Chapter 339
"Gu Cheng, I really caused you trouble yesterday."

"We are indeed in some trouble."


The next day, after Gu Cheng sent Zheng Xiujing to SM at about the same time, he happened to meet the manager who had escaped yesterday.

Lin Junxuan was already very familiar with Gu Cheng's license plate and walked towards him.

The first sentence was to express his gratitude to Gu Cheng for helping to lead the team yesterday.

If he wasn't really lacking in skills, he wouldn't trouble Gu Cheng.

But, from what I heard, it seemed like I was really in trouble?
He looked worriedly at Zheng Xiujing behind him.

"There's nothing wrong with F(X). I was in some trouble, but it's over."

"That's even more embarrassing. How about I treat you to a meal at noon today?"

Although he didn't know what happened, Lin Junxuan, who was good at observing, caught the flash of embarrassment on Gu Cheng's face and immediately offered to treat him to lunch as an apology.

Gu Cheng waved his hand and said he didn't need it.

I was in a good mood during the whole process yesterday, but the little episode in the middle made me a little uncomfortable.

Besides, we have already made an appointment at noon.

The Admiralty Congress invited him to dinner.

"Dafa, Kim Jong Kook will actually treat you to barbecue!"

"Yes, it's barbecue."

"That is to say, I still have a lot of things to do today, otherwise I must go over and see them."

Lin Junxuan said with regret.

It is common for Kim Jong Kook to exercise and eat fat-reducing meals, but eating barbecue is really rare.

It seems that foods such as barbecue and ramen have never appeared in his diet.

Yesterday, I thought the expressions of Song Qian and others were too exaggerated. Now that Lin Junxuan had the same expression, Gu Cheng suddenly felt a little interesting.

"Ouba, what are you laughing at?"

"Ani, I didn't think about anything. I just suddenly thought of recording the scene of Brother Zhong Guo eating barbecue. How many comments would it get if I posted it online?"

"What a great idea!"

Zheng Xiujing's eyes lit up and she found it very funny.

As for Lin Junxuan, he took the opportunity to join the conversation between the two and said that he also wanted to take a look.

Well, with three votes in favor and no objection, the matter is settled.

Anyway, the camera is still in the car. If I don’t record a single video, I feel a little sorry for such a rare opportunity.

So at noon, when Kim Jong-guo saw Gu Cheng walking into the box of the barbecue restaurant with a camera and a stand, he rolled his eyes.


It was quite boring at first, but after being bombarded by them several times, I finally got the meaning.

Gu Cheng thought for a while and then gave his answer.

who is it!

Who is meddling in other people’s business?

"How about we discuss it?"

"Discuss what?"

"Just record the beginning and then remove it, otherwise I will feel uncomfortable while eating."

"Can it actually be recorded?"

"What did you say??"

Gu Cheng blurted out his surprised words, and then Jin Zhongguo realized that he had been tricked.

That's right, Gu Cheng, a person who is not very willing to appear on camera, would not rashly record other people's videos.

Just now, I was completely making up my own words.

The enemy agents are too smart, and our army cannot handle them!

It's hard to guard against!

With such a relative beside him, Jin Zhongguo didn't know how to describe his feelings.

However, Gu Cheng didn't actually record the entire meal between the two of them.

I simply took a few photos, recorded a scene of Kim Jong Kook eating meat, and then turned off the camera.

It was only because he thought it was interesting that he decided to play with it.

During the meal, when he learned that he was defeated 3:0, Kim Jong Kook waved his thick arms in protest.

"Why is it 3:0, not 3:1?" "Because you are not here, brother, we assume that you have abstained."

"That's okay???"

Jin Jongguo was still a little confused about the score. After hearing Gu Cheng's explanation, he was only angry.

Don’t you have my phone number?
Why don't you ask for my opinion?
You are violating my legal rights!
"Calm down, don't worry about these details," Gu Cheng suppressed a smile, and today he was able to pay back the grudge of being tricked into filming a video last time, "Whether it's 3:1 or 3:0, the result is the same! No! The same thing is that it saves you one more troublesome process for Brother Zhong Guo."

"So, I have to thank you properly?"

"That's not impossible"
After finishing lunch with Kim Jong Kook, the two walked out of the barbecue restaurant side by side.

It is this process that is more eye-catching.

Kim Jong Kook's fame is there, and everyone's impression of him has been somewhat solidified.

When I suddenly saw him in such an environment, my first reaction was to look at the baking pan in front of me.

Yes, it's barbecue.

Then I was even more surprised.

"Then go and do your work, I'm going back to the gym."

"Nai, see you tonight."

Gu Cheng was not surprised by Jin Zhongguo's choice, it was completely expected.

The first thing a fitness fanatic does after an indulgent meal is to burn off the excess calories.

As for Gu Cheng, he has work arrangements in the afternoon and will only go to the gym to exercise in the evening.

I've been busy with competitions recently, so my gym workouts have stopped.

Now that I have plenty of time, it will still be a long time before I go abroad to receive the award, so it is time to exercise again.

Fitness is already an indispensable part for Kim Jong Kook.

For Gu Cheng, it is just an adjustment in life.

Strong muscles have never been his direction.

Maintaining a good body shape is the goal that I have always pursued.

While driving to FNC, Gu Cheng saw a huge signboard when passing a bustling commercial street.

Housing agency.

He planned to open a studio in Seoul, so he simply found another place to park.

Pushed the door and walked in.

Perhaps it was because the door hinges had not been oiled for a long time, so they made a somewhat unpleasant sound when the door was pushed.

Maybe a doorbell function?
Gu Cheng thought maliciously as he walked in.

"Anihasay! Does guest nim want to see the room?"

"Gu Chengxi?"

As soon as I stepped into the store, the staff sitting behind the counter immediately stood up and greeted me.

The moment he looked up, he immediately recognized this recent Internet celebrity.

I'm not a fan, I just know him.

"Anihasay, I want to see if there is a suitable office space. It doesn't need to be particularly big. 300 square meters is enough."

It doesn't need to be particularly big.


There doesn't seem to be any inevitable connection between these two, right?
The store of my company is less than 100 square meters.

"Is there no suitable one?"

"Or are there dedicated staff to serve me?"

Seeing the thoughtful look at the front desk, Gu Cheng asked one more question.

If not, he would ask another store or arrange for Li En to handle the matter.

"Ani, there must be houses available. Our store has the best service rating in Seoul. We have all kinds of houses."

"Gu Chengxi, please sit here in the reception room for a while while I get the tablet. There are quite a few office buildings for rent."

"Well." Gu Cheng interrupted the front desk who looked a little excited, "You just left like this. If a guest comes in, won't you not provide good hospitality?"

"Kanchana, the gate will remind me."

Damn, it really has a doorbell function!
Gu Cheng cursed.

"In a while, the real front desk staff will come back. I was just filling in."

(End of this chapter)

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