Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 548 Liang Ting's Request

Chapter 548 Liang Ting's Request

Wu Gensheng stared at the direction where Zhang Zhiwei left. Even though he could no longer see Zhang Zhiwei, he did not move his eyes away for a long time.

The meaning of the scripture that Zhang Zhiwei read just now is actually very straightforward: it is better to save yourself than to save millions of people.

"Save others...save yourself..."

Wu Gensheng murmured softly as if in confusion, but his eyes did not waver at all, but were shining and clear.

"Master, why are you in a daze? Has the little Taoist priest left?"

Mei Jinfeng came over and said in a low voice.

Following her were Xia Liuqing, Gu Jiting and others.

Previously, Wu Gensheng went to see Zhang Zhiwei, and in order to avoid any unnecessary trouble, he asked them to wait not far away.

After waiting for a while and seeing that Wu Gensheng had not come back for a long time, Mei Jinfeng was worried that something had happened to him, so she brought her little dog Xia Liuqing to check on him.

Quan Xing followed blindly, and with Mei Jinfeng and Xia Liuqing taking the lead, they all came over in a swarm.

The bright light in Wu Gensheng's eyes disappeared, and he turned to look at everyone. He was not surprised that they came over, and said lightly:

"he's gone!"

"Then where is the lay Buddhist, Master?" a Quanxing disciple asked hesitantly.

Someone immediately rebuked him, "What nonsense are you talking about? The little celestial master has already walked out, so how can the layman still survive?"

Wu Gensheng waved his hand and said, "The layman is in the town ahead. Let's go and take a look."

Soon, the group headed towards Fengyang Town.

At this moment, in Fengyang Town, Wu Man was dead. The purpose of the Wang and Lu families' trip had been achieved. Staying in this place of right and wrong would only bring harm and no benefit. After burying Wu Man's body at the gate of the town, the two families left the place quickly.

After leaving Fengyang Town, Lu Ci looked at Lu Jin and said, "I originally wanted to invite Senior Brother Zhang to visit our Lujia Village, but now there is no chance. Old Lu, how about coming over and having a seat?"

Lu Jin shook his head and said, "I won't go. My master is still in Longhu Mountain. If I go too late, I'm afraid my master will go back to the mountain. I can't delay."

As he said this, he took out the magic armor and horse from his pocket, put it on, and was about to set off for Longhu.

"There are a lot of Quanxing demons gathering around Fengyang Town. It's not safe for you to go to Longhu Mountain alone without Senior Brother Zhang. What if you get ambushed? We are brothers, so I will reluctantly give you a ride!"

As Lu Ci spoke, he took out the armor horse from his pocket and put it on. Ever since he scolded his father in the labor formation, he could meet his father's unfriendly eyes from time to time. He knew that the matter was not over yet. He was worried that he would be punished if he returned home, so he thought it would be best to run away.

Lu Ren squinted his eyes and said nothing, quietly watching Lu Cizhuang. This guy's acting skills were really bad, on par with Senior Brother Zhang. Don't think they couldn't see that sending Lu Jin was fake, and seeking refuge was real.

"No, no, Hedgehog, just go back to the Lu family with Uncle Lu. I just contacted Senior Brother Zhang and he said he's waiting for me out front!!"

Lu Jin waved the Yin-Yang paper in his hand and winked at Lu Ci. He was not stupid and knew what Lu Ci was planning, but he was happy to see Lu Ci suffer a setback.

Zhang Zhiwei left earlier because he sensed that Wu Gensheng was nearby, so he went over to talk to him. He had no intention of really leaving Lu Jin here.

Zhang Zhiwei was very caring towards his little fans. He did not walk far away, giving them time to catch up.


Lu Ci looked at the head of the Lu family, his face froze. He was outwitted by Old Lu. He didn't know what to say. He hesitated for a while and made up an excuse:

"Father...Father...That's perfect. I just listened to the demon's scripture and I have some doubts. I want to ask Senior Brother Zhang for advice!"

What a poor excuse... Lu Jin complained in his heart, turned his head to see the reaction of the head of the Lu family, and waited for the show.

Unexpectedly, the head of the Lu family agreed immediately: "Since you want to ask the little Taoist priest a question, then you can go with Xiao Lu!"

Lu Ci was surprised, and then he was overjoyed.

It works so well... Lu Ren was stunned, and quickly said: "Father, I also have some questions I want to ask Brother Zhang, I wonder..."

The head of the Lu family glanced at Lu Ren and said, "Why do you have so many questions? Are you afraid of disturbing the little master's practice by asking them all?"

"During this period, our families have been very active. There are many things that need to be explained, both inside and outside the clan. You have to take more responsibility and can't run around like your brother does."

Lu Ren lowered his head and said, "Father, I understand."


Seeing this, Lu Ci opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Lu Ren who held his shoulder.

As the legitimate sons, one of the two brothers has to take on the responsibility of supporting the family.

Lu Ren knew that his father wanted to give him more experience and pave the way for him, and now was not the time to act recklessly.

Seeing this, the head of the Lu family nodded with satisfaction. Although the second son was naughty, the eldest son was still sensible.

"Since the little Taoist priest is waiting for you, you should set off quickly and don't let the little Taoist priest wait for too long!" said the head of the Lu family.

"Go quickly. If you understand something like the Tai Chi Soft Circle from Senior Brother Zhang, you must come back and explain it to me!"

Lu Ren patted Lu Ci's shoulder and said with a gentle face.

"Don't worry, brother!" Lu Ci hugged his brother, then put on his armor and walked up to Lu Jin with a bad look. When Lu Jin looked like he was saying "what can you do to me", he suddenly stretched out his hands, grabbed Lu Jin's neck, and dragged him away quickly.

"Fuck, fuck, you hedgehog, are you looking for death? Let me go now..."

The voice was getting farther and farther away. Patriarch Lu turned his head and looked at Patriarch Wang. "Brother Wang, even though the young celestial master took the initiative to help us, we can't just accept it with a clear conscience. We must..."

Patriarch Lu was halfway through his words when he noticed that Patriarch Wang was a little absent-minded. His mouth was opening and closing as if he was muttering something, but no sound came out.

"Brother Wang, are you listening?" asked the head of the Lu family.

Patriarch Wang came back to his senses and nodded: "I am listening. I think what Brother Lu said makes sense..."



the other side.

Not long after the Wang and Lu families left the town, Wu Gensheng and a group of Quan Xing disciples walked in, as if the two sides had made an agreement. All they saw was a pile of corpses.

Some were beheaded, some had their heads smashed, some were blasted into charcoal, and a pile of charred corpses were mixed together, unable to be distinguished from each other... The ground was also a mess, and the entire land seemed to have been plowed over. This was caused by the Ruyi Force blasting out from the ground.

There were also many half-meter-deep grooves on the ground. The grooves were straight and charred inside, as if they had been struck by lightning.

Everyone looked at the scene on the field and pieced together the battle scene in their minds, which made them look a little unnatural.

There is really no way to resist the kind of thunder magic that can easily draw a long groove on the ground!

After a brief silence, suddenly, a sound of breaking air was heard from a distance. Everyone turned their heads and saw an ugly bald villain flying over and swooping down to the ground.

There was a loud "boom" and the villain's legs stepped into the ground, and countless pieces of gravel and soil flew out in all directions like stray bullets.

The villain was the first to be hit, his clothes were torn into pieces, but his body was unharmed.

The gravel, which was as powerful as bullets, hit his body, but only made a series of dull sounds like beating a cowhide drum, which was not painful at all.

The bald villain shook his head to shake off the sweat left by the journey. He stared at Wu Gensheng with a pair of extremely ferocious eyes and grinned:
"Master, where is that little Taoist priest? Did you guys beat him to death?"

Wu Gensheng shrugged: "Liang Ting, you are late, the little Taoist priest has already left."

"Are you late? I'm rushing so hard, but can't you guys hold on for a while?"

Liang Ting looked around with an unfriendly gaze, focusing on Mei Jinfeng for a moment, with a hint of lust flashing in his eyes.

This scene was noticed by Xia Liuqing, who was devoted to protecting the goddess, and he immediately scolded:
"Who are you calling trash?!"

Liang Ting glanced at him, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not targeting you, I'm saying that you are all trash!"

They were all Quan Xing, how could they tolerate such an insult? Liang Ting was strong, but they were not vegetarians, and they immediately became tense.

"Okay, what's the fuss?"

Wu Gensheng spoke, changing his usual playful image and looking at everyone with a serious face: "Everyone, please give me some face and be quiet for a while!"

Wu Gensheng has a calming temperament, and his words are effective, and everyone calmed down immediately.

"Where is Old Wu?" Liang Ting asked.

Wu Gensheng pointed to the edge of the town, where there was a new grave with four big characters "Wu Man's Tomb" written in a very simple manner on the tombstone.

"Old Wu...is he dead?"

Liang Ting was a little surprised. He and Wu Man had some friendship and had fought against each other before. He knew Wu Man's strength. How could she die so quietly? Died at the hands of a brat?
He was a little unconvinced, and strode to Wu Man's tomb. The flesh on his waist squirmed, and several black holes opened up. Several tentacles stretched out from it, tearing open Wu Man's tomb, revealing the coffin inside.

Afterwards, Liang Ting did not tear the coffin into pieces directly. Instead, he controlled several tentacles and flexibly pulled out the nails on the coffin board and removed the bolts. The moment he opened the coffin lid, a burst of moist air blew in his face.

Liang Ting looked up in surprise, only to see an extremely thin shadow appearing before his eyes. It was a monk with a kind-faced face. If one looked closely, one could find that it was Wu Man.

Wu Man clasped her hands together in front of Wu Gensheng, then opened her mouth and said something to Liang Ting, but Liang Ting didn't hear clearly. Wu Man disappeared in the wind, leaving no trace.

"Old Wu!"

Liang Ting stretched out his hand to grab something, but caught nothing. He looked down at the coffin and saw Wu Man lying in the coffin, her flesh and blood torn apart, and the exposed bones were golden.

"Master," Liang Ting looked at Wu Gensheng, "What's going on with Old Wu?"

"Layman, go through it!"

"He got through?" Liang Ting looked shocked and confused, and then asked, "Did he realize the truth? How did he get through? If he got through, how could he die?"

"If you hear the truth in the morning, you can die in the evening. There is no point in worrying about these things. We should congratulate the monk!" Wu Gensheng said lightly.

"If I hear the truth in the morning, I can die in the evening?"

Liang Ting repeated it, and after a long silence, he suddenly grinned:
"It sounds very interesting. Master, how did Old Wu do this? Please teach me!"

"Teach you?" Wu Gensheng glanced at him and said, "I'm afraid Old Wu's method won't work on you."

Wu Manneng can have a conversation and discuss philosophy with Zhang Zhiwei, but Liang Ting probably can't. He will probably be killed before he can say a few words. After all, it would be unkind to say even one more word to such a scum.

"It won't work?" Liang Ting was a little unhappy: "Old Wu can do it, but I can't. Am I so evil that even you, who claims to be the head of the sect, don't bother to care about me?"

Wu Gensheng shook his head and said, "Not really. If I were not Quan Xing, you and other disciples would be no different in my eyes. I would kill any of them I saw without any injustice. But since I want to be the head of Quan Xing, I can't use other virtues to evaluate you. I actually want to help you, but if you want to wear it, you must first know what you are going to wear. For laymen, it is ignorance and the five aggregates, what about you?"

"Me?" Wu Gensheng asked Liang Ting directly. What exactly did he want? He couldn't even say it.

"Look, Brother Liang, you can't say it, how can I help you? You'd better think it through first!" Wu Gensheng said.

"I..." Liang Ting looked around in a daze, and still stayed on Mei Jinfeng for a moment, which made Mei Jinfeng get goose bumps all over her body.

Afterwards, Liang Ting looked at Wu Gensheng and said with a look of surprise: "I have a goal, Master, let me be happy again!"

Wu Gensheng noticed Liang Ting's gaze and was speechless: "Brother Liang, you..."

Mei Jinfeng also shouted angrily: "White Owl, what are you talking about?"

"Liang Ting, fuck your mother, you beast, how dare you still think about Jin Feng'er?!" Xia Liuqing rolled up his sleeves and put on the gloves that stored the power of faith, wishing he could tear Liang Ting apart alive.

"Who the hell cares about that little dwarf? Only you, a blind person, treat her as a treasure. Unless you are really hungry, I won't even play with her even if you give her to me for free!"

Liang Ting sneered and mocked, then he looked at Wu Gensheng: "I'm not talking about that dwarf, I'm talking about having a good time, a real, good time."

"Fun?" Wu Gensheng asked in confusion, "Even among all the people, you are considered the best when it comes to doing evil. Is there anything you dare not do, or anything you cannot enjoy?"

"Because those things are not fun. I have never had a good time in my life. I have never had a satisfying time... No... I can't say I haven't had any!"

Liang Ting's face was filled with reminiscence, and he said in a daze, "When I smashed my old master's head into pieces, when I used my soft bones to smash my senior brother's head for the first time, and when I humiliated that Tang Sect kid's daughter in front of him, I felt extremely happy."

"Afterwards, in order to have more fun, I found a few more families on the way here and raped their daughters in front of them, but I didn't feel that kind of pleasure anymore. It was because of this that I came late."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone felt a chill. Even though most of the people present were evil monsters, compared to the person in front of them, they were nothing but dwarfs and not worth mentioning.

Liang Ting summarized his past experience: "It seems that if you do something too much, you will become numb... When you do the same thing again, it can only slightly relieve the frustration in your heart."

"I've done all kinds of shit in my life, but none of them were as satisfying as those three times. Master, can you help me? Help me find the thing that can make me happy?"

(End of this chapter)

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