Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 414 If you can’t suppress your inner demons, go to Longhu Mountain to find Zhang Zhiwei

Chapter 414 If you can’t suppress your inner demons, go to Longhu Mountain to find Zhang Zhiwei

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Huoyun Evil God and thought about how to deal with him.

In fact, given Huoyun Evil God's current state, if the Caoqing Gang doesn't get him out, I'm afraid he will die of old age in a mental hospital.

But now he's out...

Continue to send it back?

Zhang Zhiwei rejected this idea. Doing some things twice would be boring.

The Fire Cloud Evil God will come out, which means that it doesn't make much sense to send it in after thinking about it in the first place.

Slap him to death?

The idea is not strong!

If during the fight, Huo Yun Evil God was slapped to death by him, then it would naturally be over.

But the other party is now convinced by me. He doesn't play any tricks and surrenders and kowtows with sincerity. If he slaps him to death, his thoughts will not be clear.

Wang Ai called three rickshaws and took Zhang Huaiyi and Tian Jinzhong to the Pig Cage Walled City.

Instead of doing this, it is better to leave the inner demons in the light and let his delusions continue to nourish the current one.

But this move is tantamount to mantis trying to control the chariot.

"A good person?" Zhang Zhiwei asked with a smile: "Who do you think is a good person?"

A face as huge as a mountain appeared out of thin air.


On the other side, when Zhang Zhiwei and his party were taking action.

"He asked me to cultivate myself and conquer my inner demons there, so before today, I had never stepped out of a mental hospital, and I had never killed anyone. But in these years, my heart has never been calm for a moment. The devil is always eager to fight, so I came out this time!" Fire Cloud Evil God said.

Zhang Zhiwei said calmly: "Go to Longhu Mountain and find Zhang Zhiwei!"

There are two Fire Cloud Evil Gods under the giant face. One has muscles all over his body, a ferocious face, and his eyes are flashing fiercely. The other is very skinny and is no different from a street vegetable seller.

In fact, when I was exorcising the inner demons of Fire Cloud Evil God just now, I also used the ability of Blue Hand to slightly stir up Fire Cloud Evil God's thinking.

Although his fighting style is a bit despicable, compared to those heinous maniacs, Fire Cloud Evil God does not bully the weak, which is pretty good.

The ferocious Fire Cloud Evil God roared angrily at the giant face above his head, with veins all over his body protruding in an attempt to drive away this uninvited guest.

Zhang Zhiwei retracted his five fingers, red light emitted from his fingertips, and began to heal Huoyun Evil God's body while continuing to calcine his inner demons.

"It's okay, if one day you can't suppress your inner demons again!"

Fire Cloud Evil God lowered his head and said, "I must change my past and become a good person!"

After thinking for a while, Zhang Zhiwei asked:

"If I spare your life, what will you do next?"

Inner demons are like weeds. Wild fire cannot burn them out, but they will grow again when the spring breeze blows. With the current state of Fire Cloud Evil God, if this inner demon is burned out, his delusions will breed new inner demons.

Fire Cloud Evil God had a peaceful expression on his face and bowed to Zhang Zhiwei sincerely:

"I feel more peaceful and quiet than ever before. Thank you Daochang Chengquan!"

"But Taoist Priest, I can feel that the demons in my heart have not subsided yet, and I'm worried that one day, it will turn back to its old self!" Fire Cloud Evil God said.

Although I had already watched it once when I came here, Zhang Huaiyi and Tian Jinzhong were still very novel.

The inner demon of Fire Cloud Evil God let out a heart-rending scream. Under the calcining of the Samadhi True Fire, he actually melted and disappeared like a wax man.

The current Huoyun Evil God respects him as a god.

Under the burning of the balls of samadhi true fire, the inner demons became smaller and smaller, and the expression of Fire Cloud Evil God gradually became calmer.

Zhang Zhiwei let go: "How do you feel?"

Tian Jinzhong and Zhang Huaiyi were sitting on the rickshaw, looking around curiously.

At the same time, the Fire Cloud Evil God outside felt the same way.

In an instant, Fire Cloud Evil God's body shook, and a large amount of blue Qi poured out from his body.

As these Qi danced wildly and uncontrollably, his eyes became dull, and a terrifying scene was reflected in his pupils.

After receiving a slap from Zhang Zhiwei on the forehead, Huoyun Evil God was already seriously injured, but he was also burned by the true fire of Samadhi, and his soul was damaged. His eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, big beads of sweat rolled down, and blood oozed from his pores again. .

When Zhang Zhiwei burned his inner demon to the size of his fist, he stopped.

His eyebrows were bulging, there was swelling and pain, veins popped up all over his body, a large amount of white steam emitted from the top of his head, and a whimper came from his mouth.

The Huoyun Evil God, who looked like a vegetable seller, huddled aside, helpless.

This is Shili Foreign Market, with a wide street lined with pedestrians. Occasionally, you can see male ghosts wearing gentleman's hats and potbellies, and female ghosts wearing dresses, as well as many exquisite Western-style buildings.

Moreover, Huoyun Evil God's current inner demon has an impact on him, making him obsessed with finding people of equal strength to him for life-and-death battles. In essence, he longs for a hearty battle.

These buildings include stock exchanges, theaters, and exquisite street storefronts. All of these come together to give the Magic City a sense of disconnect from other cities of this era.

Huoyun Evil God was stunned and didn't know how to answer for a moment. How can there be absolutely good and bad people in this world?

"What did Wang Yuqiao say to you when he sent you to the mental hospital?" Zhang Zhiwei changed the question.

The giant face above opened its mouth and spit out a stream of blue flames, which turned into a big hand and crushed it down, suppressing it with an almost devastating gesture.

Zhang Zhiwei nodded. This attempt seemed to be successful.

"I see, it seems that you have deep inner demons, and I happen to be very experienced in dealing with inner demons!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Zhang Zhiwei stretched out his hand to caress the head of Fire Cloud Evil God.

After walking out of Shiliyangchang, the scenery along the street has obvious differences, which become more obvious as you go outside. When you get to the edge of the city, it is no longer prosperous and is almost the same as other cities.

Three rickshaws stopped in front of a huge earth-scented billboard that read "Living Buddha's disease."

Wang Ai threw out a few big coins, asked Tian Jinzhong and Zhang Huaiyi to get out of the car, and then walked forward.

The rickshaw drivers who received Dayang were all smiles. Zhang Huaiyi looked at them with some pity. When they arrived, he and Tian Jinzhong wanted to take a rickshaw, but after asking about the price, they gave up.

As far as he knew, the starting price for a rickshaw was a dime, with an additional dime charged for every half mile.

Fatty Wang, a prodigal boy, threw away five yuan and paid more than double the fare!

Zhang Huaiyi secretly thought it was a pity, and immediately followed Wang Ai's pace, taking a few steps forward, and what he saw was a slum with a sign saying "Pig Cage Walled City".

Although it is a slum, in Zhang Huaiyi's view, the environment here is still good. It is a four-story building with a cement structure. If this kind of condition were placed over there in Longhu Mountain, it would be worthy of a township government.

There are also many shops in the walled city, such as Baicaotang Herbal Tea, Dajin Western Clothing, snack bars, etc., which look like a shopping mall.

The three of them walked into the walled city and faced a huge dam.

There is a faucet in the middle of the dam. A group of people gathered there and were trained like a grandson by a fat woman with hair full of curls on her head.

"The water is cut off today. I use it every day. I don't know how to save water. Do you have any sense of ethics? Starting from today, the water will be cut off on 135 and intermittent on 246. How about it?"

Hearing this bad news, everyone present suddenly sighed. How can we live in such a big city with only one faucet and no water supply?

"Why are you all crying like ghosts? You are looking for death with your slanted eyebrows. I think you are all tired of living!"

The fat woman walked forward, turned around and cursed, and happened to bump into Wang Ai and the others.

As the sponsor of so many people, Wang Ai is quite prestigious here. As soon as he walks in, people keep coming over and greeting him with respect.

Wang Ai also said hello with a smile, but when he was with the charterer, he felt frustrated. "Good morning, charter wife!"

"I think it's your mother's head!"

The landlord turned around and scolded: "They send people to me every day, and last night they sent another batch. I'm so fucking annoyed. Let me tell you, the rent will be doubled. If you don't give them today, I'll kick them all out!"

She got angry when she saw the fat man in front of her. At first, he rented so many houses at once. She thought he was a big customer at first, but unexpectedly, he sent people to her place every two days.

As an old Jianghu, she naturally knows who Wang Ai sent here. She is living in seclusion here. Doesn't Wang Ai do this to make it difficult for her?

Therefore, she didn't have a good look towards Wang Ai at all. If she hadn't given him a lot of money, she would have used the sole of her shoe to slap Wang Ai's fat face into a pig's head.

Wang Ai's face darkened. Ever since he was a child, few people had dared to scold him like this, but the tenant in front of him made him a little scared.

"Big ears, come on, scold her!" Wang Ai didn't dare to scold her himself, so he encouraged Zhang Huaiyi to come up.

How could Zhang Huaiyi be fooled? He pulled Tian Jinzhong back and stood behind Wang Ai.

However, the tenant woman did not continue to cause trouble to Wang Ai. She did not even mention the rent increase and turned to scold others.

"Smile, why are you laughing? If you smile, you don't have to pay rent, Lao Piyan!"

"With such strength, you deserve to be a hard laborer for the rest of your life. You owe me several months of rent and you don't even say hello. You are so exhausted, you bastard."

The charterer scolded everyone equally, and then walked home in a swaggering manner.

"Fat man, is this your stronghold?" Zhang Huaiyi asked, "Who is that fat woman?"

Wang Ai said angrily: "Don't you understand? Charter wife, this person is a bit evil!"

"What's wrong?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, screams came from upstairs.

Immediately afterwards, the window was opened, and the tenant woman was seen holding an iron chair high and smashing it like crazy as if she were chopping firewood, while making a sound of "Ada" in her mouth.

"This is very evil!" Wang Ai said.

"This... this is an act of murder!" Tian Jinzhong said.

With a strong sense of justice, he jumped up and was about to step forward to save people.

Wang Ai and Zhang Huaiyi quickly grabbed his legs and pulled him back after jumping into the air.

"Wait a moment, didn't you notice? Everyone present looks like they are not surprised!" Zhang Huaiyi said quickly.

"Don't mind your own business. That wretched guy is being beaten every day. He will die early!" Wang Ai also said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a tall and thin figure falling to the ground from the window.

"I'll go, isn't this dead?!"

Tian Jinzhong went over to check, but before he could get there, a potted plant fell from the window.

He quickly dodged, but the potted plant hit the tall and thin figure on the back of the head.

"He must be dead now!"

Tian Jinzhong went over and stretched out his hand to test the other person's breath.

As soon as he stretched it out, it was pulled open.

"Don't make trouble!"

The landlord knocked off Tian Jinzhong's hand and continued to bury his head in the soil, as if he wanted to get a moment of peace.

This scene is a bit like those men in later generations who parked their cars downstairs after get off work and refused to go home.

Others were not surprised by this scene and did their own thing.

Wang Ai also took Tian Jinzhong away and came to Dajing Western Clothing Store, planning to buy Zhang Huaiyi and Tian Jinzhong outfits.

Tian Jinzhong was okay. Although the Taoist robe was a bit old, it was still in good condition. Zhang Huaiyi's Taoist robe was a bit miserable, with patches everywhere, just like a robe.

Wang Ai felt that Zhang Huaiyi's attire somewhat lowered his reputation as a person in his profession, and he had to give him some makeovers.

Then, he planned to summon the believers of the surrounding Tiantong Church to let Zhang Huaiyi and Tian Jinzhong show their talents.

As the Patriarch of Tiantong Church, Wang Ai boasted that the church was very powerful.

But so far, apart from enough money, he has not shown enough means to scare those believers.

Mainly because Lu Jin and the others were busy and unwilling to cooperate.

Therefore, he set his sights on Zhang Huaiyi and Tian Jinzhong.

In his opinion, both of them knew the golden light spell, and Zhang Huaiyi knew the thunder method.

At that time, if he shows his hand in front of the congregation, one person controls the holy light, and another person controls the thunder and lightning, he is bragging. Isn't that inappropriate?

Of course, before that, it is necessary to wear clothes that make people look like beggars. Wouldn’t that bring down the church’s standard?

"Uncle Sheng, customize a suit for these two friends of mine!" Wang Ai said.

The Uncle Sheng in his mouth was the man whom the charterer scolded Lao Piyan just now.

Although this person looks a bit wretched and a sissy, his skills are really good.

Because of his body shape, Wang Ai rarely wears suits, but after ordering one, he found that it looked much better than the previous mandarin jacket.

Even Lu Jin came to him and ordered a few pieces when he saw them. He said they were better than those high-end customizations abroad. Wang Ai decided that future team uniforms would be customized here.

"No problem!" Uncle Sheng said, and then took a tape measure to measure the sizes of Zhang Huaiyi and Tian Jinzhong.

Uncle Sheng's voice was very sneaky, and he pinched his orchid fingers when taking measurements, which made Zhang Huaiyi and Tian Jinzhong feel uncomfortable for a while, thinking that maybe this fat man was deliberately disgusting them because of the last competition at Longhu Mountain.

But soon, they realized that they were worrying too much. The sissy tailor in front of them was very professional.

"Wearing foreign clothes requires the person to wear them, not the clothes to wear the person. They need to be seen from a distance, up close, to look good when standing, and to look good when walking. The shirt must be ironed and worn before it is crisp enough!" Uncle Sheng said with a pinched voice.

"Fat man, why are we wearing these foreign clothes?" Zhang Huaiyi asked.

"We're going to do something big later!" Wang Aishen said mysteriously.

"What's the big deal?" Tian Jinzhong also asked.

"It has something to do with Senior Brother Zhang. Let's make it clear. I want you to support Senior Brother Zhang's cousin. Since you are supporting the public, you must dress taller, otherwise you will lose face to Senior Brother Zhang..."

Wang Ai moved Zhang Zhiwei out very wisely.

Tian Jinzhong and Zhang Huaiyi immediately had no objections. Naturally, they would fully cooperate with their senior brother.

Wang Ai continued to give instructions: "My great-grandfather told me before that when I go out to do things, I must have style, gimmicks, and signs."

"The clothes you wear are your style, your identity when you go out is your gimmick, and the skills you have in your hands are your signs!"

"We are full of gimmicks and signs. When you get the style right, we will go out to do things. When the time comes, just follow my eyes and act!"

(End of this chapter)

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