Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 404: Little brother, I’m surprised to see your bones, so I’ll sell you the secret book.

Chapter 404: Little brother, I’m surprised to see your bones, so I’ll sell you the secret book.

On the streets of the Magic City, there was an old beggar with unkempt hair and ragged clothes, lying in a corner.

Zhang Huaiyi and Tian Jinzhong walked over.

Zhang Huaiyi patted the beggar on the shoulder, took out a steamed bun from his pocket, and put it into the bowl in front of the beggar:

"Sir, I would like to ask, how to get to Fengming Tower?"

The unkempt beggar turned his head and glanced at him. His originally turbid eyes suddenly became brighter. He suddenly sat up, looked straight at Zhang Huaiyi, and said:

"Brother, I see that your bones are amazing. You are a martial arts genius like no other. It's up to you to punish evil and eradicate evil, and maintain world peace. I have a secret book here. I think you are destined, so I will sell it to you for ten yuan. Bar!"

While he was talking, the old beggar took out a yellowed book from the garbage pile under him. There was a simple drawing of Buddha on it, and the words Tathagata Palm were written in a mess.


Zhang Huaiyi looked at the crude secret book with a speechless expression. This beggar thought he was a fool.

"Brother, let's go, let's ask someone else!" Zhang Huaiyi pulled Tian Jinzhong and wanted to leave.

"Wait, if this one doesn't fit, there's one more!"

The old beggar took out a few more secret books from the trash heap, held them in his hands and spread them out in a fan shape.

From left to right are written "Thousand-Hand Divine Fist", "Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms", "Nine-Yang Magic", "One-Yang Finger" and "Dugu Nine Swords".

"You really think I'm a fool, and you still sell me for ten yuan. Senior brother, let's go!"

Zhang Huaiyi pulled Tian Jinzhong to turn around and leave, but did not pull.

He looked back and saw Tian Jinzhong staring directly at the secret books.

"Senior brother?"

"Huai Yi, I want to buy a copy. Lend me some money!" Tian Jinzhong said without looking back.

Zhang Huaiyi: “…………”

This is obviously a liar. The methods of aliens are all illegal. What normal person would sell secret books on the street? It’s also selling for ten yuan a copy, why don’t you grab it?

In this day and age, high-quality rice only costs three or four cents per kilogram. In other words, one dime can buy two kilograms of rice, and ten yuan can buy nearly three hundred kilograms of rice.

How crazy is it to exchange three hundred kilograms of rice for a scrawled fake secret book?

Zhang Huaiyi was about to dissuade him, but when he saw Tian Jinzhong's pointed eyes, he paused and did not stop him.

"Senior Brother Jinzhong, what's our relationship? It's just a matter of a few ocean dollars, it hurts our feelings just to talk about it!"

Zhang Huaiyi walked up to the old beggar and said, "Uncle, are these secrets of yours really fake?"

"Young men are not deceived. It is absolutely genuine. If you get a fake one, you will get ten for free. If you don't believe it, just buy a copy and go back and practice!" the old beggar said righteously.

It was as true as what he said... Zhang Huaiyi complained in his heart and said: "I will give you a piece of ocean, and I will buy a copy!"

"make a deal!"

The old beggar said without hesitation.

Tian Jinzhong looked at Zhang Huaiyi with admiration, was this how he bargained for it? I cut it ten times in one go and still succeeded!


Zhang Huaiyi looked constipated, and the other party answered so simply, which made him even more convinced that he was a liar.

"Not only does this little guy have amazing bones that are rare to see in a century, but he also has the same level of bargaining. Come on, which one do you want to choose?"

The old beggar shook the five secret books in his hand and said.

Forget it, it doesn't matter if you suffer a little loss, just treat it as a good deed... Zhang Huaiyi comforted himself, turned around and asked Tian Jinzhong which book to choose?

Tian Jinzhong looked at the secret book in the old beggar's hand and thought for a moment.

"Tathagata Divine Palm" first excludes, how can I, a Taoist priest, practice the tricks of a bald donkey?

"Nine Swords of Dugu" was excluded. I don't practice swordsmanship, and the word Dugu is in my name, which is unlucky.

"Nine Yang Divine Art" is excluded. Jiuyang is a commonly used term in Taoism. It can also be called Jiutian, Jiuling, Pure Yang, and Zhiyang. This name is too big and looks fake. If it is true, I am afraid that Can't afford it.

Moreover, it seems that he is a person who cultivates life and life. He has the method of cultivating life and life in Longhu Mountain, so why should he sacrifice the near and seek the far away?



Tian Jinzhong thought for a moment and finally chose "Yi Yang Zhi".

"My little brother has good taste, this is the best match for you!"

The old beggar took Dayang and handed the secret book "One Yang Finger" into Tian Jinzhong's hands.

Tian Jinzhong took it happily and started reading it on the spot.

"Brother, don't you buy a copy?"

The old beggar looked at Zhang Huaiyi, held up the secret books of "Nine Yang Magic" and "Dugu Nine Swords", and said seriously:

"These two books are perfect for you. If you want to buy them, I can even offer them at a discount and sell them to you at a flat price. Two books only cost an ocean!"

"It would be bad if I wanted to jump off the building!"

How can Zhang Huaiyi's many clever people go to this ocean? He took Tian Jinzhong and left.

Behind him, the old beggar smiled, put away the secret book, and turned away.

Zhang Huaiyi pulled Tian Jinzhong and walked quickly through a street. He saw that Tian Jinzhong had been reading secret books. Was he so fascinated? He was puzzled and said:

"Senior Brother Jinzhong, show me!"

Tian Jinzhong handed over the secret book.

Zhang Huaiyi took it and started reading it on the spot. Although the cover of the secret book was extremely sloppy, the content inside seemed quite formal. There were many human-shaped patterns marking specific acupuncture points and the trajectory of Qi. There were also explanations and explanations. There were even small words in some places. annotation……

The more Zhang Huaiyi read, the more frightened he became. As a cultivator, it was not difficult for him to see that some of the descriptions in it were in line with the way of cultivation, and the annotations in some places even inspired him. This secret book did not look fake at all.

Until he saw a line of small words on the last page of the secret book.

——Printed and distributed by Dinghao Lithography Company, retailing at two cents per copy.

Zhang Huaiyi: “…………”

I don’t believe what’s going on. Just tell me what’s going on!

Tian Jinzhong also saw this line of writing, widened his eyes and said:

"What the hell, two cents? We spent an ocean, we got screwed!"

"Let's go, senior brother Jinzhong, let's go back to find him!"

The two hurried back to the previous location, but the old beggar was nowhere to be found, as if he had never existed.

Zhang Huaiyi looked at the empty street corner, feeling like he had a vacant space in his heart, as if he had missed something very important in his life.

"Senior Brother Jinzhong, why do you suddenly want to buy that person's secret book?" Zhang Huaiyi asked in confusion.

Tian Jinzhong looked at the words "two points for each retail" on the last page of the cheats, and paused and said:

"Actually, I also know that that person seems to be a liar, but my intuition tells me that I should buy a copy, otherwise I may regret it in the future. Senior Brother Zhiwei once told me that when you are confused about whether to do something, then Just do it, so I bought it!”

Tian Jinzhong looked at Zhang Huaiyi and smiled: "Master told us to go down the mountain to practice. Being cheated is also part of the training! I will pay you back later!"

He thought he had bought a fake one, after all, the printed words were too dazzling.

"Senior Brother Jinzhong, you can't be careless when it comes to practice. Although this thing looks real, don't practice it yet until you give it to Senior Brother Zhiwei to see it!" Zhang Huaiyi ordered, his vision was limited, and he couldn't be 100% sure. Decide whether this secret book is true or false.

"I know what's going on, let's go find someone to ask for a way out!" Tian Jinzhong said.



On the other side, inside Fengming Building.

Zhang Zhiwei, Lu Ci, Wang Ai and others have already reunited. Lu Jin, who was seriously injured, was also cured by Zhang Zhiwei. Now he and Lu Ci don't look at each other.

"Okay, okay, I'm a hedgehog. I'm an expert in civil war, but I'm an outsider in external war, right? When facing the enemy, you'll be submissive, and when facing your teammates, you'll punch hard, right..."

Lu Jin complained bitterly to Lu Ci that in his entire life, he had never been so seriously injured, and it was more serious than the previous bloody battle in Bincheng.

Lu Ci sat opposite him and turned his head to the side: "Old Lu, you are recovering from a serious injury. I won't quarrel with you!"

"You beat me like this, do you have the nerve to argue?" Lu Jin looked angry.



Zhang Zhiwei ignored the bickering between the two men behind him, and together with Isaac, took turns searching for the souls of Master, Black and White Wuchang, and several Yongxin leaders who had been captured alive.

"Oh, my God, this man's crimes are too numerous to describe. He really deserves to be on the gallows!"

Isaac used Legilimency to search for the soul of a Yongxin leader, and couldn't help but speak.

He saw many shocking scenes, including the rape of women, human trafficking, loan sharking...

"This person is just a small leader. If you change to a person to search for the soul, maybe you should also be twisted!" Wang Yan said at the side.

After Isaac heard this, another person used Legilimency. As Wang Ai said, this person's sins were even worse.

There are many places selling opium under the Yongxin Company, and this person is in charge of several of them. Selling opium is bound to be accompanied by loan sharking to addicts.

The consequences of loan sharking are often the destruction of families and families, so this person is doing the business of forcing girls into prostitution every day, and throwing corpses into the Huangpu River every day.

"The smoking business is so rampant here?" Isaac said with a shocked look on his face: "I even saw from his memory that some patrolmen were accomplices. Isn't smoking banned here?"

He had some difficulty understanding this situation.

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at Isaac and saw that the Magic City was indeed banning smoking, not just in the Magic City, but also in many places across the country, but only on the surface.

In fact, as early as more than ten years ago, more than ten countries held an anti-smoking conference in Shanghai, closed tens of thousands of opium dens, and eradicated a large number of tobacco fields. Later, Mr. Wang also issued an order to strictly ban smoking across the country. , at that time, good results were indeed achieved.

But later the warlords separated their rule, and the smoking ban was relaxed step by step. Now, it has long existed in name only, like waste paper. There are even warlords behind Yongxin Company.

However, Zhang Zhiwei didn't say much about this. He was doing all he could to search for the master's soul.

As the master of Yongxin Company, he is considered an absolute high-level person and knows a lot.

From his memory, Zhang Zhiwei obtained many secrets, some of which were not even in Zhang Wanlin's memory. Among them was the origin of the Seven Evils Body Building Technique.

However, Lu Ci couldn't help but choked Isaac:

"Many of these cigarettes were sold by you!"

"I'm sorry, my friend!" Isaac lowered his head and said: "There are always many greedy people in this world who do some cruel and cruel things!"

"Yes, so they need to be taught a lesson!" Lu Ci said fiercely.

"I agree with you!" Isaac looked into Lu Ci's eyes, "But your eyes are too aggressive!"

Lu Ci said: "Thank you for the compliment. Someone once said that my eyes look like a desperado!"

That's what Wu Gensheng said.

"This is not a compliment. Being too aggressive is not a good thing. It will easily hurt the people around you, especially...family members!"

Isaac's voice sank when he said the word "family", and he continued:

"I used to have the same idea as you and was keen on power, so I went with a close friend who was equally aggressive to find the legendary Deathly Hallows in an attempt to defeat those dirty and ugly people and establish a new order of wizards."

"But in the end, I hurt my family, and my closest relatives died because of my ambition. After a period of confusion, I regretted that the dragon slayer eventually became an evil dragon. What did I do have anything to do with those people? the difference?"

"So I let go of those obsessions and found my original intention. Now, I don't think about those messy things. My only dream is to go back to school and become a teacher who teaches and educates people."

"Of course, before that, I want to see my best friend. In the process of looking for him, I passed here. As an outsider, I shouldn't care about the things here, but it is related to the creation soul of black magic. As a conscientious wizard, I cannot stand by and watch!"

The words of Isaac shocked the people present. This kind of milder guy was so ambitious before.

Although they don't know what the Deathly Hallows are, if they want to use them to establish a new order dominated by aliens, they know that this thing is not simple.

Zhang Zhiwei knows something about it. Wizard is a name for strangers in the Western world. Regardless of whether he is a magician or not, as long as he has the ability, he is called a wizard.

As for the Deathly Hallows, their status in the alchemy system is equivalent to the status of magical skills in the Qi training system. The Deathly Hallows can be regarded as something similar to the eight magical skills.

However, Zhang Zhiwei doesn't care about the Deathly Hallows. Under certain circumstances, even the Qi he cultivated may lose its effect, let alone external force? Only sex and life are the most important.

"Actually, I think your previous idea was good!" Lu Ci said suddenly.

"Xiao Qi, it's not that this kind of thing has never happened to us here, but in the end it will lead to disaster. This kind of thinking must not be allowed!" Lu Ren said sternly.

Lu Ci lowered his head and said nothing, then glanced down at Zhang Zhiwei, who was concentrating on searching for souls.

"Did you hear that? Civil war is an expert, but foreign war is an outsider!" Lu Jin took the opportunity to choke him again.

Lu Ci immediately stopped, and the two started squirting at each other again.

Isaac glanced at the two of them with some envy. Although these two guys had been tit-for-tat, he could see that they had an irreconcilable relationship.

"This feels so good!" He sighed in his heart.

In fact, those words he just said came from his thoughts after learning that Lu Ci had injured Lu Jin.

Because how similar is this to his situation?

But Lu Jin was seriously injured and was rescued by Zhang.

But he could only watch his relatives die in front of him, unable to do anything.

Isaac looked at Zhang Zhiwei and saw that his face was a little ugly: "Why, what did you read?"

"It's hard to explain. Do you want to see it for yourself?"

Zhang Zhiwei kicked the master who was restrained by the sutra-sealing talisman and the immobilizing talisman in front of Isaac.

"I'm never afraid to face tragedy!"

After saying that, Isaac stared down at his master and used Legilimency on him.

After reading other people's memories one after another and taking in too much information, even Zhang Zhiwei felt a little tired, so he sat back in a chair and closed his eyes to rest.

At this time, the waiter from Fengming Tower came over and told him that two people who claimed to be his junior brothers came to him.

(End of this chapter)

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