Chapter 11 Experiment Records and Evolution Levels

"On the first day, I tested all aspects of Gray Shadow's physical signs."

"After ingesting sufficient energy supply, its body strength has increased by 30.00%, its limit speed has increased by 5m/s, and its nerve response speed and other aspects have also made great progress."

"In addition, intelligence is also improving. Decided to start teaching it human characters and language, maybe it can reach the standard of normal people in terms of thinking level."

"Further observation is required."


"The next day, I went to collect some food. If I bought a large amount of meat in a short period of time, it might attract relevant attention, so I came to the seaside with gray shadows, caught some prey in the deep sea, and collected more than half a ton of food .”

"After the body evolved, the gray shadow's appetite also became bigger, and the food he ate exceeded [-] kilograms - food is converted into heat to make the body stronger; a stronger body in turn uses food more efficiently Converted heat energy, it's a perfect positive cycle."

"However, the growth rate of Gray Shadow has decreased a lot today, its strength has only increased by 3%, and its limit speed has increased by about [-]m/s... It seems that the self-improvement brought by the evolutionary blood has an upper limit, I want to see See where the upper limit is."

"Continue to teach it common sense in all aspects, and show it a variety of literary and artistic works - Gray Shadow is really attracted, and has been watching movies on the tablet all day. It likes Snoopy and hates Garfield , because Garfield likes to laugh at silly dogs, but it would be fun to see Garfield deflated."

"In addition, during the process of food circulation in the body and turning it into energy, it produces a large amount of waste that is excreted from the body. Using the human sense of smell to describe it is very smelly."


"On the tenth day, Huiying's food intake dropped sharply. Today, he is full after eating only a few dozen kilograms of food. At the same time, his physical fitness has not improved. It seems that this is the upper limit of his physical growth. Energy from now on is no longer mainly used for the evolution of the body, but for maintaining the survival of cells."

"At the same time, the attempt to educate the gray shadow on human knowledge has achieved initial success. Now it has recognized tens of thousands of characters, can type on a tablet proficiently, and can communicate with people on animation forums without being discovered. Although its throat is inconsistent with human vocal organs, if you try to manipulate the vocal cords, you can barely produce some syllables in human languages, but it will sound very weird. According to current attempts, it is speaking with 'w' as the beginning of the consonant The vocabulary is the most proficient and the closest to life, but it is very difficult when it comes to words starting with 'k'."

"After rough calculations, Huiying's character and intelligence level are already comparable to ordinary human teenagers."


"On the 13th day, the research on new organisms began. In order to distinguish the experimental subjects, a black eagle was found from the mountain. After the baptism of evolutionary blood, its body became larger and its wings Its wingspan has also been lengthened, and its flight speed has evolved from 30m/s to 190m/s."

"The connection brought by the blood of evolution also allows me to hear its 'voice', just like a gray shadow."

"Through a large amount of food supplements, it has also established an energy circulation system like a gray shadow with the support of heat. The body is evolving at a high speed in the energy circulation, and its physical fitness has also grown by about 20.00% in all aspects."

"I gave Black Eagle a name—Black Moon. The baptism of evolutionary blood gave Black Moon the intelligence equivalent to that of Gray Shadow at the beginning, but the relationship between Gray Shadow and Black Moon is not very good. These two guys always They don't like each other. The gray shadows will roar at the black moon, and the black moon will taunt it as it whirls through the air."


"No. 20 days, just like what was done for Gray Shadow, a study was also conducted on Black Moon about the 'exponential formula of energy supply and physical fitness growth', just like Gray Shadow, Black Moon also reached physical fitness There was a sharp drop in food intake.”

"The common sense of instilling human knowledge into it has also declared initial success. Black Moon has also learned a lot of characters, and can use human language to communicate on the Internet. However, it doesn't like watching animation. It likes live-action movies, especially science fiction movies. Whenever I see those magnificent special effects and metal texture images, it will stand on my shoulder, combing its feathers and widening its eyes."

"Because the vocal organs are completely different, Black Moon is basically unable to speak human words from its throat. But it has learned to use the airflow in its abdomen to make a human-like voice... reminds me of martial arts novels The ventriloquism in the book. However, because the sound comes from the abdomen, the sound will appear very dull and distant, and Black Moon does not like to speak like this, it likes the shrill and clear sound, just like the cry when it flaps its wings and flies."

"Similarly, I also bought a tablet computer for Hei Yue. The slender claws are not easy to control, so I let it use a sleeve + stylus, so that it can be manipulated sensitively."


"Based on the previous observation records, the following conclusions have been drawn:"

"1. The living body baptized by the blood of evolution will make a leap in physical fitness in a short period of time and become an existence that breaks through the limit of life;

"2. After evolution, life forms will have a 'rapid growth period', the duration of which is uncertain, and there are only records of eight days and eleven days at present. During the 'growth period', life forms will rapidly utilize the The energy of the body promotes its own evolution and achieves the continuous growth of physical fitness;”

"3. After the 'rapid growth period' is over, the living body will enter the 'stagnation period', and the energy absorbed from the outside will only be able to maintain its own operation, and it will not be able to undergo high-level evolution. At present, no way to break through the stagnation period has been found;"

"4. Life forms that have been baptized by the blood of evolution will have an inexplicable 'connection' with themselves. I can listen to their 'voices', perceive the conditions inside their bodies, and issue instructions to them."

"5. After being baptized by the blood of evolution, non-human creatures will also have a leap in intelligence, and can understand human emotions and appreciate human works."


"Seeing Gray Shadow, Black Moon, and myself, I decided to establish a basic hierarchy that can measure the degree of evolution of each person."

"Taking my initial self, which has not yet awakened superpowers, as the origin, and record its physical fitness as level zero, then after about ten days of strengthening, my physical fitness is level one, and after a hundred days, I will be recorded as ten. class."

"Then, calculated according to this standard, every level of strength will be about 10.46% stronger than the previous level, and every tenth level of strength will be about 2.7 times stronger than the original self."

"For this level system, I named it 'evolution level'. So it is calculated according to this standard-the current gray shadow's power is about 63 levels, speed is 59 levels, and the instantaneous burst impact is 61 levels. Reaction speed is level 64, body toughness is level 63...comprehensive evaluation: level 62."

"Black Moon's strength is level 57, speed is level 62, instantaneous burst impact is level 60, nerve reaction speed is level 65, body toughness is level 62...comprehensive evaluation: level 61."

"As for myself, I am extremely average in all aspects, and I was originally calculated based on me - so the current evolution level is: 367 levels, of course, no matter what, because I will naturally grow 36.5 or 36.6 levels every year. It’s a concept that was born.”

"...However, although it is a created concept, the evolutionary hierarchy will become the core of my 'Super Power Era Plan'."

"After all, if there is no level, how can there be such exciting elements in fantasy works as 'leapfrogging' and 'level suppression'? If there is no level, how can it give people room for fantasy?"

"In this way, the preparations are ready."

"... Next, it's time for the blood of evolution to officially interfere in the human world."

"—Of course... Before that, you need to find a suitable partner."

(End of this chapter)

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