Conquering Myriad Worlds from the Mythical Three Kingdoms

Chapter 529: Real and False Calculations

"What? General Zong Ze died in battle?"

Han Shizhong already felt something was wrong when he could not send out his scouts and Lu Junyi and others did not reappear.

"Quickly send a message to the rear, inform them of our situation, and retreat immediately, clear the fields and fortify the city!" After confirming the authenticity of the intelligence several times, Han Shizhong gave the order with a grim face.

"Leave 20,000 elite soldiers to cover my retreat, and the rest of the troops will all retreat to the town we prepared earlier!"

"Organize your soldiers and prepare for blocking the enemy. Never let the enemy advance straight ahead!" Han Shizhong roared at the guards behind him.

He had all kinds of concerns before, but there was nothing to worry about now. He just forcibly broke up his personal guards and stuffed them into various teams. This was a measure Han Shizhong had prepared long ago.

It was just because he was worried that the rear would not be able to perform openly and honestly, so he always let his personal guards temporarily replace one or two officers to take short-term command.

Han Shizhong's personal guards did not waste any time and very calmly followed Han Shizhong's orders to replace the middle and lower-level officers among the elite troops. They then quickly reorganized their soldiers, restructured the battle line, and began to set up an ambush according to Han Shizhong's orders.

"How could we be defeated so quickly!" Han Shizhong gritted his teeth. He simply could not imagine how Zong Ze's solid and methodical command could lead to a defeat so quickly.

Especially after he learned about the troop strength comparison on the battlefield from the officers who escaped back, he found it even more difficult to imagine what had happened.

Even though they had probably overestimated the strength of the opposing commander, they still underestimated Yue Fei.

There is a world of difference between a thin line and a thin line. If Yue Fei was previously stuck at the level of a military god, they could still fight against him, and the chances of winning or losing would be only 40% to 60%.

So if Yue Fei fights them now, the chances of winning or losing are 70:30, and this is based on the fact that Yue Fei has very few troops.

But this is only temporary. Han Shizhong knows in his heart that they are really going to suffer a heavy loss this time.

The officers and soldiers who ran back said very clearly that the other side was deliberately capturing prisoners. Judging from the strength of the other side, perhaps less than one-tenth of the elite troops on the front line could escape?

Zong Ze, who had 300,000 elite troops under his command, was defeated miserably. How would they face the powerful Yue Fei next?

The more critical the situation was, the calmer Han Shizhong became.

Directly divide the troops and ambush the enemy, in an effort to avoid being wiped out in one fell swoop.

And things did not go beyond Han Shizhong's expectations. As soon as he arranged for the army to retreat, Xinghan's troops arrived immediately.

"That pure white cavalry..." Han Shizhong felt an enormous headache.

Their scouts had no way to fight against the enemy on such flat terrain. Even if they used masters with the ability to separate internal energy from their bodies as scouts, they were surrounded by the enemy and almost killed.

Without scouts, the army is no different from a deaf and blind man.

What's more troublesome is that the cavalry in Zong Ze's hands were the cavalry that the Song Dynasty had gathered with great difficulty. Now that they have lost their cavalry, they will be in a very passive position strategically. Han Shizhong felt like his head was about to explode.

All bad news, no good news.

Just as Han Shizhong was thinking about how to break the impasse, a white line appeared on the horizon and then advanced smoothly like a wave.

"These white cavalry again!" Han Shizhong looked at the waves and narrowed his eyes slightly. Speed ​​is not everything, and sometimes being too fast is not a good thing.

"Set up the formation!"

Although Han Shizhong had no way to solve the blockade of the scouts by the White Cavalry, it was still very easy for him to block the opponent's spying. His personal guards quickly interspersed and a misty atmosphere rose up, covering Han Shizhong and his men.

"Go back, two teams, and inform the troops behind that the enemy has an ambush..." the captain of the Baima Yicong frowned and roared.

It would be easy to bypass them, but the enemy's presence here would be a big problem for the troops behind, and because of the fog, they could not confirm how many people the enemy had ambushed here.

"Strike the crossbow, unsheathe the sword, and prepare to step into the battle formation!"

The captain made a quick decision and finally decided to find out the truth.

Even if they go around, they can't do anything. The White Horse Volunteers are very good at cutting off the rebel army, but the enemy may not be a rebel army.

The more important point is...the ones behind him are not the genuine Baima Yicong, but only the reserve army of Baima Yicong.

Moreover, his intuition told him that if they took a detour, something bad would happen. The intuition that came from licking blood on the tip of a knife was always very reliable.


Led by the captain, the White Horse Volunteers' speed suddenly increased, and in a flash they arrived fifty steps outside the fog. At this moment, Han Shizhong had already placed his spear on the big shield, but he did not wait for the white horse to hit them.

At a speed that made people doubt their lives, the Baima Yicong swung left and right in a large circle as if dancing, and countless arrows shot towards the formation covered by fog.

Han Shizhong looked grim, he had never expected this to be the case. He had originally planned to force the other party to stop, but he used a rain of arrows to destroy the opponent.

But no one expected that the opponent could be so agile at such a high speed, and there was no sign of losing control of the speed at all.

Without the bonus of super speed, the rain of arrows from the White Horse Volunteers was not powerful enough. They fell into the formation and were all bounced away.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The massive rain of arrows did not achieve any result, but the centurion was not discouraged. Instead, he led two teams of white horse soldiers and circled around the fog.

Wave after wave of arrows continued to cover Han Shizhong. Although he couldn't see what was going on inside because of the fog, the captain didn't expect to kill many people.

He was testing the number of people in the formation.

"Directly in front! Shoot!"

While the White Horse Volunteers were rotating, Han Shizhong predicted the landing point of a wave of White Horse Volunteers, and then directly ordered to shoot. A large rain of arrows shot towards the direction of the White Horse Volunteers.

However, the Baima Yicong simply turned back and made a big move, breaking the fixed route and avoiding most of the rain of arrows. The flexibility of the Baima Yicong was fully demonstrated at this moment.

Han Shizhong was completely speechless. Before they had the corresponding secret method, they were completely helpless against the White Horse Volunteers.

It is simply unrealistic to use bows and arrows to fight back.

The opponent can even escape from the coverage of the rain of arrows the moment it falls. Either use tracking arrows, or force the opponent to slow down and then destroy it. But no matter which one, it seems like a dream at this moment.

Han Shizhong felt a deep sense of powerlessness. The opponent was too strong. Not in a simple sense, but in a way that he could tell from the details that the opponent was far ahead. The White Horse Volunteers tried to attack the army again and again, but they could not cause any substantial damage. The difference in the clouds was too big, and they did not fully master the power of the wind. The lethality was not enough, and they could only circle around the army.

Han Shizhong also had no way to deal with the agile and swift White Horse Volunteers.

Before this, he had never thought that there was such a large army in the world. Such a speed was probably invincible on the grassland.

The main reason why everyone is confronting each other here is because they are protected by the military formation and all of them are elite soldiers. If there is no such protection, the enemy would only need to continuously surround them with cavalry and archery to cause the troops to collapse.

"About 20,000 people?" After a long period of probing, the centurion finally came to a rough conclusion.

The enemy had infantry formations in almost every direction, and with the occasional rain of arrows from the enemy counterattacks, the centurion roughly estimated the number of the enemy's troops.

"Retreat!" After the centurion understood what was going on, he directly ordered a retreat. It was useless for them to keep surrounding the enemy, so they might as well save their strength and prepare for the future.

Looking at the leaving Baima Yicong, Han Shizhong frowned again. Not only was the opponent's speed excellent, but the grassroots officers leading them were also excellent.

He had almost figured out the limits of the Baima Yicong and was planning to make some plans to severely dampen the Baima's fighting spirit when the other side actually withdrew directly.

It can be said that this is the fatal weakness of infantry against cavalry. As long as you defend, the cavalry can attack or defend and have absolute initiative.

"Humph, but it's a good retreat!"

A hint of indifference flashed across Han Shizhong's face. When he knew that the other party had told the reconnaissance cavalry and they had deliberately exposed themselves, he had already made a plan.

Although the flexibility of the Baima Yicong is a little beyond imagination, it does not affect the overall situation.

"General, there are about 20,000 people in front of us to block the enemy."

The captain reported the intelligence he had discovered to Lu Junyi who was leading his troops from the rear.

"Twenty thousand troops?" Lu Junyi also frowned. Having suffered losses at the hands of Han Shizhong, he was very clear about the gap between himself and Han Shizhong.

Yue Fei's order was to let them chase the fugitives, but now they encountered a sniper unit and they really didn't know what to do at this moment.

"Gather the troops, let's go meet them!"

In addition to the cavalry, Lu Junyi also had a mixed force of 20,000 infantry and archers under his command. They were sent by Yue Fei to lead them as the vanguard to suppress Han Shizhong's advance and capture prisoners.

However, they didn't expect that before they did anything, the other side actually took the lead in retreating.

This made Lu Junyi eager to take action. Maybe he could get revenge?
After all, they have the advantage in military strength, and they can't just go back in disgrace.

After seeing the army formation shrouded in fog, Lu Junyi thought for a while and decided to fight. With a number of about 20,000 people, it doesn't matter even if the opponent is commanding a large army.

Fifty thousand talents are the critical point for a large army commander to exert his power, and the area of ​​twenty thousand people is where the brave warriors can show their strength.

"Archers, shoot rapidly to suppress the attack. Don't be stingy with your arrows. Attack me no matter how fast or how powerful you are!" Lu Junyi began to direct the movement.

Based on his command, he is definitely no match for Han Shizhong, even if he has fewer people. The best tactic is actually to launch a sudden and powerful attack directly!
"Spearmen charge forward across the board, infantry follow up, cavalry stand by and prepare to charge!"

"Kill!" Thousands of spearmen roared and rushed forward with guns in hand. The archers behind them directly fired a large rain of arrows to ensure that the spearmen could charge in an orderly manner.

As long as the enemy's formation is disrupted, a cavalry charge can be the final blow!
Thousands of spearmen, like a torrent, launched a fierce attack directly on the enemy in the fog under the cover of archers.

Even though they couldn't see any enemies, the spearmen were in high spirits after just winning a great victory. They had no intention of flinching at all and their momentum showed their fearlessness.

However, when the spearmen rushed into the army, they were surprised to find that the expected fierce sniping did not happen, and there was only a group of phantoms in front of them.

"This is impossible!" The captain of the Baima Yicong looked in horror at the mist that dissipated after the spearmen pierced through the illusion and destroyed the formation.

He had clearly left behind a few teams to monitor the place, so how could the enemy slip away right under their noses?

"Nothing is impossible, it's just some tricks. You rely too much on what you see!"

Lu Junyi was not surprised at all. There were many Taoists in the Song Dynasty. He had even seen Taoists like Gongsun Sheng on Liangshan Mountain. It was normal for them to have some strange secret methods.

However, even such unconventional things have to be used. It seems that the Song Dynasty is really anxious.

"General, should we chase them?" asked the guard.

"The White Horse Volunteers should spread out and scout for the defeated enemy soldiers. We will retreat!"

Lu Junyi shook his head. He didn't dare to chase. The simple truth and falsehood reminded Lu Junyi of his tragic experience of being completely seen through by Han Shizhong.

In the end, I chose the ostrich tactic that as long as I don't attack, I won't make any mistakes.

He now has a clear understanding of his own position, which is to follow orders and fight, and not have his own ideas. He had many ideas before, but after being taught twice by Han Shizhong, he instantly woke up.

There is no place for you to stand in the monster battlefield, so monsters like Han Shizhong can be left to Yue Fei, a bigger monster, to deal with.

Yue Fei's order was to stop Han Shizhong and prevent him from coming. Since the other party had fled on his own initiative, he just had to continue to execute the military order to capture prisoners.

Lu Junyi's idea saved his life. The second line of defense prepared by Han Shizhong had no opponents and was worried about the arrival of Yue Fei's large army, so he had to retreat in a hurry.

The commander of the large army was confused and planned to give the pursuers a head-on blow by combining real and fake tactics. However, he did not expect that Lu Junyi would give up the pursuit.

This surprised Han Shizhong a little. After all, most people would become more arrogant when they were basking in the afterglow of victory.

After being fooled once, it will go to your head.

However, there was no fighting. For Han Shizhong, the strategic goal was achieved. He retreated safely into the city and began to defend it and collect reinforcements.

The beauty of the game is that you never know what your enemy is thinking.

This is also the significance of strategy, to clarify what you need, complete the bottom line tasks, and continue to move forward.

Han Shizhong's goal was to retreat and hold his ground, so whether the ambush was successful or not was not important to him. (End of this chapter)

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