Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 434: One person and the first stubborn species? Various dissatisfaction with the dictatorshi

Chapter 434: The most stubborn person? Various dissatisfaction with the dictatorship

In the inn, everyone stared blankly at the tall figure standing at the door. They felt a majestic and terrifying aura, which made it difficult for them to breathe.

They were all young talents. They were used to meeting their elders, but they had never felt such strong pressure. It was as if they were facing a natural disaster like a landslide and tsunami.

Zhang Zhiwei also discovered this and immediately restrained his energy.

The human body has a magnetic field. The stronger the vitality, the stronger the magnetic field. Generally, when people practice Qi, Qi is the most powerful thing, not the body and soul, so their magnetic field is not strong.

But Zhang Zhiwei was different. Not only was he strong, his soul and body were stronger, so his magnetic field was almost crushing when compared to other people's magnetic fields. This made everyone in the room stunned.

This kind of situation also happened to Xu Xin and Dong Chang of the Tang Sect when they saw Wu Gensheng for the first time. They both felt that Wu Gensheng was standing tall, but then he restrained himself. His eyes turned into a playful and smiling person.

As for Lu Ci and others... after riding the train with Zhang Zhiwei for several days, they are already used to it.

Now that Zhang Zhiwei has restrained his energy, everyone in the hall suddenly relaxed and fell together, feeling a little unreal, as if what he just felt was just an illusion.

But Li Muxuan was different. His feelings were deeper than those of everyone present, and he could understand Zhang Zhiwei's horror better.

The function of "human magnetism" is to construct a "magnetic field" in the outside world and control the direction of the force in the "magnetic field". Within this "magnetic field", the direction of any force can be reversed at will, which is " The origin of the name of the Kung Fu "Reverse All Directions".

"But isn't it said that the Niubi of the Quanzhen Sect are all immortals? Why does this person look like he has no immortality at all, but looks like a reckless person? In terms of image, he is not even half a point longer than Zuo Men, but..."

"Hou Ling of Qingzhuyuan, meet the Little Heavenly Master!"

Li Muxuan had heard about Lu Jin being slapped and cried, and he also knew that there were many good people with good reputations, but he had never seen it, so he naturally didn't know.

Then, he saw the ridiculous guy in red clothes with two braids on his head who looked like Nezha rushing to the door, saying something like, "Senior Brother Zhang, meet Senior Brother Zhang." Class words.

It's not that he has a deep vision, but because the skills he learned are special. His master is the omnipotent Ghost Hand King, and he practices "reversing the eight directions". This ability was later called "human magnetism" ".

At this time, Li Muxuan thought of the ferocious and twisted look Zuo Ruotong left on him on the day he broke up with Zuo Ruotong, and suddenly felt that the old monster in front of him and Zuo Ruotong were the same.

"Maybe this old weirdo's appearance is real, and the immortal spirit of the left gate leader is just an act!" He thought sourly in his heart.

"Qingzhuyuan Ruan Tao, pay homage to the Little Heavenly Master!"

Even Ruan Tao from Qingzhu Garden, who was condescending and preaching to him, walked over with his junior brothers and sisters, held his hands, and shouted respectfully:

With Gao Gen taking the lead, the young talents around him came forward one after another to pay their respects, including those who had previously questioned the reputation of the Little Heavenly Master.

In short, "Human Magnetism" plays with magnetic fields. The moment Zhang Zhiwei came in, Li Muxuan noticed his magnetic field. It was an unshakable feeling like a mountain.

This scene made him stunned and shocked, "Little Celestial Master? What?! This tall old monster in front of him is actually the Little Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain? Isn't the Little Celestial Master a young talent? No. Is he about the same age as me? But why does he have such a strong magnetic field? If he is not an old monster, why is his cultivation so terrifying? "

But then, he was stunned, because he saw a big man who had come to break up the fight before, walked up to the old monster, folded his hands and said:
"Yi Qi Men Gao Gen, pay homage to the Little Heavenly Master!"

Then, Li Muxuan saw the old monster walking into the lobby from the door. Under the lights in the lobby, he saw the old monster's face clearly. He was stunned. This old monster was so tall, and he was a little too young. , could it be that there is a skill in maintaining appearance?

Li Muxuan had a clear understanding that if he used "Human Magnetism" on this person, it would only shake the tree like a mayfly and would not have any effect at all, and it might even be backfired.

"Senior? As I expected, this is an old monster. However, why did that 'Nezha' call him Senior Brother Zhang? Is there something wrong with his brain? Are you calling him a random name because of the old monster's name? Senior Brother Zhang?" He continued to speculate in his mind.

He couldn't help but think of Zuo Ruotong, the head of Trinity Gate. Even though he was in his sixties, he looked like a young man in his twenties.

"The Quanzhen Sect is the same as the Trinity Sect. The purpose of cultivation is to achieve enlightenment and become an immortal. Is this old weirdo in the same situation as the Zuo Sect leader?"

"What a natural disaster. What kind of old monster is this? Among the people who entered the restaurant just now, there were two bull-nosed men in Taoist robes. Could they be old monsters from the Quanzhen Sect?" Li Muxuan secretly speculated in his heart.


He always thought, no matter how powerful this little heavenly master is, he is not bad at all, right? Since learning the art, let alone defeat, I have never suffered even the slightest loss.

He even held his breath in his heart and wanted to go meet the little heavenly master for a while, and wanted to prove to Zuo Ruotong that he made a wrong decision in choosing Lu Jin.

Even though his skills are not as good as Lu Jin's, his strength is still better than Lu Jin's.

Even if I were to learn skills from a Quanxing Yaoren, I would not be like what they said: if you are close to vermillion, you will be red, if you are close to ink, you will be black, and the world will be easily stained, but he, Li Muxuan, is different!

But at this moment, after seeing the legendary Little Heavenly Master with his own eyes and getting a glimpse of him, Li Muxuan felt a deep sense of fear and knew what unfathomable means.

Speaking of which, this is the first time he has had this feeling. He has been a child prodigy since he was a child. He can learn everything one step ahead of others. He can understand human nature and make himself like others.

Therefore, since he was a child, except for the fact that he failed to become a member of the Trinity Sect, he could not get anything he wanted.

He was confident that he was different from other ordinary people, so he was able to master the magic trick of reversing all directions to the point where even those noble families could not defeat him.

But today, in the Yinghe Tower, he suffered setbacks one after another. Not only did he experience his first defeat in his life, he was also humiliated by others. Now he has seen the top experts of the younger generation.

He suddenly felt that it was not embarrassing for Lu Jin to be slapped and cried by this person. If he went up to it, he would probably not be much better.

The pride of the past was gone. For a moment, he felt a little ashamed of himself. He couldn't help but think in his heart that Longhu Mountain and Trinity Sect were both top sects in the alien world. This little Celestial Master was a direct disciple of Longhu Mountain Celestial Master...

If Zuo Ruotong had accepted him and learned the third level of rebirth, would he have been as successful as the little heavenly master in front of him? Instead of being stepped on by others like now?
Li Muxuan was worried about gains and losses.

But no one paid any attention to him.

The eyes of everyone present were focused on Zhang Zhiwei.

Zhang Zhiwei hugged the people around him who came to greet him, then patted Fengping on the shoulder and said with a smile:
"Brother Fengping, farewell to Changbai Mountain. Long time no see. Why are you in Fujian?"

"I came to Trinity Gate with my master to visit Chief Zuo. The elders were talking, so I went out to have some fun. By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, are you also here to make friends with Taoist people? Come on, Let me introduce to you, this is Gao Gen, who is a member of the Qi family, and he is also a chivalrous person. He admires you very much!"

Fengping pulled the somewhat reserved Gao Gen next to him and said.

"Since little brother Fengping said that he is chivalrous, it must be true!" Zhang Zhiwei nodded to Gao Gen, "It's our first time meeting you. I'm glad to meet you!"

In fact, when Gao Gen came to visit him before, he had noticed him. After all, he was one of the thirty-six thieves.

"Little Heavenly Master is so polite!" Gao Gen said with a smile: "Actually, this is my second time meeting Little Heavenly Master."

"Really? When have we met?" Zhang Zhiwei asked in surprise.

"When I was in Liaodong, I went to Changbai Mountain with my family and admired the power of the Little Heavenly Master, but it was not very impressive!" Gao Gen said with a smile.

With the family? Zhang Zhiwei asked: "Are you from the Gao family?" Gao Gen nodded and said: "Among the four families, our Gao family, like the Lu family, has no means of family inheritance and needs to join other sects to practice. The one I joined is one. Valve!”

"That's it!" Zhang Zhiwei nodded and said with a smile: "Lao Lu, Dabi, and Erbi are all descendants of the same four families. Don't you know each other?"

"Although the four families share the same spirit, they have many children. It is normal for some of them not to know each other. It is not too late to get to know each other. Brother Gao, I am glad to meet you!"

Lu Ren and the three of them clasped their hands and said.

Gao Gen quickly returned the gift, and then several people started talking enthusiastically.

At this time, Fengping noticed Tian Jinzhong and Zhang Huaiyi beside Zhang Zhiwei and asked quickly:
"Senior Brother Zhang, who are these two?"

"My junior brothers, Zhang Huaiyi and Tian Jinzhong!" Zhang Zhiwei introduced.

"Senior Brother Zhang's junior brother, isn't that my... senior brother?" Feng Ping greeted him enthusiastically.

Senior brother? Zhang Huaiyi and Tian Jinzhong were stunned for a moment and responded enthusiastically. They did not expect that Zhang Zhiwei not only had a high reputation in Longhu Mountain, but also at the foot of the mountain.

After getting acquainted for a few words, Tian Jinzhong asked curiously: "By the way, Brother Fengping, how come you call my senior brother both senior brother and senior?"

Feng Ping explained with a smile: "Back in the Lu Family Courtyard, Lu Ci and I were frustrated in the competition. Afterwards, Senior Brother Zhang gave me some pointers. At that time, I thought he was a senior, but later I found out that he was a Senior Brother, so I simply I call you Senior Brother Zhang, because of his identity as a Senior Brother and his strength as a Senior!"

"That's it!" Tian Jinzhong nodded, feeling that this title was very reasonable.

At this time, the little flat-headed Hou Ling from Qingzhuyuan seemed to be left out when he saw his senior brother coming to pay homage to the Little Heavenly Master.

The little Heavenly Master didn't pay much attention to him. Instead, he chatted happily with several others. He squeezed in front of Zhang Zhiwei, pointed to Ruan Tao beside him and said.

"Little Heavenly Master, our senior brother Ruan Tao from Qingzhuyuan also wants to make friends with you!"

Hearing this, Zhang Zhiwei looked at the little crew chief in front of him and noticed a blood stain on his face. He then looked at Ruan Tao next to him and found that they were all a little embarrassed, so he asked what happened?

The little flat-headed Hou Ling was at a loss for words. After all, three against one, he really couldn't speak. He hesitated a few words and said that they had just taught a lesson to a full-blooded monster.

Ruan Tao's expression changed, and he stepped forward to explain that although Li Muxuan was about to become Quanxing, wasn't it not yet? Now he can only be regarded as the apprentice of a full-blooded demon.

However, Fengping was one step ahead of him and explained to Zhang Zhiwei the ins and outs of the matter.

"Quanxing Yaoren's apprentice, but not Quanxing. Because of a quarrel, he was beaten three times to one. Now he is angry and wants to join Quanxing to see if everyone dares to kill him!" Zhang Zhiwei listened to Fengping's explanation. , clarifying the ins and outs of the matter.

In fact, he knew about Li Muxuan. In the plot of Nathan's Island, he used many hot weapons of Inversion Bafang to show his face severely.

Moreover, this person seemed to have something to do with the death of Zuo Ruotong and the destruction of the Trinity Sect. The elderly Lu Jin wanted to peel off his skin and bones.

However, at that time, he was an old Quan Xing, but now, he has not yet become Quan Xing, which means that everything has not started yet...

If this person did not become the perfect person, would Wugensheng not lead him to break into the Trinity Gate, and nothing would happen to the leader of the Left Gate? Zhang Zhiwei thought.

Although he only had a one-time relationship with Zuo Ruotong, he could still see the virtue of Zuo Menzhang. He would never be angry to death like Quan Xing Yuan Tao later said. There must be another reason.

As for the reason, he was not curious, but if it could be changed, he wouldn't mind doing it. After all, Zuo Ruotong was his master's friend and his friend's master.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhiwei looked at Li Muxuan, who fell to the ground and couldn't move after being hit by Qingzhuyuan's trick - Wu Dou Jie Bao.

Zhang Zhiwei was the focus of the audience. He looked at Li Muxuan, and everyone's eyes returned to Li Muxuan.

At this time, Lu Jin, who had been chatting with Gao Gen, also saw Li Muxuan.

He was stunned for a moment, seeming to recall the scene of living in the lower courtyard when they were apprentices to the Trinity School together.

At that time, he arrived at Trinity Gate a few days earlier than Li Muxuan. Li Muxuan called him Senior Brother Lu, but he said that since he had not entered the door, he did not need to call him brother. Meeting was fate and we all called him brothers. From then on, Li Muxuan called him Xiao Lu. His name was Brother Li Muxuan, and they had spent time together day and night.

The feelings between children are very pure. Over the years, although they have not seen each other again, Lu Jin has always regarded Li Muxuan as a friend. Seeing Li Muxuan in such a mess, she called out "Brother Li" and immediately went to help him up. .

But when he called Brother Li, he immediately broke Li Muxuan's defense, and he said with eyes about to burst:
"Who is your brother Li? Do you want me to pity you? Do you want to pity me and spare me just because I am not Quanxing? Then if I were Quanxing, wouldn't you plan to let me go today? In that case... …”

Everyone's expressions changed. They were interrupted just now. Are you coming now?
Li Muxuan originally wanted to say that he would become Quanxing for everyone to see.

But as he spoke, he caught Zhang Zhiwei's eyes.

Because he fell to the ground, he was looking up at Zhang Zhiwei.

Looking at each other from this angle, he felt that Zhang Zhiwei's squinted eyes did not bring any light.

That penetrating gaze fell on him, like an invisible black hand, holding every inch of him from head to toe. The slow tightening made him almost breathless.

"In that case, eat two more bowls of rice!"

Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand and untied the five buckets of jiebao from Li Muxuan's body, and said calmly: "Sit back!"

Li Muxuan was stunned for a moment, hooked his middle finger, and found that he could move. He stood up "swiftly" and snorted coldly. He subconsciously wanted to say a few harsh words, but when the words came to his mouth, they turned into:
"Sit back, sit back!"

At this moment, even though he felt a thousand ways to be unwilling, he chose to follow his heart and sat back at the wine table in an angry manner like a little daughter-in-law.

This scene, if known to people familiar with it, would definitely be shocking.

As the most stubborn person in a person, he is mainly rebellious and can't bear the slightest anger.

Back then, Zuo Ruotong ordered him to go back with him. Even though he wanted to go with Zuo Ruotong, he couldn't get angry, so he became a disciple of the Ghost Hand King.

It was something that even Zuo Menzhang couldn't do, but today, Zhang Zhiwei did it easily.

The reason for this is not because Zhang Zhiwei is much better than Zuo Men Zhang, but because Zuo Men Zhang has a good temper and gives him a chance to be arrogant, so he dares to contradict without restraint.

But Zhang Zhiwei's big slap was really cruel. He was frightened by Zhang Zhiwei's human magnetic field and gaze.

He had a feeling that if he dared to fight back, something terrible would happen, so even though Zhang Zhiwei's tone was harsh and he didn't give him a step to step down, he gave in and jumped down obediently.

In fact, his feeling was correct. If he was really stubborn and insisted on claiming to be Quanxing, Zhang Zhiwei would not mind slapping him to death.

(End of this chapter)

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