Chapter 3 The Megaton Punch

From the first year of high school, to the second year of high school, to the third year of high school, until graduating from high school—almost a thousand days after Shigu's awakening.

3437301 kg.

Bench press strength has finally reached this level.

In addition, other aspects of physical data have also risen steadily during this period.

The first is vision.

In the beginning, my eyes were only strong enough to take off my glasses.

After about a few days, the vision reached the level of 3.0.

After a few more months, Xigu's binocular vision has surpassed that of all human beings in history, and he can stand on the top of a [-]-meter-high building and see the patterned stitches of the hats of pedestrians in the streets below.

Next, eyesight continues to improve.

Not to mention the fact that the distance of hyperopia is constantly extending.

In a more essential realm, Xigu has begun to surpass the limitations of human beings.

At first, under the condition of maximizing his vision, Shigu's eyes could see other wavelengths of light beyond the range of human visible light, such as infrared and ultraviolet.

After a period of time, the wavelength of visible light continued to expand, and Xigu's eyes began to flood with hundreds or even thousands of other colors that normal humans could not imagine.

——neither gold, nor purple, nor blue, black, or white.

It is a strange color that cannot be depicted by all artificial pigments created by human beings so far.

They are everywhere in this world, even in the air.

Next, eyesight continued to improve, and besides colors, Xigu began to see more things——

On the surface of human skin, the tiny joints of small pieces of skin tissue, the rustling and wriggling bugs on the hairs, looking in from the crevices of the skin, the bright red blood vessels and muscles underneath... and more , and more stuff.

This is not the end.

With the continuous improvement of vision, Xigu began to be able to see more subtle things - not centimeter-scale gravel dust, not millimeter-scale tiny bugs, not micron-sized cells...

Instead, nanometers or even angstroms are used to measure molecules or molecular clusters whose diameters are measured.

If you continue to improve like this, you may see quantum changes one day...

Xi Gu lamented in his heart, but he did not fall into madness.

——That's right, the control of eyesight has also been included in Xigu's training plan early on, and now it has already been assigned to the talent tree, so Xigu can freely choose what he wants to see without having to Worried about chatting with a cute girl and being distracted by the mite wriggling on her nose.

It can be said that unless it is absolutely necessary, Xigu basically maintains his vision at a level slightly higher than that of ordinary people.

The same is true for hearing, even the ears can already hear the radio programs on the other side of the ocean, as well as the slight noise of the cosmic background radiation, but Xigu keeps his hearing within the normal range just like the "ear-covered monkey".

The words "Do not listen to evil" really make sense.

Of course, in the important examination room, Xigu will still let go of the control of hearing a little bit - after all, English listening is still very important.

However, he will not use this super physical ability to cheat.

In fact, Xigu now treats his life with a calm heart, just like a cheating player who abides by the traffic rules in GTA5.

This is ironic and very contradictory, but it is a true portrayal of Xi Gu.

Although the exam is just a trivial matter, if he uses his ability to wantonly break the rules, Xigu is afraid that he will develop the inertia of breaking the social rules, and eventually lose control suddenly, splitting the Eurasian continent in half with a "bang".

——In that case, how can my future self enjoy the civilizational achievements of human civilization such as games, animations, novels, and movies that have been produced all the time and will continue to be produced in the future?

No matter how strong Xi Gu's physical fitness is, he is only one person.

At least for now - Shigu still feels that he can't live without society, and he can't bear it just mentally.

In addition to perception abilities such as hearing and vision, Xigu also surpassed the barriers of the human body in terms of speed and nerve response speed, and ran all the way on an unprecedented road to the sky.

When he was just a sophomore in high school, Xigu’s speed per second was 21 meters. Although this is a statistic that stunned the 10-meter trappers, and Xigu was able to maintain this speed for a long-distance run for more than [-] minutes, which made marathon runners cry. within the normal range of understanding.

——But when I was in the third year of high school, this data became 590m/s, which is the speed at which a sonic boom can be produced by running with all my strength.

And when he finished the college entrance examination and graduated from high school, Xi Gu's speed has evolved to 8100 meters per second.

The speed of 8.1km/s has surpassed the first cosmic speed.

——It can already rush out of the earth and orbit the earth!
Xigu's original delusions about the astronauts became a prophecy.

But of course it is impossible for Xigu to jump into the sky and go into space.

He just tried the speed of running at full speed, and flew to a place several hundred meters above the ground with a "swish", his heart was beating wildly in fright.

However, even though he fell to the ground from a height of several hundred meters, Xi Gu himself did not suffer any damage, only a large hole of more than ten meters was smashed in the forest.

——It's normal, after all, the strength of Xigu's body also grows at a rate of [-]% every day.

As early as the second year of high school, his body had already turned into a man of steel.

At that time, even if Shiko wanted to pierce his own skin with a knife, the tip of the knife would become blunt.

Not long after, in order to further test, Xigu sneaked into the rifle club in this city at night, and shot himself a few times, but still failed to break through the defense.

Because it was difficult to find a more powerful weapon to test himself, so after that, the test of defense came to an end.

However, a thousand days have passed, and although there is no further test, Xigu can be sure that he has been able to harden the nuclear bomb without any damage.

As for the reason, it can be obtained through a small calculation.

The current Xigu has a body strength of about 3437301kg.

When punching at full strength, the maximum punching speed is about 80km/s (estimated by the body data after the growth of control power).

Then, when Xigu swings his fist with all his strength, the kinetic energy generated is 10999363200000000 joules.

That is, 99 joules of energy.

One ton of TNT equivalent is roughly equivalent to 42 billion joules, which means that Xigu's full-strength punch has a power of more than 260 million tons of TNT equivalent.It is more than a hundred times as powerful as "Little Boy", and it is also more than one-twentieth of the equivalent of the strongest weapon in human history - the "Tsar Bomb".

As the releaser of this power, there is no doubt that Xigu's growing physical strength will make him unscathed when he hits with all his strength-in this way, since a punch is equivalent to a hundred times the release of a nuclear bomb, then how can Xigu Will there be physical defenses that can withstand a nuclear bomb explosion?
Moreover, compared to the huge shock wave generated by the power of a nuclear explosion, when Xi Gu punches out with all his strength, it will condense the energy in a small spot on the face of the fist, and the powerful force will not spread out until it is fully unfolded. go.

From this point of view, even if it is the "Tsar Bomb", since the energy of nuclear weapons lies more in radiation and range output, it may not be able to harm the body of Xigu, who is "indestructible by a single-point [-]-fold nuclear explosion".

——However, in fact, Xigu has not hit with all his strength for a long time, even if it is a test for himself.

About three months ago, when his strength and speed were not as strong as they are now, Xigu once came to the local coastline on a rare rest day, running on water at a speed of more than 100 meters per second.

After leaving the coastline for dozens of kilometers, Xigu dived into the water with confidence, and tested his full blow at a depth of more than [-] meters in the sea.

——Then, the powerful force turned into a wave and spewed out in the sea. Because it is high-grade energy, the heat energy brought by the transformation made the seawater temperature within a few kilometers around Xigu rise by dozens of degrees in an instant, and the fish and shrimp cried out. Just hang up and die.Then the kinetic energy continued to vent, until it gushed out of the sea, forming a monstrous wave of hundreds of meters.

After that, due to the catharsis of energy, the ocean currents in this sea area were temporarily chaotic. Combined with the already chaotic sea surface air currents, driven by the chaotic meteorological system, even a small typhoon was triggered.

Bathed in the violent wind and rain, Xigu ran back to the coast in desperation, leaving only a meteorological anomaly that puzzled the Marine Meteorological Bureau and a typhoon that dissipated before it affected the land.

Seeing the consequences she caused, Empress Xi Gu was terrified.

It can be imagined that if such a full-strength blow falls on the city, even if it is released into the air, the ensuing shock wave and the spreading kinetic energy will be enough to destroy a large block of blocks.

It is precisely because of this that Xigu stopped his "Extreme Explosion" test.

"Since it has a power that is comparable to or even surpasses that of ordinary nuclear bombs, it should be treated with caution when testing nuclear bombs, right?"

Think so.

So, from then on, Xi Gu stopped doing it.

(End of this chapter)

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