Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 547: The Highest Realm, Heavenly Man Zhang Zhiwei

Chapter 547: The Highest Realm, Heavenly Man Zhang Zhiwei
The divine general Tianpeng has arrived and under the suppression of his eight arms, the ancestral hall in Fengyang Town has been reduced to a pile of rubble.

In the ruins, there was a person sitting cross-legged with a horrible appearance, like a skeleton covered with flesh and blood. The flesh and blood could no longer cover some parts of his body, revealing the crystal clear bones inside that were faintly glowing with golden light.

Due to the aftermath of the battle, the heads of the Wang and Lu families and others, who had walked far away, quickly turned back.

Lü Ci and Lu Jin thought it was natural that the battle could end so quickly, but Patriarch Wang and Patriarch Lu were a little bit unbelievable. When they were in Mindu, their people had surrounded and suppressed Wu Man and knew his methods...

Thinking about it now, even though they had overestimated Zhang Zhiwei, they still underestimated him.

The head of the Wang family stared at Wu Man, who looked like a skeleton. Logically speaking, the hatred for killing his father was irreconcilable, and when enemies meet, they are extremely jealous of each other. He should rush over to eat his flesh and sleep on his skin.

But inexplicably, the moment he rushed over and saw Wu Man, the murderous intent and hatred in his heart suddenly dissipated a lot. He couldn't explain why there was such a change. Was it because he felt relieved after seeing his enemy in such a miserable state?
The head of the Wang family muttered to himself and did not disturb him at all. He just stood behind Zhang Zhiwei and watched quietly.

Not only him, but also the head of the Lu family, Lu Ci, Lu Jin and others made the same choice.

"Have you figured it out?"

Zhang Zhiwei said to the flesh-and-blood skeleton in front of him that he was actually a little surprised at Wu Man's enlightenment. As far as he knew, Wu Gensheng had made a lot of efforts to help Wu Man attain enlightenment.

As for how Wu Gensheng did it...

There is a saying in "To Kill a Mockingbird" that you can never truly understand a person unless you walk around in her shoes and think about things from her perspective. But when you really walk in her shoes, you feel sad even to pass by.

Sometimes what you see is not the truth, and what you understand is just the tip of the iceberg, unless you completely stand in the other person's shoes and experience it yourself.

In order to help Wu Man, Wu Gensheng shaved his head and became a monk, wearing the same clothes as Wu Man, and the two practiced together inseparable, allowing Wu Man to use the wisdom in his words and deeds to illuminate herself and thus attain enlightenment.

This is a long process, and Zhang Zhiwei knows about it.

But he had no such intention, and he did not think much about reminding Wu Man. The purpose of his trip was to kill Wu Man.

The reason why I said so much is not because I have any compassion, but simply because he is a talkative person... It's his nature. There is no other way. If someone asks me, I have to respond, right? !

"I understand, I understand. The attack just now by the little celestial master is really an enlightenment!"

Even though Wu Man's body was severely damaged and almost turned into a skeleton with flesh and blood, his spirit was unprecedentedly high.

The bloodshot in his eyes disappeared without a trace of turbidity, and they were as clear as the starry sky at night.

He looked at Zhang Zhiwei and the flesh on his face twitched.

This action should have looked extremely hideous and terrifying on his now bloody face.

But what he did gave people a feeling of gentle breeze and warm breeze, as if he was smiling at a flower.

"In the past, I thought chanting Buddha's name was Buddhism, meditation was Buddhism, methods were Buddhism, and worshipping Buddha was Buddhism... But in fact, these are all demonic obstacles."

"The Buddha said, the sea of ​​suffering is endless, turn back and you will find the shore, but where is the shore? There is no need to turn back, now is the shore, let go of everything, the shore is here, thank you, little Taoist priest!"

"That's really congratulations, but you don't have to thank me!" Zhang Zhiwei looked at Wu Man with an indifferent expression, "Any last words? Or have you figured out a way to turn the tables?"

Although the Qi around Wu Man was as fragile as weeds in the strong wind at this moment, the feeling he gave to Zhang Zhiwei was very different from before.

If we don't mention her supernatural powers, before, Wu Man gave Zhang Zhiwei the feeling that she was a real person, but now, in his perception, Wu Man seemed a little empty.

The word "empty" is mostly a Buddhist term. If it is changed into Taoist terminology, it would seem a bit "empty".

This "deficiency" is not the commonly mentioned deficiency such as kidney deficiency or spleen deficiency, but the "deficiency" in refining the spirit and returning to emptiness, and refining emptiness to merge with the Tao.

This is a leap in realm. In practice, apart from the strange and tricky techniques such as magic, in the real realm of practice, one's achievements are often at a high level, which is limitless.

Although Zhang Zhiwei's strength is boundless and no matter how many Lu Jins and Lu Cis there are, they cannot defeat him, but if we really compare their realms, he is only a few levels higher than them.

Now that Wu Man has attained enlightenment and his realm has reached a higher level, Zhang Zhiwei wants to test his side.

Wu Man looked at Zhang Zhiwei and said without joy or sadness:
"The means to reverse the fate of life and death? The true Dharma, the true ignorance, the true enlightenment, there is no fixed thing. If what you have realized is a fixed thing, such as magical powers or something like that, then it is wrong."

He put his hands together and said: "There is really nothing. There is no body, no feeling, so the five aggregates are empty, there is no light, no color, nothing is available. At this time, it is Anuttara Samyaksambodhi, great enlightenment."

Zhang Zhiwei still had an indifferent expression. He actually understood what Wu Man said, but this was Wu Man's way, not his way, and it was of no benefit to him. He just listened to it. If he really delved into it, it would be delusion.

The people behind him had different expressions. Patriarch Lu and others did not understand Buddhism, so they did not know what it meant, but they just felt it was impressive.

The head of the Wang family, however, was greatly surprised. He was a descendant of the Sage of Calligraphy and was well-read, having read a lot of books and knowledge of the three religions. He knew what Wu Man meant.

"Anuttara Samyaksambodhi" is a Sanskrit word, meaning the highest perfect enlightenment, that is, the highest wisdom enlightenment. How could Wu Man realize this?
"Donor Wang, because of me, the old gentleman died. I have no way to repay you, so I will just recite a sutra!"

Wu Man opened and closed his mouth. Although the sound was not loud, it was like the sound of a huge bell, resounding in everyone's mind:
"Thus I have heard: At one time, the Buddha was in the Jetavana Grove in the country of Savatthi, with a great assembly of 1,250 bhikkhus. At that time, the World Honored One, at mealtime, put on his robes and took his bowl, and went into the great city of Savatthi to beg for food..."

"At that time, the elder Subhuti, in the crowd, stood up from his seat, draped his right shoulder..."

"This bastard is mumbling something. Although I can't understand it, it seems quite powerful!" Lu Ci whispered.

"This is the Diamond Sutra, which is extremely special among Buddhist scriptures and is difficult to understand. It contains the great wisdom of the Buddha. When a man is about to die, his words are good. Listen carefully, perhaps we can gain something!" The head of the Wang family whispered.

"Subhuti, if there is a way for the Tathagata to attain Anuttara Samyaksambodhi, then the Buddha Dipamkara would not have given me the prediction. In the future, you will become a Buddha and be called Sakyamuni."

The sound of Wu Man's chanting was endless, like the collision of metal and stone, shocking the heart.

"Because there is no way to attain the Anuttara Samyaksambodhi, the Buddha Dipamkara gave me the prediction that you will become a Buddha in the future and be called Sakyamuni. Why is that?"

"All dharmas should be known, seen, believed and understood in this way. No dharma-images should arise. Subhuti, the dharma-images mentioned by the Tathagata are not dharma-images. They are called dharma-images."

The sound of chanting continued for a long time, but the flesh-and-blood skeleton sitting cross-legged in the ruins lowered its head, and its eyes, as clear as the sea of ​​stars, slowly disappeared after the starlight faded away.

If I hear the truth in the morning, I can die in the evening. Wu Man died.

Zhang Zhiwei stared at Wu Man's body and felt that ray of innate roundness slowly dissipating.

Wu Man realized that he could actually try to turn the situation around, but he didn't try and died quietly.

The head of the Lu family, Lu Ci and others were still immersed in the aftertaste of the scriptures.

In fact, they didn't understand anything, but they seemed to have gained something, but they couldn't say what exactly they gained.

This feeling of seeing things in the fog is really uncomfortable.

"Brother Zhang, why did that messy scripture just now keep saying 'it is so, it is so'? What do these two words 'it is so' mean?" Lu Ci asked with a puzzled look on his face. The words he heard the most and the ones that impressed him the most were "it is so".

Zhang Zhiwei explained: "At the end of the Ming Dynasty, there was a famous prostitute named Liu Rushi. Her surname was Liu, and she used the two characters "Rushi" from the Diamond Sutra..."

"Famous prostitute?" Even Lu Ci, who believed in Zhang Zhiwei's words, began to murmur at this moment.

"Little Heavenly Master, please don't mislead Lu Ci. This is what the Buddha said. It translates into vernacular Chinese like this. The Buddha is giving you a topic to ponder. This is called great enlightenment!"

As the head of the Wang family spoke, he reached out and closed Wu Man's eyes. Then he called the Wang family members in the town and asked them to collect Wu Man's body and bury her with honor.

Although the Wang family members were puzzled, they still obeyed the order of the head of the Wang family and took away Wu Man's body.

"A grand funeral? Brother Wang, what are you thinking? Want to give this Quan Xing monster a grand funeral?" The head of the Lu family asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Patriarch Wang said: "Even if he was a demon before, he was no longer a demon before he died. He was a high monk who had attained enlightenment."

The head of the Lu family said no more. Adults all have their own decisions, but he felt that this encirclement and suppression of Wu Man was a bit empty, as if he clenched his fist and punched hard, but hit cotton.

However, Patriarch Wang was quite content. He looked at Zhang Zhiwei and said:

"Little Heavenly Master, I have many doubts. There is a sentence in the scripture just now, 'All dharmas should be known, seen, believed and understood in this way. No dharma appearances should arise. Subhuti', what does this mean?"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Patriarch Wang for a long time before he spoke:

"Senior Wang, what this means is that you should not create anything in your mind. In your subconscious, do not give rise to a Buddha or a Tao..."

"Because everyone's understanding of Buddha and Tao is different, all of this is born from the mind, so you should not generate your own Dharma, do not search for it, and do not construct a concept of self-consciousness."

Patriarch Wang still frowned: "Little Heavenly Master's understanding is actually the same as mine, but if it is understood this way, then doesn't it contradict the next sentence of the scripture?"

"The next sentence is 'Subhuti. What you are talking about is the Dharma-nature. As the Tathagata says, it is not the Dharma-nature. It is called the Dharma-nature.' How does the little celestial master understand this sentence?"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "The Dharma-nature mentioned in the Buddhist scriptures is not the Dharma-nature at all, so it is called the Dharma-nature."

"Little Master, I don't understand!" Patriarch Wang looked confused.

Zhang Zhiwei continued, "Senior Wang, you are obsessed with appearances. Taoism has a lot of Daoist scriptures, and Buddhism has a lot of Buddhist scriptures, such as the Three Canons and Twelve Divisions."

"There are all kinds of opinions on this. Sometimes they say it's empty, sometimes they say it's real, sometimes they say it's neither empty nor real, and sometimes they say it's both empty and real. Which one is right and which one is wrong? It's all bullshit!"

"Some seemingly true, self-contradictory statements, such as the phrase 'Dharma-appearance is not dharma-appearance', may just be for the sake of convenience in speaking and preaching. The purpose is just to make you understand the truth. If you don't understand it after saying it, he will change the way he says it, so there is no fixed number."

"This kind of situation often happens when I preach to my fellow disciples. They always write down what I say and then hold on to a few points and argue with them!"

After hearing what Zhang Zhiwei said, the face of the head of the Wang family kept changing, and he seemed to understand but not quite.

What Patriarch Lu was thinking was that the young Taoist priest compared himself to a sage, and indeed he was just as the old Taoist priest had said, arrogant and contemptuous of others.

Lu Ci understood: "In other words, this is all bullshit, right? Just like when I asked Senior Brother Zhang what 'Ru Shi' meant, you said it was the name of the famous prostitute Liu Ru Shi, right?"

Zhang Zhiwei gave a thumbs up and said, "This kid is teachable!"

After Lu Ci said this, Lu Jin, Lu Ren and other reckless men stopped hesitating immediately.

Patriarch Wang, on the other hand, was still confused. “I don’t understand. It’s hard to understand. If it’s wrong, how can so many people regard it as a classic?”

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at him and finally said:
"Although the Diamond Sutra is profound, it is not a method of observation. It does not teach people to observe anything, nor does it involve inner cultivation methods. It should be a method of covering up incorrect paths. As for what the correct path is, you have to find it yourself."

"This method of covering doesn't make any sense to me, but you may learn from it, but there's no need to dwell on it."

"If you cling to what the Buddha said, cling to the five aggregates being empty, cling to the four elements being empty, cling to this, cling to that, then you are clinging to medicine and becoming sick, and you are clinging to it, just like Wu Man."

After saying that, Zhang Zhiwei turned around and left. Wu Man was already dead, so there was no point in staying any longer. He should just go home quickly.

"Senior Brother Zhang, where are you going?" Lu Jin shouted from behind.

"We have finished our business here, let's go back to Longhu Mountain!" Zhang Zhiwei's figure disappeared, but his voice could be heard from afar.

"What about me? What about me? My master is still in Longhu Mountain!" Lu Jin shouted.

"With armor and horse in hand, run back on your own!"

The crane talisman was also broken, and there was no material at the moment, so it could not be drawn. Zhang Zhiwei also walked, but he did not use the armor horse.

Zhang Zhiwei walked out of the town, and then he ran into Wu Gensheng halfway.

Wu Gensheng came to see him alone. When he saw Zhang Zhiwei, he first clasped his hands and bowed. This bow was for Wu Man as well as for himself.

"Did you win or lose the bet on your life?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

"Since Brother Zhiwei is here, I will naturally win." Wu Gensheng said with a smile.

After a pause, he asked cautiously, "Brother Zhiwei, did the layman...go through?"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded: "He passed through, but he died!"

"If I can hear the truth in the morning, I can die in the evening. It's no loss at all!" Wu Gensheng said with a relieved smile on his face.

"It's indeed a good thing. By the way, he recited a passage from the Diamond Sutra before he died. Although it has nothing to do with you, I think you can listen to some of its content!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Wu Gensheng's expression straightened up: "Brother Zhiwei, please speak!"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "Subhuti, if there is a good man or a good woman who, in the first part of the day, donates his body as much as the sands of the Ganges River, in the middle part of the day, donates his body as much as the sands of the Ganges River, and in the last part of the day, donates his body as much as the sands of the Ganges River, and so on for countless hundreds of thousands of millions of kalpas, and donates his body as much as the sands of the Ganges River, and if there is anyone who hears this sutra and has unshakable faith, his blessings will be greater than that."

"It probably means that if a person gives his life as alms, and for an infinite amount of time, only gives alms without asking for anything in return, this person will have great blessings."

"But if there is a person who can achieve 'unwavering faith', and can rely on his own nature to save himself, and can trust his own mind and nature, then the merit of this person exceeds the merit of giving his body as alms."

"That's it, farewell!"

After saying that, Zhang Zhiwei didn't wait for Wu Gensheng to answer. He took a step forward dozens of meters and disappeared in a few breaths.

(End of this chapter)

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