After thinking for a while, Yue Fei gave up the idea of ​​mixing infantry and cavalry among the Beiwei Army.

The advantages of cavalry are indeed greater than those of infantry, but the combat capability of cavalry is not much stronger than that of infantry. From the perspective of a large army, there may be some advantages, but it will weaken the combat effectiveness of the entire army.

The reason why he considered the coordination of multiple arms in the legion.

In fact, it is because at their level, unless the strength is raised to the level that makes the Miracle Legion unmatched, it is actually far less important than the coordination of multiple arms in the Legion.

The Military Soul Corps has ways to deal with commanders of large armies, let alone the God of War. Most of the time, the combat effectiveness of the Military Soul Corps does not have much advantage on a battlefield with hundreds of thousands of people.

The reason why Zong Ze was unable to contain the Beiwei Army was more because of Yue Fei's crushing control over them at the command level.

It is precisely because there is no way to suppress them that the Beiwei Army has become somewhat unscrupulous.

If you think that you can fight against the command of a large army with only a military soul corps, then you are really thinking too much. You will definitely die in a rhythmic battle.

When it comes to the level of a military god, the diversity and coordination of arms is actually more important than the strength of an individual soldier, and cavalry has always been an indispensable component of large army operations.

For generals who have reached the level of military gods, after destroying the organizational structure of the enemy legion, a wave of cavalry will rush forward and crush the opponent in all directions at an extremely high speed. This is enough to beat the enemy with a scattered formation into pieces, causing complete defeat and no possibility of organizing a counterattack.

However, Yue Fei still gave up this seemingly tempting imagination. After all, although the Military Soul Legion could not control the situation on the battlefield, the Miracle Legion was qualified to do so.

The Beiwei Army is qualified to stabilize the miracle. Yue Fei firmly believes this. They are carrying the new life of the people of the Song Dynasty. They are moving forward with this responsibility, so they do not need to change.

Any rash changes might ruin the possibility of the Beiwei Army's miracle of upgrading.

The situation on the battlefield has become completely one-sided. In a situation where the scale of the battlefield is calculated in miles, the chain collapse has caused a great impact. Human beings' innate blind obedience and group-keeping have completely divided the Song Dynasty army, which relies on its numerical advantage to maintain the minimum organizational structure.

The current Song Dynasty army is like a stone on the edge of a cliff. As soon as the wind blows, it will fall directly into the abyss and there will be no recovery.

Yue Fei chose to bury him personally.

The instinct engraved deep in his bones reminded him of the rules of the battlefield, and that a war that could be ended should not be delayed.

The most taboo thing in war is to turn it into a war of attrition. When a war expands to a scale of hundreds of thousands, once it falls into a war of attrition, even a famous general will not be able to win. It is destined to become a meat grinder and the purest exchange of soldiers.

The unimaginable scale of the two sides is enough to turn the war into a bloody grind and drag both sides to exhaustion.

Of course, this only refers to famous generals. All the rules on the battlefield can be trampled on at any time as long as necessary, by surpassing this level and dominating the entire era, reflecting the rule makers from ancient times to the present.

Now Yue Fei has the power to trample on these rules, but Yue Fei obviously does not want to let his soldiers die in vain, even if most of the deaths are soldiers of the Song Dynasty, so he decided to speed up the advance and make the battlefield collapse faster.

After all, the soldiers of the Song Dynasty are also the people of the Song Dynasty, and Yue Fei also bears the responsibilities of their existence.

"It's over!"

Yue Fei raised the spear in his hand high up, and the golden beam of light easily penetrated the cloud formation.

Then the clouds in the sky began to spin naturally as if they had life. The essence of heaven and earth in the four directions rushed into the clouds frantically and mixed with them. It felt as if all the soldiers had the ability to call upon the essence of heaven and earth at the same time.

Zong Ze still didn't understand what had happened. He should have had an absolute advantage, but how did he suddenly end up in a situation of defeat?

"Break." Yue Fei's calm voice spread all over the place, and the golden beam of light directly shattered the cloud of the Song Dynasty army in front of him. Seeing this situation, the morale of the Song Dynasty side was even lower, almost reaching the freezing point.

After firing the shot, Yue Fei felt the weakness in various parts of his body, but he didn't care. The outcome of the battle had been decided. Even if the opponent was now possessed by Han Xin, he would only be defeated.

"Follow me! End this war!"

He led hundreds of Beiwei soldiers gathered around him and walked through the chaotic battlefield, heading straight towards the direction of Zong Ze's flag.

Zong Ze looked at the battlefield in despair, which was heading towards complete despair. Yue Fei was already running straight towards him, and he was unable to mobilize any troops around him to stop Yue Fei.

This embarrassing situation was far beyond Zong Ze's expectations.

The opponent's last move even broke his own cloud energy, which in turn affected the overall strategy of the Song Dynasty, causing the Xinghan soldiers, who had originally suppressed the Song Dynasty, to completely explode in morale.

Therefore, with Yue Fei's order, all the soldiers behind him followed Yue Fei and rushed towards Zong Ze like crazy. At this moment, they were at their strongest moment in history.

Zong Ze didn't understand how he had come to this point, but he was sure that the young commander on the opposite side was far stronger than himself.

"Retreat quickly, Marshal!" The guard pulled Zong Ze's sleeve and said, "The enemy is coming soon."

"Where to retreat?" Zong Ze was a little distraught. How could he retreat when the battle was like this?

If he doesn't retreat, there is still a glimmer of hope. Once he retreats, these 300,000-strong army will immediately fall apart.

How to run? Or to put it more directly, what will happen if you run?

Is there any point in living at this age? It would be better to die here and warn Han Shizhong who is behind.

Compared to himself who has no future, the young Han Shizhong may still have a chance to face the young commander on the opposite side.

It’s a pity that after finally getting the court’s support for the Northern Expedition, I failed to live up to the emperor’s expectations.

"One is the only one who can run!"

The personal guards dragged Zong Ze away. The lives and property of their entire family depended on Zong Ze. It could be said that the personal guards were the ones who least wanted Zong Ze to die.

"You guys go ahead. I'll wait for Yue Pengju here. I've lived for so many years, I've had enough of it. I might as well see what a hero Yue Pengju is."

Zong Ze pushed his personal guards away, a look of determination to die already evident on his face.

Several bodyguards looked at each other, and finally stopped trying to persuade him. They all stood silently behind Zong Ze.

Yue Fei came very quickly and did not get lost at all due to the chaotic situation on the battlefield.

On the contrary, he and his personal guards avoided all obstacles like a dragon and rushed directly to the main tent of the Song army.

"The person coming is Yue Fei, Yue Pengju!" Zong Ze asked loudly.

"That's right, but is General Zong in person?" Yue Fei asked Zong Ze.

"That's right!" Zong Ze looked at Yue Fei, saw his bravery and heroic spirit, and nodded. It would be nice to meet such a hero before he died.

After all, Yue Fei did something for these veterans that they had dreamed of doing, which was to recapture Yanyun. It was a pity that he ended up on the opposite side.

As for the frustration of losing, the injustice of losing, Zong Ze felt deeply touched, but he didn't feel like he couldn't afford to lose. For him, losing was losing, and he still had the awareness of a military strategist. "Old General..." Yue Fei looked at Zong Ze's wrinkled face, but he couldn't open his mouth to persuade him to surrender.

Once upon a time, the other party was his idol and the object of his admiration. He never expected that one day they would meet each other in battle, and in this way.

"You are young and promising, why don't you join the imperial court, but instead join this rising star?" Since he was ready to die anyway, Zong Ze simply asked his doubts.

"General Zong, have you ever been among the common people?" Yue Fei asked silently.

"I understand!" Zong Ze let out a long sigh. As an old man, how could he not see how corrupt the imperial court was?

"It's a pity that when the war breaks out, I don't know how many families will be torn apart. Can you really bear all this?" Zong Ze looked at Yue Fei with a complicated expression.

If such a young and promising hero had joined the previous imperial court, I'm afraid...

Zong Ze shook his head. Thunder, lightning, rain and dew were all grace from the emperor. The Song Dynasty did not start on the right path, and the subsequent power changes were unspeakable.

Now that the new emperor has ascended the throne, although there have been some new developments, everyone, including Zong Ze, is actually not optimistic about the future.

After all, the Zhao family had too many criminal records and was cold-hearted by nature. Even Zhao Kuangyin would give up his military power over a glass of wine. They could only share adversity but not wealth.

"The lives of the people of the Song Dynasty are my responsibility. I will bring them a new life!" Yue Fei said calmly.

Zong Ze heard firmness and unshakability from Yue Fei's words.

"What a hero!" Zong Ze looked at Yue Fei, his eyes penetrating time, as if he saw the high-spirited self of that year.

It’s just that Yue Fei is younger and more outstanding.

"I hope you can succeed!" Zong Ze laughed.

"Are you willing to surrender?" Yue Fei couldn't help but ask after all.

"I don't even want to accept the humiliation of being caught up by you while escaping, let alone surrendering. At my age, it's time for me to die." Zong Ze said calmly.

Being able to meet a hero like Yue Fei before his death, Zong Ze actually had a feeling that he had no regrets in his death. The general died on the battlefield, and this defeat being the end of his life was a good destination, which was better than dying on his bed.

"Old General, do you have any last wishes?"

Yue Fei still had some respect for Zong Ze, so when Zong Ze said frankly that he was unwilling, Yue Fei had no intention of continuing to persuade him or force him.

Zong Ze chose to die standing, which made Yue Fei respect him more. A person can only be seen clearly between life and death. Zong Ze is indeed an old veteran with a sincere heart, but it's a pity that he was born at the wrong time.

Yue Fei raised the gun, and the long rope flashed with a golden light. The personal guards behind Zong Ze fought desperately, but facing Yue Fei's shot that was as powerful as thunder, they had no power to resist and died with Zong Ze.

Zong Ze's body fell limply to the ground, with no scars on his body, but his spirit had been completely shattered by Yue Fei. In order to allow Zong Ze to retain the greatest degree of dignity, Yue Fei chose to do it himself and directly wipe him out with his will.

"Put them in the coffin and find a place to build a tomb after the war. These guards will be buried with the soldiers who died in this battle." Yue Fei put away his spear, sighed, and spoke to the guards beside him.

"it's over!"

After Yue Fei personally sent Zong Ze away, he was also somewhat mentally exhausted. He simply raised his hand and blew off the commander's flag, thus putting an end to this war with a huge disparity in military strength.

On the other side, Lu Junyi and Gao Chong, who were still harassing Han Shizhong, received Yue Fei's message and ordered them to retreat along the route the Song army was advancing.

"General, Commander Yue has ordered us to end the battle quickly and start retreating according to the established plan. Kill the enemies who are unwilling to lay down their weapons and capture as many prisoners as possible!"

"Master Yue won?"

The surprise on Lu Junyi's face could not be concealed at all. Although they all believed that Yue Fei would win, the fact that Zong Ze was defeated in such a short time was beyond everyone's imagination.

"Retreat!" Lu Junyi did not delay after receiving the order. He directly met up with Gao Chong and retreated according to the order.

Han Shizhong was having a headache while training at the moment. In the past two days, they had moved forward for dozens of miles like turtles and were completely unable to cope with the elusive attacks of the two cavalry units.

After Lu Junyi and Gao Chong left, he immediately sensed something was wrong and quickly sent out scouts and detectives.

Unfortunately, Yue Fei's arrangement was quite perfect. Even when Lu Junyi and others retreated, he still left behind a thousand White Horse Volunteers to surround the army and carry out an all-round blockade.

Even if the internal energy leaves the body, there is no way to deal with this group of White Horse Guards.

In other directions, the troops that had originally planned to attack the city began to deploy encirclement according to the original plan.

"General, Marshal Yue has ordered that no prisoners be killed. All prisoners must be brought back!"

"Ok, no problem."

Xiahou Yuan was very satisfied when he saw the long string of prisoners tied up with hemp ropes by his soldiers.

Compared with the difficulties encountered in previous battles, this time, it was simply a matter of picking up merits.

When he arrived, the war had already ended and the Song soldiers had fled in all directions, so they were deployed to capture prisoners.

Faced with a group of Song soldiers who had almost lost their will to fight, there was almost no room to use weapons, and a few people were able to chase hundreds of people.

"We won!" Sima Yi soon received the intelligence from the front line and quickly sent it to Xun Yu in the rear.

"He can even beat this... monster!" Sima Yi expressed shock through his teeth. To be honest, only now did he have a direct feeling about a military god.

Especially since he himself was once a contemporary of Yue Fei.

Compared with those battles in history books where the outnumbered side won, this time Yue Fei almost defeated Zong Ze head-on with his strength.

Sima Yi looked at the battle report and felt that he knew every word on it, but when they were put together he had no idea what they meant.

Xun Yu in the rear was going crazy. Three hundred thousand captives...

He never dared to think so in his dreams. The original material plan was directly overturned. Xun Yu started working overtime overnight and frantically arranged the logistics.

If supplies are not allocated in time, it will be inevitable to kill prisoners, and killing prisoners is not a good thing.

Fortunately, Xun Yu had been managing for many years, and the mere 300,000 prisoners were not enough to cause his logistics to collapse. (End of this chapter)

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