Chapter 37
The violent explosion knocked all the guards and agents on the top of the tower to the ground.

Lu Feng's floating car took advantage of the void and entered, and the quadruple machine guns extended from the body of the floating car turned on the killing mode.

It hovered over Shencheng Medicine, aiming its guns at the disabled guards on the roof and pouring ammunition frantically.

Before the security agent had time to get up, he was shot in half by a large-caliber machine gun bullet, blood spattered, and severed limbs flew around.

"Renala, Ishikawa, it's up to you!"

Lu Feng yelled excitedly, and the two came to the hatch of the floating car, turned their heads and gestured OK to Lu Feng, and then jumped down.

Arriving at the top of the Twin Towers, the wind was blowing with gunpowder smoke, and the flames reflected against her face. Renara's long black hair fluttered proudly in the dark night, like a battle flag inserted into a position.

Ishikawa Meiji took out a pistol and shot and killed several people who were still trying to resist.

Renara came to the edge of the Twin Towers, which was 1000 meters above the ground.

Viewed from above, pedestrians, vehicles, and buildings are all trampled underfoot.

"Ishikawa, let's go."


Ishikawa and Renara would not choose to take the stairs, the company's internal agents had already started to act.

Take the stairs or elevators, the place is too narrow, easy to be dragged into the crowd tactics, thus delaying the best rescue time.

Shi Chuan tied a special rope on the roof, and the two prepared to land from a high altitude to surprise Tianjie.

Renara held two submachine guns, and after checking the ammunition, she jumped.


The rope on Ishikawa's side has just been tied, and Reina actually...
Actually jumped directly! ?
Lu Feng followed the movements of the two of them, and the moment Renara jumped off the tall building, Lu Feng knew that this woman was finally going to show her terrifying side.

Just as Ishikawa was shocked, a hook rope flew up from below and was firmly hooked on a guardrail.

"Si Guowei, so confident!"

Ishikawa has been a bodyguard for so many years, and his martial arts skills are superb, but this is the first time he has seen Renara's chic assault style.

Raid is fast and cool, if a bit useless.

If you miss it, you will die.

Lu Feng is not busy here either. Next, he will invade the defense system of Shencheng Medicine.

Renara and Ishikawa Meiji would not know that, compared to their mission, Lu Feng's hacking into the system openly is the most dangerous.

At this point, the company's firewall is fully prepared.

And Lu Feng was like a heavy cavalry in armor, charging into the formed phalanx of rejecting horses.

【Connecting to Cyberspace.】

Lu Feng's consciousness gradually sank. He was sitting in the floating vehicle, his eyes lost focus.

When he first entered cyberspace, countless streams of data began to attack him.

"My lord, I will fight with you."

The bald head 211 appeared beside Lu Feng, and Lu Feng glanced at it in surprise.

Unexpectedly, this artificial intelligence also has the ability to enter cyberspace.

"My programming is like this. Skylight is committed to creating a first-class service property. If you think 211 has performed well, remember to go back and give me a good review."

"You have good reviews."

Lu Feng gave a thumbs up.

He drives his own computing power to form a barrier against attacks from the company's network hackers.

At the same time, a pixel rifle appeared in his hand, and he launched an attack towards the network control center in cyberspace.


Driven by Lu Feng's mind, a downward block of stairs appeared in the cyberspace.

Lu Feng and 211 rushed down the steps.

When all the hackers were still doing their best to launch a cyber attack on Lu Feng, Lu Feng burst in with a rifle.

The hackers who were shot by the rifle would turn into smoke and dissipate. In reality, their brains were also burned by Lu Feng's program.

What cyberspace presents is nothing but a form of confrontation.

But once the consciousness really dissipates into the space, it means that their real brains are also burned.

The hackers didn't expect that Lu Feng could arrive here, and he had a gun?
At this time, they were unarmed, facing Lu Feng's rifle fire, like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Some hackers chose to quit voluntarily, while those who did not exit cyberspace in time were burned to death in the hacking chair and lost their lives.

"Fuck, fuck!"

"What the hell is that!"

Surviving hackers gasp in horror as they encounter a true disregard for the rules in cyberspace.

The guy rushed over with a gun and shot them dead.

After killing all the hackers, Lu Feng finally got control of the Shencheng Medical Security System.

"Mobilize the central computer, strangle him in an all-round way, and absolutely regain control of the building!"

The hackers who reacted began to organize a counterattack.

But when they entered cyberspace again, the place had changed.

The twin towers they were familiar with turned into a huge maze.

"This guy!!!"

The hackers were at a loss, and could only start scurrying around like headless flies, looking for an exit.

After gaining control, Lu Feng quickly logged out of the cyberspace.

Because once the central controller discovers his bug, he will be quickly eliminated and dealt with.

Under the strangulation of Miyamoto Yutomo, Lu Feng managed to insert the virus with the help of the computing power of smart devices in the city. This bug has been fixed.

It is obviously impossible for Lu Feng to use the same move a second time.

At the same time, Renala's long black hair fluttered in the night, her body fell lightly, and soon reached the position of Tianjie.

Tianjie is the aerial glass corridor of the Twin Towers and the hub connecting the two towers.

The moment she arrived, Renala opened the safety of the submachine gun, pulled out the gun line ahead of time, and the two submachine guns fired violently.

And the guarded turret also locked on Renala at the same time.

Renara tried to shoot with a submachine gun, but the turret was extremely strong, and the muzzle swung to aim.

She narrowed her eyes.

Honey, I leave it to you.

Lu Feng seemed to be able to synchronize with Renala's inner voice, and he took control of the security turret as soon as he hacked into the system, and the security turret turned its muzzle to the guards who came behind.

The six-coupled heavy machine gun fired bullets at the inside of the building, and the flying bullet casings were like sifted grains, wisps of green smoke rose, and there was no living thing under the guns.

"My dear, you are too powerful, aren't you!"

"Your trust is my proudest weapon."

Lu Feng was complacent in the communication.

Shi Chuan finally landed at this time, when he saw the corpses all over the ground, everyone was shocked.

How could well-trained guards be killed like dogs.

The corpses on display were jumbled here and there, and none of them were complete.

"Why does it feel like I'm just going through the motions?"

Shi Chuan was a little depressed. He thought he was the protagonist of this mission, but after finishing it, he realized that he was always slow.

"Perfect rhythm."

Renara walked towards the sky street with her long legs.

Ishikawa followed hesitantly.

"Turn left."

Lu Feng followed the actions of the two in the communication.

"No, Mr. Lu, the door on the left is locked."

"It's open now."

Before Lu Feng finished speaking, the security door opened.

Ishikawa Meiji: "."

He suddenly discovered that he was quite redundant sometimes.

Chiba Rie was able to be hijacked by Lu Feng, it was really not because of his carelessness, but because he really couldn't beat Lu Feng.

Although this guy's melee combat ability is weak, but the ability of remote control is probably unmatched by anyone in Dream City.

No wonder the task was successful with such a cumbersome fat man last time.

With him around, even a tethered dog can do tasks, as long as the dog knows the way.

"Turn right, pay attention to the enemies in the corner blind spot."


When Ishikawa walked out of the corner, he shot the agent, headshot directly.

It was the first time he experienced this feeling of opening and hanging.

You can kill with your eyes closed.

so awesome
"You are already approaching that warehouse, pay attention to your 9 o'clock and 15 o'clock, it is an infrared mine."

"Cross over?" Ishikawa noticed the infrared mine.

"Take two steps back."

Bang bang!

Just as Ishikawa and Renara retreated, the mine was detonated.

"Si Guoyi, Si Guoyi!!!"

Ishikawa Meiji opened his eyes.

"Yosie, Yossie!"

"Okay, don't be emotional, save people quickly."

"It's too smooth, it's a bit exaggerated."

Renara walked slowly into the warehouse, followed by Ishikawa.

(End of this chapter)

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