Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 406 Zhang Zhiwei’s prediction of the future, Catholic Church

Chapter 406 Zhang Zhiwei’s prediction of the future, Catholic Church

Pig Cage Walled City... Zhang Zhiwei was moved in his heart and said, "What is that place?"

Wang Ai said: "It's actually a slum. It looks like an old stockade from the outside. There are tube towers inside and densely packed houses inside. However, the management there is pretty good. Although the entire walled city is simple, it is very strong. It’s clean, but the charter woman is a bit difficult to deal with!”

It seems very different from the Kowloon Walled City on Hong Kong Island... Zhang Zhiwei nodded and said: "What kind of person is that charter woman!"

Wang Ai blurted out: "He is a man with a rough face, a loud voice, a bad temper, and a very mean person!"

"She's still a fat woman!" Lu Ci added silently.

Wang Aixu glanced at Lu Ci. There was no need to say this. The charterer was a fat woman, so he was a fat boy.

The image fits... Zhang Zhiwei asked again: "What kind of person is the charterer?"

Wang Ai looked disgusted and said: "He is a wretched old drunkard, disgusting, lustful, and a sissy!"

Lu Ci added silently: "It seems that he is like Long Yang, and he even took the opportunity to touch Lao Lu's hand!"

Lu Jin got goosebumps when he heard this, and quickly explained: "That's just a normal handshake, hedgehog, please don't disgust me!"

"I'm telling the truth. I saw that wretched guy scratching your palm with my own eyes!" Lu Ci said.

"You must have seen it wrong!" Lu Jin refused to admit it.


The two were tit for tat.

Zhang Zhiwei nodded thoughtfully, his image and temperament matched. It seemed that it was indeed Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu who met Wang Ai by mistake. What a coincidence.

"How many people can live there?" Zhang Zhiwei asked Wang Ai.

Wang Ai said: "Based on the environment there, it won't be a problem for another hundred or ten people to live there. If it is crowded, it will be okay for another two to three hundred people!"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded: "Well done!"

Wang Ai said: "It's just that I'm a little worried about the safety issues there. The previous times I did it were very secretive and the possibility of being discovered was low. But this time I directly use the driver to pull people. There is too much movement and it is very likely that Yongxin will be arrested." People have found it, how about I take two people to guard it?"

Wang Ai is so treacherous. He could tell at a glance that Zhang Zhiwei and that ghost guy named Isaac were going to cause trouble. How could his little arms and legs withstand the torture? I still have lingering fears about my trip to Liaodong.

Moreover, the Pig Cage Walled City is where he created the main altar of Tiantong Church. If Yongxin takes over, all his hard work these days will be in vain. Now he just wants to guard his one-third acre of land. Get backup.

Zhang Zhiwei originally wanted to say that there was no need to send people to garrison. After all, since there was a charterer and a charterer there, there would probably also be coolies and the other three.

But then I thought about it, Tian Can Di Que had come to Feng Ming Tower, and whether those three were still there or not was a problem.

Moreover, given the personalities of the landlord and landlord, they would not take action unless a lot of people died, so they had better keep some manpower on hand just in case.

The most important thing is that I can't ask for so many people. He alone is more than enough, plus there is Isaac Tubo.

After thinking this, Zhang Zhiwei nodded and said: "What Fatty You said makes sense. In that case, you can stay there with Huaiyi and Jinzhong!"

When Wang Ai heard this, he was immediately overjoyed. Although he didn't like Big Ears, he had to admit that Big Ears was quite capable.

"Senior brother, I want to act with you!" Tian Jinzhong said.

Zhang Huaiyi said nothing. He is a person who would rather be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "The situation in the Magic City is complicated. If you don't understand the situation, you should first understand the situation with Wang Ai!"

He looked at Wang Ai and said, "You will take them to eat some delicious food later and change their clothes. Since it is time to experience the world, let's see the prosperity of this big city."

"Don't worry, Senior Brother Zhang, I'll take care of it!"

Wang Ai patted his chest and immediately left Fengming Tower with Zhang Huaiyi and Tian Jinzhong.



"Judging from the results of Legilimency, the opponent is very powerful. Where are you going to start?" Isaac Tupper asked.

He is a wise man, but he doesn't want to overstep his authority in this matter.

"We have an old saying, to catch the thief first, catch the king. Let's find the other two tycoons first and solve it from the source!"

Zhang Zhiwei closed his eyes and started calculating with his fingers.

He searched for Zhang Wanlin's soul. Although he didn't get much useful information, he had seen the scene of the three brothers worshiping under the statue of Guan Gong, and knew their birth dates. With the help of these birth dates, he quickly calculated The approximate location of Huo Tianhong and Lu Yusheng.

Calculating with your fingers is not as magical as positioning on a mobile phone. The farther away you are, the fuzzy the sensor will be. If he were deducing in Longhu Mountain, he might only be able to detect a general direction.

However, they are now in the Magic City, so it is not difficult to find Huo Tianhong and Lu Yusheng.

"These two people are about two kilometers due east of us, let's go!"

Zhang Zhiwei stood up, and Isaac, Lu Jin, Lu Ci, and Lu Ren quickly followed.

The Heaven and Earth were in ruins, but the Four Beauties of the Flower Kingdom did not move. They were from Fengming Tower, so naturally they would not act together with Zhang Zhiwei.

As for Xiao Aqiao, the proprietress of Fengming Building, she went to the Ministry of Industry Bureau with the director named Gale after the war.

This was a big deal and she needed to explain it to those ghost guys in person.

"By the way, bring that man and that ball of meat with you!"

Zhang Zhiwei pointed at Master and Zhang Wanlin and said.

Zhang Wanlin wanted to use it to attract the owner of the soul weapon, so he had to carry it with him. As for the master, it was just an addition.

Lu Jin and Lu Ci walked over.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Lu Jin wrapped Zhang Wanlin, who was beaten into a meat ball, with a piece of cloth and held it in his hand like a basketball.

Lu Ci put the master on his shoulders and took two steps. He felt something was not right, so he took a sheet to wrap the master and put it on his shoulders again, but still felt something was wrong.

He glanced at Lu Jinhe and Zhang Wanlin in his hands, and with an idea in his mind, he put the master down, stepped on the master's joints with a few feet, and amidst the master's screams like killing a pig, he fell to the ground like a quilt. He picked up a ball that was held end to end with his mouth on his butt, then wrapped it in a sheet, threw it behind his shoulder, and said:

"It's done, let's go!"

Looking at the stunned Fengming Tower, everyone swallowed their saliva. This guy who had been in the building for a long time and seemed harmless to humans and animals turned out to be such a ruthless person.

Zhang Zhiwei gave a thumbs up: "What a witty move!"

"Don't be stupid!" Lu Ci smiled and imitated Zhang Zhiwei's speech.

Isaac watched the whole process, killing and not abusing living things. He actually disapproved of Lu Ci's behavior, but thinking of the scene in Legilimency, he felt that it was not too much for that person, so he did not say anything to stop it. He just followed Zhang Zhiwei silently. The group of people walked out of Fengming Tower and walked on Pike Road.

Isaac suddenly said: "Zhang, is the news you just received information, or is it a divination prophecy?"

"It's a divination, you should be familiar with it!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

As far as he knew, Isaac later applied for a job as a fortune teller who was very contradictory and taught a divination course at the college. If he didn't know how to divination, how could he apply for a job?

"It's true that it's not unfamiliar, but divination, to a certain extent, is just a prediction based on your current life trajectory. It is not true, but it will interfere with your original destiny and guide you step by step! Isaac said.

"You are right, so I never predict the future!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Isaac said: "But if you don't divine yourself, it doesn't actually mean much, because it doesn't mean that others don't divine you. The results of other people's fortune-telling for you are still valid. It's like a double-edged sword. It can be a blessing or a curse!”

“In the myth of Xena, Oedipus’s father was predicted by the gods that his son would kill his father and marry his mother in the future. No matter how his father and Oedipus avoided and resisted, the gods’ decree could not be changed. The tragedy of father marrying mother still happened."

"This is the horror of prophecy. The more you care about its outcome, the deeper its impact will be on you. Under the influence of the driving force behind it, it will eventually turn into fate step by step!"

"You know a lot!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

“I have so many emotions after losing someone close to me!” Isaac said.

Zhang Zhiwei nodded. This is just like Murphy's law. The more you are afraid of something, the more likely it will come. Isaac does understand this very well.

The Dark Lord in the West in later generations was guided by the prophecies he deliberately released. One wrong step and one wrong step led to what kind of situation he got himself into.

In short, an effective prophecy will make a normal person as susceptible to contamination as Li Muxuan, causing gaps in himself.

However, this has no meaning to Zhang Zhiwei. His thinking is not something that can be shaken by sitting on a spiritual platform.

"I suddenly have the urge to help you with divination!" Isaac said looking at Zhang Zhiwei.

"What do you want to divine for me?" Zhang Zhiwei glanced at him.

"The world likes to ask about the future. How about divining your future achievements?" Isaac said.

Future achievements... Zhang Zhiwei said: "You said that prophecy is a double-edged sword. If you use it well, it will be a blessing, and if you use it poorly, it will be a curse. Suddenly you want to divine for me. You should have already divined my future. It’s a good achievement, so you want to tell me and give me a blessing?”

Lu Jin looked at Zhang Zhiwei in surprise, why didn't I think of this? When did Senior Brother Zhang become so smart?

"Zhang, you are very smart!" Isaac said: "Actually, when I first met you, I noticed your specialness, so I did a divination. Do you want to know the result?"

"The result?" Zhang Zhiwei said: "You want to tell me that I will stand at the top and overlook the entire alien world?!"

"..." Isaac was speechless. In fact, the prediction he made was that Zhang Zhiwei would be a great alchemist of this era.

Note that they are Qi Refiners, not all aliens. There is a difference, and Zhang Zhiwei's scope is wider.

After thinking about it, Isaac did not refute. As he said, the prophecy was not a fixed future, so why should he deny it.

But at this time, Isaac suddenly remembered that Zhang Zhiwei had said that he had never divined himself. In other words, what he said just now was not the result of divination, but what he really thought in his heart.

OH, my god, this person is really arrogant... Isaac couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"It's not polite to come back without reciprocating. Since you gave me a divination once, then I will give you a divination once too!"

Zhang Zhiwei pinched his fingers casually a few times and said with a serious face: "You will be the principal of the Magic Academy, the most powerful wizard in this era!"

Isaac was stunned, lowered his head and said: "This is really a prophecy that makes me feel extremely heavy!"

"Senior Brother Zhang, what about me? How about you also give me a divination?" Lu Ci said suddenly.

Zhang Zhiwei blurted out: "You will be one of the most important people in the alien world!"

"What about me? Where about me?" Lu Jin also asked quickly.

"The same goes for you, you have the same status as Lu Ci!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"I can't believe that the weakling who was beaten half to death by me is actually on the same level as me!" Lu Ci glanced sideways at Lu Jin, "Where's the fat man, Senior Brother Zhang? He's not here, let me ask on his behalf!"

"Fat man has the same status as you two!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"What? Fatty has the same status as us?"

Lu Ci was a little unbelievable. Although he said that Lu Jin was a weakling who was beaten half to death by his slap, he still admitted in his heart that the two of them were evenly matched.

"The fat man is still very capable!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Lu Ci wanted to ask again, but was interrupted by Lu Jin who rushed forward. Lao Lu had never been weak in his life, how could he bear to be called a weak chicken who was beaten half to death with one palm.

"You, an expert in civil war and an outsider in foreign war, dare to laugh at me?"

Lu Ren next to him opened his mouth, wanting to ask, but in the end he didn't ask. He felt that Zhang Zhiwei was just comforting them. After all, anyone with a discerning eye could see that there was still a big gap between Wang Ai, Lu Jin, and Lu Ci.

Everyone walked along the street, and soon they arrived at the place Zhang Zhiwei mentioned.

A bell rings ahead.

The place where the bell rang was a church, with green lawns, crimson cobblestone roads and castle-like buildings. Exquisite marble columns supported elegant arches. The top was a mosaic glass window that could see the starry sky, and there were many Flocks of pigeons rise and fall overhead.

Isaac said: "Zhang, this is Holy Trinity Church, the main church of the Catholic Church in Beihua Diocese, with a red archbishop sitting in charge!"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded: "It seems that Huo Tianhong and Lu Yusheng knew that we would come to trouble them, so they hid there!"

"Senior Brother Zhang," Lu Ci put his hand on his neck: "Shall we go in directly?"

Isaac looked at Lu Ci suddenly. He was shocked by Lu Ci's words and couldn't help but remind him:

"The status of the cardinal archbishop is not low. He is equivalent to the head of the bishopric and has great power. Holy Trinity Church is the face of the Catholic Church here. If it is moved, the Catholic Crusaders will be dispatched."

"Isaac is right!" Zhang Zhiwei said solemnly: "When I came down the mountain, Master warned me that I represent the Longhu Mountain Zhengtian Master's Palace."

"If I enter the Holy Trinity Church, it will be tantamount to Taoism declaring war on the Catholic Church. This time, we are only trying to solve the Caoqing Gang's human trafficking and cigarette business, and nothing else is involved!"

After all, I'm not wearing a vest this time.

"I didn't think well enough!" Lu Ci said.

"Since Huo Tianhong and Lu Yusheng have hid in the territory of the Catholic Church, let them live a little longer. If they can escape, the monks cannot escape the temple. Let's take action on the Caoqing Gang's business first!"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "You looked at their account books before and found that every month there would be a group of children who did not match the numbers and were not sold, but the people were gone. Let's go find them first. After this is done, I will come to visit again. This Holy Trinity Church!”

(End of this chapter)

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