Chapter 36 Fully Armed
During the day, Mengcheng is a dignified and elegant girl, but at night, Mengcheng has released her nature and become a mature woman with coquettish makeup.

The neon lights are flashing non-stop, and the distinctive billboards highlight the openness of the city. Floating cars pass by high-rise buildings, and people come and go on the endless streets.

Inside Lu Feng's floating car.

"The main building of Shencheng Medicine is the twin towers, and its internal structure is complex. If you go there for the first time, you will definitely be trapped inside and cannot get out, so leave the task of rescuing the hostages to me and Renala. "

Ishikawa Meiji stood in front of the holographic projection, which marked the information and structure of the twin towers of Kamijou.

Lu Feng opened the network access compartment, copied the projection in front of him into his brain, and then began to calculate the fastest way to break through the guards and the best escape route.

Lines meandered through the building, and strings of data floated past.

Although electronic chips are very powerful, once the human brain is developed, its computing power can rival any generation of chips.

And Lu Feng's cyber modification happened to be the brain of the modification, so he quickly figured out the best solution.

"According to the clues provided by Lei Nala's informant, Mother Xiao was imprisoned in the Tianjie of Shencheng Medicine, which is the most heavily guarded place in the entire Twin Towers." Lu Feng stretched out his hand and marked the location of Tianjie on the projection.

"Lu Jun, do you know Shencheng Medicine so well?"

Ishikawa Meiji was shocked that Lu Feng could grasp the results of the Twin Towers so quickly.

The Twin Towers are like a huge maze, even Meiji Ishikawa will get lost in it if he is not careful.

"The map has been copied in my brain-computer chip."

Lu Feng pointed to his head with a smile, "When the time comes, I will help you break through the defense."

"Okay, my life will be handed over to Jun Lu."

Ishikawa Meiji nodded vigorously. Although Shencheng Pharmaceutical's security system is extremely difficult to crack, at this time, rather than questioning, trusting partners is the best way to encourage.

"The defense under the twin towers is extremely strict. There are cyber mechs and cybertans below. It will take a lot of time to break through and be easily held back by the enemy. When the Templars come, things will be difficult."

Lu Feng zoomed in on the defensive deployment under the Twin Towers, and Renala nodded.

"We can only choose a surprise attack."

"Yes, according to my calculations, our breakthrough from the top of the tower is the best way."

Lu Feng swiped with his finger, and the projection came to the top of the twin towers.

Ishikawa Meiji frowned.

"There are a lot of anti-aircraft guns on the top of the tower, and Shencheng agents are stationed here. Obviously, this is also one of the most important defensive areas. Breaking through from here is almost as difficult as raiding from the door."

"I know, but going up the mountain is difficult, but going down is easy. After breaking through from the top of the tower, Ishikawa and Renara took two ropes and descended from the sky to raid the Tianjie. The security system of the Tianjie will be invalid at that time. You need to quickly solve enemy."

"It's really desperate, but it's quite interesting."

Renara lit a cigarette, and curled green smoke came out of her bright lips.

Lu Feng glanced at her, coughed, and reminded: "It's better not to smoke in the car, it's too choking."

"Oh, dear, this may be the last one. Let me finish smoking to relieve stress. A man like you who doesn't smoke or drink is really rare in this world."

Lu Feng was silent, acquiescing to Renala's expression.

"I have no problem, it's just that this is very dangerous for Miss Renara."

Ishikawa Meiji himself is half a cyborg, his body was smashed to pieces, anyway, it doesn't matter if he repairs it with a machine, but Renala's delicate skin and tender flesh will really disappear if smashed.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, no one will feel bad if it is broken." Leina rolled her eyes and glanced at Lu Feng.

"Let's get down to business. After you have eliminated the enemy, you will come to a gate. The gate needs permission to open. Then I will hand over the work of opening the gate."

"There are three Thunder God defense turrets in the warehouse. The firepower is very fierce and they cover all corners."

"It's easy to handle. Just leave it to me. You go directly to save people. Mother Xiao should be in one of the containers with a life detector."

Lu Feng handed something in the shape of a dial to Shi Chuan.

Ishikawa saw three blue dots within the scanning range of the dial.

"The blue ones are us, and the red ones are other living beings. Then you can find someone based on this."


Ishikawa put away the equipment.

"After people are rescued, I will wait for you in the parking lot of Tianjie. The speed must be fast. According to my calculations, we only have 2 minutes of safety time from the start of the attack to the rescue of the hostages. We launch a counterattack, and then we are very dangerous."

"Two minutes, more than enough time." Renara took Lu Feng's hand, and her smoky red lips gently touched Lu Feng's neck.

It was warm to the touch, and then a little cold. Lu Feng's whole body was numb, and he trembled as if he had been electrocuted.


Lei Nala stared at Lu Feng, her charming laughter was full of charms.

"By the way, how did you know each other?"

In order to relieve the awkward and tense atmosphere, Lu Feng immediately changed the topic.

Renara took a puff of cigarette, parted her red lips, and said softly in a lustful voice: "I saw him being hunted down everywhere, so I picked him up."

"Picking this sounds like a puppy picked up by the side of the road."

Lu Feng complained about Renala's words.

Renara held the cigarette butt between her slender fingers, smiling prettily.

After laughing, she sighed, staring at the gorgeous night scene outside the window, flicking off the soot, the smoke was like a veil, covering her face.

The floating vehicle drove past the building and gradually approached the Petronas Twin Towers.

"Warning warning, you are about to enter the warning area, please leave immediately!"

An alarm from Shencheng Pharmaceutical came over the radio.

"Warning warning, you are about to enter the warning area, please leave immediately!"

The three people in the car were indifferent, it was extremely quiet inside, only the loud broadcast sound could be heard repeating over and over again.

"Warning, there are armed floating vehicles illegally intruding into the airspace, all combatants are on first-level alert."

After the broadcast sounded, the Twin Towers of Shencheng sounded the prevention and control alarm, and the red warning light came on.

"211, the fully armed mode is launched."

"Yes, my lord."


Lei Nala and Shi Chuan were surprised at Lu Feng's identity at the same time, Lu Feng just smiled at this, and lied: "It's a fake."

Ishikawa nodded, and Renara walked slowly to the console of the floating vehicle.

"The sound outside is too loud, let's have something exciting to heat up the night in the city!"

Renara ordered a very rock music, and the dynamic and shouting rock sound relieved the tension of the body and mind.

She is used to doing this before the start of each mission, because it is like being on a huge stage, and her "Underworld" Renara is the protagonist of this stage.

The rock music overwhelmed the sound of the siren outside, the hatch opened, and Renara threw down the burning cigarette butt, like a kindling wire, detonating the gunpowder of the night.

"The target is found, all personnel enter the combat state, the prevention and control turret is turned on, and the fire control radar locks the target!"

The commander on the top of the twin towers has deployed a tight defense, and the interwoven firepower network of six Thor-type anti-corrosion turrets is enough to destroy an aircraft squadron.

[Invasion protocol activated: ED, 88, BC, 55]

[Quick crack: Overload explosion, requires 2 RAM, current 12 RAM value]

Lu Feng selected all the prevention and control turrets.

[Quick crack uploading]

Lu Feng's prosthetic eyes were shining, and he could see the process of quickly cracking and uploading in his sight.

[Successful cracking! 】

All the prevention and control turrets are controlled by Lu Feng.


Under Lu Feng's command, all the anti-aircraft turrets entered the overload mode, and the lines were melted down in an instant.

Boom boom boom.
A strong explosion occurred on the top of the twin towers of Shencheng, and the huge LOGO on the top of the tower was blown up and crumbling.

"Surprise them with a little art!"

Lu Feng roared ferociously, and 211 locked the LOGO of the Twin Towers of Shencheng and opened fire violently. The triangle LOGO fell off during the bombing, like a fallen flag, and hit the defensive guards on the ground.

The flames and smoke from the top of the tower aroused widespread concern in the City of Dreams.

Someone launched an attack on Shencheng Company!

(End of this chapter)

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