Chapter 10 Evolutionary Blood
Named the Greyhound.

— Gray Shadow.

This is the name of the first alien beast in the history of the world.

However, Xigu has no self-consciousness of "creating history", "leaving a significant mark in the history of human civilization", or "opening a new chapter in the world".

And Greyhound didn't feel that the name "Gray Shadow" was not aggressive enough, mysterious enough, or in line with the noble status of "the first alien beast in history".

On the contrary, after receiving the name from the master, the greyhound proudly wagged its tail and circled excitedly at Shiko's feet.


"OK OK."

Smiling and touching the dog's head, Xi Gu waved his hand.

"To celebrate the success of the experiment, I invite you to have a big meal today!"


I ordered some takeaways, delivered fresh ingredients, and cooked a hot pot at home.

Xi Gu put down his chopsticks without eating much.

It has been almost ten years since he discovered that he has awakened super powers, and he has changed from an ordinary 15-year-old boy to a 25-year-old youth full of secrets.

Ten years, one percent stronger every day, the current Xigu's single-handed strength is more than 3000 trillion times that of ordinary humans, the single-arm strength is close to 180 trillion tons, and the weight that can be lifted exceeds 300 trillion tons. The speed is 20000km/s.

The kinetic energy of the instantaneous burst of his punch is about 3.6e+28 joules, which is [-] million times the equivalent power of the global nuclear arsenal during the Cold War, and [-] times the kinetic energy of the asteroid Cthulub meteorite that destroyed dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous period, and is close to the sun One-thousandth of the energy emitted every day.

...But, even so, he doesn't need to take in energy commensurate with this power, and he doesn't need to eat a trillion tons of food every day to maintain his body's health.

Because this is an ability that belongs to the realm of idealism, it does not need to conform to the law of conservation of mass and energy.

Even——as his physical fitness became stronger and stronger, as early as the age of 20, Xigu found that he no longer needed to eat.

Probably, the huge energy supporting his body really came from another dimension.

And now, the stimulation of food to appetite has become very thin.

The so-called "deliciousness" is just the brain's response to a special combination of chemical elements during the evolution of humans.What is chewed in the mouth, no matter what kind of thing, can be refined into the combination of molecules and atoms in the end.

As long as you think about it, Xigu can self-regulate the receptors on the tip of the tongue, mouth, esophagus and stomach at any time, so that they can provide the brain with neural feedback that is more delicious than the most expensive mature beef.

It's just that, in the process of evolution day by day, Xigu has also become desensitized to this kind of pure nerve enjoyment.

Now he is not surprised no matter what food he eats, nor does he feel how enjoyable the taste is.The reason why he is still eating is just because he still wants to maintain some inertia as a human being.

— That's all.

Xigu is like this, but Gray Shadow behaves differently.

Right in the house, facing the ingredients that Xigu bought, this guy gulped and ate pot after pot.

"Hu Chi... Hu Chi..."

Hui Ying ate heartily in the basin, and the dozens of catties of beef he just bought had already disappeared in its stomach.And the meat that Xigu quickly bought was quickly swallowed by it.

It didn't take long for it to eat more than its own body weight. It wasn't until more than [-] kilograms of food was stuffed into its belly that it sat on the ground contentedly and showed its belly to Xigu. .


Surprised emotions suddenly surfaced in Xi Gu's heart.

In his perception, the food that was just swallowed into Huiying's stomach is being decomposed into heat in the high-speed peristalsis of its stomach and the violent activity of its cells, and this heat is running at a high speed, prompting Huiying to move. Shadow's entire body became stronger.

The muscles are tense, the blood is flowing rapidly, and the heart is beating rapidly. Just under the gray shadow's lazy body, it is using the body unconsciously and intensively in a short period of time in a way that is different from any previous mammal. Every calorie grows a stronger neural network and musculoskeletal structure.

And the impetus for this rapid evolution...

"...Is it my 'evolutionary blood'?"

Xi Gu was thoughtful.

"...It seems that after absorbing my 'Blood of Evolution', the physical strength of the organism will not stay at the level that just absorbed the 'Blood of Evolution'. As long as there is enough food and energy intake in the follow-up, there is enough With the heat supply, their bodies can become stronger.

"...Obviously my own physical strength is now so strong that it is star-bursting, and I still don't need any external energy supply, but the 'evolutionary blood' that loses my 'connection' with myself after weakening will be affected by the outside world. Does the energy of the physical realm need to be involved in order to promote the evolution of organisms...

"This feeling, this feeling that only the blood that has been separated from the body will be interfered by the physical rules of the real world, is like..."

Shigu shook his head.

Although it feels a bit arrogant to say it, but should I say it...

He feels that his idealistic ability to "grow [-]% every day" is like an emperor who overrides the rules of the material world. An emperor with great power.

And the rules of the real world are the officials who are at the mercy of the emperor.

As long as it is a factor related to your own body, something that will be constrained by your "one percent growth" ability is like a palace completely enveloped by the emperor's will. The rules of the material world have no room for meddling and beaking. The law of conservation can only sit obediently on the sidelines.

However, if the "blood of evolution" whose "connection" was deliberately severed by oneself, and left the environment of one's own body, then the heavens would be far away from the emperor, and the rules of the material world would have room to play up and down. In the remote counties and counties of the emperor, officials can also eat leftovers that the emperor cannot see.

Thinking about it this way, the cold and strict laws of matter, which are extremely cruel to others, actually look a little pitiful in front of Xi Gu.

From this point of view -

"So... is it a priority?"

Shiko showed an amused expression.

"The priority of my power essence is far above reality, so the physical rules of the real world must follow its logic; but the evolutionary blood derived from my power is on the same level as the rules of the real world, or even slightly lower than it , so the real world has added the rule of 'requires energy to promote strengthening' in the combination of the evolutionary blood and the biological body.

"This is the conclusion that can be drawn only from the analysis of the existing situation. But... further research is needed."

Shigu let out a soft breath and smiled.

"...then go ahead.

"Go one step further, let me see what kind of results the combination of 'evolutionary blood' and other organisms can bring!"

(End of this chapter)

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