Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 438 The younger generation’s second battle

Chapter 438 The younger generation’s battle for second place
Wu Gensheng's words made Zhang Huaiyi stunned for a moment. Did this person learn to change faces in Sichuan Opera? Speak well in front of your senior brother, but as soon as you see him, his face changes. No wonder he is called Buyao Bilian...

But Zhang Huaiyi was not angry either. The more he underestimated him, the greater his chances of winning. He walked to the opposite side of Wu Gensheng, clasped his hands and said: "Zhang Huaiyi of Longhu Mountain, please give me some advice from Brother Buyao Bilian!"

He knew that the other party's name was Wu Gensheng, and the reason why he called him Buyao Bilian was in response to Wu Gensheng's calling him Big Ears.

"This place is too small, let's go out and fight!" Wu Gensheng said.

"Just what I want!" Zhang Huaiyi said.

Immediately, a group of people came to the open space at the door of the inn. The decent disciples present formed a circle. Wu Gensheng and Zhang Huaiyi stood in the circle, facing each other. Zhang Zhiwei held the Ghost Hand King and stood at the door of the inn.

"Big-eared little Taoist priest, you take action first!" Wu Gensheng stretched out his hand and said.

"Then I'm not welcome!"

Zhang Huaiyi's eyes were sharp, and he activated the golden light spell. The golden light all over his body was brilliant, and he rushed out with a crash. The golden light in his hand transformed into a long knife, and he slashed at Wu Gensheng's head.

"Is the Qi with big ears so sharp? I almost misjudged it, but it is really troublesome to deal with Longhu Mountain's Niubi. You must break through the golden light first, otherwise it will be in vain!"

"Brother Huaiyi's thunder skills are really becoming more and more proficient!" Lu Jin sighed.

"What kind of method is this? Why doesn't my technique work? Do I have to fight him hard? But the blue light in his hand, in addition to defeating the golden light and thunder method, can't it also You may have other abilities, but what if you rashly touch it with your physical body and get hit?"

But at this moment, he glanced to the side and saw silver lightning, winding like a long worm, striking towards his back suddenly.

Wu Gensheng grinned, opened his big blue hand, and grabbed the menacing Razer behind him. There was only a muffled "pop" sound, and the Razer was decomposed into its original Qi.

This scene made everyone present speechless.

Zhang Huaiyi was horrified and felt the strong wind blowing against his face. He quickly stopped walking, his Taoist robes fluttered, and Wu Gensheng forced him to retreat.

He is good at using golden light and thunder, especially in the use of golden light. Even Zhang Zhiwei is somewhat inferior to him, but in the face of Wugensheng, these have no effect. The golden light that was indestructible in the past is like paper. It falls apart when touched.

Wu Gensheng didn't dare to be careless. He raised his hand and spit out a stream of blue Qi, which easily tore Zhang Huaiyi's golden sword and scattered it. The dispersed golden light turned into little stardust and disappeared!
"What's going on? My golden light?"

Everyone was talking, and Lu Jin and Lu Ci looked at each other. They had already seen Wugensheng's methods and were not surprised. However, Zhang Huaiyi's progress surprised them.

"But this is useless against Bilian. In my opinion, if you want to defeat Bilian firmly, you have to take action from Senior Brother Zhang. Let's see, how many rounds can they fight?"

"Damn it, Bi Lian is very insidious. He has the ability to catch the lightning technique without using his hands, but he prefers to catch it with his hands. This is to mislead Brother Huaiyi into thinking that all his methods are in his hands! Lu Jin whispered.

Zhang Huaiyi quickly analyzed the situation and thought about how he should respond.

"Thunder Technique, that big-eared Taoist priest actually uses Thunder Technique!"

Wu Gensheng was unyielding and bullied him forward. He opened his fingers and moved towards Zhang Huaiyi's elbow with layers of blue brilliance in his palms, as if intending to capture him.

"The leader of the Quanxing is not simple at all. He can actually break the thunder spell. However, what method did he use to break it? Why can't he see it?"

"Looking at this posture, I'm afraid, it's true that a person cannot be judged by his appearance. I didn't expect that this person looks ordinary, but in fact he is so sharp."

Thunder spit out one after another from the palm of his hand. Zhang Huaiyi looked calm, but his back was covered in cold sweat.

Wu Gensheng flew forward to attack, raised his arms slightly, and transformed his fists into palms, once again scattering Zhang Huaiyi's protective golden light.

Naturally, Zhang Huaiyi would not give up. While using Yang Lei to stimulate his meridians and increase his speed, he shot continuously with his palms. One after another palm thunder burst out from his palms, facing Wu Gensheng, and then he was hit by Wu Gensheng's fists one after another. scattered.

"A disciple of Longhu Mountain, who uses thunder methods, and whose surname is Zhang, could he be a disciple with a fake surname like the Little Heavenly Master?!"

"Big ears, your Yang Lei is a bit Yin!"

"Speaking of which, Brother Huaiyi is not much better. Look at his thunder technique. It's so mean!" Lu Ci said.

"This is so shameless. Isn't your Ruyi Jin always like this?" Lu Jin said.

"Can Ruyi Jin be regarded as yin? This is the characteristic of the skill!" Lu Ci quibbled.

As expected of their grandfather and grandson, their use of Yang Lei is very similar... Zhang Zhiwei watched it with great interest.

At this moment on the field, Zhang Huaiyi saw that Wu Gensheng was distracted and was trying to catch his snake-shaped lightning technique. He thought to himself that it was a good opportunity, made a complicated seal with his hands, stamped his feet, and said with a smile:
"Capture the leader of the all-sexual demon!"

"Oh? What do you mean?"

After Wu Gensheng finished speaking, he realized something was wrong. When he lowered his head, he saw the ground cracked and lightning bolts rising from the ground. The lightning intertwined like a net, forming a lightning prison, trapping him in it.

When did you learn it... Zhang Zhiwei touched his nose.

"Isn't this the trick that Senior Brother Zhang used against Brother Huaiyi in the last competition at Longhu Mountain? Did he pass it on?" Lu Ci asked in surprise.

"I remember this move was quite powerful..."

Before the word "big" was uttered, there was only a "boom" sound. The lightning prison suddenly tightened, and a violent explosion occurred. For a moment, flames and lightning intertwined, and dust was kicked up, flooding the venue.

"This kid Huaiyi is very cruel!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

Others present were so shocked that they were almost speechless.

"The Junior Celestial Master's junior brother has such strength, so how powerful is the Little Celestial Master?"

"I thought that I was so proficient in Xuanzhang that I had few rivals among this younger generation, but I didn't expect that meeting a real Xuanmen disciple would be like a joke. Longhushan's methods are too powerful. !" Ruan Tao from Qingzhuyuan sighed.

"Who isn't? But what I'm more curious about now is, what happened to the acting head of Quanxing? Wasn't he just bombarded to death?"

at this time.

Zhang Huaiyi's scalp felt numb for a while.

There was only a crackling sound, and in the smoke, a tall figure flew towards me like thunder. The speed was so fast that Zhang Huaiyi had no time to dodge, so he could only wrap his fist with golden light, wave his fist, and hit Wugensheng. .

"Big Ears, you finally stop hiding!"

Wu Gensheng smiled and said that he was not very good at magic. Just now, Zhang Huaiyi used the thunder method to stimulate his meridians, forcefully increase his own speed, and then used the thunder in his palm to meet the enemy. Although he was not afraid, it was difficult to catch him. Now The other party was unaware for a moment, but he finally found the opportunity.

For a moment, the two sides faced the enemy head-on, fighting hard on bridges and horses, sonic booms sounded one after another, the golden light in Zhang Huaiyi's arms shattered at the touch, and the two began to compete with pure physical strength. Zhang Huaiyi was undoubtedly at a disadvantage in this regard. His physical cultivation was not weak, but his attainments in martial arts were deeper. This undoubtedly involved using his own shortcomings to attack the other's strong points.

"It turns out that the weird blue Qi can not only cover the hands, but also the whole body. However, it can only disintegrate magic methods and has no effect on the physical body. No wonder this Brother Buyao Bilian dare not talk to Senior Brother Fight hard!"

Zhang Huaiyi thought to himself, after finding out the details of Wu Gensheng, he began to no longer avoid Wu Gensheng's hands, and used physical skills to avoid Wu Gensheng's fist with a spinning step, then made a fist seal with his hand and hit Wu Gensheng. Rooted temples!
If the magic is useless, he also knows a little bit about fists and kicks.

Seeing this, Wu Gensheng had a smile on his face, but instead of retreating, he advanced forward with an iron mountain leaning against Zhang Huaiyi's arms. At the same time, he bent his right hand into a claw and grabbed Zhang Huaiyi's wrist, trying to capture him.

Zhang Huaiyi's combat intuition is very strong. He sensed Wu Gensheng's intention to capture him. He twisted his steps to avoid the powerful and heavy Tieshan Kao. Then, taking advantage of his short stature, he thrust his claws towards Wu Gensheng's. Remove the crotch.

When everyone saw this scene, they all took a deep breath, and even felt a little achy.

Lu Jin even took a handful of Yahuazi, and was thankful in his heart. Fortunately, Zhang Huaiyi did not use this move last time when he was sparring with Zhang Huaiyi at Longhu Mountain. Otherwise, even if he had a reversal state, he would still be in a lot of pain.

After going down the mountain, did you let yourself go? He is indeed a grandpa who does not shake Bilian... Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself.

"What a sinister big-eared thief!"

Wu Gensheng cursed secretly, it was a matter of life and death. He reacted very quickly and kicked Zhang Huaiyi's hand back with a knee kick. At the same time, he grabbed Zhang Huaiyi's left hand and dislocated it with a slight force.


Zhang Huaiyi snorted, his left hand was restrained, and his right hand went towards Wu Gensheng's chin, but Wu Gensheng grabbed him.

Zhang Huaiyi wanted to break free, but a rather strange force came from his hand. Not only was he unable to break free, Wu Gensheng also had the joints of his right hand removed.

"Big-eared thief, are you satisfied?"

Wugensheng laughed.

In addition to his senior brothers, among the younger generation, Zhang Huaiyi lost again. His expression was indescribable, but he still lowered his head slightly and said in a deep voice:

"Today, I lost!"

But, I don’t accept it! He secretly thought in his heart. Compared with the huge gap between him and Zhang Zhiwei, which was difficult to catch up with, he felt that if he worked hard, he would still have a chance to surpass the head of the Quanxing generation in front of him.

"Just accept it!"

Wu Gensheng let go of Zhang Huaiyi's hand.

Zhang Huaiyi took a step back, adjusted his body slightly, and his hands automatically recovered. He moved his arms to make sure it was okay, clasped his hands and said, "Thank you for your mercy!"

After that, he retreated behind Zhang Zhiwei.

Wu Gensheng looked at Zhang Zhiwei: "Brother Zhiwei, it's time to let him go!"

Zhang Zhiwei raised Wang Yaozu in his hand and was about to throw it out when Feng Ping suddenly walked up to him with a wine jar:

"Senior Brother Zhang, I have made a lot of progress recently. Not only have I become more proficient in fire escape, my flames have also undergone a qualitative transformation. I also want to try it with this brother Bilian!"

Ever since the Lu Family Courtyard, he had regarded Zhang Zhiwei as his idol. If he had the opportunity, of course he had to show his face in front of his idol.

"Oh, brother Zhiwei, we have agreed, you can't be like a monster like me and keep your word!" Wu Gensheng stopped immediately.

Zhang Zhiwei put Wang Yaozu down and said with a smile: "The final right of interpretation belongs to me. This little brother of mine is a little dissatisfied with you. How about you give it a try with him?"

Wu Gensheng still wanted to say a few words, but Feng Ping threw him a jar of wine:
"I've been fighting for a long time, let's quench our thirst first!"

Wu Gensheng took the wine jar, smiled meaningfully, and threw the wine jar back.

Fengping held up the wine jar and said with some displeasure, "What's the matter? You see I'm not worthy, or do you think there's something wrong with my wine?"

"No, this is good wine. It smells so good that I'm almost salivating. But now the time is wrong, the place is wrong, and the people are wrong. Wine is not water, and you can't just drink it casually!" Wu Gensheng said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll learn a clever trick!"

Toyohei waved his hand, and golden flames jumped out, turning into a huge fireball, and rushed towards Mugensheng.

"Golden flame, this little kid actually mastered this method?" Wang Yaozu in Zhang Zhiwei's hand whispered.

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at him. He didn't know much about Huo Dezong's methods.

However, with his eyesight, it is not difficult to see that Fengping's golden fire has some rather magical qualities.

Not only is the temperature high, it can even ignite the bare ground, and even some of the traveling natural abilities in the air can be ignited and turned into fuel for its own combustion, which is why it is so powerful.

"Do you want to use the characteristics of golden fire to touch the rootless gods? Fengping is very confident in Huo Dezong's methods, but even thunder methods can't touch it, so I'm afraid this golden fire can't do it either!" Zhang Zhiwei's mental strength road.

The result at the scene was just as Zhang Zhiwei expected. The golden fireball with a diameter of one meter was torn apart by Wugensheng almost instantly. The golden flames that were about to burn everything burned the ground into a shocking giant. pit.

Wugensheng in the middle of the pit was surrounded by a blue Qi shield, exuding a terrifying suffocating feeling. He dispersed Fengping's flames and rushed towards Fengping.

"It can still be broken?"

Fengping was shocked. His life cultivation level was far inferior to that of Wugensheng. Zhang Huaiyi had no time to dodge this kind of attack, let alone him.

And Wu Gensheng's rich experience in close combat can't be compromised even against those warriors who are famous for their close combat. He is more than one level better than Toyohei at the moment!
Seeing that Fengping was about to be hit, he heard a puff, Fengping's whole body turned into a ball of flames and spread out, then condensed and formed behind Wugensheng, raised his fist, and hit Wugensheng on the back of the head.

"Fire escape!"

Zhang Zhiwei was shocked. The first time he saw Fengping use fire escape was in the Lu family compound. At that time, Fengping and Lu Ci had a conflict.

At that time, Toyohei needed to arrange "fire" in advance to use fire escape, but just now, it seemed that he did not arrange it in advance, but used it directly.

No, no, there is still a slight difference. His skills are higher and he can arrange fire within the range of Qi energy to achieve instant movement. As for the principle of movement...

Zhang Zhiwei only knew that the other party was through some kind of medium before, but as his cultivation became stronger and his abilities became higher, he was able to see through it at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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