Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 407 The Ax Gang and Fire Cloud Evil God

Chapter 407 The Ax Gang and Fire Cloud Evil God

The church of Holy Trinity Church is a red brick building. It is in a tree-shaded street garden. Not far to the south of the church is the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau. Almost all foreigners in the public concession will go there on Sundays. When you go to Holy Trinity Church for mass, you can see its status.

"The red wall is faintly seen in the clouds, the palace is made of glass and gold, the uncle's intestines are broken, and the whale bells are bumping against each other. The wind blows flowers, the embroidery courtyard is filled with flowers, worship is today, and everyone has his own way."

This poem called Tiaoji Bodhisattva, written by a famous painter in the late years of the previous dynasty, is a portrayal of Holy Trinity Hall.

At this moment, in the hall of Holy Trinity Church, which is paved with water-polished granite tiles, Huo Tianhong, who is tall and short, wearing black robes and top hats, and Lu Yusheng, who is tall and thin, are sitting and drinking tea.

The Peace Hotel and Fengming Tower are just across the street. The battle at Fengming Tower last night was naturally under their control, but since Zhang Zhiwei fell from the sky, the situation has been out of their control.

After witnessing Zhang Zhiwei's invincible power, the two brothers looked at each other and hurriedly left the Peace Hotel and came to Holy Trinity Hall before the battle was over.

"The master and the second son are in trouble. I thought it would be someone from the four families who took action. I didn't expect it to be the little Celestial Master. I didn't expect that the little Celestial Master was so young and so powerful. At first, I thought it was... Daying Immortal Zuo Ruotong is here, Third Brother, now that I think about it, I should have done it according to your method, and then there wouldn’t be so many things!”

Huo Tianhong sighed and said.

"Brother, it's too late to say anything now, let's think about how to deal with the aftermath!" Lu Yusheng said.

Huo Tianhong pondered for a moment and said: "Now that the master and the second son have been arrested, the second son is okay. The art of inviting gods has been around since ancient times. Kaishan Mangjiang is something from Meishan's dharma lineage. There is nothing to say, but the master's Seven Evils are accumulated in the body." The art is something that cannot be seen in the light. Now that he is caught by the little heavenly master, it will definitely attract the attention of the Qing Sect and even the Three Fu Lu Sects on Maoshan Mountain. This matter is already very difficult for us to handle alone. Why don't we ask our godfather for instructions? "

"As soon as there is any trouble, wouldn't it appear that we are incompetent if we ask our godfather for instructions?" Lu Yusheng paused and continued: "Why don't you ask the Ax Gang to take action? Kill them and it will be over. This matter will not be eased anyway. room!"

Huo Tianhong said: "A little Heavenly Master from Longhu Mountain is the legitimate son of four major families. One of them is also the disciple of Daying Immortal Zuo Ruotong. I'm afraid it won't be easy to ask Wang Yuqiao to kill them!"

Huo Tianhong was worried that his third brother would think he was stingy, so he added: "It's not just a matter of money, the impact is too great!"

Among the three tycoons, Lu Yusheng and Zhang Wanlin are both big spenders, but Huo Tianhong is the stingiest.

At this time of life and death, Lu Yusheng didn't think much, nodded and said:

"It's really not easy. The last time Governor Lu asked him to kill the man named Xu, it cost him tens of thousands of dollars, plus a piece of land. The ocean is a supplement, and the land is the key. This time I plan to exchange part of the profits from the dock!"

Huo Tianhong was shocked: "Third brother, the Caoqing Gang originated from water transportation, and the dock is our Yongxin's base in the Magic City!"

Lu Yusheng said calmly: "It's just a partial benefit. In recent years, with the emergence of the Ax Gang and the Wharf Guild, our power on the dock has been gradually eroded. We can't bear to let the children be trapped in the wolf. Brother, think clearly, is it with Some of the interests at the dock are being exchanged for help from the Ax Gang, or should we just ask our godfather for instructions?"

Hearing this, Huo Tianhong stopped talking and was deep in thought. The three of them were able to reach their current position from a few little gangsters who licked blood with knife heads. Naturally, there was someone behind them. The three brothers had a godfather.

Unlike other greedy warlord backstages, the godfather had minimal interference with them and gave them enough power and influence.

It stands to reason that they cannot go to their godfather to take action until there is a critical moment. Otherwise, wouldn't it look too incompetent?

When he thought of his godfather's furious look after hearing the news, Huo Tianhong shuddered, and the fat on his face trembled. He took a deep breath and said:

"We'd better find Wang Yuqiao to take action!"

"In that case, I'll use the 'phone' to invite Wang Yuqiao to come over for a get-together!"

Lu Yusheng stood up and walked to a large object with a vibrator on the wall of the hall. He shook it violently a dozen times, then took off the left earphone and spoke and shouted into the small speaker in the middle.

This is a telephone of this era, also called a telephone, which is actually the transliteration of telephone.

As for the word "telephone", it is not very popular now. It is a word created by the Japanese.

The reason why it became popular in China is that a group of foreign students from Shaoxing in Japan once wrote letters to their hometown and introduced the modern situation in Japan. They mentioned the word "telephone" and even gave annotations.

The annotation is: "The use of electrical appliances to convey words is translated as 'telephone' by the Chinese, which is not as good as the telephone!"

It had little impact at first, but later because there was a celebrity named Lu Xun among this group of students, the word "telephone" gradually spread.

However, the Magic City was the first place to come into contact with the "telephone", and the three tycoons were also among the first to use it, so they have kept their original name.

Lu Yusheng was in charge of water transportation in Yongxin Company, and had many interactions with Wang Yuqiao from the Ax Gang. After some communication, he hung up the phone.

"How?" Huo Tianhong asked.

"Wang Yuqiao said he would come over and see you!" Lu Yusheng said.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

The two of them were stunned, Cao Cao? So fast!

Lu Yusheng walked over and opened the door. It was not Wang Yuqiao who came, but a minion from Yongxin.

"Third Master, we have information!" the minion said.


"According to the brothers' investigation, the batch of pig flowers last night was taken away by people from the Coachmen's Association. Now they are all in the pig cage walled city on the edge of the city. Not only the batch of pig flowers last night, but also the ones lost a few days ago. The piggies are there too!" said the little boy.

"It seems that is their hiding place. Brother, what do you think should be done?" Lu Yusheng asked Huo Tianhong.

"Those little red guys are in Fengming Tower right now. If they mess with their dicks, they will probably take action against us. If that's the case, they definitely don't have the energy to protect that bullshit Pig Cage Walled City anymore!"

Huo Tianhong's eyes flashed with viciousness: "Don't those little red guys want to protect them? Then kill all the people in the Pig Cage Walled City, leaving no one alive, and then burn them to the ground to let them know how to provoke us three tycoons. The end!"

"Then do as the elder brother says, bring some good hands, and do things cleanly and neatly!" Lu Yusheng instructed.


The minions retreated.

At the same time, Wanjiang Guild Hall is the headquarters of the Ax Gang.

The hall was dimly lit, with only a simple coffee table and a few wooden chairs.

"As soon as something happened to Yongxin Zhang Wanlin, Lu Yusheng came to us. His intention is very obvious!"

A man with a stern face and a crew cut who looked to be in his thirties said.

He blew on the teacup in his hand. The teacup was filled with white steam, but the content in it was not tea, but boiled water.

This man is the second in command of the Ax Gang and the future military commander.

"You want to use us as gunmen!"

Wang Yuqiao was wearing a gray robe, with oily hair and glasses. He looked elegant.

The second boss took a sip of boiled water and asked, "Should I go or not?"

Wang Yuqiao took a sip of tea and said: "Go, why don't you go? It is said that a strong dragon cannot defeat a local snake. I would like to see what is going on with these two local snakes? Just in time, I can also go and see Sister Mary!" "

The second master put down the tea cup filled with boiled water, shook his head, and said: "In our line of work, it is not good to be too romantic. You will die of a woman sooner or later!"

Wang Yuqiao smiled and said: "It's cool to be a ghost under the peony flowers!"

The two of them didn't bring their brothers or the Four Great Vajras with them. They got into the classic car at the door and arrived at Holy Trinity Hall, where they met Huo Tianhong and Lu Yusheng who were waiting anxiously. The four of them exchanged pleasantries.

Lu Yusheng got straight to the point and said: "Brother Wang, you must have heard about Yongxin's matter this time. We are businessmen and we didn't handle this matter very well. It's all over the world. I want you to take action. The price is easy to talk about!"

Wang Yuqiao smiled and said: "I have heard about it, but I don't understand it very well. Boss Lu, can you tell me?"

He actually knew, but he just wanted Lu Yusheng to tell it again.

Lu Yusheng didn't change his expression, and told the whole story calmly, without hiding anything. The other party was the leader of the Ax Gang, with influence all over the Magic City. In terms of being well-informed, no one could match him.

After listening to what Lu Yusheng said, Wang Yuqiao smiled and said: "So that's what happened. Hundreds of brothers died, Zhang Wanlin and the master were also arrested. It was indeed a big feud, but Boss Lu didn't know that I did it. Is it a rule? Don’t kill the righteous!"

Lu Yusheng smiled and said: "Brother Wang is in the killer business, why do you still care about this?"

Wang Yuqiao said: "These people are all descendants of famous families. They traveled to Liaodong, destroyed the Japanese pirates, and saved the Dragon Vein. They are all righteous and righteous people. If I..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Yusheng couldn't help but said: "I'll add more money!"

Wang Yuqiao tilted his head and glanced at him: "Add as much as you want!"

Lu Yusheng said: "Those boys from the four families, each head is worth 50,000 yuan, and the little Tianshi is worth 100,000 yuan!"

"Send the beggar away. For this little money, why not find a woman to dance!"

Wang Yuqiao raised his hand and glanced at the watch on his wrist. Seeing that it was past the time for mass in the church and the nun was free, he stood up, hummed a little tune, and danced the Ax Gang's victory dance all the way out of the room.

"Brother Wang, I'll add more!"

Lu Yusheng looked at Wang Yuqiao's swaying back and said loudly: "I am willing to give up 50% of the Caoqing Gang's interests on the dock in exchange for you taking action this time!"

Wang Yuqiao remained unmoved, danced a dance of victory and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

He was very happy today, not only because he could dance with Sister Mary, but also because of the acts of loyalty of several young fools.

As for the benefits of the dock mentioned by Lu Yusheng, he wanted it, but he didn't think so.

He loves money, power, and women, but it must be above his bottom line. Once the bottom line is exceeded, he can throw everything away.

He said he would not accept business from righteous men, no matter how much he was offered.

After all, the great man's evaluation of him was that he was not careful in small matters and was not confused in major matters. If he would be bribed by power, there would be no final outcome.


Lu Yusheng stretched out his hand towards the empty corridor, still trying to hold him back, but Wang Yuqiao had disappeared.

He had a look of astonishment on his face. He never expected that Wang Yuqiao would remain unmoved in the face of such huge interests. Was he afraid of the power behind those boys?

It doesn't make sense. Wang Yuqiao will kill even warlords with heavy troops at their command. How can he be afraid of a few fledgling boys?

Huo Tianhong also looked puzzled. When Lu Yusheng shouted out 50% of the benefits of the dock, his heart skipped a beat.

This was too much, beyond his bottom line. Just as he was about to speak, Wang Yuqiao left, causing the words he was about to blurt out to be stuck in his throat.

With such a huge benefit, one is willing to give it up and the other is unmoved? Who are they?

For a moment, the sound of needle drop could be heard in the room.

After a while, Lu Yusheng turned to look at the second master who had not left yet:

"Brother Dai, you are the second in charge of the Ax Gang, and you can also be the master of the family. I wonder if you can take this business?"

The second master said: "Let's not talk about the backgrounds of these people. Let's just talk about the little Celestial Master. You want to ask us to kill him. Do you know the ability of this kind of person? Is it difficult to kill him?!"

Lu Yusheng said: "As I said before, I am a businessman and I know only a little bit about the affairs of the foreign world. I hope my confusion can be clarified!"

The second master said: "Boss Lu also knows that in the killer business, we need complete information. It is difficult to start without information. In Jianghu, the best people in gathering intelligence are Jianghu Inn, so we get a lot of information from Jianghu Inn. Bought at the store."

"Those guys from the Fourth Family are fine, but this little Celestial Master's information authority is very high in Jianghu Inn, so high that it's almost impossible to buy."

"We sent our own people to inquire around Longhu Mountain, and the results were quite fruitful. It is said that this person's cultivation level has reached the level of breaking through the world of the human body and clearly seeing the gods in the body!"

"At this level, the world inside the body and the world outside the body interact with each other. As long as he shows murderous intent towards him, he can sense any disturbance within a radius of several miles."

"In addition, he is also a warlock who is proficient in magic. Warlocks are good at divination, sensing misfortune and fortune, and avoiding danger in the dark."

"That is to say, if he goes out to tell his fortune every day, he might know that someone is going to harm him before the person who wants to harm him!"

After hearing what the second master said, Lu Yusheng's eyes widened:

"In other words, you Ax Gang can't kill this person?"

The second master shook his head and said: "That's not the case. The stronger the opponent, the more blurry the effect will be. Moreover, the secrets can also be deceived through some means."

"For example, the Holy Trinity Church where you are now has the layout of the Catholic Church. The ordinary warlock's deduction will lose its effect here."

"Of course, by saying all this, I just want to tell you that facing such a character, ordinary assassinations are meaningless. You have to have enough strength!"

Lu Yusheng said: "Does the leader have this strength?"

The second master said: "Of course the big master has it, but it goes against the rules he set, so he won't take action."

Lu Yusheng suddenly stared at the second master: "I heard that the second master's methods are no longer inferior to the first master. I wonder if the second master is willing to take over this job? The previous reward is still the same!"

The second leader smiled and said: "I am interested, but since I am in the Ax Gang, I cannot violate the gang rules, but..."

His voice changed: "I can tell you about someone, and you go ask him to do it!"

"Who?" Lu Yusheng was shocked.

The second master smiled and said nothing.

Lu Yusheng understood: "Second Master, don't worry, if everything comes true, the promise will still be fulfilled!"

The second master smiled and said: "A few years ago, the omnipotent monster known as the ultimate murderer, Huoyun Evil God, became obsessed with practicing martial arts. He was sealed by the master and sent to a mental hospital..."

(End of this chapter)

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