Peninsula: My girlfriend is ACE

Chapter 319 The Consequences of Curiosity

Chapter 319 The Consequences of Curiosity
"Did these people make me look so scary?"

After sending Pu Zhengchang out of the office, Gu Cheng returned to his work station and asked Li En with some doubts.

"It's okay, I've never met a boss like you, Gu Gong!"

Li En is now a loyal fan of Gu Cheng, and his heart is naturally more on his side.

She had occasionally heard what was said outside, but she didn't feel much about it.

However, recently in FNC, I feel like everyone is a little more polite.

When Gu Cheng said this, she also reacted.

It turns out that the root of the problem lies here!

"That's what you call, the fox pretends to be the tiger's power!"

"A fox pretending to be a tiger?"

Li En heard that Gu Cheng was speaking Chinese again, so he learned to speak it.

If nothing else, my pronunciation is much more standard than before.

"Yeah, I've been working hard to learn Chinese when I have nothing to do recently." When Li En heard Gu Cheng praising her, his face was instantly filled with a smile, but when he mentioned the learning process, the smile disappeared, "Really It’s a little too difficult.”

"Where there's a will, there's a way. It's easy to keep learning with this attitude."

Gu Cheng said with a smile, and then said nothing more.

Before leaving get off work, he would select all the photos, package them and send them to Lin Ping.

Tomorrow is the last working day of the week, so I have to send it out early, otherwise those laid-back Italian guys won't work on the weekend.

But why are there so many photos?

When Gu Cheng opened the folder, he discovered that there were nearly a thousand photos taken from different directions and angles.

Could it be that I subconsciously pressed too many shutter buttons at that time?

I don't feel it!

It is really a big project to select [-] representative photos among these!

Despite this, he did not disturb Li En's normal work.

In his works, he himself knows best which angle of view works best, but there are many photos from the same angle of view, and some subtle differences are relatively hidden.

This is why it takes so much time.

As time passes by, with all the mind immersed in it, there is no more concept here in Gu Cheng.

In the office, there was only the sound of him and Li En tapping the keyboard and mouse.

During this period, Li En was a little curious as to why Gu Cheng's expression was so serious.

So while pouring water, I secretly glanced at his computer screen, and then
Then I was attracted by the photos taken by Gu Cheng.

The last time he and Lin Ping discussed the design plan, Li En and Xiao Zhang were present.

Therefore, she is quite clear about the design plan that Gu Cheng entered, but is it actually tangible?
In the grand prix in December, there is still a sample request?

Li En simply moved slowly and stood behind Gu Cheng, quietly looking at the photos that jumped past.

"Big hair!"

After looking at it for a while, a photo of Lin Ping came into the camera, which made Li En realize that this sample did not seem to be that simple.

The two bosses, without knowing whether the plan could win a gold medal, directly restored the work in reality according to a certain proportion.

How much does it cost?
If only I were this rich!

"I didn't want to call you at first, but since Li Enqi came here on his own, I just wanted to help him!"


"I will send you a package and email now. You can pick out the thirty photos you think are the best, and then you can get off work!"

"Is it really possible?"

"Of course, I have lied to you before," Gu Cheng suppressed his mouth, "Just pick it out, but you have to be serious!"


When Gu Cheng looked at pictures, he looked at them one by one in the form of large pictures.

Therefore, Li En was completely unaware of the seriousness of the problem and returned to his work station briskly.

Gu Cheng's hand speed was very fast. As soon as she sat down, she received the email.Well?

what's the situation?
Isn't it just a few photos?

The first time he realized something was wrong, Li En secretly glanced at Gu Cheng, wanting to say that he still had a lot of reports to write.

But he saw that Gu Cheng had already put on his headphones and was immersed in work again.

He downloaded the compressed file anxiously, and after opening it, Li En was going crazy.

In the lower left corner of the folder, the number 999 is very conspicuous.

That is to say, she has to select the thirty photos that she thinks are the best among the 999 photos.

What a torture!
She finally understood why Gu Cheng looked so serious when he looked at the photo just now.

At that speed, whether it can end today is another matter!
President, is your heart dark?

I looked at the time in the lower right corner of the computer screen and saw that it was already 02:30 pm.

Oh, if you want me to stay and work overtime, just say so. Why be so tactful?
However, complaints are complaints, Li En's work attitude is still very serious.

Following Gu Cheng's example, he started to look through the photos one by one.

Just saying, how do you tell the difference between photos like this that have almost no difference between them?

Do you have any superpowers like eyes? ——
"How's it going? The photo was taken well, right?"

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the scheduled off-duty time, Gu Cheng had already finished the work at hand, and then walked near Li En and asked.

"More than good!"

Li En's voice had lost its vitality, and when Gu Cheng's voice sounded, she fell directly on the table.

In such a short half-day of working time, she only finished less than half of the content.

Next time she won't be so curious.

"Then keep working hard and send it to my email before going home. I'm going back first."


The electronic lock in the office opened, and Gu Cheng opened the door and walked out.

Li Enze was still lying on his stomach in a dazed state.

The photos are beautiful, but I can’t bear to look at them like this.

The key point is that she cannot achieve the same level as Gu Cheng, and can only check it slowly and carefully.

Gu Cheng did not go to Zheng Xiujing today, but planned to eat something outside and then go to the jewelry store to get gifts.

Zheng Xiujing's birthday was just a few days away, and what he planned to send had already been sent to the Paris headquarters a month ago.

I received news just yesterday that it had been sent back to Seoul.

That gift was designed by himself, and it was the only one on the market.

Gu Cheng planned to wait for Zheng Xiujing to get the gift, and then put it on her with his own hands.

"Dear dear, are you busy?"

Before the car drove far out of the FNC building, the phone rang again.

I took a look and saw Sunny's phone number.

Are we going to treat guests to dinner again?

"I just had lunch not long ago, and now I'm driving to buy something."

"Are you in a hurry? If you're not in a hurry, let's come to Nonhyeon-dong first. I'll treat you to dinner!"

"I invited you without inviting anyone else. Don't worry I won't trick you."

Hey, it was exactly what Gu Cheng thought.

Sunny even said very considerately that there would be no burden if no one else was around.

The words have already reached this point, and it would be a bit unreasonable to refuse.

Gu Cheng agreed.

On the way there, I suddenly thought that if I had known that we were going to meet today, I wouldn't have bothered Yoona to bring the gift.

(End of this chapter)

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