Peninsula: My girlfriend is ACE

Chapter 321 'Surprise'

Chapter 321 'Surprise'

"Oppa, the day after tomorrow is my birthday, where should we go?"

"Don't you have any activities to attend on your birthday?"

"Do you think I'm active?"

The next morning, when Gu Cheng was carrying his bag and preparing to go out, Zheng Xiujing asked him.

However, according to the usual impression, the company usually organizes an event on idol's birthday.

No matter how big or small, it will be lively.

On the contrary, the time may change a little, and it will not really be placed on the birthday.

After all, idols are human beings too, and they also need to spend a certain amount of time with their families.

"That's it," Gu Cheng thought thoughtfully. If there is no activity, it would be just right. The two of them could go out and have fun. "Then how about I make the arrangements?"


Zheng Xiujing didn't know what arrangements Gu Cheng would make, but she quickly agreed.

Perhaps in her opinion, staying with Gu Cheng like this is a good way to celebrate her birthday.

"Then it's agreed that I will have all the time during the day the day after tomorrow, and I will go home to celebrate with my uncle and aunt in the evening."

"No," seeing that Gu Cheng had already walked out of the door and was about to come back to say something verbose, Zheng Xiujing quickly found a reason to urge him to get into the elevator, "Oppa, if you don't leave, you will be late for work."

When Gu Cheng heard this, he also looked at the time on his watch. It was indeed getting late.

He waved and entered the elevator.

It's not like Zheng Xiujing said that she was worried about being late.

But if we don't go out, we will face an even more congested morning rush hour, and it may be ten o'clock before we arrive at FNC.

This is the most painful thing.

After Gu Cheng left, Zheng Xiujing tidied up the house and went out.

Recently, the group actually has various itineraries, both large and small, but the company has no clear statement about her personal itinerary.

Therefore, when she had nothing to do, she simply stayed in the practice room alone.

Dance, sing and stay in shape.

Or go to the acting department teacher and learn some acting knowledge.

The most recent screen time was a short film released in the imagination space after returning from Paris at the beginning of the year.

As for the TV series, it was last year.

Thinking of this, Zheng Xiujing, who was sitting in the driver's seat, couldn't help but sigh.

Slowly driving out of the basement, the pattering rain kept hitting the body and glass of the car.

Only then did she suddenly realize that there seemed to be a lot of rain recently.

I don’t know if Gu Cheng brought an umbrella.

Don't go collecting photos in such weather, it will be bad if you catch a cold.

Zheng Xiujing's worries are not inaccurate.

Gu Cheng also realized it was raining when the car drove out of the underground parking lot. His first reaction was that he could go out to collect wind.

Usually when I go out, the sky is clear or the haze is overwhelming. It is rare to change the scene.

I'm sorry if I don't go out because of the weather.

Thinking of this, he simply turned around and headed in the direction of Yeouido.

Passing by a coffee shop on the way, he stopped the car and went in to order a cup of coffee and sit there for a few minutes.

It's definitely not because he wants coffee.

It was the photo promised to Lin Ping yesterday, but he didn't send it last night because of business, and now he has already called to remind him.

His thoughts are like those of Tang Seng.

Fortunately, he has already sorted it out and sending it out before noon will not delay things.

Otherwise, the two people's next plan will have to be delayed for another two days.

"Okay, I've sent it to you. If nothing happens, I'll hang up!" Seeing the message that the email was successfully sent pop up on the screen, Gu Cheng said to the phone and then hung up.

Beep beep.
The busy signal from the phone left Lin Ping speechless.

This person, as soon as he went to Seoul, became indifferent to me, and his heart became so fast!Ah.
Open the email and download the email attachment sent by Gu Cheng to your computer.

After unzipping, I didn't rush to package it with the existing files, but slowly began to appreciate Gu Cheng's handiwork.

Needless to say, he really has no talent when it comes to playing with cameras.

It's not that I haven't tried it before, but the photos I took are comparable to Gu Cheng's previous portraits.

"Excuse me, is this Oppa Gu Cheng?"

"Huh? Are you?"

"It's really Oppa Gu Cheng, Dafa!"

In the cafe, Gu Chenggang put his computer back into his bag and was about to finish the last bit of coffee before going out for a walk when he was interrupted by two girls.

After two sentences, I knew I had met a fan again.

That's not so good in Seoul. Every now and then a fan will pop up and want to take a photo with you.

If I were to be more straightforward, I could refuse directly.

But they are also asking for your opinion, which is very polite.

Under such circumstances, Gu Cheng would generally not refuse as long as it didn't delay things.

After a few brief exchanges, Gu Cheng was about to ask if he wanted to take a photo or sign an autograph, but he saw them waving and walking away.

This scene made him feel a little surprised.

Two girls, quite interesting.

A chance encounter with a fan in a cafe is just one of the fun things in the morning.

When Gu Cheng opened the trunk of the car, he realized that he didn't seem to put the umbrella in after he used it last time.

Although the rain at the moment was not heavy, it was not something the camera could bear.

This is very troublesome.

Looking around, I saw a convenience store, so I took a few steps and walked in.

Unfortunately, the last umbrella on the shelf was taken away.

"Okay, it seems I still have to go to work honestly today!"

It is quite interesting to stand in front of the French window of a convenience store and watch the raindrops and splashes on the ground outside the store.

The camera was in the car and I didn’t take it out. I took out my cell phone and took a photo. It was considered as a photoshoot.

Life always surprises people inadvertently!

"When I went out, I was still thinking, Oppa, did you bring an umbrella? I didn't expect that you actually ran out to collect the scenery."

"It didn't work! Who knew the umbrella was not in the car?"

Affected by external factors, Gu Cheng gave up the idea of ​​collecting wind on rainy days and drove slowly in the direction of FNC.

On the way, Zheng Xiujing, who was worried, even called.

Unexpectedly, things turned out to be exactly as she suspected.

I have to say that she already knows her boyfriend quite well.

After confirming that Gu Cheng would not run around in the rain, he told him to drive safely and hung up the phone.

Then he walked to the window of the practice room and watched the traffic flow outside.

It seemed that Gu Cheng was driving one of them.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help laughing.

"Krystal, is there anything happy that happened today?"

"There is something interesting happening inside."

Manager Lin Junxuan opened the door and walked in, just in time to hear her laughter.

However, when he wanted to ask further, Zheng Xiujing decisively refused.

It's really sad.

On the other side, while Gu Cheng was speeding along in the crowded traffic, he received another call.

Kim Jong Kook.

(End of this chapter)

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