People in Hongwu, from heavenly master to emperor master

Chapter 475: Did you write my father to death?

Chapter 475: Did you write my father to death?

Yingtian, Hu Mansion!
When Hu Weiyong came back from Zhongshu Province, he saw an honored guest who had not been here for a long time.

"Ms. Li, why are you here?"

This person is none other than Li Shanchang, who has retired.

"If I don't come back, there will be big problems in Ming Dynasty..."

Li Shanchang glanced at Hu Weiyong and said:

"Have you ever tried to dissuade Xu Da and His Majesty?"

Hu Weiyong quickly said:

But there seems to be no sign of reconciliation between His Majesty and General Xu!

In other words, His Majesty has an idea for Xu Da..."

When Hu Weiyong mentioned this matter, his face was full of sorrow.

He and Xu Da have only a moderate friendship, but in terms of natural political stance, he represents the Huaixi lineage's achievements and can be regarded as Xu Da's political ally.

"Xu Da is His Majesty's childhood friend, and they have a close relationship, which is even higher than that of me and Your Majesty!
Moreover, he always knows how to advance and retreat, and His Majesty has great trust in him!
It's a pity that after the battle in Lingbei, Xu Da went crazy and couldn't discuss many things with His Majesty.

This is even more true after this border patrol in the north!

He wholeheartedly wants to go to Mobei and avenge his previous shame!
In the face of His Majesty's reprimand, he was just obeying and disobeying!

Ever since he was reported, there was a gap in the relationship between the two!

And Wang Baobao's persuasion to surrender seemed to arouse His Majesty's suspicion! "

Hu Weiyong told Li Shanchang what he knew.

Li Shanchang looked worried:
"This conspiracy was useless when used on the Mongolian Emperor, but it worked when used on His Majesty!

Our Majesty is too scheming!
Don’t leave any room behind! "

Li Shanchang's evaluation of Zhu Yuanzhang made Hu Weiyong smile helplessly.

During the years that Lao Zhu was the emperor, the world prospered under his rule.

But they, who were born into gentry, felt that their lives were becoming more and more uncomfortable.

The emperor was a ruthless man and decisive in killing.

Except for the founding heroes, there are few who would not be trembling with fear when working under him.

Lao Zhu has no tolerance for others and is extreme in his actions. How could these close ministers not know this?
Therefore, Li Shanchang would not doubt that the relationship between Zhu Yuanzhang and Xu Da had become like this.

“However, it’s best to save this matter, so I’m here!

I heard that Xu Da's back gangrene has recurred, but is this true? "

"Mr. Li, I have also visited Xu Da, but the Xu family has closed its doors to visitors. I don't know what the current situation is..."

Li Shanchang heard this and said:
"If I don't see you, I won't miss you. You will accompany me to see Xu Da first. Then I will go to the palace and intercede for the emperor!"

He said, trying to stand up.

Hu Weiyong quickly walked over and supported him.

Li Shanchang glanced at Hu Weiyong, and he was very satisfied with Hu Weiyong's actions.

The two of them walked out of Hu Mansion, and Li Shanchang's younger brother Li Cunyi was waiting behind them.

Arriving at the Wei Guogong Mansion, Li Shanchang handed over a greeting card.

Not long after, two siblings from the Xu family came hand in hand.

"Meet Mr. Li!"

Xu Yungong is the eldest son of the Xu family. Although he is young, he is also generous.

The little girl of the Xu family is even more exquisite and charming.

Li Shanchang looked at a pair of children from the Xu family and nodded slightly.

"Mr. Li, please don't blame me. My father is ill in bed, and my mother has fetal gas during pregnancy and is unable to walk!

You, this distinguished guest, should not be entertained by my brother and I, but there is really no way! "

In a few words, the girl from the Xu family explained to Li Shanchang the reason why both Xu Da and Xie came out.

Li Shanchang heard this and said:
"How are your parents?"

"My mother took the medicine and is fine. My father..."

Xu Miaoyun's eyes were a little red:

"Father said, please come in, Mr. Li!"

Hu Weiyong's expression changed slightly when he heard this. The gap between Li Shanchang and him was indeed so obvious.

As prime minister, he visited Xu Da, but Xu Da disappeared.

Li Shanchang came in white, but Xu Da saw him.

Under the guidance of the Xu family brothers and sisters, the two went straight into the backyard of the Xu Mansion.

Li Shanchang entered a certain room and finally saw Xu Da.

Xu Da was lying on the bed, with blood stains faintly visible on his back. A fishy smell came over him, and Li Shanchang and Hu Weiyong couldn't help but frown.

Xu Da looked up when he saw someone coming in.

This general, who had fought countless battles on the battlefield, now looked haggard.

The two looked at each other and looked at each other.

How long has it been since Xu Da's condition got this bad?
There are many speculations about Xu Da's physical condition. Some people say that Xu Da may be claiming to be ill, but in fact it is not serious.

But looking at his situation, Li Shanchang and Hu Weiyong no longer had any doubts.

"It turned out to be Mr. Li!"

Xu Da's voice was weak. Just as he was about to stand up, he was pushed back by the Xu family girl:

"Dad, you just applied the medicine, don't move!"

"It's useless. Allicin has no effect anymore. It's useless..."


The brief exchange between the two women made Li Shanchang and Li Shanchang even more worried.

"I asked you not to eat the roast goose, but you didn't listen! You are dying, but do you remember us and my mother?"

Faced with his daughter's question, Xu Da just smiled awkwardly.

He looked at Li Shanchang, and Li Shanchang looked at him.

Both of them sighed deeply.

Xu Da said to the Xu siblings:

"You guys go out first, I'll talk to Mr. Li!"

When the Xu siblings went out, Hu Weiyong stood at the door, leaving only Li Shanchang and Xu Da.

Li Shanchang just said "Why bother", Xu Da seemed to have opened up his chat box and started talking to Li Shanchang.

The two chatted for half an hour. Xu Da was exhausted and went out.

"Xuda's condition is usually due to back gangrene or depression!
If this continues, the situation may not be good!
Let me go to the palace and hope that the emperor will be lenient! "

Li Shanchang came out of Xu Mansion and went into the palace without any hesitation.

As soon as they left, the Xu siblings came in quickly and looked at Xu Da beside the bed, who had already sat up.

There is another person beside him, who is it not Zhang Yi?

Xu Miaoyun hadn't spoken yet, only Xu Da said:
"Zhenzhen Zhang, your ability to disguise yourself is so ingenious!

When I look at myself, I feel like I’m going to die..."

"Bah bah bah!"

When the girl from the Xu family came in, she didn't give her father a good look:
"Dad, what did you say?"

Xu Da was quite afraid of his daughter and shrank his neck.

The Xu family girl put her hands on her hips, pointed at Zhang Yida and said:
"So are you, arranging this script for my father?

And turned him into this ghostly appearance! "

After the emperor agreed to Zhang Yi's proposal, Xu Da told the Xu family girl about pretending to be ill.

Xu Da pretended to be ill, and officials came to visit him.

He had no choice but to avoid seeing visitors.

Zhang Yi knew that this was not his solution, so he came with his tools.

Under his uncanny skill, he actually made Xu Da look sickly.

This technique comes from the makeup technique, one of the four major evil arts in Asia in later generations.

Zhang Yi has researched and produced many by-products over the years, which can be used for makeup.

Moreover, the makeup Zhang Yi applied to Xu Da was not ordinary makeup, but special effects makeup.

The ancients had never seen such evil magic before. They thought he had the power of a god.

In order to avoid trouble, Zhang Yi called this technique the art of disguise.

The effect of light and shadow can indeed confuse many people.Including Zhang Yi himself, after he tried to put makeup on himself, he also became another person.

Although acquaintances look carefully, they can still discern a trace of similarity.

But if it were an ordinary person, they wouldn't be able to recognize it at all.

"Girl, don't talk about Zhang Yi. If he doesn't paint me like this, your father and I will have a bad temper. I'm afraid it will be difficult to deceive Li Shanchang and Hu Weiyong..."

Xu Da felt at ease and asked Xu Yungong to go to the kitchen and find him a roasted goose leg to chew on.

"I've done everything I need to do. Next, I'll look at His Majesty's side..."


The palace, the imperial study.

Zhu Yuanzhang received Li Shanchang.

“I am very pleased to hear that your husband is gradually recovering!

It is my Ming Dynasty’s regret that the court is without Mr.

If your husband can take good care of himself one day, I hope he can come back and serve the imperial court! "

Upon hearing this, Li Shanchang quickly waved his hand and said:
"Your Majesty, I see that Hu Weiyong and the others have done a good job, so why bother using old men like me!

For those of us, we can just take care of ourselves and take care of ourselves! "

"That's not possible. Sir, he is here, but he still has to do something for the people..."

Since Li Shanchang resigned from his position in the Central Publishing House, his relationship with Zhu Yuanzhang seems to have returned to its past.

The two chatted about everyday things, and after chatting for a while.

It was only then that Li Shanchang took the initiative to bring up Xu Da’s problem.

"Why did Mr. Li say this? Xu Da and I have been growing up. Although he and I have different opinions, we definitely don't have any other ideas..."

Li Shanchang was stunned. Hearing this, he looked at Zhu Yuanzhang blankly, feeling cold in his heart.

If Zhu Yuanzhang is willing to talk to him about Xu Da's problem, there is still room for change between Lao Zhu and Xu Da.

But the emperor didn't even say anything. What's going on?
Li Shanchang couldn't help the emperor, but Lao Zhu remained calm and asked:
"You went to see Xu Da today. What did you tell him?"

Li Shanchang came to his senses and quickly told what he said about his meeting with Xu Da.

"Mr. Li seems to have not told the whole story..."

Zhu Yuanzhang seemed to be careless and said something.

Li Shanchang was sweating profusely.

He didn't know that he didn't say something because Xu Da complained a lot when chatting with him.

Complaining that the emperor did not support him, and other odds and ends.

He came to the capital to persuade the emperor and Xu Da to make peace with the overall situation, but now, even he himself can't protect it.

When Li Shanchang was still immersed in the horror of Jin Yiwei's surveillance methods, Zhu Yuanzhang said:
"People's hearts are not enough!"

Li Shanchang knelt directly in front of the emperor regardless of his weak body.

He didn't know whether Zhu Yuanzhang was talking about Xu Da or himself.

But he had already vaguely guessed Lao Zhu's thoughts.

"Sir, why are you doing this? I think what you said makes sense. You go back first. I will send someone to see Xu Da later..."

Zhu Yuanzhang had already mentioned this, so Li Shanchang could only say goodbye and leave.

He walked out of the imperial study, and Hu Weiyong, who was waiting outside, quickly walked over.

"You are serious. As the prime minister, I asked you to wait outside..."

"What did you say, sir? It's just what you should... Sir, did you come here this time to calm down His Majesty?"

Hu Weiyong inquired cautiously. A trace of helplessness flashed in Li Shanchang's eyes, but he did not answer the question.

Day two!
The emperor sent an envoy to visit Xu Da in the Duke's Mansion and give him a reward.

Among them, the emperor knew that Xu Da liked to eat roast goose, so he specially gave him a roast goose.

Duke Xu Da of Wei got up due to illness and kowtowed to the palace to thank him.

Xu Da ignored his daughter's objection and ate the roast goose!
Three days later!
Duke Xu Da of Wei State died of illness at home!

When the news came out from the Duke's Mansion, the whole city was shocked.

Xu Da, the well-deserved military god of the Ming Dynasty, died of back gangrene.

This news shocked many people.

Especially with the death of Xu Da, a story about roast goose circulated in Yingtian Mansion.

Xu Fu's throbbing cry seemed to carry a hint of injustice.

Li Shanchang did not leave the capital. After hearing the news of Xu Da's death, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Your Majesty, you are so cruel!"

He recalled everything in the palace that day, and Li Shanchang sighed.

Xu Da's death shocked everyone.

The Xu family also quickly decorated the mourning hall.

Suddenly, guests came from all directions to express their condolences.

Seeing a room full of orphans and widowed mothers, I immediately felt emotional.

When Li Shanchang came, he saw Mrs. Xie's belly and burst into tears.

Brother Xu Yungong wore sackcloth and wore mourning, full of sadness.

Li Shanchang walked up to comfort Mrs. Xie.

At this time, he heard the sound of Prince Zhu Biao arriving outside.

"Welcome Your Royal Highness!"

Zhu Biao came immediately and everyone rushed to greet him.

"I have seen His Royal Highness..."

Xie's mother, son and others, also feeling unwell, came out to meet Zhu Biao.

"Aunt Xu, my condolences!

I came here today to offer incense to Uncle Xu on behalf of my father...

Father should have come in person, but he was too sad!
He was injured, and the imperial doctor told him not to go out..."

After he finished speaking, the scene became very quiet, and everyone's eyes became playful.

Is it that the emperor can't come or doesn't want to come?

This question is on everyone's mind.

There was no expression on Mr. Xie's face, he just said:
"Thank you, Your Majesty. It is my master's blessing that His Highness the Crown Prince is here!"

There was also a hint of embarrassment on Zhu Biao's face.

What was originally a very close relationship is now full of subtleties.

The prince walked to Xu Da's mourning hall, knelt three times and kowtowed nine times.

He was very solemn, and his behavior won the favor of many people, but the more so, the more everyone felt that the man in the palace seemed a little unkind and unjust.

"Follow the sky..."

Although the emperor did not come, there were many rewards for the Xu family. After the prince paid homage to Xu Da, the eunuch began to read out what the emperor had given to the Duke of Wei's family. The long string of rewards made Xu Da, who was drinking tea in the backyard, Da, I had mixed feelings when I heard it.

"It's fun to witness your own death!"

Xu Da said to Zhang Yi beside him, who smiled and said:
"Your Majesty has shown his ruthlessness and unrighteousness very vividly. If he hadn't known that there was something hidden, many people outside would have been disappointed, right?
The effect was very good. When the news came back to Mobei, His Highness King Qi probably believed it [-]% of the time! "

Xu Da nodded silently, not to mention other people, he was a little sullen after seeing Zhu Yuanzhang do these things to save him.

But he understood that it wasn't Lao Zhu who was unfeeling, but Zhang Yi's script was so well written!

Listening to everyone mourning him, Xu Da always felt uncomfortable:

"I'll go back to the backyard to prepare. I'll be leaving tonight!"

He left Zhang Yi to listen to the excitement and went back.

Zhang Yi waited for Xu Da to leave, took a deep breath, and then quietly walked toward the front yard.

He wanted to see what the legendary Crown Prince looked like, but he bumped into the Xu family girl who came back with red eyes.

"Why did you come back?"

Zhang Yi was caught peeping!


He suddenly felt a sharp pain in his waist, but found that the girl was pinching him.

"What are you doing?"

"I told you to write my father to death..."

The Xu family girl's eyes were red and she pinched Zhang Yi desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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