Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 549: Lu Ci's sudden realization, his promises come true

Chapter 549: Lu Ci's sudden realization, his promises come true

"Help you find something that makes you feel happy..."

Wu Gensheng pondered over what Liang Ting had done.

Many times, this person gave him a feeling of aimless venting, just like a bored kid who stepped on an ant to death here and pinched a mosquito to death there. He had no goal and was therefore confused.

If he had a goal and knew what he wanted to do, maybe he wouldn't be such a jerk...

Thinking of this, Wu Gensheng nodded:
"As the head of the sect, I naturally have to take care of my disciples. Since you can't find the target, then fine, I can help you find it, but when I help you, you must listen to my instructions!"

"Sure!" Liang Ting agreed readily.

Wu Gensheng raised a finger and said, "My first request to you is that you should stop doing the stupid things you did before!"

Liang Ting's expression changed: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

"If you could teach, someone would have taught you long ago," Wu Gensheng said calmly, "What you did before didn't make you happy or satisfied, so there's no need to do it again in the future. From now on, you might as well keep this frustration to yourself."

Liang Ting thought about it for a while, felt that what Wu Gensheng said made sense, and nodded:
"Okay, I'll do as you say. Anything else?"

Wu Gensheng said: "That's enough for now. Next, you stay with me. Let's go to a place first and see if we can take a shortcut."

"What shortcut?" Liang Ting asked.

Wu Gensheng said, "Not long ago, I made a bet with a crazy monk and won a scroll of secret mantras. According to him, this is the only one in the world, which can make people feel like they were pulled into the world of desire by the demon Po Xun, and experience all the pleasures that can be imagined in the world at will. Since you are looking for something that can make you feel good, this may be able to help you!"

"Where is it? Quick, take me there!"

When he heard that he could enjoy all the pleasures in the world, Liang Ting's eyes turned red and he spoke while panting.

"Okay, remember your promise. But before that, in order to avoid disturbing the lay Buddhist in the future, let's cremate him first!" Wu Gensheng said.

"Bother you?" Liang Ting was puzzled.

"The layman has broken through ignorance and realized the emptiness of the five aggregates. If he were in Buddhism, he would be a holy monk. If he stays here, he will inevitably be disturbed by guys like the tomb-guarding boy. It is better to be cremated, dust to dust, earth to earth, and it will be all over once and for all. He will be able to live in peace and tranquility!" Wu Gensheng said.

"What the headmaster said makes some sense. I will burn Old Wu right now!"

After saying that, Liang Ting used his talisman skills and spit out flames to wrap around Wu Man's body.

Liang Ting is a grandmaster of both mechanical devices and talismans, so the most basic fire talisman is naturally no problem for him.

However, perhaps it was because Wu Man had attained the Arhat level of emptiness of all five aggregates, his body was as hard as gold and iron, and Liang Ting's talisman fire could not burn him.

"Old Wu, I wasn't afraid of you when you were alive, and I often challenged you to fight. Now that you're dead, what can I do to your corpse?"

Liang Ting sneered and cast the talisman again to increase the power of the flame.

And when Liang Ting cremated Wu Man.

Mei Jinfeng walked to Wu Gensheng's side, tugged at the corner of his clothes, and whispered:

"Master, this means that Liang Ting, this unforgivable villain, will be with us from now on?"

Wu Gensheng nodded: "Of course."

Mei Jinfeng frowned. So far, Wu Gensheng's followers were only Gu Jiting, her, and Xia Liuqing.

Although they are all Quan Xing, in Mei Jinfeng's opinion, they are not bad people with great evil.

The only bad guy, Xia Liuqing, has become a good person after following them. How disgusting would it be if Liang Ting joined the team? !
Mei Jinfeng frowned and was unable to speak. Xia Liuqing, who was standing by, observed her expression and quickly walked over and said:

"Master, do we really want a bad guy like Liang Ting to join us? Why don't we just let him go to the little Taoist priest to seek the truth? If the little Taoist priest could save Lay Buddhist Wu Man, he might be able to save him too!"

Wu Gensheng glanced at him and said, "How? Let him run to the little Taoist priest and yell at him to make him feel good? Guess what will happen in the end?"

When Wu Gensheng said this, he laughed.

Xia Liuqing said angrily: "The end must be very miserable!"

"It won't be too miserable, at least not more miserable than those who died in his hands. It should be very direct, as direct as a gift from God." Wu Gensheng said after thinking for a while.

"Why not?" Xia Liuqing hesitated to speak.

"Old Xia, Jinfeng, you think that people like Liang Ting are hopeless, right?" Wu Gensheng said with a smile.

Xia Liuqing and Mei Jinfeng nodded.

Wu Man realized that he had won the bet with his life again, and Zhang Zhiwei had also given him some advice. All these things put Wu Gensheng in a good mood, so he was patient enough to explain.

He squatted down, used his finger as a pen, and wrote the word "I" on the ground, and then wrote another "I" upside down.

"What do you think this is?" Wu Gensheng pointed at the word written upside down on the ground and asked Xia Liuqing and Mei Jinfeng.

"This is the word 'I', but it's written backwards." Mei Jinfeng said.

"Yes, yes, I think the same!" Xia Liuqing echoed.

"Then what word is it?" Wu Gensheng said, pointing at the word "I" that was not written backwards.

"Master, this is the word 'I' written right here!"

Although Mei Jinfeng was somewhat puzzled by Wu Gensheng's intention, she still gave an answer.

"Me too!" Xia Liuqing followed.

"Since it is the word 'I', then what about this one written upside down? Is it still a word?" Wu Gensheng asked again.

Mei Jinfeng looked at the word "I" written backwards, thought about it, and gave her own reply:
"Since the word 'I' is written backwards, it is a typo, just like a random drawing, it should not be considered a word!"

"Me too!" Xia Liuqing echoed.

"Since you said it is not a character, then why do you recognize it as the word 'I' written backwards? It has its own meaning, so is it really not a character?" Wu Gensheng said again.

Hearing Wu Gensheng's question, Mei Jinfeng thought for a moment and then changed her words: "That counts as a word!"

"Since it is a character and you recognize it, why do you say it is written backwards?" Wu Gensheng continued to ask.

Mei Jinfeng was stunned for a moment and didn't know how to answer this question.

Wu Gensheng said: "You said it was the word 'I' written backwards, mainly because you really know the word 'I' in your heart. If you don't know this word, you can't tell whether it is written backwards or not." "In this case, if I tell you that this word is the word 'I', then next time you see the word 'I' written correctly, you will say it is written backwards!"

"So, as long as someone says it, you will know what the word is, whether it is written forward or backward."

Wu Gensheng concluded: "This principle also applies to humans. Good people are humans, and bad people are also humans. The most important thing is not the differences between people, but your understanding of human nature."

"When you encounter an evil person, you should be able to see his good and evil at a glance and call out his 'nature'. Once his nature is clear, it will not be difficult to convert him."

"There is a saying in Buddhism that goes, if I don't go to hell, then who will? Although most people in Quanxing are bastards, I am your leader. If I am not willing to save you, then who would be willing?"

"Master..." Mei Jinfeng was touched.

Xia Liuqing was also full of admiration, thinking to himself that he had followed the right person. Although he was obsessed with Jin Feng, he only met Jin Feng after he followed Wu Gensheng.

Some of the other Quan Xing people around also heard the conversation between Wu Gensheng and Mei Jinfeng, and looked at Wu Gensheng with shining eyes.

Combined with the previous events, they felt a sense of identification for the first time towards Wu Gensheng, the acting leader who flowed like flowing water in Quanxing.

It seems that it wouldn't be so difficult to accept if he were to become our leader.



Liang Ting's talisman fire eventually burned Wu Man's body, leaving a pile of gray ashes and a golden relic on the ground.

Wu Gensheng bent down, picked up the relic, held it in the palm of his hand, and felt it carefully. He could faintly hear the sound of chanting. At the same time, his troublesome thoughts fell away and his mind became extremely pure.

It's a good thing, but it's useless to him. He is naturally quiet and maintains a peaceful state at all times.

It may be of some use to the Quanxing disciples around, and can make their hearts more peaceful, but they are just a group of poor creatures who can't find their direction. In their hands, this thing is just a tool to help the evil, and it is really a treasure covered in dust.

What if I give it to Brother Zhiwei? After all, he is the lay Buddhist he converted. However, with Brother Zhiwei's level of cultivation, this item is useless to him. In this case...

Wu Gensheng thought about it carefully and decided to hand this thing over to the Wang family.

Wu Man killed the old man of the Wang family. The old man was a virtuous man during his lifetime and had a high reputation in the world. Although the current head of the Wang family has made some flaws in some things, he is not an unrighteous person. Perhaps he can play a role.

at the same time.

On the other side, Zhang Zhiwei, Lu Jin and Lu Ci also met.

"Hedgehog, why are you following me here if you're not going home?"

Zhang Zhiwei raised his eyebrows and said.

During this period, Lu Ci frequently went to Longhu Mountain and spent more time there than in Lujia Village.

"Senior Brother Zhang and I have the same ideals. Don't you want to work with Senior Brother Zhang?" Lu Ci said with a smile.

"Brother Zhang, don't listen to Hedgehog's nonsense. He actually scolded Uncle Lu in the Twelve Labor Emotion Formation and was worried that he would be beaten to death when he returned, so he planned to go to Longhu Mountain to take shelter!"

Lu Jin ruthlessly exposed Lu Ci's little thoughts.

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as mute!"

Lu Ci glared at Lu Jin fiercely, then looked at Zhang Zhiwei and smiled:
"Brother Zhang, it's not like what you said. It's mainly because after listening to Wu Man's scripture, I have some insights. My practice of Tiger Leopard Thunder Sound has made a step forward. I am just one step away from a complete breakthrough and a thorough understanding. But I am just a little bit short, so I would like to ask Brother Zhang for advice!"

"Really? What do you want to ask me? Just tell me!" Zhang Zhiwei asked with interest.

"I would like to ask Senior Brother Zhiwei to show me the Tiger Leopard Thunder Sound again, just once!" Lu Ci said.

"If that's the case, then you better watch!"

Zhang Zhiwei's mind moved, and he immediately activated the Tiger Leopard Thunder Sound. He did not perform it all at once, but performed it step by step, with a regular rhythm, just like the scene of the birth of all things in slow motion, slowly unfolding.

Under Zhang Zhiwei's deliberate practice, Lu Ci could clearly hear the rumbling sound of thunder in his body. Lu Ci unconsciously adjusted every muscle and bone in his body.

In fact, Zhang Zhiwei had practiced this type of drill with Lu Ci when they were in Northeast China, and Li Shuwen was also present to give advice.

It's just that at that time, Lu Ci's cultivation was still shallow, and he didn't understand many things thoroughly. He couldn't make his muscles and bones work together, so no matter how much he said, it was in vain.

But now, as his cultivation has deepened, he is no longer the same person as before. When he once again steps on those difficult obstacles that were difficult to comprehend before, he does not feel any difficulty. Everything is so natural.

Everything is worth it, everything is worth it... Lu Ci was very excited. He suppressed his excitement and controlled his muscles and bones to vibrate according to Zhang Zhiwei's rhythm.

Gradually, he heard a deep and powerful thunder coming from his body. This sound was very similar to the thunder coming from Senior Brother Zhang's body.

Two kinds of thunder sounds, one in front and one behind, one high and one low, exploded between heaven and earth.

"It's released, it's finally released!"

Lu Ci wanted to shout out excitedly.

Zhang Zhiwei's voice rang in his ears: "Bao Yuan Shou Yi, continue!"

Lu Ci quickly closed his eyes, calmed his mind, put aside all distractions, and devoted himself to the task.

Soon, the two thunder sounds, one high and one low, merged together and became indistinguishable from each other.

Lu Jin was standing nearby, holding his heart, watching the scene with a serious face. His own failure was certainly horrible, but his friend's success was even more distressing. He felt like his heart was being cut by a knife. He had finally been able to suppress the hedgehog with the help of his second-level reverse growth ability, but now he was afraid that he would have to switch between offense and defense!
After a while, Zhang Zhiwei stopped guiding and stopped the thunder sound. The breath in his body calmed down, but the thunder sound outside continued to explode, one louder than the other, until it reached a certain critical point. Lu Ci suddenly opened his eyes, stepped to the side, and opened his fist very lightly. He punched out, and muffled thunder rolled from his waist and extended to his fist, forming a ball of purple Qi.

"The pie that the Lu family promised him during the martial arts performance has finally come true!" Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself.

Lu Jin clearly felt the sluggish flow of Qi throughout his body, which made him feel even more heartbroken.

Lu Ci looked at the purple Qi ball in his hand, grinned, and punched out with a loud bang.


Thunder exploded, and countless iron chains seemed to break at the same time. With Lu Ci's fist as the center, the air around him shook violently, overlapping and criss-crossing white cracks appeared, like a spider web.

With Lu Ci as the center, strong winds blew in all directions. In front of him, the earth and rocks collapsed, and a gully more than one meter wide appeared. In the distance, strong winds blew.

"I have done it. I have integrated the shock and collapse forces into the Ruyi Force to imitate the power of natural disasters. I have finally done it. Senior Brother Zhang never lied to me!"

Lu Ci laughed and looked at Lu Jin, winking and saying, "Old Lu, can you block this punch?"

(End of this chapter)

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