Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 437 Wugensheng pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger, let me try it, try it on you

Chapter 437 Wugensheng pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger, let me try it, try it on you

"Brother Bilian is joking, I am an ordinary disciple of Tianshi Mansion, how can I have the majesty of you, the master of Quanxing!"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Wu Gensheng. He hadn't seen him for a while. His appearance had not changed much, but his aura became more and more powerful. It was easy to see that his cultivation had improved a lot.

Zhang Zhiwei was not surprised that Wugensheng joined Quanxing. This person was skilled and knew clearly what he was doing.

However, Zhang Zhiwei was still a little surprised that he could become the acting head of Quanxing so quickly.

I don’t know what the conditions are for Quanxing to choose the acting leader? Judging from the acting head Gong Qing in later plots, it shouldn't be about strength, but about deception and trying to gain a bigger pie... Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself.

"Brother Zhiwei is joking. I don't dare to be the head of Quanxing. Now I am the acting head. It is Dai. Although it is only a word difference, it is actually a world of difference!"

Wu Gensheng smiled and said: "The so-called acting head has no binding force on the disciples and can only give orders three times."

"That's it. Others may not be willing to execute it. If the order fails, they will be hunted down."

"To put it bluntly, the acting head is the one who takes the blame in Quanxing. Just like now, won't I take the blame?!"

Zhang Zhiwei: "…………"

"..." Lu Jin and Lu Ci were very speechless. As expected, there was only a wrong name, not a wrong nickname. Senior Brother Zhang gave him the wrong name Bilian. It was really not wrong.

He looked at Zhang Zhiwei: "Brother Zhiwei, think so!"

One is a disciple of the leader of the righteous path, and the other is the acting head of the evil sect. If this spreads out, I'm afraid it will cause an uproar.

Wu Gensheng smiled and said: "Er Bi, don't be ridiculous, I became the acting head with great difficulty. If I quit, wouldn't my hard work be in vain? I haven't gained anything, I'm acting like a coquettish person, and I'm not a human being inside or outside. .”

Zhang Zhiwei: "…………"

Wu Gensheng scratched his head and said: "It was after that. As for why you should join Quanxing? The main reason is that in Quanxing, everyone is talented and speaks well..."


At this time, Lu Jin suddenly asked.

The little Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain actually has an old relationship with the head of Quanxing. Judging from the way they were talking and laughing, it seemed that they had a close relationship.

"You are not here to take the blame. You are simply here to take the blame. Little brother, I am so panicked right now!"

"Brother Bilian, you are so heroic and courageous, why do you want to degenerate and join Quan Xing?"

"As the acting head of Quanxing, I would like to apologize to you all. The cause of this incident seems not to be serious. It was just a verbal dispute. I apologize on their behalf. I hope that all the good guys will treat us like nothings. !”


"Everyone has his or her own ambitions. It's up to you whether you want to quit or not!" Zhang Zhiwei said, "What do you want to do when you come here today? You can't just come here to catch up with me."

"I came here to watch the excitement. Originally, it shouldn't be a big deal to watch the excitement, but brother Zhiwei, you arrested my disciple. After all, I am also the acting leader. How can I sit idly by and ignore it?"

Although Wu Gensheng was a little distasteful to him at first, as the saying goes, there are four irons in life. They shared the same window, carried guns together, visited prostitutes together, and shared the stolen goods together. They were able to bear it together in Changbai Mountain. He was shot, so in his opinion, Wu Gensheng was definitely a friend, and he couldn't bear his friend to go astray.

Lu Ci said with a serious face: "Bilian, don't be poor, you can withdraw from Quanxing. Senior Brother Zhang is here today, let him bear witness to you, and keep it safe so that no one will trouble you again!"

The conversation between Zhang Zhiwei and Wu Gensheng made everyone in the restaurant look at each other in confusion.

As Wu Gensheng spoke, he seemed to hear the whispers of several people in the crowd. He suddenly knelt down and kowtowed several times in the direction of everyone:

"I just didn't expect that the first blame would fall on Brother Zhiwei. What do you think this is?"

The other people present also looked astonished. The acting head of Quanxing looked so weak and helpless in front of the little Heavenly Master.

"Is this person really the head of Quanxing?" Fengping looked in disbelief.

"There is no one who dares not admit his integrity," Gao Gen said, "but there is no one who pretends to be one, let alone the leader!"

Even Yuan Jingui, the "Chang Ming Ye Gan" next to him, couldn't stand it anymore:

"Wugesheng, is this how you did it to our Quan Xing? You have completely embarrassed Quan Xing!"

"What's wrong?" Wu Gensheng turned around and said, "Face is still face. We all have a face. When did we have the rule of having face?"

"You..." Yuan Jingui didn't know what to say!

"Bilian, don't do this to me, I won't eat it!"

Zhang Zhiwei said, he pinched Wang Yaozu's neck like a chicken, avoided the direction where Wu Gensheng fell to his knees, walked a few steps, sat back at the nearby wine table, picked up a piece of mutton, and said with a smile:

"Do you still remember the first time we met at the foot of Changbai Mountain? I was eating bear paws, you were eating bear heads, and you came to fight with me in order to eat my bear paws."

"Today, it's the same night, and it's the same restaurant. Come and have a showdown with me. If you win, I'll let you take this old man away!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Zhang Zhiwei and Wugensheng, and they suddenly realized that this is how the Little Heavenly Master and the head Quanxingdai knew each other. They even had an arm-wrestling competition, but they didn't know the result of the competition. What is it?
Some people guessed that the Little Heavenly Master won, because the Little Heavenly Master was sitting with his big horse and golden sword, while Wu Gensheng was kneeling without any image. The two sides compared each other and made a judgment.

Some people guessed that the Little Heavenly Master lost because he lost last time, so he acted like this this time and wanted to regain his face.

Although it is not a battle of skills, to a certain extent, arm wrestling also represents the level of cultivation. Everyone looked at it with burning eyes, wanting to know who was stronger between the little Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain and the acting head of Quanxing. weak.

Unexpectedly, Wu Gensheng listened to Zhang Zhiwei's request and said directly:
"Stop gambling, just strangle him to death, brother Zhiwei!"

Last time in Changbai Mountain, he used his special skill Shen Ming and attached the mountain-moving warrior talisman, but he still couldn't break Zhang Zhiwei.

This time, although his cultivation level has improved a lot, it is not difficult for him to see that Zhang Zhiwei's cultivation level has improved even more.

They could not be compared in the first place, but now there is no need to compare at all.


Everyone was shocked again. Even Zhang Zhiwei did not expect Wu Gensheng to say such a sentence, which stunned him.

At this time, a yellow-haired young man among the crowd seemed to feel that he had the support of the Little Heavenly Master, and the acting head of Quanxing was a weakling. His heart suddenly swelled, and he couldn't help but stepped forward and mocked:
"Hahaha... Are you, the head of Quanxing, such a mean person? Otherwise, if you call me grandpa, we will let you go!" "Grandpa!" Wu Gensheng said immediately: "Please, grandpa." Let Sun Sun go!"

Zhang Zhiwei: "…………"

Lu Jin and Lu Ci looked at each other with shame. They hadn't seen each other for a while, and they didn't want Bilian even more.

They didn't understand, how did Bilian say such words?

Others were also stunned.

Changming Yeganyuan Jingui wanted to dig a hole in the ground and get in. Even Wang Yaozu was speechless. If he hadn't been pinched by the neck now and the situation was stronger than others, he would have had to curse loudly.

On the other hand, the little yellow hair from just now swelled more and more, walked up to Wu Gensheng, and sneered:
"Yes, that's right. People of all genders like to be others' grandchildren, right?!"

As he spoke, he raised his foot and stepped on the face of Wu Gensheng who was kneeling on the ground.

At this time, Wu Gensheng suddenly stood up, pressed Xiao Huangmao's shoulder with one hand, and threw him to the ground. But just when he was about to fall to the ground, Wu Gensheng suddenly lifted Xiao Huangmao up again. Hold well.

Wu Gensheng's operation was so fast that no one except Zhang Zhiwei could react or even understand what was happening. The person involved, Xiao Huangmao, was frightened. .

"Everyone is a cultivator, right or wrong. Why don't you understand this?"

Wu Gensheng patted Xiao Huangmao's shoulder and said solemnly: "Grandpa, Lao Yang, grandson, Shaoyang, if I have the choice, I would always be 'grandson'!"

He looked at Xiao Huangmao and said word by word: "You like being a grandpa so much, are you in a hurry to die?"


After being scolded, Xiao Huangmao was furious and wanted to resist, but was easily restrained by Wu Gensheng.

"Friend, you can't be the master of others with your words, but you must be the master of yourself. I called you grandpa. I don't care whether others will spare us or not, but you must spare it!"

Wu Gensheng smiled and said: "I, the master of the whole sex, am an evil heretic and very shameless, but don't imitate me!"

Xiao Huangmao broke into a cold sweat and subconsciously looked at Zhang Zhiwei, hoping that the little heavenly master would save him.

Zhang Zhiwei stretched out his hand and took out the little yellow hair from Wugensheng's hand through the air.


On the way to flying upside down, Xiao Huangmao felt relieved and looked back, but what greeted him was a slap that kept enlarging in front of his eyes.


Xiao Huangmao was whipped away by Zhang Zhiwei's palm. After spinning in the air for three and a half weeks, he fell to the ground with his face half swollen.

He looked at Zhang Zhiwei in confusion, and the others were also in an uproar, wondering why the Little Heavenly Master suddenly took action against one of his own.

"When you come out to fool around, you have to admit your mistakes, and you have to stand at attention when you are beaten!" Zhang Zhiwei looked around: "Also, don't interrupt when I'm talking!"

As soon as these words came out, the energy dispersed, and a chilling air swept across the whole place. If there were some unspeakable ghosts and gods passing by, the whole restaurant became silent.

A few people who were in an uproar were even more captured by this energy. Their faces were pale and they couldn't say a word. The others were not much better. For a while, you could hear a needle drop.

"As a human being, you must be self-aware, act within your capabilities, and treat others with sincerity. In short, you must act as cool as you are capable."

"Today, if I were not here, if it were not Wu Gensheng who had no murderous intentions, but Liang Ting, Wu Man and his ilk, it would be difficult for you to die happily!"

After Zhang Zhiwei finished speaking, he calmed down his arrogant momentum.

Everyone suddenly relaxed and looked at Zhang Zhiwei with frightened expressions. Just now, under the pressure of Zhang Zhiwei's momentum, they actually felt like their whole bodies were being grasped and they could not breathe.

Is this feeling like facing a landslide and flood the strength of the Little Heavenly Master? Everyone's hearts trembled, but when they looked at Zhang Zhiwei, there was no complaint at all. Instead, they became more and more admired.

They are all normal people with sound minds and can naturally tell the difference between good and evil.

The little Heavenly Master is so powerful that the head of Quanxingdai can fight with him. What does this mean?
It shows that Wu Gensheng, the head of Quanxing Dai, is pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger. If the Little Heavenly Master is not here, they may suffer a big loss!
"Fortunately, there is a little heavenly master!"

Everyone looked happy, even Xiao Huangmao, who had been slapped. He covered his face, but he didn't have any resentment in his heart, only convinced.

This is the influence brought by strong strength. Why could Saint Kong have three thousand disciples and be admired by the whole world?
It's because he is two meters tall. Whether it is "Liezi Shuofu", "Lü Shi Chun Qiu", or "Huainan Zi", it is written that he has the power to support the pillars and lift the city gates. In addition, he is good at Dancing with swords, riding, shooting and driving...

If Zhang Zhiwei's strength was similar to that of everyone present, no matter how reasonable his words were, these people would sneer at him, but now, they believe in the truth and remember it deeply.

"Bilian, your cultivation has improved. It's so boring to argue with a bunch of little guys about your grandfather and grandson. How about I try it with you?" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

Wu Gensheng waved his hand and said, "You are not serious or serious, so I won't try with you. Besides, after your trip to Liaodong, your strength has become stronger. Anyone who tries with you will be a fool!" "

Zhang Huaiyi on the side touched his nose and felt inexplicably offended. He kept looking for his senior brother to compete, but he was severely beaten every time.

This Brother Bilian is still very discerning, he sighed in his heart, but soon realized that the strength of the other party and his senior brother were not at the same level, but they were not far apart.

Judging from his previous attack, although it was swift, it was not as hopeless as his senior brother's.

And judging from what he did just now, this person was all over the place. He was not at all like his senior brother who was indifferent.

Maybe, I can give him a try... Zhang Huaiyi walked up to Zhang Zhiwei and said:

"Senior brother, I want to have a try with this...this Brother Bilian, do you think it's okay?"

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at Zhang Huaiyi in surprise. He remembered that in the plot, this kid had been following Wu Gensheng all the way, pestering him to compete and compete, and this was how they became sworn friends. Now that he saw him, he couldn't help but see him. Happy hunting?
"How about this!"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Wu Gensheng: "Since you won't try with me, then you can try with my junior brother. If you win, I will let this ghost old man go. If you lose, then all three of you will be killed." Don’t leave!”

Yuan Jingui's expression changed. This matter still involved him. He glanced at Wu Gensheng and prayed in his heart that the acting head would be more powerful.

Wu Gensheng glanced at the unattractive Zhang Huaiyi, and immediately became excited. He raised his hand and shouted:
"That big ear, I can't beat your senior brother, but I can't beat you? Come, come here, let me give you a beating!"

(End of this chapter)

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