Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 415 The incarnation of justice and light, the leader of Tiantong

Chapter 415 The incarnation of justice and light, the leader of Tiantong

The tailor shop owner measured the sizes for Zhang Huaiyi and Tian Jinzhong and went to cut the fabric.

Wang Ai, Zhang Huaiyi and Tian Jinzhong were talking.

After listening to Wang Ai's instructions, Tian Jinzhong said: "Since it is senior brother's business, it is our business, and we will do whatever you say!"

Zhang Huaiyi added: "But it is harmful to nature, and it is not allowed to do things that are against morality!"

It's not that he doesn't trust Zhang Zhiwei, it's that he doesn't trust Wang Ai. This little fat guy is not a good guy at first glance.

Furthermore, it is his consistent style not to say anything to death but to leave room for leeway.

"Look at what you said, what's wrong with God is that I'm doing good deeds and I'm a very good person."

Wang Ai said: "You just arrived here and don't know much about it. You only saw Shili foreign market and a few bustling central streets, but you don't know what the slums and factories are like."

"Actually, even the Pig Cage Walled City where we are now is considered a good place in the slums. If you can stay longer, you will know what the living environment of the lower class people here is like."

Wang Ai said calmly: "Dirty, chaotic, poor security, and gangs are rampant... There are not even public bathrooms here. One city shares one faucet and two toilets..."

"They work from dawn to dusk every day, but they can barely fill their stomachs. There is no sign that if they stop for a few days, they will be unable to live!"

"Do you know why that fat woman is so fierce and beats and scolds her at every turn, but other people don't move out, but respect her very much? Because she allows these people to default on their rent."

"And I not only saved many desperate people who were trafficked, but I also gave them relief funds and arranged accommodation. Do you think I am a good person?"

Wang Ai asked Tian Jinzhong and Zhang Huaiyi.

"Forget it!" Tian Jinzhong nodded.

"Although you don't seem like a good person, what you did is indeed a good thing!" Zhang Huaiyi said.

"Big Ear, you are biased against me, but... it's not important. What's important is that although I gave these people some relief and allowed them to barely survive, the past experiences have caused them to have mental problems. .”

"I asked some psychiatrists from Gui Lao and they said that they have suffered severe mental trauma and have lost their purpose in life. If they want to be treated, they have to find a spiritual sustenance for them, such as joining a church. , find a faith and regain confidence in life!”

"And this is what I am going to do now. Do you think this is a good thing?" Wang Ai asked.


"Is it against morality?"


"Then if you help me, is it considered a great achievement?" Wang Ai asked again.

"Stop talking nonsense, what are you going to do?" Zhang Huaiyi said, "When you ask us to cooperate, do you intend to make those people believe it?"

"Your Taoist teachings are too scattered and not suitable for you, but I am not a Buddha who can help the poor, and the Catholic Church is from the ghost side, so..."

Wang Ai paused and continued: "If I remember correctly, you two have also joined the hall, right? I am the hall master of cousin Zhang, and my duty is to deliver orders and publicize the hall. Pass orders. , the yin and yang paper you use is provided by me, and I am still very competent. Next, what we have to do is to promote the hall, do you understand what I mean?"

"You mean, let us pretend to be magicians and trick them into believing in you?" Zhang Huaiyi said.

"It's not that you believe in me," Wang Ai corrected: "It's that you believe in the main god of Tiantong Church - the leader of Tiantong Church!"

"Are you cheating in the name of senior brother?" Zhang Huaiyi said: "Does senior brother know about this?"

"Of course I knew it, or even acquiesced. After all, it is a good thing!" Wang Ai took out a piece of yin and yang paper and handed it to Zhang Huaiyi: "If you don't believe me, ask yourself!"

Zhang Huaiyi took the yin and yang paper, but without asking, he put it directly into his pocket and said:

"I believe you. By the way, you said you established the Tiantong Church. What are the teachings of the church? This is very important. You must justify your explanation. If it is full of loopholes, no one will believe it!"

Zhang Huaiyi and Tian Jinzhong do not feel that this Tiantong Church is very obtrusive or rebellious. In the Zhengyi Sect, this is not a bad thing at all. It is even very glorious. The many Taoist sects under the Zhengyi Sect are proof of this. As long as this Tiantong sect is of the same lineage, it will be fine.

Wang Ai said with a pious expression: "In order to show the power of Master Tiantong, the teachings I compiled are very complicated. The general meaning is that Master Tiantong represents the alternation of the old and new order. He will cleanse the old era with holy light and thunder. Darkness will expel the Lord of God, and he will re-determine the order of all things in the world. Those who believe in the Lord of Tiantong will have a bright future!"

Zhang Huaiyi and Tian Jinzhong looked at each other and shook their heads.

Zhang Huaiyi said: "It's too false and empty. Besides, why should we expel the Catholic Church? It's just started. It's not worthwhile to set up a big enemy for yourself!"

Wang Ai said: "Isn't this a bit of a gimmick? Because of the relationship between the ghosts, many locals dislike the Catholic Church. This is called following one's own preferences!"

The big-eared thief always pays attention to keeping a low profile and bides his time, so he immediately rejected him: "It's not business, why are you doing this? You need to change your doctrine!"

"Yes!" Tian Jinzhong agreed: "You can't force others to rub against you. You should focus on yourself and find your own direction based on your own characteristics!"

Wang Ai frowned and thought for a while, and felt that what they said made sense, so he asked: "Then our direction should be..."

Tian Jinzhong said: "The core of Tiantong Church is senior brother, so the direction of our teachings must naturally revolve around senior brother!"

"As expected of a Taoist priest, this is called professionalism!" Wang Ai said quickly: "You continue!"

Tian Jinzhong continued: "Senior brother, over the years, he has been slaying demons, destroying bandits, killing Japanese pirates, eradicating gangs, and rescuing innocent people who have been abducted and trafficked. Everything he has done demonstrates the way of exorcising evil with righteousness. In this case, what is the teaching? Isn’t it justice and light?”

Justice and light... Wang Ai silently recited these two words in his heart, thought for a moment, and said: "But in this era, warlords are fighting, gangs are rampant, and bandits are everywhere. There is no justice and no light. Take this as a teaching. Will no one believe it at all?”

"It is precisely because of lack that people crave for it!" Zhang Huaiyi said: "I think what Senior Brother Tian said is right!"

"Since it is light and justice, what is the specific content of the doctrine?" Wang Ai said.

Tian Jinzhong and Zhang Huaiyi looked at each other.

They both spoke at the same time.

"Huaiyi, tell me!"

"Senior Brother Jinzhong, think about it!"

"Can you two do it?" Wang Ai asked suspiciously.

"I don't study well, so I'm not very good at it!" Tian Jinzhong shook his head and said, he knew how much ink he had in his stomach.

"Me too!" Zhang Huaiyi said.

"Okay, it seems we have to ask Senior Brother Zhang!" Wang Ai took out the yin and yang paper and asked Zhang Zhiwei for his opinion.

At this moment, Zhang Zhiwei was contacting Isaac and asking them where they took the children.

Zhang Zhiwei was stunned for a moment when he suddenly received a summons from Wang Ai. The theme of Tiantong Church's teachings is justice and light? He couldn't help but pick up a handful of jasmine seeds, which was a bit of a fool's errand.

However, he did not object.

First of all, he was acting as the boss of Tiantong Hall, leaving full power to the people below.

Secondly, he believed that what he did was worthy of the words justice and light. The leader of the sweep hall, Liu Kunsheng, is fighting Japanese pirates in Liaodong, the leader of the medical hall, Huang Tianliu, is opening Tiantong Medical Center in Fengtian, the leader of the Chuan hall is trying to save people, and he, the leader, is destroying gangsters...

It is no exaggeration to say that these actions are of immeasurable merit.

Moreover, if the believers under his command believe in justice and light, the power of faith generated will definitely be purer than those seeking wealth and power.

This is a good idea... Zhang Zhiwei immediately agreed with the three people's ideas.

Considering that these three guys had little education and little ink in their stomachs, and might come up with some very low and crude teachings, Zhang Zhiwei took it upon himself to select a very high-quality passage and let them use it as the teachings of Tiantong Church. .

Wang Ai held the yin and yang paper and looked at the teachings that kept emerging on it. He felt a rush of blood rushing to his forehead, his whole body was trembling, his hands were shaking with excitement, and he couldn't speak completely.

In order to calm down his excitement, he pinched his thigh flesh, trying to use the pain to calm himself down, but his hands were too shaking and he missed the right position and pinched on the balls.


Wang Ai clamped his legs together, looked up to the sky and wailed, threw away the yin and yang paper, and lay on the ground with a painful expression on his face, twisting like a maggot.

Zhang Huaiyi: “…………”

Tian Jinzhong: “…………”

The two looked at each other, with a trace of cold sweat breaking out on their foreheads.

"What did the fat man see that made him so excited that he crushed one of his balls with his backhand?" Zhang Huaiyi poked Tian Jinzhong and motioned for him to pick it up and take a look.

Tian Jinzhong quickly picked up the yin and yang paper. It didn't matter if he didn't look at it. When he saw it, his blood started to boil and his face flushed.

"What, two of them!"

Zhang Huaiyi also planned to take a look. Suddenly, he heard a noise coming from outside and looked out the window of the tailor shop.

Under the huge billboard at the entrance of the Pig Cage Walled City, thugs dressed in black and armed with firearms emerged from all corners of the alley. They stood densely at the entrance of the Pig Cage Walled City with solemn expressions on their faces.

"This is a member of the Caoqing Gang..."

Zhang Huaiyi was stunned. He and Tian Jinzhong arrived late. Although they did not see Yongxin besieging Fengming Tower, they could guess what they had said before.

The Caoqing Gang's men rushed into the Zhulong City Walled City like a black cloud, and their murderous look frightened everyone.

The folk customs of the aboriginal people in Zhulong City are very tough, and ordinary gangsters would not dare to blackmail them, but when faced with the Cao Qing Gang armed with muskets, they still gave in.

When the tenant woman upstairs saw this scene, she closed the window and went directly to bed, wrapped in a thick quilt, out of sight and out of mind.

The charterer lying dead downstairs still maintained the same posture as before. He pulled the surrounding soil with his hands and buried himself in it like an ostrich.

Many of the other people in the Pig Cage Walled City were rescued by Lu Jin and others from the human trafficking business.

When they saw the people from the Caoqing Gang, their previous tragic experiences came to mind, and they immediately behaved in different ways. Some people hugged each other and cried, some knelt down and begged for mercy, and some were climbing over the wall to escape...

However, the escapees were driven back in embarrassment after only a few steps. It turned out that the Caoqing Gang had already surrounded the place, and they could not escape.

At this time, someone bravely went over and said, "Brother, big brother, big brother, is there any misunderstanding in this?"

"Fuck you, there's no misunderstanding!"

The leader of the gold medal thug slapped the man down. Seeing the chaos, he raised his gun and fired a warning shot into the sky.

As soon as his gunshot rang out, the thugs behind him all pointed their guns at the people in the walled city.

"Don't move, anyone who moves will be beaten to death!"

Everyone's color suddenly changed, and the noisy scene instantly became audible.

An old man in the walled city was sweating profusely. He crawled to the Caoqing Gang thugs and said quickly:

"Don't shoot, don't shoot, we are willing to cooperate, we are willing to cooperate!"

The gold-medal thug of the Caoqing Gang was wearing a suit, his hair was combed into oil, and he had a golden flower on his chest. He held a rifle in his hand and said with a smile:

"There is a madman who offended our eldest brother and ran away. He said he was hiding in your city. Call everyone out and gather in the square. I will count them. If there are none, I will let you go back! "

In fact, he had no intention of letting anyone go. Huo Tianhong's order to him was to kill everyone here without leaving any one behind.

Considering that there were too many people living here, the scene would be too chaotic if he took action directly, so he casually gave a reason and asked the people here to line up and stand in line, so that it would be easier to deal with.

After the killing, burn it on fire, and then you can buy a newspaper and report that the slums were on fire, the pig cage walled city was burned to the ground, and a large number of refugees from other places were burned to death.

This is not a concession, it is a territory under the jurisdiction of warlords. The warlords patrol and patrol are all their people. Isn't it up to them to decide how to deal with it?

Even if things get serious and the public's anger persists, just find a few random people to be the scapegoats. This is how it is in this era.

Soon, a large number of residents gathered in the square in the middle of the walled city.

Some of the others who were hiding in the house were also dragged out by the thugs who rushed in.

In the tailor shop, Uncle Sheng had hid in the corner, shivering, whimpering, but his eyes would glance at the dense iron rings on the clothes drying pole from time to time.

The thug who rushed in was knocked unconscious by Zhang Huaiyi.

Ignoring the contents on the yin and yang paper, Zhang Huaiyi looked outside. As more and more people came to the square, the Caoqing Gang brought buckets of gasoline to pour on the houses.

Zhang Huaiyi's expression changed. The houses here were densely packed, and he was afraid that they would be burned down in an instant. In a daze, the past came to his mind.

He originally came from a wealthy family, but because he didn't know how to hide his wealth and not reveal his wealth, he attracted thieves, his whole family was killed, and his house was burned to the ground. Father, mother, grandparents, were you as helpless as they were at that time?

Thinking of this, Zhang Huaiyi felt an indescribable throbbing pain in his heart.

When they saw the Caoqing Gang bringing out gasoline, people in the square realized in horror that something was wrong and began to resist.

But the people from the Caoqing Gang didn't care at all. Since everyone was almost gathered, let's just take action!

A bunch of thugs fired with expressionless faces.

In the crowd, the strong man who had been carrying sandbags and doing hard labor shrank his eyes suddenly.

Such fierce firepower, let alone his elastic legs, even if the iron legs floated on the water, he couldn't dodge it!

But it's not his style to sit back and wait for death, so he must strike back violently.

Suddenly, a short Taoist priest appeared in his field of vision and slowly walked forward.

Behind him, Tian Jinzhong saw Zhang Huaiyi approaching and hurriedly tried to follow him, but was caught by Wang Ai.

"Fuck, Big Ear doesn't act according to his eyes. He's going to show off his power. Come on, follow him and find a way to show our teachings!"

Wang Ai stuffed the yin and yang paper into Tian Jinzhong's hand and ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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