Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 435: The girl who was injured by the left door, the Ghost Hand King attacks

Chapter 435: The girl who was injured by the left door, the Ghost Hand King attacks

Zhang Zhiwei’s understanding of the plot only goes as far as the Nathan Island chapter. He doesn’t know much about Li Muxuan, except that he is a stubborn person.

Just now he was still thinking that if this man didn't know how to lift, then he also knew a little bit about fists and kicks.

But I didn't expect this stubborn guy to just snort and sit back to drink.

"You should be more stubborn as you get older. When you were young, you were not very stubborn. Isn't this very obedient?" Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself.

But Zhang Zhiwei had no objection, but the little fan Lu Ci was a little dissatisfied. He felt that Li Muxuan had a bad attitude in front of Senior Brother Zhang, so he immediately rolled up his sleeves and wanted to go up and fuck him.

"That little bastard, Senior Brother Zhang helped him out. He was still grumbling and seemed quite unconvinced. I'm going to clean him up and let him know what it means to be a man of high heaven and earth!"

Lu Jin quickly stopped him. Li Muxuan was his childhood playmate, and his mood was a little not right now. He couldn't let Lu Ci, a troublemaker, interfere with it.

Lu Ci saw that Zhang Zhiwei didn't pursue the matter, and for the sake of Lu Jin's friend, he didn't bother Li Muxuan.

Lu Jin breathed a sigh of relief, walked to Li Muxuan who was drinking in the corner, and said, "Brother Li, we said goodbye back then, it's been a long time!"

Therefore, for so many years, he has not joined the idea of ​​​​quanxing, and has even been doing chivalry, fighting injustice, and doing things like a noble family.

If it were Tang Bingwen, the head of the Tang clan, he would definitely be able to polish Li Muxuan well.

Just like in the plot, Zuo Ruotong tried to persuade him to go back, but not only did he not go back, he even said bad words.

First, Lu Ci was brought to the point of death, and then he could be reasoned with. Therefore, Lu Ci admired the head of the Tang clan.

Li Muxuan drank alone and ignored Lu Jin.

He really wanted to integrate into this circle, but he couldn't lose face and hide his inheritance.

He has been following the Ghost Hand King and Quan Xing for many years, so he naturally knows the virtues of Quan Xing's people, and saying that they are like snakes and rats is a compliment.

Moreover, even after knowing that these righteous people did not want to see him, he still came to Yinghe Tower shamelessly.

If Zuo Ruotong, like the head of the Tang family, had not reasoned with Li Muxuan, a little kid who had no three views, but had just slapped the Ghost Hand King away with his palm, taken him back and whipped him, and then explained the truth to him, he would He is already Lu Jin's junior brother.

Zhang Zhiwei's actions just now did not give Li Muxuan face, but he forced Li Muxuan to make a choice that was in line with his wishes.

As for the reason why Zhang Zhiwei's words are more effective than Zuo Ruotong's and can overcome Li Muxuan's stubborn temper, it is mainly because Zhang Zhiwei "has some skills in fists and kicks."

The reason why he is so inconsistent is because when he said he wanted to join Quanxing just now, it was really just a matter of anger. He had no intention of joining Quanxing at all.

For the first time in his life, he was forced to make a choice. He was angry and angry now, and he was ashamed on the face, but strangely, he was secretly relieved and a little happy in his heart.

He was determined to enter the righteous path, but because a few people in the righteous path laughed at him, he became angry and did something against his will to enter the perfect nature.

Simply reasoning with such a person will not make sense.

But Zuo Ruotong was in full state, and if he was asked to go down, he wouldn't even dare to let out a fart, so he just let out a groan and went down.

Chief Tang even did the same to Xu Xin who had made a mistake. He would not say any nonsense, but would take him away first and beat him half to death. After the beating, he would be able to reason with him later.

This can be seen from the fact that Lu Ci, the head of the Tang family, was more crazy and difficult to teach than Li Muxuan.

He wanted to enter the Trinity Gate, but the Zuo Gate yelled at him. He was so angry that he did something against his will and followed the Ghost Hand King.

Li Muxuan is actually very stubborn and contradictory.

As for Zuo Ruotong, the only difference is that he likes to be reasonable too much and thinks that others can be just as reasonable as him.

At this moment, if Zhang Zhiwei came to talk to him, he would still reply even if he didn't want to, but it was Lu Jin who came...

Huh, a guy who cried after being slapped, what the hell, I'm not happy right now, and I don't even want to care... Li Muchuan continued to drink the wine.

Lu Jin was not discouraged and continued: "Some time ago, at my great-grandfather's birthday party, I met Brother Liu Deshui, who we studied together in the House of Commons back then. He had changed so much that I didn't even recognize him at the time. I remembered it later. These little bits and pieces.”

"Later, I went back to Trinity Gate and chatted for a while with Senior Brother Dongshan who ran a school at the foot of the mountain. We talked about some past events. I asked Brother Dongshan if Brother Liu Deshui did not join our Trinity Gate and went to Yanwu. If you are practicing in the church, where did brother Li Muxuan go?"

"Senior Brother Dongshan sighed when he talked about you, saying that you had gone astray!"

Hearing that he was denied, Li Muxuan became angry and asked with a sneer: "Am I going astray?"

Lu Jin did not answer Li Muxuan's angry words and continued to talk to himself:

"Senior Brother Dongshan told me that when the master sent you to him, he said that you were extremely talented and liked to play, but you pretended to be clever and dishonest to yourself. This goes against the practice of the Trinity Sect, but you Your talent is so good that it would be a pity to let it go, so Master decided to spend more time cultivating you."

Chief Zuomen sent me to school to train me... Li Muxuan was shocked and a little unbelievable.

Lu Jin continued: "Senior Brother Dongshan is very knowledgeable, so Master asked him to teach you some knowledge, temper your temperament, and teach you some basic methods of the Trinity Sect to lay the foundation for your future practice."

This time, Li Muxuan did not interrupt Lu Jin, but listened quietly.

He didn't feel that Lu Jin was lying to him. The reason why he was valued by the Ghost Hand King in the first place and it was said that he turned around was because he saw through the Ghost Hand King's methods.

Why can you see through it?
It's because Teacher Dongshan has been teaching him cultivation knowledge and building a foundation for him. This is the same as what Lu Jin said.

Li Muxuan held the wine glass tremblingly, and couldn't help but think in his heart: "It turns out that the hateful-looking Zuomen Chief took such good care of me. Why didn't I notice? Didn't I react?!"

Lu Jin continued: "At that time, Master also told Senior Brother Dongshan that if you stop acting one day, inform him and he will take you over to train you personally."

"Moreover, Master has also made a three-year agreement with Senior Brother Dongshan. If you conscientiously build the foundation in the school for three years and do not act recklessly, even if you keep pretending and being dishonest to yourself, as long as you can pretend for three years, Master will I will accept you as my disciple and personally teach you the third level of rebirth."

"Master was really kind to you at that time, but it's a pity that in the end you actually followed the Quanxing Ghost Hand King. Afterwards, my master went to your father, hoping that you would return to the right path, but your father didn't listen to my master. of!"

"According to Senior Brother Dongshan, Master still has some regrets for you over the years. I think there is some misunderstanding about this matter, so I will say a few more words today. If you are interested, you can talk to Master!"

After Lu Jin finished speaking, he sighed deeply.

Li Muxuan was dumbfounded. The thing that he had been brooding about for so many years was just a joke? ! I changed my name and have always dreamed of joining the Trinity Sect.

It turns out that back then, as long as I stopped pretending and showed my true temperament, I could be admitted to the Trinity Sect.

It turns out that back then, as long as I pretended for three years, I could be admitted to the Trinity Sect.

In other words, Zuo Ruotong had already recognized himself as his apprentice, and he could have entered the Trinity Gate anyway.

But just when he had been pretending for two and a half years, he followed the Quanxing Ghost Hand King.

A person who travels a hundred miles is half a mile, how can he be so stupid?

I've been so smart all my life, why did I misunderstand what Master Zuomen meant?
Why do I think that everything Mr. Zuomen did was mocking and humiliating himself? Are you forcing yourself to admit that you are like a monkey imitating others?
Obviously he went to my father afterwards to try to redeem himself?

All kinds of memories from the past came to mind, and Li Muxuan felt so regretful that he burst into tears.

Lu Jin was also confused by this cry. After all, he was beaten by Senior Brother Zhang and cried. I didn't beat you, so why were you crying?
On the other side, Zhang Zhiwei, Lu Ci, and Lu Ren had already sat at the wine table and started eating.

Lu Ci noticed what was going on with Lu Jin and Li Muxuan, curled his lips, and sneered: "What's going on with Lao Lu? Why is that boy crying so sadly like an old lady who was hurt by a man?"

"Erbi, your description is quite appropriate!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

"Oh?!" Lu Ci was stunned, "I was just talking nonsense. Who hurt him, Lao Lu? Is Lao Lu a rabbit?"

Zhang Zhiwei knocked on the table with his hand: "It's the left door chief of Trinity Gate!"

Zhang Zhiwei was quite curious about Li Muxuan and the Trinity Sect, so he paid attention to the conversation between Lu Jin and Li Muxuan. Through Lu Jin's narration, he also got a little understanding of the grievances between Li Muxuan and the Trinity Sect.

"Is the left door leader a rabbit?" Lu Ci said subconsciously.

"..." Zhang Zhiwei was drinking wine and spat it out with a puff, "If your words get out, Mr. Zuomen will not deal with you, and Lao Lu will have to fight for you!"

Lu Ren quickly reached out and clamped Lu Ci's neck with his arms, warning: "If you dare to talk nonsense again, let alone other people, I will teach you a lesson!"

"I know, I know, it was just a mouthful, a slip of the tongue. Brother, please let go!" Lu Ci quickly patted Lu Ren's arm and said.

"It's good to know!" Lu Ren let go.

Feng Ping glanced at Lu Ci with some schadenfreude, and then said: "Senior Brother Zhang just talked about the Zuomen Chief and that Li Muxuan. What, are they related?"

"You've asked the right person!"

Zhang Zhiwei immediately talked about what he had just seen and heard. Everyone was stunned for a while, and it turned out that there was still this relationship.

"Zuo Menzhang is the best master in the world, and the third level of reverse rebirth is also the best method in the world. After learning two swords like Lao Lu's, he can fight me back and forth, which shows how powerful he is. However, this kid turned out to be short-sighted and neglected to learn the three levels of rebirth and instead learned the trick of reversing the eight directions."

Lu Ci laughed loudly and said: "Isn't this just as funny as the clowns from Gui Lao we saw in the Magic City? If he loves doing tricks so much, why doesn't he join the Jiyun Club? Those are the ones who do tricks. Expert!"

"Be careful what you say!" Lu Ren locked Lu Ci's neck again and warned: "The all-powerful Ghost Hand King is not worth mentioning, but Jiyun Club is a comrade. He has a good relationship with the four of us, and there are also people in the door. You are a top-notch expert, how can you arrange it at will?"

But at this moment, there was a voice outside the door.

"The Ghost Hand King is indeed not worth mentioning, but his people are not something you brats like you can bully!"

Immediately afterwards, the door of the restaurant was pushed open, and three people walked in slowly, one behind the other.

The leader was a bald old man, as skinny as a stick, with tight and sunken cheeks, high cheekbones, wearing gray clothes, and with rotten teeth.

Behind him was a middle-aged man in green clothes. His hair was sloppy, as if it hadn't been washed for a long time, and it was all greasy. He had rosacea. As soon as he entered the door, his shrewd and cunning eyes were moving around.

As for the third person, he stood outside the door and did not come in.

The bald old man came in, and there was an uproar in the restaurant.

"Wang Yaozu, that's 'Ghost Hand' Wang Yaozu!"

"That rosacea is 'Changming Yegan' Yuan Jingui!"

"The little Celestial Master is here, and they dare to come here. Who gave these two omnipotent monsters the courage?"

When the Ghost Hand King entered the door, he immediately noticed the crying Li Muxuan. His expression suddenly turned sinister, and he gritted his teeth and said:
"Silly boy, who bullied you, tell me, grandpa will twist his head off for you!!"

Li Muxuan noticed the ghost-hand Wang Yaozu, shed tears and said: "No need, old man, man..."

He wanted to say that he would twist the head of the person who bullied him, but he unconsciously glanced at Zhang Zhiwei from the corner of his eye and changed his words: "I will handle these matters myself!"

At this time, the Ghost Hand King noticed Li Muxuan's little movements, looked at Zhang Zhiwei who stood out among the crowd, and said coldly: "It's you who made this stupid boy like me cry?!"

The Ghost Hand King was very angry. He valued Li Muxuan the most. Although Li Muxuan never called him master, he still regarded Li Muxuan as his own and taught him all his skills.

The reason for this is because Li Muxuan is the most talented person he has ever seen in his life. Li Muxuan inherits his mantle and has the opportunity to pass on his methods and establish a sect. This kind of treasure is naturally very valuable to him, so he can lick it. I have to teach you with a straight face.

It can be said that under his protection, Li Muxuan has never suffered a loss or been angry. Now that Li Muxuan is crying when he sees him, how can he swallow this breath and immediately keep his eyes on Zhang Zhiwei.

At this time, a decent young man sitting at the door looked up and said:

"Little Heavenly Master, there are only three people here from Quanxing. Although this Ghost Hand King has a high seniority and powerful methods, we have a large number of people here, and there is no one who is easy to deal with. Why don't you start and let's all go together? , how about subduing these omnipotent monsters here today?"

"I think this is a good idea. If I can really kill Guishou and Changming Yegan today, I will definitely scare the elders when I go back!"

"Hahaha, you are right, but who is that standing at the door?"

"No need to ask, a nest of snakes and rats are all demons!"

Everyone was talking to each other, but their eyes couldn't help but look at Zhang Zhiwei, as if waiting for him to make up his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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