Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 416: Sharp blade in hand, punishing 8 parties

Chapter 416: Sharp blade in hand, punishing all directions

Wang Ai pushed the yin and yang paper to Tian Jinzhong and encouraged him to get on it quickly.

Tian Jinzhong looked at the yin and yang paper in his hand and pushed Wang Ai hard:

"Fat man, you still say you are a bishop or a patriarch. You are not a patriarch just hiding behind and cowering. Come on, too!"

Wang Ai was pushed out of the tailor shop in a panic. Unlike Zhang Huaiyi and Tian Jinzhong, he was protected by a golden light spell. There were so many guns in front of him. What if someone fired a cold shot?

The Grandpa once said that a gentleman does not build dangerous walls... Wang Ai immediately wanted to retreat, but as soon as he took a step forward, he saw a pair of expectant eyes.

These looks came from the residents in the square, many of whom had been rescued from the human trafficking business in the past few days.

Lu Jin and the other three were responsible for rescuing them, while Wang Ai was responsible for dealing with the aftermath, providing them with relief and arranging accommodation...

It can be said that Wang Ai and the others are the light of salvation in these people's dark lives.

Therefore, they respected Wang Ai very much. Even though Wang Ai was a fat little man who looked unattractive, he was still very tall in their eyes.

This fat little man with a tall image is said to be the bishop of the Tiantong Church, and the few people who saved them are the protectors of the Tiantong Church.

The reason why they were saved was to uphold the will of Master Tiantong. As long as they believed in Master Tiantong, they would be out of the sea of ​​suffering.

Although they don't quite understand what the Tiantong Church is, nor do they understand the existence of the Tiantong Leader? What to do again.

But the other party not only saved them, but also provided shelter to them who were homeless. I guess it was a good church, and the leader of the church that day was also a good god.

But now, the Caoqing Gang is here again, and they are in a desperate situation again.

But just when they were desperate, Wang Ai suddenly appeared.

In their eyes, there was a light called hope again.

As Wang Ai watched, his heart suddenly sank. He remembered what Senior Brother Zhang said before, the feeling of carrying a heavy burden on one's shoulders, like a thousand or ten thousand people, all eagerly awaiting every word that Qian said.

There were far fewer than tens of millions of people present, but he still felt like his shoulders were heavy.

"Fuck, do it!"

Wang Ai took out a few scrolls and ran forward.

At the same time, Zhang Huaiyi's eyes glowed with golden light, pushing a golden light curtain towards the Caoqing Gang's thugs.

In the crowd, a few people moved slightly. The Zhulong City Walled City, in a sense, was also called the Zhulong City Walled City, and there were several good players in it.

The person's name, the shadow of the tree, and the moment they saw the golden light, they guessed Zhang Huaiyi's identity, the Golden Light Curse, the Taoist priest of Longhu Mountain.

However, even the golden light spell couldn't block the salvos of so many guns, but it might be able to block them for a while... they thought to themselves, and at the same time they were prepared.

In fact, if these people are given enough space and obstacles to cover, with their strength, it is not difficult to deal with these Cao Qing Gang thugs.

But this is a square, there is no cover, and the opponent is coming menacingly, with hundreds of guns, so even they don't dare to act rashly.

As mentioned before, times have changed. Without strong means of protection, there is no difference between strangers and ordinary people in front of firearms.

The people in the Caoqing Gang did not take Zhang Huaiyi, a humble-looking dwarf, seriously.

"Niubi, times have changed!"

The gold-medal thug gave the order, and the thugs behind him all pulled the trigger. The firing pin of the gun hit the primer, and powerful kinetic energy exploded from the chamber, pushing the bullet to fly out at high speed.

Without too much nonsense, the murderous intention came suddenly, so quickly.

As soon as the gunfire rang out, those people stood up suddenly. Just as they were about to evacuate the crowd, they heard the low whistle of gold and iron coming one after another.

Dense sparks bloomed like rain in front of the golden light, and the scene was as gorgeous as the "iron flowers" in the Henan-Shanxi region.

But when these sparks splashed, they touched the gasoline that the Caoqing Gang had just poured.

Suddenly, the walled city burst into flames.

The fire formed a blazing line of fire all around, like a picturesque prison, surrounding the people in the square. Disturbed by the fire, the people inside could not see the scene outside clearly. In addition, the sound of gunshots was as dense as rain, and everyone looked panicked and sharp. There were constant shouts and cries.

Zhang Huaiyi had no intention of caring about all this. He only had eyes for those Cao Qing Gang thugs who were laughing ferociously.

Zhang Huaiyi is different from Zhang Zhiwei, who likes to walk slowly and oppressively through the hail of bullets.

Almost as soon as he blocked a wave of attacks, Zhang Huaiyi started to move.

The golden light transformed into Qi, covering his whole body, and turned into a golden knife in his right hand. He rushed into the crowd of Cao Qing Gang and started killing in all directions.

Seeing Zhang Huaiyi take action, several experts in the Pig Cage Walled City hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to wait and see what happens. After all, they came here to live in seclusion.

At this moment, a touch of painting broke through the line of fire. Surrounded by ink and ink, Wang Ai broke into the ring of fire, waving his hands and shouting loudly:

"Don't panic, everyone. I will handle this matter. Just wait where you are. I am the bishop of Tiantong Church. You are the believers protected by Tiantong Church. I will not let them hurt you!"

Wang Ai is quite prestigious, but now that the fire is raging, his empty words are really difficult to convince the crowd. The desperate and crying crowd intensifies, crowding together to avoid the fire.

A few women with weak bodies stumbled and fell in the crowd. Naturally, no one was there to help them. When a stampede was about to happen, a golden light came from the ground and lifted them up.

Not only that, the golden light also rose from the edge of the fire line, forming a protective shield like an egg shell, protecting the people inside from the flames.

This is Tian Jinzhong's move. After following Zhang Zhiwei for so long, his golden light has reached the stage where it can take the form of energy, but it is not strong enough. It is a bit difficult for him to use the golden light to resist a large number of firearms attacks like Zhang Huaiyi, but Just use it as a heat shield, that's simple enough.

The scorching heat disappeared, and everyone looked in disbelief as they looked at the golden light shield rising around them.

Ordinary people cannot see the Qi of aliens, but they can see the means made of Qi, such as golden light and lightning.

When Wang Ai saw this scene, he was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly got excited and said loudly:

"Everyone, don't panic. It's Master Tiantong who has appeared. Master Tiantong will not allow his followers to be harmed by evil forces. You see, they are the protectors under Master Tiantong!"

Everyone looked in the direction pointed by Wang Ai.

I saw the flames flickering, reflecting the silhouettes of people, and a golden figure was vaguely visible, holding a golden knife, shuttled among the figures.

From time to time, you can still see blood-stained heads rolling into the line of fire. This scene gives people a weird feeling like watching a shadow puppet show.

"Look, this is really the head of a Cao Qing Gang thug. That golden figure is really a god descending from heaven!"

"Dharma protector, help me, Lord Tiantong, help me!" someone in the crowd shouted.

Wang Ai said: "Don't worry, Tiantong Church will naturally protect the safety of believers in the church!"

“So what should those of us who are not part of the church do?”

Someone noticed the blind spot in Wang Ai's words and said cautiously.

Wang Ai said: "The teachings of our Tiantong Church are light and justice. Even if they are not, it doesn't matter. Just read the teachings with me!"

"What is the doctrine?" someone asked in a panic.

"Then everyone read after me!" Wang Ai said solemnly, "The desire for justice goes straight to the sky, and the leader of Tiantong is here to answer the call!"

Although everyone was a little puzzled, they still chanted: "The desire for justice goes straight to the sky, and the leader of Tiantong comes in response!" Wang Ai continued: "With justice as the basis, step into this world, so that all living beings will no longer suffer. Containment of darkness and evil!”

Everyone continued to chant: "By justice..."

"Master Tiantong was born in the lightning that punishes sinners. Only innocent people can be forgiven. Let the lightning run!"

While reciting, Wang Ai winked at Tian Jinzhong next to him.

Tian Jinzhong blinked innocently. He didn't know how to deal with thunder, so he could only echo:

"Let the lightning run!"

Then even louder: "Run forward!!"

As if in response to his voice, dazzling silver lightning shot up.

The people in the line of fire couldn't see clearly the specific movements outside, but they could see the blazing lightning clearly.

Thunder has always had a special significance in our country's culture. It is one of God's means of punishing evildoers. Therefore, it has been said since ancient times that people who do bad things will be struck by lightning.

Now that lightning struck the people of the Caoqing Gang, everyone said in their hearts that the sky has eyes, this is the Lord God appearing, ah no, it is the Lord Tiantong showing his spirit.

Immediately, a group of people chanted more devoutly:

"Master Tiantong was born in the lightning that punishes sinners. Only innocent people can be forgiven. Let the lightning run!"

For a moment, the lightning outside became more violent.

Of course, there are also sober people in the crowd.

The strong man who worked as a coolie before looked at Zhang Huaiyi outside the line of fire with a shocked expression.

He naturally knew that the lightning was not caused by the coming of the Tiantong Cult Master, but by this little Taoist priest with big ears.

Dignified and bright, open and closed, powerful and powerful, this kind of power is the Five Thunder Zhengfa of Longhu Mountain. It is said that the Five Thunder Zhengfa is only taught to high-level practitioners and disciples with fake surnames. With the age of this little Taoist priest, it is impossible for him to be a big Taoist priest. High skill, that is to say, the person coming is very likely to be the future heavenly master... He thought in shock.

Not only him, but also the charterer who buried his head in the soil to pretend to be an ostrich, and the charterwoman who sealed herself in the quilt, all looked over quietly.

Zhang Huaiyi, who was in the midst of a fierce battle, ignored these glances. With golden light and lightning on his body, he rushed into the dark mass of thugs.

According to his usual personality of hiding his clumsiness, he had no intention of using thunder to deal with these people.

But who made Wang Ai and Tian Jinzhong keep shouting, "Let the lightning run, let it run."

Helpless, he could only use thunder method to cooperate.

Golden light and lightning intertwined, Zhang Huaiyi harvested the Cao Qing Gang's thugs with ease.

At the same time, the sounds behind him were getting louder and louder.

"Thunder is both a beacon that leads the way and a spring of purification!"

"Only justice can embark on the path of immortal light. The eternal and immortal Tiantong leader can take me away from the sinking of the mortal world!"

The chanting was loud and overlapping.

This is the result of many people reciting it together. The style is very solemn and has an unquestionable feeling.

Zhang Huaiyi took a deep breath and glanced at the yin and yang paper he got from Wang Ai earlier. It said that he should cooperate and not end the battle before the teachings were finished.

"Okay, who let me board the pirate ship, but I have to pay more afterwards!"

Zhang Huaiyi was wrapped in lightning, and his voice was huge but still. He rushed into the crowd, raised his golden sword, and slashed it from the forehead of a big hand, like a hot knife cutting butter, all the way to his chest.

Zhang Huaiyi showed no mercy to these warlord lackeys and evil forces. His family was harmed by such people.

Blood splattered and screams could be heard, but the chanting from the ring of fire was even louder.

"The leader of Tiantong whom I worship will pull out the darkness with the thunder of justice, and in the name of God, witness the supreme thunder!"

Zhang Huaiyi's temples jumped as he heard this, and with his excitement, the silver lightning on his body began to dance wildly, whipping around like a whip.

The thugs were frightened and ran outside the walled city like crazy.

"Those who are unjust will be struck by thunder from heaven!"

Everyone behind them sang together.

Zhang Huaiyi raised his right hand high, and a thunderbolt flew out from his palm and struck one of them.

Blazing lightning penetrated the whole body, and the man's clothes and flesh were quickly carbonized. He just ran forward a few steps with inertia, then fell to the ground and turned into a charred corpse.

"The fallen are unforgivable!"

Zhang Huaiyi struck another thunderbolt from his palm, smashing a thug's head into pieces.

"There is no mercy for those who are disobedient!"

Zhang Huaiyi slapped his palm on the ground, and lightning traveled close to the ground, rising up from the ground at the entrance of the Pig Cage Walled City, forming a portal, blocking the thugs from escaping.

"Despicable people deserve the death penalty!"

With their retreat blocked, the remaining thugs were like trapped animals struggling to their death, shooting wildly at Zhang Huaiyi behind him.

"Since Lord Tiantong is light and justice, all darkness and evil will be defeated in front of his thunder. The road to justice will be opened from here, and now it will be judged by thunder!"

As soon as the thugs fired, Zhang Huaiyi rushed over. Lightning burst and electric current danced wildly. The thugs were so shocked that they could hardly hold the gun.

"The sharpness of thousands of blades, the fury of thunder..."


"Be saved in the light!"

"With the sharp blade in hand, we can punish all directions!"

The chanting behind me slowly became quieter!

Zhang Huaiyi took a deep breath, the golden light flashed violently, and the lightning blasted out scorched black marks on the ground.

In one breath, he burst out with intense lightning, finishing off the remaining people in an instant.

Then it soared backwards like a bird, and finally landed on the eaves surrounded by flames in an extremely elegant manner.

Immediately afterwards, Tian Jinzhong controlled the golden light and spread it out like mercury, extinguishing the flame in an instant.

The line of fire disappeared, and when the people inside saw the corpses of Cao Qing Gang thugs scattered in the yard, they suddenly looked pious and shouted that Master Tiantong is on top.

(End of this chapter)

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