Chapter 4

After graduating from the college entrance examination, the next step is university.

Because Xigu's college entrance examination results are good, he can choose from most of the volunteers, so he chose a top university in the provincial capital.

After entering the university, like other students, he attends and dismisses classes, participates in club activities, and plays black and white games. Xigu feels a certain amount of fun from it.

Compared with ordinary students, the biggest difference he shows outside is that he rents a house off campus by himself instead of living in a university dormitory.

——After all, getting along day and night under the same roof is really dangerous.

Not to Shigu, but to classmates.

Although he is confident in his control, getting too involved with other people is a delicate matter.

After entering university, the most important point is that the degree of freedom has been greatly improved.

As long as there is no class day, it is equivalent to a full vacation.If the course selection is properly arranged, and there are a bunch of general education courses that do not require roll call and do not have homework, and the course content is not difficult to collect credits, in many cases, there will be four or even five days of free time in a week.

When he first entered the freshman year, Xigu still had some scruples, and most of his activities were within the province.

But when he was a sophomore, in the days when he had nothing to do, Xigu's footprints began to spread all over the country.

In the third and fourth year of junior high school, when other students were busy with internships and postgraduate entrance examinations, Xigu had traveled all over the seven continents and four oceans, and included all parts of the world in his tour scope.

Don't get me wrong, the reason why he loves traveling so much is not to enjoy the natural scenery, but to find people like himself.

—Others, ability users.

In fact, when he first obtained his abilities, Xigu always felt that there was a dark world in this world—as described in many novels, all kinds of capable people fight and fight in the dark, vying for Holding power and treasures; the governments of major powers are secretly wrestling with each other and testing each other.

And against this background, figures of mercenaries and dark organizations quietly surfaced, and even the legendary ruins of Atlantis and the addition of alien civilization...

However, no matter how much Xigu searched, how he opened his eyes wide in the dark, he never found anyone similar to himself, nor any "organization of capable persons".

After entering university, Shigu strode towards the world. At first, he just quietly searched for existences similar to himself in the cities of various countries, just like looking forward to the Harry Potter fans on the nine and three quarters platform.

After finding nothing, Xigu began to move his eyes to the backcountry and ancient ruins.

——In the temples in the Himalayas, the legendary century-old monk with the ability to "float into the air" has even been included in the world's unsolved mysteries.

However, after Xi Gu's careful observation, his so-called "ability" is just a kind of magic. Through the refraction of light between the glaciers, people mistakenly think that the old monk is floating in the air.

——On the European continent, a world-renowned prophecy boy, rumored to have predicted world events for more than ten years.

But after lurking in the boy's home, after a detailed investigation, Xigu was disappointed to find that his so-called prophecy was just a "miracle" fabricated by the money master behind the scenes.

Using several political science college students to classify the possibility of changes in the world situation, and then give a number of vague statements at once, and finally advocated one of the "prophecies" that are related to major events that actually happened, and vigorously publicized them on the Internet. , in the name of creating "prophets", this is the truth about the so-called "prophets".

——In addition, there are weird legends about the pyramids, mysterious ruins in East Africa, ancient civilizations in the Pacific Ocean, a mind-reading mage in a temple in Southeast Asia, and the incarnation of Shiva in India...

These, all, are fake!

Shigu, who began to feel desperate for the superpower miracles fabricated indiscriminately in human society, turned his eyes to the magnificent and mysterious natural world.

According to legend, there are savages, real dragons, ufos, ancient immortals... Shennongjia, which is more "talented" than the SOS regiment where Haruhi Suzumiya belongs to, Xigu took half a day to beat it through, but found nothing.

Even so, Xigu didn't give up. He spent several days searching the plants and trees in detail, but he still couldn't find anything that couldn't be explained by common sense.

——Although there are some species that are not recorded on the existing biological map, they have nothing to do with extraordinary things.

Then Xigu went to the Bermuda Triangle, which has been in the top three of all versions of "Unsolved Mysteries of the World" since the last century. Except for a face-to-face encounter with the relatively large octopus, there was still nothing to gain.

——What about wormholes? !What about the ghost ship? !
Next, Xigu, who was gradually losing hope, explored the natural areas with strange rumors in human history with a bored attitude, smashing the lies of "unsolved mysteries" one by one.

——Loch Ness, Changbai Mountain Tianchi, Death Valley, Kunlun Mountains, Lop Nur ruins, underground drilling bottomless pit...




Shigu was desperate.

No - there is still hope.

After tidying up his mood, Xi Gu turned his attention to the most important and most secret place.

——Intelligence agencies around the world.

With the strength of an individual, even an "individual" like Xi Gu may not be able to explore the whole picture of the world.

But if we integrate the intelligence of all countries in the world on "mysterious" and "extraordinary" events, and gather the core secrets of today's major powers, I am afraid that we will be able to fully understand the truth of the world, right?

Shigu thought so.

However, there is one problem to be aware of.

Compared with the previous exploration and exposure of the so-called "superpowers" in human society, the observation and approach of the so-called "mysterious areas" in the natural world.

The intelligence of the governments of various countries should be kept in extremely confidential places, guarded by heavy soldiers, guarded by powerful weapons, and monitored and guarded by the most advanced technological means.

Such as iris verification, infrared monitoring, DNA verification, ground quality meter detection, ray penetration... are all technologies that will definitely be used, not to mention others.

Although for Xigu, relying on force alone, he can already surpass the world, even if he just thinks about it, he can destroy all mankind in one day with the spread of the shock wave of power and the extreme speed.

——However, he is unwilling to stand on the opposite side of the social order, let alone be exposed to the world, and bear the fear and blank stares of billions of people as a solitary villain.

Therefore, how to sneak into these areas without being detected is very important.

——First try to hide it from the naked eye, this is very simple.

After reaching a high level of physical agility, nerve response speed, vision and hearing, Xigu has been able to easily use the "blind spots" of human vision.

It can be said that even if he stands less than one meter in front of a person, he can easily "invisible" in front of that person.

—and then elsewhere.To get past thermal infrared sensors, you need to trap your body heat.This is also part of the "control" of the body.

After trying for a few days, Xigu successfully incorporated it into the talent tree. With the combined effect of multiple perceptions, he was able to control his body surface temperature and heat radiation to stay between 0 degrees Celsius and 50 degrees Celsius.

——Then he needs to hide from the panoramic camera, which is not difficult—relying on the extreme speed, the camera with thousands or even tens of thousands of frames per second cannot lock his actions.

By sensing slight changes in the camera system, Xigu can use these changes to achieve the degree of "invisibility" under the camera.

——Others, how to control the disturbance of the airflow around your body, how to control your weight on the ground, how to control the slight changes in your body muscles, how to change your hormone secretion, how to control the beating of your heart...

In the end, he managed to control all the small details to an astonishing level, and after realizing that he could fool most of the monitoring equipment in the world, Xigu finally showed a satisfied smile.

——It's time to start!

(End of this chapter)

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