People in Hongwu, from heavenly master to emperor master

Chapter 474 Pretending to be sick is worse than pretending to be dead, Xu Da eats a big goose

Chapter 474 Pretending to be sick is worse than pretending to be dead, Xu Da eats a big goose
Wang Baobao is in high spirits. The paintings of Guanyin Nu are neither light nor heavy...

His smile faded and he looked at Guanyin Nu carefully.

The sister's return this time was indeed different, which made Wang Baobao quite unhappy.

All this seems to be related to the man in the south.

Wang Baobao thought of this and couldn't help but retorted:

"The Emperor of the Zhu family won the hearts of the people, not necessarily!
I don’t know how many people in the south want to eat its flesh and bones!
Did you see those people when you came back this time? They are all prominent local families. No matter how the court changes, their status will not be affected!

But why do people want to help you? Isn’t it because we are more popular with the people?
The Emperor of the Zhu family is too stingy, this person cannot be a big deal..."

Guanyin Nu shook his head and said:
"Brother, the slave family is talking about the common people, not the gentry..."

Wang Baobao was furious:
"Why should those people welcome my Mongolian cavalry when they enter the customs? They are just mediocre people. They have never been in my eyes!"

Guanyin slave:
"But my brother, the Emperor of the Zhu family, was once one of these low-esteem people, and it was they who drove us out of the Central Plains!
The slave family didn't say this because they wanted to destroy my brother's ambition!

It's just that my sister has been walking around Yingtian these days and has seen a lot of life in the market!

My sister just feels a few words for the people...

I am a Mongolian, so naturally I hope that I, Dayuan, can return to the Central Plains!
But we should reflect on what we should do after we go back! "

Wang Baobao was silent after hearing this. He was also educated by the Han family.

His uncle Chahan Timur was also a Jinshi in the Yuan Dynasty.

He understands the principles of the Han family, but Guanyin Nu does not understand the court of the Northern Yuan Dynasty.

To implement the rules of the Han family, not only Wang Baobao but also the emperor who supported him later had no say.

"He said that the biggest reason why we were kicked out was that we didn't learn to disarm and return to our fields!"

"Okay, let's talk about this later. I am just a soldier. I only need to be responsible and open the way for His Majesty!"
Okay, you go and have a rest! "

Wang Baobao originally wanted to share his joy with his sister, but Guan Yinnu's few words made him upset.

Since my sister came back, although the relationship between brother and sister is still there.

But there was something different about her after all.

She understood that if her brother captured Dadu, he would help Mongolia return to the Central Plains.

He will definitely be the prime minister of Dayuan in the future.

The rules of the Mongols are not so clear-cut between civil servants and military commanders.

But my brother, like other princes and nobles, does not believe in the Han people.

This is not a kind of sadness.

Guanyinnu bowed and silently left the tent.

"Women do not stay in college!"

Wang Baobao looked at Guanyin Nu's back and sighed again.

Even if she insults him, he still pities his sister.

When Guanyin Slave was in Zhu Yuanzhang's hands, even if Zhu Yuanzhang took her to the front line, he would shoot Guanyin Slave to death without hesitation.

He has his own choice between his feelings for his country and his family.

But my sister can come all the way back just to remind herself.

Even if he doesn't believe Zhang Yi's lies, he still has to accept his sister's love.

“If you lose your virginity, it will be difficult to find someone to live with!
But look back and see if there is a handsome young man with a lower background, and forget about marrying your sister to her!
It's just that she usually looks knowledgeable and sensible, so she probably looks down on the vulgar men in her clan!

It’s difficult! "

Wang Baobao casually opened the information sent from the front line. He was somewhat interested in the little spy in front of him who had made many contributions.

But he quickly put aside the matter about Zhang Yi.

Ever since Zhu Yuanzhang transferred him back to Xu Da, he no longer had any doubts in his mind!
Next, it was a matter of waiting for the opportunity to head south again.

He wrote a eloquent letter to the emperor in the rear.

War is never easy, and launching a counter-offensive war requires strong mobilization capabilities.

After confirming preparations for counterattack, Beiyuan's war machine began to turn.


"General Xu!"

Zhang Yi's main focus in the capital is one duty.

As Zhang Sanfeng, he studied diligently, just like an ordinary person who worked hard for fame.

That day, Zhang Yi was studying at home.

Today, the Ming Dynasty's imperial examinations are no longer the eight-legged essay criticized by later generations.

As he read, he heard someone knocking on the door outside.

When he opened the door, he saw Xu Da smiling and talking to Yan Yan.

"Why are you here?"

Seeing him asking, Xu Da smiled and said:
"You were brought back by this little boy. You are such a good fellow. When I left the capital last time, I never thought you would make such a big noise?"

Zhang Yi squinted his eyes and smiled:
"I remember you said that you wanted to capture Wang Baobao in your lifetime..."

The so-called lifetime refers to before Wang Baobao's death.

August of the eighth year of Hongwu...

When Xu Da heard this, he smiled happily.

This time, the entire country was used to plot against Mobei. Although the emperor took the lead, this idea was indeed provided by Zhang Yi.

Maybe, his future son-in-law will really realize his dream.

"Now our Ming Dynasty is just short of a rout to really draw the Mongols into its trap!

However, with Wang Baobao's caution, this matter must be done very carefully. Wang Baobao is very cautious in using troops!

If we don’t do it well, all our efforts in the past few months will be in vain..."

Xu Da entered Zhang Yi's house, looked at the book Zhang Yi put on the table, and nodded slightly.

Apart from his somewhat strange status as a Taoist priest, this kid really has nothing wrong with him.

Diligent, studious, talented, and good at everything.

Isn't this better than those noble sons of princes?


"Call Uncle Xu!"

Zhang Yigang wanted to call General Xu Da, but Xu Da glared back.

He smiled and continued to ask:
"What are you going to do next?"

When Xu Da returned to Beijing, he came back in front of all the officials.

This was also the tacit understanding between him and the emperor. On the day Xu Da came back, Zhu Yuanzhang went out of the city to greet him.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is Zhu Yuanzhang's emphasis on Xu Da's actions. In fact, in the eyes of interested people, it is a different interpretation.

Xu Da and Zhu Yuanzhang were both young and monarchs.

The level of trust between them does not need these actions to be strengthened.

Lao Zhu's politeness was actually full of worry in the eyes of caring people.

The news about Xu Da's separation from the emperor and his ministers has long been spread in the court.Many knowledgeable people are also worried.

But Zhu Yuanzhang and Xu Da seemed to be harmonious on the surface.

This makes many people feel helpless.

Zhang Yi had already sent a short composition on this matter to Mobei.

He believed that the Northern Yuan Qi King had his own judgment.

"The next step is to return to Mobei quietly, but how to go back is also a skill!
It will take at least two months for Wang Baobao to assemble his army!

I must go back within these two months and lay out quietly! "

Xu Da and Zhu Yuanzhang had already had detailed strategies, but Zhang Yi didn't know much about military affairs.Xu Da briefly said that he was probably using Peiping as bait...

The capital of the former dynasty was an absolute temptation for the Han court in Mobei!
Returning to Dadu has important political significance for both the Ming Dynasty and Mobei.

Dadu was the bait used by the imperial court to seduce Wang Baobao.

But how to reasonably let Wang Baobao take the bait depends on the wisdom of Zhu Yuanzhang and Xu Da.

"Uncle, there is no need to think so highly of Wang Baobao. From Pindao's point of view, his confidence must have been high after the battle at Lingbei!

Li Wenzhong and you are all defeated by him!
It is impossible to say that he is not proud. After all, with your temperament, you have suffered the consequences of being defeated by an arrogant soldier. There is no reason why he can escape this law!

Make great achievements and rebuild the Yuan Dynasty!
Not many famous generals can withstand the temptation of such great achievements..."

Zhang Yi's words made Xu Da blush.

He was quite familiar with Zhang Yi's vicious tongue, and now he had a little experience with it.

Although the words were heart-wrenching, Zhang Yi actually said nothing wrong.

In the battle of Lingbei, defeat is inevitable because arrogant soldiers will be defeated.

The reason why Xu Da broke away from the strategy set by Zhu Yuanzhang was because he looked down upon Wang Baobao, who was often beaten to pieces by him. The most important reason was that he wanted to complete the Northern Expedition and leave his name in history.

Today's Wang Baobao is the same person he was in Hongwu five years ago.

He must pay for Hongwu's mistakes over the past five years, and letting Wang Baobao suffer the same bitter consequences is the best revenge.

"Uncle, are you going to pretend to be sick?"

Zhang Yi asked Xu Da, who nodded silently.

Zhu Yuanzhang transferred him back from the front line just to paralyze Mobei.

But this strategy of luring the enemy must be presided over by him personally.

There are not many strategic talents in the Ming Dynasty who can complete a battle that may span the northern border.

In other words, apart from Zhu Yuanzhang and Xu Da, even famous generals such as Chang Yuchun, Li Wenzhong and Feng Sheng could not do it.

Xu Da must quietly return to the front line to make arrangements, so how can he escape reasonably.

What Zhu Yuanzhang thought of was like Zhang Yi, asking Xu Da to pretend to be sick and then move to the north.

Zhang Yi just smiled and said:
“It’s not easy for a general to pretend to be sick!
Especially since you have been sick all year round, it is really inappropriate!
Instead of pretending to be sick, it’s better to pretend to be dead..."

Xu Da was stunned and pretended to be dead. Is this okay?
"Uncle, think about it, if you really pretend to be sick, the civil and military officials of the whole dynasty will have to visit you most of the day, right?
If you don't have to deal with it for ten days and a half, how can you get away with it?

What's more, you have been sick in the capital for a long time and have not shown up. With the temperament of the man in the north, won't you be worried?
If you die, it will be over!

Let's all cry, and we'll do it first!
Who is still paying attention to you? When you go to the north, no one can doubt it!
It's best if your Majesty tells you some stories to win people's trust! "

Xu Da: ...

He came to chat with Zhang Yi and then ended up chatting with him to death?

But when Xu Da thought about it, it was also the same.

It is better to pretend to be dead than to pretend to be sick. As long as he is openly dead, he will not attract too much attention when he goes to Mobei.

Just how to die, this must be carefully calculated with Zhu Yuanzhang...

"Actually, you don't have to worry about it. I have a version here, tailor-made for you..."

Zhang Yi recalled the story about Xu Da eating a big goose in the wild history.

This is good, it can be used by him just right.

"Uncle, wait!"

Zhang Yi had already gone to find paper and pen before Xu Da agreed.

The legend that Zhu Yuanzhang killed Xu Da is widely circulated.

Those southern literati compiled the unofficial histories of Hei Lao and Zhu, and their unofficial histories have stood the test of time.

Zhang Yi wrote quickly, and soon a complete story was delivered to Xu Da.

Xu Da: ...

Zhang Yi wrote a story about how he died after eating roast goose.

Although it was a bit strange to see the date of his death, the story Zhang Yi made up was indeed reasonable.

His back gangrene is known to the world!
Xu Da spent several months mulling over the recurrence of his back gangrene.

If back gangrene cannot be treated, it is reasonable.

How to let yourself die in a reasonable and reasonable way requires two conditions.

The first condition is that allicin no longer works.

As for antibiotic resistance, it has actually become well-known to everyone with the spread of Weiyanlu.

The antibiotics were no longer working, and he needed an opportunity that would trigger his death.

Another condition for Zhang Yi's choice is to roast goose!

Xu Da likes to eat roast goose, but roast goose is a fat food.

This is also well-known common sense in traditional Chinese medicine.

A general who was seriously ill, depressed and frustrated, and then died because of eating hairy food, does it fit the imagination of outsiders?

Moreover, for the plot designed by Zhang Yi, this gift was given by Zhu Yuanzhang.

This is simply a vivid portrayal of Lao Zhu's ruthless and unrighteous image.

Xu Da didn't know what Zhang Yi was thinking. When it came to the Black Emperor, Zhang Yi had always been good.

It seems that it works!
Regarding Zhang Yi writing himself to death, Xu Da didn't have any psychological burden.

Even if the emperor has to bear the infamy, he has to ask the emperor no matter what.

"I will present this thing of yours to His Majesty!
If it works, credit you! "

Xu Da put the things away and looked Zhang Yi up and down. Speaking of this, the boy became more and more satisfied with it.

Zhang Yi felt a little guilty when he saw him, but fortunately Xu Da quickly looked away.

He chatted with Zhang Yi for a while longer and then left quietly.

After returning home, Xu Da took the initiative to go to the palace and asked to see the emperor.

Zhu Yuanzhang called him to the imperial study, only Zhu Biao and a few others were there.

Zhu Yuanzhang was reading the pretending death plan handed over by Xu Da, and his face turned blue.

"This bastard boy, does he make me look like the villain every time?"

Lao Zhu looked at Zhang Yi's plan and was furious.

It's a shame he could think of using roasted goose to trap the hero to death.

If this rumor spreads among the people, Zhu Yuanzhang will be recorded heavily in the history books.

The reputation of being ruthless and unjust is absolutely inevitable.

But since they are cooperating in acting, this reputation of being unsympathetic and unjust can just scare other people.

"Okay, just be a heartless and unjust villain for once!"

Lao Zhu stared at Xu Da and found that the old boy was smiling.

He pointed at him and scolded him.

Xu Da was dumbfounded by the scolding, but he seemed to understand that Lao Zhu was deliberately taking it out on him.

He understood and followed Zhu Yuanzhang in acting honestly.

Soon after, all the eunuchs in the palace knew that Wei Guogong was depressed and frustrated after coming out of the emperor's study.

After Xu Da returned home, the gangrene on his back recurred and he fell ill in bed.

The conflict between the monarch and his ministers seems to have become uncontrollable.

Although Lao Zhu did not specifically target Xu Da, Xu Da was actually recovering at home.

News of the discord between the monarch and his subjects gradually spread.

(End of this chapter)

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