and skills."

"Whether it's the punishment from the master, the admonitions from the outside world, or the thoughts that constantly arise in the heart..."

"They can't shake his thinking, influence his nature of being a teacher, and he doesn't even think he's doing anything wrong!"

"After I understand my 'Tao', I know that my 'Tao' will bring chaos to the world, but I still stick to it. Although it is unkind, there is a Tao!"

Wu Gensheng sighed and scolded him, but he still recognized Master Ziyang's ability.

With the power of one person to create such a magical valley, it is no exaggeration to say that he is comparable to Bodhidharma and the Sixth Patriarch of Buddhism.

But the more magical this valley feels, the more terrifying it feels.

Armed with sharp weapons and a desire to kill, how terrible would it be if everyone in this world could acquire Qi and become a strange person?

How many more "skilled but ignorant" people will there be?

Why is there skill but no way?

This is the disciple of Quanxing!

For example, the evil boy Li Muxuan is one of them. Putting aside right and wrong, you can't contradict him, and you can't be aggressive with him. To be precise, even if no one is aggressive with him, if he thinks that your tone is aggressive with him, he will I'm going to make a fool of myself too!

But Li Muxuan has a good heart, so he twists his tongue. If he doesn't twist his tongue and has a more vicious heart, he will be like the White Owl and Liang Ting.

This kind of people have seen a lot of things since Wugensheng joined Zhenxing.

They have skills and abilities, but they don't have their own way. They are confused and wandering in the world, not knowing where to go, so they indulge themselves and fight with each other if they don't agree with each other or if they don't agree with each other.

In order to find something to do for these people, Yao Guangxiao, the former head of Quanxing, arranged a way for them, that is, rebellion.

They have appeared in all emergencies, large and small, in history.

This is true even now.

Although the current Quanxing does not have a leader, it still has a leader, commonly known as the acting leader. He may not be able to command everyone, but his prestige is not small, and many people are willing to follow him.

The current acting head is also a man of skill but no morals. He was once the backbone of the Hong Yang Rebellion and one of the kings of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

After the failure of the Hongyang Rebellion, his desire to rebel was still there. After all, most of the warlords from various places were actually inherited troops from the previous dynasty. To him, they were all enemies.

In order to avenge his past, he has been colluding with external forces to make a comeback.

In fact, this is not outrageous. You must know that during the Hongyang Rebellion, the Pope in the West even issued a certificate to the Heavenly King of the Hongyang Rebellion as the second son of the Heavenly Father. He almost became the second son. cross.

But now, this person is imitating what he did back then and has close contacts with the Shinto sect's chief minister, hoping to cause trouble again.

After Wu Gensheng had a deep understanding of Quan Xing, he felt that Quan Xing's adherence to the thoughts of former head Yao Guangxiao had become a cancer. He wanted to change this cancer and save Quan Xing.

Of course, to a certain extent, saving others is also saving oneself. His view of the Dharma is outward, which is also his way.

After determining his own path, he thought of this place again!

A group of quanxing is so difficult to deal with. If there are quanxing all over the world, what should we do?

So he's back here, ready to destroy this scourge.

Wu Gensheng took the chisel and wanted to destroy the "Wuzhen Chapter" left by Master Ziyang.

But just when the hammer was about to hit the chisel, he stopped and hesitated.

This is a method that can rival Bodhidharma and the Sixth Patriarch. If it is destroyed, it may never be seen again in this world.

As a foreigner, even if his mind is as tough as a rootless person, he can't help but feel compassion in his heart.

"Do we really want to destroy the wisdom of our ancestors?!"

He looked at the stone wall and was speechless for a long time. At this time, the lines on the stone wall filled my mind.

Slowly, he felt his consciousness rising, as if he was above the heaven and earth. Looking down at the whole situation, what he saw in front of him were dense black and white lines.

Although these lines are messy, they are conveying his nature.

There is so much information and it is so attractive.

However, Wu Gensheng still closed his eyes.

"A true man may or may not do something. I am far from the path to the supreme enlightenment mentioned by Zhang Boduan. It cannot be discovered by one person!"

Moreover, Wugensheng was keenly aware that there was a deeper secret hidden in it.

After thinking for a moment, he finally didn't have the guts to destroy this place.

If it is ignored and destroyed, what is the difference between it and giving up food due to choking?

If there is no education, there is no distinction. If you are not good at being a teacher, it does not mean that you cannot be a teacher. There is an essential difference.

But just letting it go is not good. The test of entering this cave is too simple. You only need to decipher the secrets of what is sincerity and what is a human being, and you can enter it and obtain the "Enlightenment Chapter".

What is the difference between this and giving it away for free? Aren't "sincerity" and "people" the most basic things in a person?

If you only have "people" and "sincerity" to listen to this teaching, it will inevitably lead to the consequences of a mismatch between virtue and disaster.

After thinking about it, Wu Gensheng only used a stone shell to cover the "Enlightenment Chapter" in the cave, erased what Zhang Boduan said, and carved the five characters "Jiuqu Panhuan Cave" on it.

This was not only his criticism of Zhang Boduan, but also a warning to himself.

Jiuqu Panhuan Cave is the cave of Jiuling Yuansheng, the mount of Emperor Qinghua in "Journey to the West", who has the same horoscope as Zhang Zhiwei.

Jiuling is both Jiutian and Jiuyang. This is a commonly used term in Taoism, so it’s okay not to mention it.

However, the word "Yuan Sheng" refers to something. Generally, it refers to the most holy teacher. The most holy person is Confucius, the Confucian saint. The Duke of Zhou who was highly praised by Confucius for his rituals is the so-called Yuan Sheng. He is known as "Yuan Sheng". It is called the teacher of all ages.

In "Journey to the West", the cause of this difficulty is that the monkey likes to be a teacher and teaches his disciples randomly, leading to a den of lions, and finally leads to the nine-headed lions, the nine-headed Yuansheng, who are unable to resist them.

But in fact, this is a double incident. Not only the monkey, Jiuling Yuan Sheng is also a good teacher.

He taught a den of lions. The lions did not eat people, did not cause chaos, even gave money when they went down the mountain to buy food, and did not eat the meat of Tang Monk. It can be said that they lived a good life.

But just by chance, he became greedy for the weapons of the monkey group and stole them. Even after the secret was exposed, he didn't know how to kill and silence them.

When the monkey found out, he became so angry that he destroyed his whole family.

After Jiuling Yuansheng found out, he became angry and took the monkey.

Both parties are one of the few good monsters in "Journey to the West", but because they like to be teachers, they want you to live and die.

Finally, the big boss at the back, Emperor Qinghua, came forward and captured the Nine Spirits Yuansheng.

The reason why the nine-headed lion is called the Nine Spirits Yuansheng is actually to use the name of Zhou Gong to remind later practitioners not to make a mistake, that is, to be a teacher.

Wu Gensheng changed the name of Zhang Boduan's cave to Jiuqu Panhuan Cave, undoubtedly to mock Zhang Boduan as the nine-headed lion in the cave.

The disciples he taught were all the yellow lion spirits who caused trouble and had their skin and bones ripped out by monkeys, their bodies cut into thousands of pieces, and then given to the people of the city to feast on.

But Wu Gensheng did not expect that as the saying goes, things in the world are impermanent, origins and annihilations, Zhang Boduan has passed away, and now he is the owner of this cave.

He named his cave the Jiuqu Panhuan Cave. Comparing his endings with those of the Thirty-Six Thieves, and later the head of Quan Xingdai, it can be said that it was a prophecy.

However, Wu Gensheng has obviously never thought about this. Now he has his own persistence and does not think that anything can break his principles.

After taking care of everything in Jiuqu Panhuan Cave, Wu Gensheng went out with the chisel. He wanted to change the pattern on the valley and cut off this place of endless troubles.



At this moment, someone whose horoscope was exactly the same as that of Emperor Qinghua was sitting cross-legged on a large blue stone and was eloquent.

Below him, a group of young Taoist priests in Taoist robes scratched their heads and scratched their heads.

This is the morning class at the Tianshi Mansion. Under normal circumstances, the Taoist priests at Longhu Mountain are allowed to study the Taoist canon on their own.

But sometimes, Zhang Zhiwei will also give lectures to his brothers at this time to answer their doubts about practice.

At this moment, Zhang Zhiwei was telling his fellow disciples some recent insights and feelings.

"Senior Brother Zhiwei, why can't I feel the theory you talked about that golden light is like fire, with inner flame and outer flame?" Tian Jinzhong raised his hand and said.

"If you can't feel it, it means you don't have enough practice. Practice harder. Anyway, the specific insights have been taught to you. You can realize it by yourself when you practice. If you feel something, you can come to me and I will give you some advice!"

Zhang Zhiwei said that although he can force people into the interior scene, he can lead people to experience the mystery in a more intuitive way.

But after all, this method is not an initiation and transfer of skills. If you don’t have a clue, then it will be just a waste of effort. Let the brothers practice it before talking about it.

At this time, several figures talking and laughing came outside the door.

"Brother Bai Dao, after one night, how do you think Zhang Zhiwei is doing?"

Zhang Yushan smiled and said that after Zhang Zhiwei's mediation yesterday, all the conflicts between the two were eliminated. They even felt like they didn't know each other because of the previous legal examination.

Bai Yugong thought for a while and said: "The order to the gods to clean and repair the house can be big or small. Let's see how little friend Zhiwei handles it. I think I may have suffered a little, but it's not a big problem. !”

"I'm afraid it will be more than a little painful!" Zhang Yushan said with a smile:

"When I came here, I went to Zhang Zhiwei's closet to take a look. It was a mess. There were some remaining incense tables in the corner, and a piece of incense sticks that were three long and two short. They should have been left behind when offering sacrifices to the gods."

"All these things reveal that Zhang Zhiwei had a rough life last night. Let's go and ask what happened. What kind of trouble did this kid suffer?"

Zhang Yushan said it with great interest, as if it was a pleasure to see Zhang Zhiwei deflated.

"The fragrance is long and the other is short?" Bai Yugong said with a smile: "That did offend the ghosts and gods, but... if little friend Zhiwei suffers a loss, can you tell us about such embarrassing things?"

"That must be possible!" Zhang Yushan said: "This kid can't hide things. As long as you dare to ask, he will definitely dare to say, let's go, let's go!!"

(End of this chapter)

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