Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 413 Dao Lord, please spare my life

Chapter 413 Dao Lord, please spare my life

Isaac and others left, and Zhang Zhiwei let go of his hands and feet. He no longer cared about it. He exerted force with both hands. During the collision of Qiji, strong winds were released in all directions. The ground beneath the two of them was forced to sink by more than a foot. !

This is a head-to-head fight between lives without any fancy, without any skills.

Zhang Zhiwei is not afraid of this kind of wrestling, he is good at it.

In fact, Fire Cloud Evil God is also good at this. He is a martial artist, which is different from traditional Qi practitioners. A martial artist pays attention to training the muscles, bones and skin externally, and practicing Qi internally.

Exercising the muscles, bones and skin is actually horizontal training, so they have extremely strong muscles and bones.

But strong muscles and bones do not mean strong "fate". Although there are similarities between the two, they cannot be equal.

When Wu Gensheng and Zuo Ruotong fought, his disciples once guessed whether Wu Gensheng's physical power was the effect of tempering his "fate" or the effect of horizontal training.

In their understanding, horizontal training is nothing to fear, but strong "fate" is a headache.

The reason for this understanding is that most horizontal exercises only train muscles, bones, and skin. The improvement in response to internal organs, meridians, and even nerves is limited. You can think of it as a slow-responsive iron bag. Flesh, like a heavily armored knight.

Therefore, there are many techniques for breaking the horizontal training method in Jianghu.

The pure method of cultivating "fate" is to improve the entire physical body. It is not limited to one point, which is equivalent to turning the whole person into a lump of iron, with almost no weaknesses.

Therefore, its progress is very slow, but over the years, the improvement in combat power is extremely terrifying.

However, this statement also has limitations and cannot be generalized, because there are always kings who practice both life and horizontal training, just like Zhuge Qing, a sorcerer, who wants to practice Bajiquan.

Moreover, as the warriors become stronger, their life skills will also increase accordingly.

Because the entry point of martial arts is to train the muscles, bones and skin, but later they will also start to train the internal organs, bone marrow... to perfect themselves step by step.

The stronger the warrior, the more complete his strengthening.

After he strengthened everything in his body, the effect he achieved was almost equivalent to the physical body obtained by tempering his life. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was a martial arts master.

This kind of martial artist is almost invisible and is an enemy to thousands upon sight.

Fire Cloud Evil God was obviously not such a warrior, otherwise he wouldn't have been made to kneel down and beg for mercy by the Condor Heroes' Lion Roar.

The essence of sound waves is vibration. Zhang Zhiwei flipped his hands violently, and the powerful force, like the long river and the sea, sank into the body of Fire Cloud Evil God inch by inch.


The skin and flesh on Fire Cloud Evil God's body undulated like waves under this force.

His entire face looked like it had been deformed by the wind while skydiving, with his mouth wide open and making strange noises.

This was a very bad feeling, but he couldn't control it. The force coming from Zhang Zhiwei's hand made his whole body vibrate uncontrollably.

The reason for this is that Huoyun Evil God is made of iron.

His muscles, bones, skin, and even internal organs can withstand this kind of force.

But his meridians couldn't bear it anymore, so he had an uncontrollable stress reaction.

Under the high pressure, a rust-like taste suddenly came out of Huoyun Evil God's mouth, and his body was rattling, as if he was suffering from indescribable pain.

Fire Cloud Evil God grunted, swallowed a mouthful of blood, and arched his body suddenly, like a beast about to be chased away. Dense veins began to appear on his face and body, and his body expanded suddenly, and his thighs were as thick as a block. The neck expanded and contracted as if it were inflated, and at the same time it made a croaking toad cry.

In just a moment, he went from a little old man of about 1.6 meters tall to over 2 meters tall, looking like a big toad.

With this look, even people who don't know the details can tell that it's Toad Kung Fu.

The Toad Kung Fu sounds like an unfashionable technique like the Five Tigers Cutting Door Knife, but in fact it is not. It has a great origin. It was created by the Martial Saint Yue Fei. It is quite powerful and can rival the Ten Dragon Subduing Ten. The key to the eight palms is that it is both offensive and defensive. As long as the door is not broken, it is almost indestructible. It is a first-rate method in the world.

The Huoyun Evil God was able to achieve such a great reputation all thanks to this unique skill.


Fire Cloud Evil God roared loudly, forming a shock wave in the air. The faint ripples could be clearly seen with the naked eye, and Fire Cloud Evil God's whole body was shot out like a cannonball.

Faced with this sudden blow, Zhang Zhiwei did not dodge. He stood on the spot with a golden sword, the gold and fire in his body were surging, and he was in full state. His palm was filled with layers of pale golden brilliance, and he slapped it on the head.

Zhang Zhiwei knew the name of Toad Kung Fu, but he really didn't know about the cover of Toad Kung Fu. However, it didn't matter. He didn't care whether it was a cover or not. Under his big ears, it was not a cover. , it also has to be a cover.

In the previous fight between the two sides, Zhang Zhiwei did not use any force because there were many children. Instead, he absorbed all the power of Fire Cloud Evil God.

But now, Zhang Zhiwei no longer had these worries. He just slapped Huoyun Evil God on the head with a thunderous slap.


As soon as the two sides came into contact, the overbearing force almost suffocated Huo Yun Evil God, and this slap seemed to turn him into a pulp.

He couldn't help but feel a trace of regret, but he had no intention of turning back when he opened his bow, so he could only use all his strength to withstand Zhang Zhiwei's landslide and tsunami-like palm movement, and charge up like a rocket soaring into the sky.

No one could clearly see the change in that moment. They only heard a shocking noise. The entire factory seemed to shake. Shock waves surged in all directions like waves, shaking the cellar hut into ruins.

The fire cloud evil god's rocket soared into the sky, but Zhang Zhiwei slapped him down, bent his knees, and knelt on the ground.

The ground, which was pressed as tight as iron by the momentum of the two men, had two deep grooves.

Zhang Zhiwei's hair is like a waterfall, and his eyes are as bright as a god or a devil.

However, Huoyun Evil God was broken by his slap, and he could no longer lock Qi. The pores on his body dilated, and a large amount of blood burst out, dyeing him into a bloody man. Coupled with his bald head, he looked like a dyed man. Like a gourd of blood, it was horrific to see.

However, with the Qi body protection of Toad Kung Fu, although he was seriously injured, he did not die. He turned into a little old man again, put his hands on Zhang Zhiwei's palms, and a huge roar broke out in his throat, trying to stand up. , but the hand on his head didn't move at all.


Zhang Zhiwei stared at the past and retracted his fingers, but his grasp was empty. It turned out that Fire Cloud Evil God leaned down, touched Zhang Zhiwei's toes with his forehead, and bowed:

"The power of the Taoist master is invincible, and I am willing to be defeated. When I was young, I was called the ultimate murderer. But I have already put down my butcher knife, changed my mind, and changed my past. I have been living in a mental hospital for a long time, eating fast and meditating... I read the Tao and do not get involved in the disputes in the world! "

"It's just that someone from the Caoqing Gang came to me today and said that a master has appeared recently and they hope that I can deal with it. I am a lonely old man who has been living alone in a mental hospital for a long time. I am not familiar with the world and I was bewitched by the bad guys!" "In addition, a temporary trick! The itching was unbearable, and I was fascinated by ghosts, so I came to ask for advice. In the end, I became an accomplice of the tyrants and made mistakes. I hope that the Taoist Lord will be merciful and take pity on my age and spare my life!"

Zhang Zhiwei: "…………"

When I am older, I am called Daoye.

Are you also a person who doesn’t want Bilian?

"You mean, you just attacked me, let's just forget about it!"

Zhang Zhiwei turned around and said with his hands behind his back.

At the same time, he was thinking about when this guy would suddenly get up and give himself a lotus hidden weapon.

Behind him, Huoyun Evil God, who was prostrated, raised his eyes and glanced at Zhang Zhiwei's back. The fingers of his hands were slightly bent, and a trace of metallic luster appeared between the fingers. However, after struggling for a moment, he spread his fingers and the metallic luster disappeared.

Sneak attack from behind is indeed a good choice. When he was young, he relied on this method to make many comebacks against the wind.

But today, he was a little uncertain, no, not uncertain, but very certain. There was a thought in his heart that kept telling him that if he attacked by surprise, there would be only death.

Although he said he only wanted to beat someone to death or be beaten to death by someone, in fact, he cherished his life.

The gap in strength is too big. This person is not a martial artist, but his physical fitness is not inferior to that of some horizontal training masters. His life cultivation level is too high, and he has magic skills, so he is invincible...

Fire Cloud Evil God lowered his head and completely gave up the idea of ​​fighting back.

Although Zhang Zhiwei had his back to Fire Cloud Evil God, he could sense every move of the other party. He sensed that the other party's aura gradually calmed down, and knew that he had given up resistance, so he said:

"You said it was the Caoqing Gang who invited you out of the mental hospital. Why are you trapped in the mental hospital?"

Fire Cloud Evil God said: "When I was young, I killed many people and earned the title of the ultimate murderer. But in fact, I just wanted to find someone who could beat me. In the end, I found that no one was my opponent. Hide in the mental hospital for a while, no one can trap me!"

"You are so powerful, why don't you go to Trinity Gate to find Zuo Ruotong, the head of the Zuo Gate?! What are you pretending to do!" Zhang Zhiwei turned around and said, "Speak humanly!"

Zhang Zhiwei was very biased and did not ask Fire Cloud Evil God to go to Longhu Mountain to find his master. After all, Longhu Mountain is a place for Taoist cultivation. How could it be a place for bravery and ruthlessness?

Huoyun Evil God lowered his head and said, "I went to see Wang Yuqiao for a discussion. He said I was possessed and sent me to a mental hospital to calm down!"

Obsessed... Zhang Zhiwei recalled the details of the fight just now. The state of Fire Cloud Evil God was indeed unstable. Sometimes he was despicable, sometimes arrogant, and he said nonsense.

As for being sent to a mental hospital by Wang Yuqiao, Zhang Zhiwei was not surprised.

Wang Yuqiao was the number one killer in the Republic of China. He could kill Japanese pirate generals and keep the principal awake at night. How could someone who could do this do so without any strength?

"Toad Kung Fu is the unique skill of the Kunlun School. Were you a member of the Kunlun School before?" Zhang Zhiwei asked again.


"The Kunlun Sect is also a famous and authentic sect. How did you end up where you are now?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

"I like to find people to compete with each other, but when I follow the rules, others don't tell me the rules. When I don't follow the rules, others use the rules to pressure me, so I simply joined Quanxing and ended up free! "Huo Yunxie Shen said.

Isn't that just like Ding Zhangan, one of the two heroes of later generations? Ding Shian just likes to find people to learn from each other, but others cherish their talents and are unwilling to get serious with him, so he joined Quan Xing so that others can take action with all their strength.

However, although Ding Jian'an is a Quanxing, he is popular, and Huoyun Evil God is obviously different. Zhang Zhiwei's mind flashed with the figure of a crazy martial artist who also likes to find people to compete with.

"It's not only about distinguishing between superior and inferior, but also about life and death?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"The one who knows me is the Taoist Master!" Fire Cloud Evil God said quickly. He felt that this sentence was a little better than his "I just want to beat you to death, or be beaten to death by you."

"Tell me more specifically?" Zhang Zhiwei asked curiously.

Fire Cloud Evil God said: "Back then, I was full of enthusiasm and went down the mountain to practice. When I arrived at Jinmen, where martial arts was popular, I started to challenge each other from door to door. During the period, I behaved well and won continuously all the way."

"But after playing in seven martial arts gyms in a row, people from Jinmen came to me and asked me to eat bread for free. They also said that bread in Shilin was free, but no one could eat eight, just like no one could eat in Jinmen consecutively. Kick eight martial arts schools.”

"I was just starting out and didn't believe in this evil, so I ate eight pieces of bread in one go and chose eight martial arts schools. As a result, the people in Jinmen didn't respect martial ethics and trapped me in an alley, trying to get rid of me! "

"I fought all the way from the end of the alley to the end of the alley. During this period, I was busy killing. I raised the knife with one hand and dropped it. The blood flowed into the river without even blinking. At this point, I have the title of the ultimate murderer. , also joined Quanxing.”

Zhang Zhiwei didn't ask him if his eyes were dry and continued to listen. Perhaps because he had been in a mental hospital for a long time, Huoyun Evil God talked a bit too much.

He continued: "From then on, I was obsessed with this feeling. At the beginning, I thought I liked killing people, so I joined the boxing ring to help the Qing Dynasty and destroy the foreign countries. As a result, I had several big battles. When we came down, we killed a lot of people, but they were all insipid."

"At this time, I discovered that I still like to fight with masters, so I started to play gyms frequently and find people to fight in life-and-death duels. As long as I saw an opponent I liked, whether they were from a noble family or an evil heretic, I would challenge them all. , this feeling of walking on the tip of a knife is so fascinating."

"But later, I started to find no opponent, so I went to the boss of the Ax Gang, and he was sent to a mental hospital."

"Of course, I'm also happy to be quiet. After all, it's too wet outside. Some ghosts and bastards are here to make trouble, so I can't help but beat them to death!"

Huo Yun Evil God said contradictory words with an obsessed look on his face, but Zhang Zhiwei didn't think there was anything wrong. After all, it was an obsessive mental illness, and it would be abnormal if it was too normal.

"You said all the opponents you like are going to challenge you?" Zhang Zhiwei asked curiously, "Then why don't you go to Tangmen to challenge the Tangmen chief, and why don't you go to the Trinity Gate to challenge the Zuomen chief? Are you looking down on them?"

"It's not that I don't like it!" Fire Cloud Evil God paused and said in a deep voice: "It's inappropriate."

Zhang Zhiwei: "…………"

It’s not that I don’t like it, it’s that it’s inappropriate!

He thought about the meaning of Huo Yunxie's myth, and suddenly he understood why Huo Yunxie said he couldn't find an opponent.

Fire Cloud Evil God is just like ordinary people playing games. A simple torture game is not fun and boring, and a simple torture game is even less fun.

What game is the most interesting? Evenly matched, the kind of game where you come and go is the most interesting.

It would be even more interesting if the opponent was slightly stronger but was defeated by me.

So he carries a hidden weapon with him, just to make a bloody comeback and experience the feeling of violent excitement.

But as the Fire Cloud Evil God becomes more and more powerful, it becomes harder and harder to find such people. They either abuse people or are abused.

He couldn't find any fun at first, and finally found the boss of the Ax Gang, who was then tortured and sent to a mental hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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