Chapter 9 Gray Shadow
Greyhound heard Xigu's instructions to it, raised its head happily, rubbed on Xigu's trouser legs, and jumped to the middle of the room.

However, it shook its head from side to side, and after looking at it for a while, it didn't act immediately.

"Master... here... it's easy to break."


Shigu raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Unexpectedly, the evolved greyhound could automatically understand the rule of "no wanton destruction" without reminding him.

From this point of view, the evaluation of the degree of its intelligence is even higher.


Xi Gu snapped his fingers and walked out the door with the gray dog.

Outside the residence, there is a deserted countryside, and on the edge of the countryside, there are dense forests.

"Come on, try it outside, so you can do it with confidence!"



In the wilderness forest, the gray dog's figure turned into a gray line, moving freely through the forest, wherever the body went, no matter the shrubs or the big trees, they bent and fell as if they were hit by a fast falling rock.

The gray shadow was like a shuttle, screaming, and raising its head recklessly in the mountains and forests, running wildly, showing an aura of disdain for the mountains and forests.

It was as if the shackles on his body had been smashed, and it seemed that the boulder pressing down on his back had been removed. The gray dog’s eyes were full of joy. This kind of extremely fast running made it feel unprecedented pleasure, and its four legs spread joyfully. run.

——It has only been a few years since I was born.But in my memory, from birth to adulthood, I have almost never felt like running wildly like I am now.

He lived in the original owner's house when he was a child, and his body was not fully grown at that time; when he was an adult, he was tied up in a small courtyard in the countryside, and could only howl at the sky; after being abandoned, he was broken before he started wandering I lost my legs, and I couldn't run even if I wanted to run... Until now, I finally felt the charm of running fast in my newborn body——

The gray figure leaped from the top of the tree, across a height of tens of meters, and flew towards the top of the mountain like thunder!

The gray dog ​​roared again, and the gray line sweeping across the forest stopped immediately. In an instant, its body showed a state of extreme movement to extreme stillness, and it landed lightly on the top of the mountain.

This momentary change of movement and stillness is enough to make the boxing champion of the century dumbfounded, make the great martial arts master cry, and eclipse the fighting skills created by human beings for thousands of years.

But it was just a light leap of the gray dog.

After landing on the top of the mountain, he immediately turned his head, looked at Xi Gu who was following all the way, and wagged his tail excitedly at him.

Nodding his head to show that he understood, Xi Gu smiled.

Because of the existence of the "Blood of Evolution", Xi Gu can also sense everything that the Greyhound can feel and think of during the leap just now.

So he naturally understood the reason why Greyhound was excited.

In addition, the information of every muscle, blood, and even nerve vibration in the gray dog's beating body is also firmly stored in the memory bank of his brain, which has become his "Super Power Era Creation Plan" "a part of.

"Hmm... is it like this - the average speed is about 120m/s, the burst speed can reach 180m/s, and the crawling speed even in the mountains and forests is over 75m/s.

"In terms of the speed of the body, the burst speed is close to six times the limit speed of the cheetah, and the average speed is about four times the limit speed of the cheetah. And judging from the fact that the tree collapsed just now, but it was unscathed, its body is tough As much as steel.

"...Well, if that's the case, let's try its impact again."

Thinking of this, Xigu sent a command to Greyhound in his mind.

"Run into me with all your strength, use your strongest attack."

The gray dog ​​immediately widened its eyes, looked at Xi Gu, and let out a "woo woo" sound.

It retracted its two front paws, showed a reluctant look, and even shook its head.

"Master... I can't... like this..."

"It's okay, just try it."


After a long time, under Xi Gu's persistent request, the Greyhound finally pouted his face, and carefully, slowly ran towards Xi Gu at a low speed of less than 10m/s.


Xi Gu patted its body dissatisfied, and it flew back backwards with a slap.

"Don't be so perfunctory! Do your best! I'm talking about doing your best!"


The Greyhound raised its two front paws, touched its own head in aggrieved manner, and finally managed to raise its speed to 20m/s and slammed into Xigu again.


Xi Gu slapped it back again, his face darkened.

"Don't worry about hurting me, rest assured, your power poses no threat to me at all!"

As he said that, in order to make Greyhound believe in himself more, he used less than a trillionth of his strength to pat the ground lightly——


The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

With one person and one dog at the center, a big crack opened up the whole mountain!

The greyhound covered his eyes with his front paws in disbelief.

As a strange beast that has been baptized by Xi Gu's "blood of evolution", it can feel Xi Gu's breath, and will have a strong admiration for Xi Gu, and regard Xi Gu as its absolute master...

However, if Xigu did not show it, it would have no way of knowing how powerful this master is.

Until now, when Xigu finally showed the tip of the iceberg of his ability, Greyhound finally understood what kind of master he had met...


Howled softly to express his surprise, this time, the gray dog ​​finally straightened its posture.Heeding Shigu's call, it bent down, gathering strength——

a long time--


The Greyhound rushed forward like a shell!

"Is that right~"

A smile finally appeared on Xigu's face, looking at the gray figure rushing forward, he gently stretched out a finger, and slowly picked up——


The gray dog ​​was immediately thrown out like a kite with a broken string!

Shigu continued talking to it in his heart.

Not far away, the greyhound crawled out of the wood, rocks, and dust and nodded excitedly. In the extremely fast flying back just now, it experienced a strange joy, just like playing with the rollers when it was young. The same as the ground game.

So this time, it accumulated more power, exploded at a faster speed, showed a stronger impact, and rushed towards Xigu!
However, it was still unsurprisingly thrown away with a finger——


Cold-blooded test language.


The sound of extremely excited play.


Finally, the test is over.

After collecting for most of the day, Xi Gu asked Wuzi to stop the "shock wave" and led him back home slowly.

In his mind, he recalled the test data about this original "alien beast".

"The burst speed is 180m/s, and it can be close to 190m/s when you are extremely excited. The maximum instantaneous kinetic energy that bursts out is close to 2 megajoules, which is tens of thousands of times that of a bullet for an automatic rifle, tens of thousands of times that of a bullet for a heavy machine gun, and a rocket launcher. Hundreds of times that of a shell, close to the kinetic energy of an anti-tank shell... If it is placed on a modern battlefield, it can destroy tanks without hindrance; if it is placed in a city, it can destroy hundreds of buildings in half a day and kill dozens of people. Thousands of people..."

Xi Gu thought about these data, and glanced at the gray dog ​​that was sticking to his feet, closely following it.

Noticing the owner's gaze, the gray dog ​​raised its head and barked excitedly at Xi Gu. Its gray-white fur looked extremely smooth under the moonlight. Although its body was over one meter long, it was not so scary, and it had a funny expression. It looks harmless to humans and animals.

No one could have imagined that this would be a beast that could destroy a block in the blink of an eye.

Thinking of this, Xi Gu couldn't help but smile.

"It seems that my 'Super Power Era Plan' can continue to move forward. But regarding this gray dog... I still have to give it a name, otherwise I will feel sorry for the pioneer of this era."

Thinking in this way, Xi Gu hooked his fingers, let the gray dog ​​stretch out its head, gently stroked its head, and said to it in his heart:

"Well... from today on, you will be called 'Grey Shadow'!"

(End of this chapter)

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