Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 439: Seeing through the essence of magic with one eye and convincing people with "reaso

Chapter 439 Seeing through the essence of magic at a glance and convincing people with "reason"

Since the Lu family compound, Zhang Zhiwei once again saw Fengping using fire escape.

Before, he was shocked to see the fire escape, but now, he can see it at a glance.

Consistent with the previous idea, the teleportation of Fire Release is indeed carried out through the medium of interior scenery.

Teleportation is not a difficult task for him now, because he has already mastered this medium.

He can use the art of teleportation to physically escape into the inner scene, and then exit from the inner scene, thereby achieving the effect of instant movement.

But there is a small drawback.

Because the physical body enters the inner scene, there will be an obscure feeling of being rejected, and it is not quick enough to activate.

With the powerful blessing of life, his own speed is already quite terrifying. This teleportation ability is very cost-effective in actual combat, so he rarely uses it.

As for traveling long distances…

"Huode Sect, Tianshi Mansion, and Nason Island have all had extraordinary and holy beings."

This technique is more about giving him a perspective beyond reality and obtaining a more complete "view" from another level.

Only the aliens from the Huode Sect returned directly to the sect through the fire escape technique.

Toyo Ping's Fire Release is more like dialing a phone number. Using Fire Release is to dial the number. After the signal is transmitted to the base station, a response is given to complete the transmission.

Although they both use the medium of interior scenes, Fire Escape and Tongyou are different.

Tongyou was performed by him, but Fire Release was not performed by Toyohira, or it was not entirely performed by Toyohira.

At the end of the previous trip to Changbai Mountain, the other strangers all left by boat through the relationship of the Gao family leader.

But Toyohei's fire escape is different. In addition to being able to teleport during battle, if there is "fire" as the coordinate, it can also be teleported over long distances.

But Senior Brother Zhang was still watching, so surrendering like this was a bit too unwilling.

Their situation is much more dignified than that of the kings and guards on Nathan Island who turned into the roots of the sacred tree after death, but the essence is the same.

"As King Nathan, although she has no abilities, she has the privileges given by the sacred tree, such as teleportation and the perception of the entire island."

In a rage, Fengping hit Mugensheng's nose with a hammer, causing Mugensheng to burst into tears and nosebleeds.

Fengping instantly understood Wugensheng's ability. In this scene, he had all his techniques banned and was already at his wits' end.

"Not only can it dismantle the means, but also make it impossible for people to use them?"

"I'll catch your grandma's leg!"

"It's unfounded to worry. Everything is just speculation. For more details, please ask Fengping directly later!"

Moreover, many of the gods in the Taoist dharma lineage were Taoist priests who were once highly respected. They have become the cornerstone of the dharma lineage. When necessary, they will be invited by younger generations to open altars.

But Wugensheng's whole body was densely covered with the energy of the gods, which was equivalent to a dispersal effect, and Fengping could no longer cast any spells.

"If I remember correctly, the sacred tree on Nathan Island has self-awareness, and King Nathan has two consciousnesses, one is self-awareness, and the other is the consciousness of the sacred tree."

Zhang Zhiwei was puzzled, but this question was destined to have no answer, because the master who knew the answer could not tell him.

Therefore, it is meaningless to seek the method of fire escape unless Huo Dezong is also blamed.

Through the ritual of talismans, he commands the divine power of the gods of the Dharma lineage to form spells. Isn't the principle behind this the same as that of Nason Island and Huode Sect?

"Hahaha, I caught you!" Wu Gensheng gave a mean smile.

Moreover, although the interior and exterior scenes are like the front and back of a piece of paper, they are also biased. As the saying goes, a slight difference can make a thousand miles. Without coordinates, traveling long distances can easily lead to deviations.

If Zhang Zhiwei had always had doubts about the use of the technique before, thinking that it was even more amazing than many strange techniques, why no one in the world had ever pried on it, but now, he has some understanding.

"Our Huode Sect's physical skills are not bad either!"

"If I remember correctly, King Nason and Nason Wei of Nason Island will return to the sacred tree after death, turn into tree roots, and become the nutrients of the sacred tree. Huo Dezong used similar methods to Is there a similar ending? Turning into firewood?"

Fengping used the fire escape technique to evade Wugensheng's attack, but just as Zhang Zhiwei felt that teleportation was slow, there was a delay when Fengping's fire escape was activated.

"So what about the Huode Sect, does it have self-awareness? What about Tianshidu, does it also have supreme consciousness? What is the influence of Tianshidu on Tianshi?"

Suddenly, Zhang Zhiwei thought of Nathan Island in his mind.

"The King Nathan in the plot is the granddaughter of Li Muxuan. She is extremely weak. Her self-awareness cannot compete with the supreme consciousness of the sacred tree, so she implements the consciousness of the sacred tree."

In this way, it is very likely that there is something similar to a sacred tree in the Huode Sect's sect.

In fact, it can be done, but there are too many variables in the interior scene, and it is easy to encounter some indescribable obstacles.

Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself, but then, the scene when he stood up from the altar and used the talisman flashed through his mind.

Therefore, Zhang Zhiwei rarely uses the technique of connecting to the underworld to rush on his way.

The disciples in the sect are closely connected to that thing through some kind of ritual, and then they will gain abilities. As for the size of the abilities, it depends on the practitioner.

In other words, the most important point of Fire Release is not the caster himself, but the "base station" behind Fire Release.

After thinking to no avail, Zhang Zhiwei shook his head, crushed this thought, stopped thinking about these things, and concentrated on watching the fight between Fengping and Wugensheng.

He remembered that the guards on the island could use the power of the sacred tree to teleport within the island. The principle was probably the same. The sacred tree was the "base station".

Wu Gensheng took advantage of this opportunity and immediately hugged Fengping.

Toyohei had never been hugged like this by a man before. He cursed angrily and quickly wanted to use fire escape to get out of trouble.

Zhang Zhiwei looked at it and couldn't help but touch his nose. Although his physical body will be very strong due to dual cultivation of life and life, his nose is still a fragile part. I wonder if it can withstand it if it's me?

Immediately afterwards, Fengping took advantage of the situation and approached, grabbed Wu Gensheng's hair, pushed him to the ground, and gave him a brutal punch.

This scene shocked everyone. It didn't look like a competition between strangers. It was simply a brawl between gangsters.

Someone exclaimed: "What happened? Toyohira actually defeated the acting head of Quanxing?"

"Nothing, please pay attention. Although Fengping's attack is fierce, except for the first blow that caused the nose to bleed, the hits on the head of Quanxing did not seem painful or itchy. Now it seems that it is Feng Ping suppresses the head of Quan Xing and beats him, but in fact, it is already a situation where people are fighting for their own good."

Sure enough, the next second, Wu Gensheng grabbed Fengping's hand, then brushed his hand on Fengping's face, and then kicked him away.

Fengping fell far away, but Wugensheng's kick was not heavy. Fengping stood up immediately, but his eyes were dull and his steps were unsteady, as if he was drunk. Lu Ci looked at Lu Jin and said, "This is the elixir that has been shaken. Old Lu, the elixir has been shaken with you!"

Lu Jin nodded, but immediately felt something was wrong, and said angrily: "I'm just shaking you, what do you think I'm doing?"

"You are more experienced!" Lu Ci said with a smile: "However, that boy Fengping is better than you, at least he didn't cry!"

"You don't want to lift any pot, right?" Lu Jin was furious: "Hedgehog, do you want to come and practice?"

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Lu Ci grinned.

The two people were at war with each other and were about to move their heads. Suddenly a big hand appeared on their heads, and "bang bang" their heads went crazy.

Zhang Zhiwei blew his fingers and gave a kind reminder, "Old Lu, you are a decent person. There are so many people here, and you lose face, but the news has spread all over the country!"

At the stage of its realization, Lu Jin's strength was already somewhat behind Lu Ci.

During this period, although Lu Jin has made great progress, Lu Ci has become very clear about his next path of practice after receiving guidance from himself and Li Shuwen, and is gradually mastering the sound of tiger and leopard thunder. It is estimated that It won't take long before you can understand it all.

If Lu Jin wants to catch up with Lu Ci, he can only do so unless he advances to the third level of reverse life and reaches the second level.

Lu Jin should have noticed this, so he wanted to go back to the mountain to see his master Zuo Ruotong.

"This time I'm going to Trinity Gate. I'm the owner and I'll let you order!"

Lu Jin was not stupid. Zhang Zhiwei gave him a step and he quickly got off.

Lu Ci did not act aggressively and continued to look at the field.

Fengping seemed to be a little delirious and fell into hallucination. He was beating the air with staggering steps and cursing in his mouth.

When Zhang Zhiwei saw it, he used his fingers to pop up a ball of qi that contained the heart-purifying spell, and touched Fengping's eyebrows.

Feng Ping woke up immediately, stopped his bastard punch and raised his hands to Wu Gensheng: "Thank you for showing mercy!"

Wu Gensheng scratched his head and said, "You can't be merciless. If you are merciless, you can't cut me with that naughty nose behind you?"

He looked at Zhang Zhiwei: "Hey, brother, is this okay? No one wants to deal with me again, right?"

Hearing this, Lu Jin and Lu Ci had the urge to try, but after thinking about it carefully, they decided to forget it. They were both famous for their magic skills. If they really wanted to fight, there was no chance of winning, and the competition was meaningless. .

"Okay, old ghost, take it back!"

Zhang Zhiwei raised his hand and threw the Ghost Hand King to Wu Gensheng.

Wu Gensheng took it and saw that the Ghost Hand King was stiff and unable to move. He did a little exploration and found that it was Zhang Zhiwei's Qi that blocked the Ghost Hand King's meridians, so he used Shenming Ming to disperse Zhang Zhiwei's Qi and allow the Ghost Hand King to recover. ability to move.

But while dispelling Zhang Zhiwei's qi, the gods also dispelled the qi track in the body of the Ghost Hand King. The result was that the Ghost Hand King was temporarily unable to use any means.

"My reverse direction?" Suddenly losing the means to settle down, the Ghost Hand King was a little panicked.

"Don't worry, it will recover in an hour or two!" Wu Gensheng reminded.

"Is this your ability? It's incredible!" Changmingye Ganyuan Jingui sighed: "No wonder you can become the leader of this generation!"

"Just laugh!" Wu Gensheng said with a smile. He never wanted to hide his abilities.

"Bilian, do you want to have a drink before leaving?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

Wu Gensheng shook his head and said: "No, it can't be helped. If we wait for the elders of those little guys to come, it will be difficult to leave!"

"Then I won't give it away!" Zhang Zhiwei grabbed a jar of wine and threw it to Wu Gensheng, "Drink it on the way when you're tired!"

"I won't be polite to you anymore"

Wu Gensheng took the wine with a smile, weighed it a few times, and said: "By the way, Brother Zhiwei, I have something to remind you. There is a group of people in Quanxing who want to use the power of the Japanese pirates to implement the previous leader's plan. Although I am working on Yao Guangxiao's idea of ​​overturning the world, you should be careful!"

Take refuge with the Japanese pirates and overthrow the world? These two pieces of news were so shocking that everyone was shocked.

"Do you have any more detailed information?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

"In terms of being well-informed, I can't keep up with Jianghu Inn. Specifically, you should entrust them to investigate, and I won't accompany you!"

After Wu Gensheng finished speaking, he was about to turn around and leave with King Ghost Hand and Yuan Jingui.

"My silly boy is still there!" King Ghost Hand reminded.

"I said Lao Wang, just leave that silly boy alone. Although these righteous people are hypocritical, their hypocrisy is also tainted with kindness. That boy has lost his whole nature. They won't do anything to him. Let's leave quickly!" Yuan Jin Gui said quickly.

His nickname is Changming Yegan. "Yegan" is the name of a beast, also called a wild dog. This kind of beast likes the power of a fox to pretend to be a tiger.

If it is used on a human being and the word "Chang Ming" is added, it means a beast that often talks nonsense and messes up people's hearts everywhere. It is not a resounding name anyway.

Such a despicable person was on pins and needles in front of Zhang Zhiwei. He was afraid that his careless move would make Zhang Zhiwei unhappy and be killed by a slap, so he was eager to leave.

"Hey, Bi Lian, don't you take that little ghost head and old ghost head's grandson with you?"

Zhang Zhiwei pointed in the direction of the restaurant. He had taken down the Ghost Hand King earlier, and this kid attacked him without thinking of his own strength. He knocked him unconscious with a golden bean and he is still awake.

"Brother Zhiwei is joking, that kid is not my perfect wife, I can't control him!"

Without looking back, Wu Gensheng waved his hand and said, "This big baby's name is Li Muxuan, not Li Muquan. You are the Xuanmen teacher that he envies so much, so you can do whatever you want!"

"How dare you call me a big treasure if you don't have the ability of a fat man to make money? You are obviously a bad boy, but you are quite a traitor!"

Zhang Zhiwei said to himself that he didn't know much about Li Muxuan and the Trinity Clan. He only knew that Wu Gensheng had taken him through the Trinity Clan once, and as a result, he killed the Zuo Sect Leader, and Lu Jin also died because of this. Formed a deadly feud with Wu Gensheng.

Wu Gensheng is good at saving people. In the plot, he has transformed into the all-sexual boss Wu Man, an inexplicable layman, and also the murderous white owl Liang Ting.

But after the Trinity Gate Incident, this kid actually ran away to Nason Island, where he lived like a dog for decades, which shows that this kid can't be brought along at all, and it would be in vain to take him through the Trinity Gate without any roots.

You can imagine what a stubborn guy this guy is!
Now, Wugensheng doesn't care about this stubborn species. If he is asked to take care of it, what will he do? A big slap?
"Bilian is good at trying to persuade people with virtue, and things have proved it. This kid can't listen to others, and virtue can't save him. Then he can only try my method of convincing people with reason!"

Zhang Zhiwei thought about physics in his heart, then waved his hand and said:

"What are you looking at? Are you still not satisfied? Let's go and go back to eat. Eat and drink well. Send Lao Lu back to Trinity Gate tomorrow!"

As soon as he returned to the restaurant, the people around him immediately followed him back.

(End of this chapter)

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