Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 405: The secret book is true or false, hiding the master

Chapter 405: The secret book is true or false, hiding the master

Taking advantage of Isaac's Legilimency time on his master, Zhang Zhiwei came to the door of Fengming Tower and saw Tian Jinzhong and Zhang Huaiyi. They looked like they were tired from work, and their Taoist robes were torn from the rush. They looked very... Embarrassed.

"We're finally here. I was worried that you two would get lost!" Zhang Zhiwei walked over, patted Zhang Huaiyi and Tian Jinzhong on the heads and said.

"Senior brother, you have no problem traveling around, but you are worried about us getting lost!"

Zhang Huaiyi straightened his hair, looked at the devastation in front of Fengming Tower, came to his senses, and said:

"It seems we are a little late!"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "It's true that you came a little late and missed the meal, but I asked someone to save it for you!"

While talking, Zhang Zhiwei led his two junior brothers into Fengming Building. The exterior decoration of Fengming Building was in an antique Chinese style, but after entering, the style suddenly changed. The ground was polished as bright as a mirror and the solid wood parquet floor was polished. Reflected in the huge crystal chandelier.

In Zhang Zhiwei's view, this style, which is neither Chinese nor Western, is quite popular in the current era. The contradiction between the front and back gives people a strong visual impact.

Zhang Huaiyi and Tian Jinzhong were shocked. Their heads turned like wheels, looking at the surrounding scene and marveling at the luxury inside.

"Big Ears, it's you who's here!"

Wang Ai was surprised and said that he was deeply impressed by Zhang Huaiyi. He had wanted to find a soft persimmon in the previous competition at Longhu Mountain, but was beaten up by Zhang Huaiyi.

If he had seen Zhang Huaiyi before, he would have stayed far away, but now, he was not afraid at all.

Now that you have faith, you can ask the deputy leader to help. Is this little dwarf with big ears nothing more than that?

If there is another chance to compete, he must know how powerful he and the deputy leader are.

"Fat man, why are you here?"

Zhang Huaiyi was angry. He remembered that the fat man was very sinister, judging people by their appearance, and laughed at him behind his back for being short and having big ears.

"The four families have a good relationship with Longhu Mountain. Senior Brother Zhang is your senior brother and can also be regarded as my senior brother. Do I have any problems here?" Wang Ai said with a smile.

Shameless... Zhang Huaiyi tilted his head to the side.

"Brother Lin Dao, brother Tian Dao, long time no see!" Lu Jin said with cupped hands.

Zhang Huaiyi was stunned for a moment.

Tian Jinzhong clasped his hands and said, "Brother Lu, long time no see. My junior brother was given a surname by his master not long ago, and now his surname is Zhang!"

"A disciple who pretends to be a surname? Isn't that the same as Senior Brother Zhang? Congratulations!" Lu Jin said quickly.

"How dare you!" Zhang Huaiyi said quickly, "Senior brother and I are still far apart!"

"Okay, okay, let's stop talking about business and let's eat first!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

After the previous battle, as soon as he entered Fengming Tower, Wang Ai laid out a table full of food. Knowing that his two junior brothers were still on the way, he left some for them alone.

However, Zhang Huaiyi was not in the mood to eat at this moment, so he handed Tian Jinzhong's secret book to Zhang Zhiwei's hand.

"Senior Brother Zhiwei, let me see if this thing is real or fake?"

As soon as Zhang Zhiwei lowered his head, he saw a book called "Yi Yang Zhi" with scrawled handwriting and childish painting style.

"Where did you buy the little book?"

"I met a strange old beggar on the road. When he saw us, he told us that we had amazing bones and were rare martial arts wizards in a century. It was up to us to maintain world peace. He also wanted to sell us martial arts secrets. We would spend a day Dayang bought a copy!" Zhang Huaiyi said.

A beggar sells secret books... Zhang Zhiwei looked surprised. He turned over a page and saw that it read: Yiyang Zhidao Dharma Heart Biography: The craftsmanship is Yiyang, the first movement of Yiyang combines Xuanhuang; the innate Yiqi is obtained from it...

The meaning of this sentence is that the practitioner's starting point is the one yang. By calming the mind and regulating the body and mind, the body will produce new raw qi. This raw qi is yang qi, also known as the qi of one yang.

This is a very pure principle of practice.

"There's something!"

Zhang Zhiwei praised it and quickly flipped through it. He found that this one-yang finger secret book was not difficult to understand. Many obscure places were annotated with pictures and texts. Even if you are not a practitioner, you can understand most of it.

"Something?" Zhang Huaiyi asked quickly: "Is this true?"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded and said: "It is indeed true, and it is a good fingering technique. By using Qi on the index finger of the right hand, you can produce powerful pure Yang Qi, which can break the body's protective Qi, practice Kung Fu horizontally, and damage acupuncture points and meridians. !”

Hearing this, Tian Jinzhong was overjoyed. He didn't expect that a sudden move would lead to an extraordinary skill.

Zhang Huaiyi thought of the "Nine Sun Magic Skills" and "Dugu Nine Swords" that the old beggar had recommended to him, and his intestines almost turned green with regret.

Yiyang's Yiyang Finger has this power. How powerful must Jiuyang's Nine Yang Divine Art be? You are so stupid, really!

"This is a meeting with an expert! Where is that beggar?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

Lu Jin and others also looked over curiously. Obviously, they also wanted to buy it.

"I can't find it!" Zhang Huaiyi said in despair: "I saw the extraordinaryness of this secret book before, but when I looked for it again, it was gone. He even sold me two copies. I thought he was a liar, so I didn't Sell, I’m so stupid, really!”

"You are indeed stupid. You pushed out the spells that came to your door. If I were me, I would have to buy them all!" Wang Ai said, "Tell me the appearance of that old beggar. I will Send someone to look for it, the Demon City is so big, I don’t believe you can’t find it!”

"I'm afraid I can't find it!"

At this time, the thin blind man Tian Can, who had been silent in the corner, said: "From what you just said, that old beggar should be the number one beggar among the Thirteen Taibao!"

"Is it the 'beggar' in 'Nan Xiaodu, Bei Laojiu, the Thirteen Taibao Invincibles, the Beggar Coach Na Sanshao, the Coachman Master Xiao Aqiao, the Blind Drunkard, the Black and White, the Impermanent Dragon, Tiger and Leopard'?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

"That's right!"

Tiancan explained: "But this is just a jingle made by some good people against some strangers in the Demon City. It does not mean anything, and it does not even have any reference significance."

"The 'Beggar' is too mysterious. There have always been legends about him in the world of magic, but very few people have seen him. It is said that the 'Nan Xiaodu' and 'Coach' in the jingle are because they stole the family's savings when they were young and bought His secrets to get to where we are today.”

"There are many similar legends, so over time, he was included in the Thirteen Taibao. In fact, he has never intervened in any disputes in the Demon City!"

Zhang Zhiwei asked curiously: "So, this is still a strange person. By the way, in this jingle, there are also Nan Xiaodu and Bei Laojiu. What are the origins of these two?"

Tian Can said: "Nan Xiaodu is one of the organizers of the Pier Guild. The Pier in the Magic City has been controlled by the Cao Qing Gang for a long time. Without protection fees, it is difficult to hang out on the Pier. The Pier Guild is a group that fights against the Cao Qing Gang and maintains An organization for porters’ rights!”

"Can the Caoqing Gang accommodate them?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

Tian Can glanced at the meat ball that was beating in the room from time to time, and said: "Zhang Wanlin can't tolerate it, but Lu Yusheng can tolerate it. Lu Yusheng has always wanted to clear Yongxin's name and let Yongxin and the Caoqing Gang make a cutover, so he is not very willing. They interfered too much in matters on the dock, and besides, the dock union is backed by the Ax Gang. Even Yongxin is afraid of the Ax Gang." That Ax Gang who dances a victory dance is so powerful... Zhang Zhiwei Somewhat surprised, he asked: "What is the origin of this Ax Gang?"

Tian Can paused and said: "The Bei Laojiu in the jingle is Wang Yuqiao, the leader of the Ax Gang. His apprenticeship is unknown. Some people say that he was once the leader of the horse bandits of the Howling Party, but his brothers and the people next to him want to Conspired to kill him, he killed an entire village of people in a rage and came to the Demon City!"

"Some people also say that he was once the president of the Broadsword Association. After the Shensuke Yihequan incident, he came to the Magic City. When he saw that many dock workers could not get paid, he struck hundreds of axes and asked them to follow him to ask for money. , and since then, the Ax Gang was born.”

"There are all kinds of random legends, but no matter what, this man is a legendary figure who single-handedly built the Ax Gang into a behemoth!"

Tian Can continued: "Speaking of which, not only the dock guild of Bei Xiaodu, but also the Coachmen's Guild are half members of the Ax Gang, so the Ax Gang's information is particularly sensitive. In this magical city, Together, the Jianghu Inn can’t help them!”

"If he has strength and information, 'Wang Yuqiao' will start a killer business again. He claims that as long as you pay him, even gods will kill him for you!"

After listening to Tiancan's words, Zhang Zhiwei said nothing, thinking deeply in his mind.

Lu Ci, on the other hand, raised his eyebrows and said with a look of dissatisfaction: "As long as you pay enough, the gods will kill you? Are they so arrogant? Are they more powerful than the Tang Clan?"

Tian Can thought for a while and said: "The Tang Clan are assassins who are good at assassination, and the Ax Gang are killers who use all methods. The two are similar, but they are different!"

"What's the difference?" Lu Ci asked.

Tian Can lowered his head and played the piano, as if he didn't bother to explain. He still remembered that this brat scolded them when he came in.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "The difference is that if the Tang Sect wants to kill you, you may die quietly at home; if the Ax Gang wants to kill you, your home may be blown up to the sky. This is the difference between a killer and an assassin!"

Lu Ci touched his nose. This Ax Gang seemed to like him.

Tian Can nodded and said: "Yes, although the Tang Sect is powerful, in this three-acre area of ​​​​Magic City, there is really no ax to help. A few years ago, Xu, who was the Army Lieutenant General and the Chief Inspector of the Magic City Patrol Room, The general had a lot of troops, but he was still killed by Wang Yuqiao in the street!"

"Killing a general in the street, what a ruthless man!" Lu Ci praised, then looked at Zhang Zhiwei and made a pun. Senior Brother Zhang had also done this before.

At this time, Lu Ren suddenly said: "This 'Bei Laojiu' from the Ax Gang is so good-natured, the people from the Cao Qing Gang will not ask him to assassinate us, right?"

The scene fell silent. This was very possible. Thinking from his perspective, if they were Yongxin, they would probably hire a killer to do this.

"Senior brother is here, what are you afraid of?" Tian Jinzhong, a little fan, said.

"That's right. It's not like we haven't experienced big scenes before. There's nothing to fear from a mere Ax Gang!"

Lu Ci echoed, although the Ax Gang sounds bluffing, in terms of danger, can it be more dangerous than Liaodong?

Zhang Zhiwei is not afraid of the Ax Gang. Speaking of which, he is quite curious about the Ax Gang and wants to meet this "Bei Laojiu".

Ax Gang is a bad name. At first he thought it was the dancing Ax Gang, but now it seems that it is not.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't know how powerful the leader of the Ax Gang was in the world of one person, but in the world before he traveled, he was indeed an extraordinary person.

When the Japanese pirates invaded in large numbers, he set up an iron-blooded anti-traitor group, specializing in killing traitors, and killed all the traitors until they were on tenterhooks.

He also planned a series of shocking crimes, such as the assassination of the then Japanese pirate army general Bai Chuan, making this man the highest-ranking Japanese pirate officer killed in China.

Because of his initial non-resistance strategy, he allowed the principal to escape death several times, assassinated his brother-in-law, left the traitor seriously injured and on the verge of death, and fled to Japan...

Big guys from all walks of life keep a respectful distance from him.

He also has many nicknames, such as "Merry Killer". "China Devil", "Celebrity Nemesis". "Blood Sea Love" and the like.

In short, this person is a being similar to the great master of the Tang clan, and he is worthy of the word "national hero".

Even great people commented on him: "It is not guilty of killing the enemy, but he is meritorious in resisting Japan. He is not careful in small matters, but he is not confused in important matters!"

But maybe it is in line with what later generations said - I am a killer, I have no emotions.

When a killer has feelings, he also has a fatal weakness.

In the end, it was the director of the Military Command Bureau who took action, using those around him as bait, ambushing him from all sides, and assassinated him.

But just like his comments, Zhang Zhiwei was not sure whether this person would take his orders.

But Wang Ai suddenly said: "The first thing to do is to strike first. Why don't we hire the Ax Gang's killers to kill the other two tycoons!"

Everyone was shocked and looked at Wang Ai in surprise.

"Your idea is very novel!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Wang Ai smiled sinisterly: "Treat others in their own way. The Ax Gang is a killer organization. It can be Yongxin's axe, why can't it be our axe?"

"With Yongxin's status, it's not easy to move them. There are a lot of interests involved!" Tian Can reminded.

Wang Ai raised his head: "Not short of money!"

This time, he used Zhang Zhiwei's name and told his family that he wanted to establish the Tiantong Church. He made a large sum of money, and even the money banks in Shanghai were allowed to use it.

"Good steel should be used on the blade. Don't waste money on a few rotten fish and shrimps!"

Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand and said that he estimated that Yongxin had an agreement with the Ax Gang at this stage, otherwise with Yongxin's behavior, there would be many people who wanted to buy their lives.

At this time, Isaac's Legilimency test on his master was coming to an end. Perhaps because he was too involved, Isaac burst into tears.

Unlike Blue Hand's emotionless soul-searching style of flipping through a book, Legilimency will experience all its emotions and thoughts during the soul-searching process.

He saw something that was hard to accept.

"Zhang, it hurts, it hurts too much. They are ten times more cruel than the dark wizards. We must take action." Isaac covered his face and cried bitterly.

"What did you see?" Zhang Zhiwei wrote.

"I used Legilimency on the souls of the innocent people in him. I felt all the pain and despair they suffered. We need to do something for them!" Isaac wiped away his tears and his face became cold.

"Something needs to be done, but before that, we have to arrange a way out for them. We can't just save them!" Zhang Zhiwei looked at Wang Ai, "Where are the people you rescued before?"

Wang Ai said quickly: "I rented a slum called Zhulong City and put them all there!"

(End of this chapter)

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