Peninsula: My girlfriend is ACE

Chapter 338: Buy F in the future

Chapter 338: Buy F(X) in the future
Under the guidance of the organizer's staff, we soon arrived at the prepared dressing room and lounge.

Gu Cheng immediately left with the male assistant driving the car.

Just go ahead and check out the venue.

While there aren't that many people at the moment, let's check the entire place first so that the four of them can get familiar with the place later.

"Brother Gu Cheng, are you experiencing life today?"

"Although I have seen it many times on TV and the Internet, I still don't understand the working status of an artist at all." Gu Cheng nodded and agreed with this statement, "After all, my father is an artist now. If I don't If you understand it, it’s a bit unreasonable.”

Oops, I'll go.
This is what it says!

We are all men, why are you so quick to wield the butcher knife?
The assistant looked like he had eaten a fly.

I was complaining to myself in my heart, why did I bring up this topic properly.

The two followed the signs and soon found the small passage leading to the stage.

After showing his staff ID, he walked up smoothly.

One left and one right, separate the two sides.

Gu Cheng has never done similar work, but he knows where dangers are likely to arise in this kind of stage structure.

It's nothing more than checking whether each plate is loose or missing.

Is the entire field boundary clear enough?

"Oppa, have you finished checking?"

"Nei, I've already checked it out. There's nothing wrong with the venue. The unit that set up the stage did a pretty serious job."

"That's good. You guys should take a break. We'll call you later when we go to rehearsal."

In less than half an hour, Gu Cheng and his assistant had inspected the entire venue.

As he said, there was no problem.

However, Gu Cheng did not stay here to rest, but chose to go back to the nanny car outside.

As for why.

Because when he came back, he saw the person in charge who had contacted him before seemed to be walking this way again.

Check to see if he has anything important to do after a while. If not, leave as soon as possible.

Anyway, he was guarding outside. Even if something happened, it would only be a matter of minutes to rush over.

Tuk Tuk Tuk.
Just as he was thinking, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

Song Qian responded loudly, and the assistant who was following Gu Cheng ran over and opened the door.

"Director Tang, do you have anything to explain to F(X)?"

"Gu Chengxi, I'm actually looking for you."


"Yes, I heard that you are here. President Nim wants to meet you. Is it convenient?"

"Didn't you say anything specific?"

"That's not true, I don't know."

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

When invited by the president of the organizer, Gu Cheng refused to go. This would be too disrespectful.

Besides, this is still on someone else’s territory.

In fact, there is another most important reason. This coquettish Director Tang does not behave as he did when he first came in.

Otherwise, he will really go crazy!

On the way there, the director mentioned whether Gu Cheng was willing to participate in the performance.

The answer is actually very obvious, just look at his resentful eyes.

Whose manager leads the team and holds a microphone and walks on stage to perform? It's so outrageous.

The topic of top-notch terminating ability successfully made the two people's journey quieter for the next few minutes.

Gu Cheng was also happy and had no intention of talking.

A few minutes later, he successfully met the president who wanted to see him.

The two of them chatted for more than ten minutes, then ended the brief conversation.

I just said that I would sit down and have a good chat next time I have a chance.

Of course, it could also be a polite comment.

Gu Cheng didn't care much about this. If they wanted to do a business like theirs, they would have done it long ago.The reason why I don't do it is because I have no interest.

Just find a professional manager to take care of your family's business.

He prefers the career he is doing.
At 10:30 in the evening, the nanny car drove away from Pazhou at a steady speed.

Looking at the dark night outside, Gu Cheng didn't expect that a commercial performer would be so troublesome.

Shouldn't you just go up and sing a song, then take the money and leave if nothing happens?
There are all kinds of things, big and small.

This can be regarded as confirming what he said in the afternoon and understanding his father's official work status.

"You guys should sleep for a few minutes. I will call you when we get there."

"No, if I fall asleep now, I won't be able to fall asleep later."

"You can do whatever you want with this."

Suddenly remembering something, he turned around and said something again.

After all, it was a long drive back to Seoul from Paju. It would be too hard for my eyes to play with my mobile phone in such an environment without sleeping for a while.

But after all, he took out his mobile phone and began to appreciate the photos captured under the stage.

There are four people.

"Oppa Gu Cheng, send me a copy of the photo!"

"Gu Cheng, I want one too."

"Same as above."

Luna was the first to speak.

After Gu Cheng's technology for taking portraits improved, the quality of the photos he took was much higher than before.

Seeing him looking through the photos, Luna, who was sitting in the back, leaned over. After looking at it for a few seconds, she decided to copy Gu Cheng's photo and use it to post on Instagram.

Others have similar opinions.

Once you get to Amber, it's much easier.


What is the difference between this and 'me too'?
"I'll give it to you. Luna, sit back. It's not safe like this."


Luna was hit on the head.

On the highway at night, the traffic flow is not small, mostly trucks.

The powerful headlights illuminated the road nearly a hundred meters ahead.

It greatly makes up for the shortcomings of high-speed lights that are not bright enough and poor visibility.

"Sister Qian, you will return to China in two days, right?"

"That's right, I still have a few schedules in the country, and I won't come over to practice with everyone until they are over."

"That was hard work, too."

"If I don't think it's hard to eat this bowl of rice, I won't take the trip, and then it will be cold."

"Hahaha" Gu Cheng laughed twice, and then said in a very sure tone, "In the future, each of you will still shine as brightly as you do now."

"Thanks to your good advice, I can take advantage of this good opportunity to earn more money."

Song Qian also smiled.

As smart as she is, she can naturally hear the hidden meaning in Gu Cheng's words.

Looking out the window with some sadness.

As the captain, she knows relatively much about some of the company's arrangements.

It’s clear what the entire group will be facing after next year’s concert.

Shirley, that child, left the group early due to her own thoughts, so she could only relive the atmosphere of the last five people gathering together during the concert.

"All feasts in the world come to an end, and the development of some things is actually inevitable."

"When you make a lot of money in the future, you can consider buying the F(X) brand."

"It's impossible. The company controls this very strictly."

Gu Cheng's words made Song Qian's eyes light up, then dimmed again.

SM Corporation has a strong control over the group.

It can be said that it is very difficult to achieve this goal.

(End of this chapter)

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