Chapter 320 Dreaming!
"If I had known you were going to treat me to dinner today, I wouldn't have bothered Yoona with gifts."

"Don't you ask me yourself!"


Gu Cheng could hear the deep depression in Sunny's voice.

Could it be that those snacks were murdered last night?
"That's right, it's what you think." Sunny's ability to observe people's emotions has always been very strong. Gu Cheng's subtle expression changes were immediately caught, "She brought me to the practice room this morning."

Come on, Sunny must not have been able to take a few bites, right?

As soon as he was brought to the practice room, Gu Cheng knew the result.

You can't walk out of Girls' Generation's practice room alive without a bag of snacks. This is what Kim Heechul told him last time.

"I can't call you and ask you directly if you want to treat me to dinner, right?"

"That way, it seems a bit too much."

"Darling, if you want to give me any gift next time, just call me directly like this, and I will definitely understand what you mean."

Several black lines appeared on Gu Cheng's head.

What this means is giving gifts and expressing your thoughts.

Those who don’t know think I’m cheating on you and chasing you!

"Eat, eat, I didn't even eat much in the FNC cafeteria at noon!"

"I can't get used to it. In terms of canteens alone, JYP's taste is the best and there are many varieties. You can try it if you have a chance."

"forget it"

Gu Cheng shook his head.

If you go to the company cafeteria to have a meal, I'm afraid you won't be called out.

Have all the restaurants outside closed down?

Perhaps to prove Gu Cheng's hungry belly, the pork belly on the baking pan was sizzling with a lot of oil, and the aroma was charming.

I haven't eaten for more than half a month, but now I feel pretty good.

Put the cooked pork belly on perilla leaves, add some kimchi, roll it up and put it directly into your mouth.

not bad.

The taste is comparable to the restaurants I often go to.

The flavor is also quite unique.

Are these people studying barbecue sauce when they have nothing to do?
When Sunny is treating you, the store you are looking for may not be very famous, but the taste must be good, and it may also have some unique characteristics.

Such as this one now.

Pork belly is also divided into two types.

One is pickled in the traditional way, and the other is what the two of them are eating.

After buying fresh pork belly, clean it, drain it, and let it air dry for some time.

It will then be hung into an iron bucket with fruit charcoal burning inside.

After this smoking process, the pork belly will have a fruity aroma.

"This method is called bacon over there. The process sounds similar, except that the natural aging time here is shorter, and the flavor is between the two types of meat."

"is it?"

It’s not like Sunny has never been to China before, but she always goes and leaves in a hurry and doesn’t have time to eat the special delicacies.

Not to mention this.

After grilling a batch of pork belly, Sunny carefully moved them to the edge of the baking pan, and then put a large pinch of kimchi into the center.

The oil spilled from the pork belly is completely absorbed by the kimchi at this moment.

Even if it is not mixed with meat, it is still delicious when eaten alone.

"I didn't realize it, but you're pretty good at it."

"I'm just lazy, it's not like I don't know anything!"

Gu Cheng had just complained before, and Sunny followed closely.

He really refused to admit defeat.

However, this self-perception is quite correct.

"Laugh if you want. It's not like I don't know what's going on with me!"

Seeing that Gu Cheng was struggling to hold it in, Sunny said lightly.I was too lazy to appear on the scene. Fans had complained about this a thousand times, and Gu Cheng was probably one of them at the time.

"You said it yourself!"


The next second, Gu Cheng burst out laughing. While laughing, he said that Sunny had a very deep understanding of him. He stopped after a long list of words.

Sunny didn't hear clearly what was said specifically.

Anyway, it’s just a chat about Chelulu, going back and forth.

By the time we finished eating, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

Gu Cheng drove Sunny back to the dormitory, and then declined her invitation to sit there for a while, saying that he had to do something more important.

Seeing this, Sunny didn't force it.

With a wave of their hands, the two said goodbye to each other and went back to their homes.

Jessica Jung: Oppa, haven’t you gotten off work yet?
Gu Cheng: I got off work early. I have something to do outside!
After driving for a while, Gu Cheng suddenly received a message from Zheng Xiujing.

I didn't pay attention at first, but after driving for a while towards the JB area, I suddenly realized it.

Is Zheng Xiujing at home right now?
Let’s get that gift during the day tomorrow!
Gu Cheng: I'm on my way home now. If you're hungry, there's still food in the refrigerator, or you can cook it when I get back.

Jessica Jung: Kenchana, I can’t eat too much lately because I’m not hungry.

Gu Cheng: Okay, wait a moment, I'll be home soon.

In order to prevent his carefully prepared gifts from being exposed, Gu Cheng also took great pains to act like a secret agent.

Half an hour later, Gu Cheng suddenly appeared at the door of his house.

When I opened the door, the latest episode of RM was playing on the TV in the living room.

But Zheng Xiujing was not seen.

Looking closer, Gu Cheng chuckled.

Zheng Xiujing, who was wearing pajamas, had fallen asleep on the sofa.

Turning off the TV, loosening the buttons on his collar and cuffs, Gu Cheng gently picked up Zheng Xiujing.


Feeling the movement, Zheng Xiujing half-opened her eyes in a daze and shouted like she was dreaming.

"Nai, go back to your room and sleep. Oppa will take you back."

Gu Cheng said softly and slowly walked towards the room.

Zheng Xiujing put her hands around Gu Cheng's neck, brought her head close to his neck, and rubbed it hard a few times.

Like a kitten.

Zheng Xiujing was lying on the bed, watching Gu Cheng walk into the bathroom with a change of clothes, secretly opened his eyes, and showed a strange expression.

Then, the body hiding under the quilt moved a few times and then returned to calm.

His face was red, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a few minutes, I seemed to hear the movement inside, so I quickly closed my eyes and turned off the big light in the room, leaving only a small table lamp.

"Is the light too bright?"

After Gu Cheng dried his hair, he walked out of the bathroom and found that the light had been turned off.

I just thought that Zheng Xiujing had been tired recently and wanted to go to bed earlier.

However, when he got into bed, his expression suddenly changed.

Under the warm yellow light, I noticed that Xiu Jing's cheeks were rosy.

"Xiujing, the big bad wolf is coming!!!"

Gu Cheng said, reaching out and taking the person into his arms.

"Oh, Oppa, I'm sleeping!"

"No problem, Oppa is sleeping and dreaming too!"

Knowing that Zheng Xiujing was shy, Gu Cheng stretched out his hand from the quilt and extinguished the last bit of light.

There is no need to say more about what happened after that.

(End of this chapter)

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