Chapter 40 Abandoned Factory
In the morning, when Manami Mizuhara woke up, she felt more comfortable than ever.

It's as if a continuous power pump suddenly appeared in the body, the breath is fresher, the movement is smoother, the muscles are more relaxed, and the world within the line of sight becomes brighter.

Of course she didn't know that the evolutionary blood contained in the pendant made from the branches of the Xigu Shenmu clone was seeping into her body little by little, making her experience a slow life transition.

But even for this, Mizuhara Manami can still feel the freshness of this kind of life-even if she knows nothing about its essence, it does not prevent Mizuhara Manami's mood from becoming more carefree and joyful.

However, when she came to school, this happy mood was quickly broken.

"Xiao Ma, did you cause any trouble when you went back yesterday?"

Just when Manami Mizuhara had just put down her schoolbag and hadn't officially started class, Ryoko Okuyama suddenly came up and asked worriedly.

"... Ryoko, why do you know?!"

Mizuhara Manami's eyes widened, and her shock could be seen through glasses as thick as the bottom of a glass bottle.

"It's not Ryoko, it's Lucia—but, it's really you!"

Yoshiko Okuyama opened her eyes wide, dumbfounded by Manami Mizuhara's answer.

"I came to the school today and heard the news from the bad team that Miss Meiya was looking for a girl from our school who was wearing thick glasses and a normal uniform. She should be a sophomore in high school. I heard the description at the time and it seemed to be very similar to you. But I didn’t expect it to be…”

"Miss Meiya?"

Manami Mizuhara thought of being the leader of the group of bad girls last night.

"Is it a girl with blond hair, who likes to smoke, wears high boots, and has fierce eyes like a crocodile?"

"That's right - it seems that you really offended her, how could this happen?!"

Ryoko Okuyama blinked, still in shock.

Mizuhara Manami hurriedly asked:

"What kind of delinquent is that 'Big Sister Meiya'?"

Yoshiko Okuyama finally pulled away from the shock, swallowed, and explained to Mizuhara Manami. ,
——It turns out that the full name of the blonde delinquent girl is "Miya Mineyama", she is currently a senior high school student at Jingtai Academy, and she is also a well-known delinquent girl.

It is said that she attended junior high school in a prefecture outside Tokyo, and there were already many scary rumors about her at that time.And after transferring to Jingtai Academy in high school, these rumors became reality, all of which showed the horror of the name "Mineyama Meiya"

- It is said that...

The rumors narrated by Yoshiko Okuyama were like an ice cellar, making people tremble all over, and Mana Mizuhara couldn't help but hold her breath.

"People like this...don't the school care?"

She questioned weakly.

Yoshiko Okuyama shook his head immediately.

"How? Don't you know that Miyayama Miya's father, Mineyama Yu, is the director of Jingtai Academy and the chairman of a construction company—he seems to have made his fortune when Miyayama Miya was in junior high school, and when Miyayama Mia was in high school Afterwards, the company grew bigger and bigger, and even invested in this academy in order to provide a satisfactory environment for my precious daughter to study...

"Ah, ah, for a rich person like this, it doesn't matter how bad her child is--after she is sent to Europe and the United States to study and come back to be gilded, she will still be the upper class stepping on us. To help her work!"

Sighing and lamenting the social reality, Yoshiko Okuyama suddenly came over. The cause of this conversation has not been revealed yet, so he immediately asked Mizuhara Manami:

"Wait—Xiao Ma, you haven't told me yet, why did you offend Miya Miya?"

Mizuhara Mana hesitated for a moment.

It wasn't that she was hesitant about the affair with Mineyama Miya, but because if she wanted to tell the story, she had to tell Yoshiko Okuyama everything that happened after she went to "Suyu Bookstore" yesterday.

But—after leaving the "Suyu Bookstore" with Yoshiko Okuyama yesterday, because she was concerned about the book "Hermes Sages", in order to avoid trouble, she directly declared to Yoshiko Okuyama that she wanted to go home, and then went "Suyu Bookstore".

So now if you want to tell, you have to tell everything about yesterday. In this way, your lying will also be exposed.

Tangled in my heart.

However, looking at Yoshiko Okuyama's concerned face, Mizuhara Manami finally chose to tell the whole truth.

"...The above is the whole situation, Lucia, I'm sorry!"

Manami Mizuhara clasped her hands together and bowed her head sincerely to Yoshiko Okuyama.

Familiar with Yoshiko Okuyama's character, she thought that the other party would yell and scold herself severely.who knows--

"So this is ah……"

Yoshiko Okuyama said quietly.

Mizuhara Manami raised her head suspiciously, and looked at her quietly, but found that there was no anger on Okuyama Ryoko's face, only regret.

"Why, Xiao Ma, do you think I will scold you for this kind of thing?"

"Liangzi, you..."

Manai blinked, a little astonished, and even forgot the name "Lucia" used to flatter her.

Yoshiko Okuyama just waved his hand and sighed faintly at her.

"Of course, I'm a little angry. You actually went back to 'Suyu Bookstore' by yourself. You didn't call me even though you had the chance to meet that handsome store manager. But...

"...Xiao Ma, after all, you really did something good. You helped that senior named 'Ito Mio', and you were able to face Miya Mineyama directly. Xiao Ma, you are really brave."

"... Ryoko..."

Manami sniffled movedly, leaned over, and hugged Yoshiko Okuyama, who smiled wryly.

At this moment, Yoshiko Okuyama glanced at the smartphone she had put on the table, and suddenly her face changed drastically. She picked up the phone to unlock it, and frowned tightly as she read the message on it.

"……What's wrong?"

Because she couldn't see the contents of the phone screen from her own angle, Manami Mizuhara could only stare at Ryoko Okuyama's face and asked curiously.

"That...a friend in the bad group sent me a message, saying that Miya Mineyama and her group took Ito Mio to a nearby abandoned factory, and it seemed that they were going to do something there..."

Mizuhara Manami felt that the hairs on her back were about to stand on end.

She thought of that bad girl's distorted smile, sharp eyes, and Ito Mio's miserable wound and lonely smile, and suddenly felt a chill in her heart.

"...Do you know the location? Can you call the police?"

"...The police usually come very late for this kind of matter between students. The Japanese police are very afraid of trouble...and if I call the police, Mineyama Miya will definitely know about it, and maybe my friend will be involved ..."

Ryoko Okuyama pulled his eyes away from the phone and suddenly became stuttering.


Mizuhara Manami took a deep breath.

"Ryoko, can you tell me the address of that factory?"

Yoshiko Okuyama hesitated.


"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Yoshiko Okuyama sighed, and helplessly showed Manami Mizuhara the photo on the screen of her mobile phone. The background was the entrance of an abandoned factory, and "NAKAYA" was marked on the gate of the factory.

Mizuhara Manami immediately took out her mobile phone and searched for the address of the factory.

"...So that's it. It's only two kilometers away from the school. It's not very far."

Mizuhara Manami raised her head, looked at Yoshiko Okuyama's pitiful eyes, and smiled:

"Don't worry Ryoko, I will be very careful and nothing will happen. I am in super good condition now."

With that said, he rolled up his sleeves and showed Ryoko Okuyama that he had no muscles at all.

Then, before Yoshiko Okuyama had time to speak, the girl picked up her mobile phone and rushed out of the classroom when the class bell rang.

Her back disappeared into the corridor.

Just after entering the classroom door, the Chinese teacher who was in charge of the first class in the morning looked at her disappearing figure in astonishment, then turned around and looked at most of the students who were also in astonishment:

"...Uh, can anyone tell me what Manami-san is going to do?"

"——I have something to do with Xiaoma's family, I'm sorry, teacher."

The pitiful expression on Yoshiko Okuyama's face has completely receded. She gestured "ok" to the teacher, stood up slowly, and smiled in a hot girl's tone:
"Mr. Guoba Nasana, I suddenly feel a little unwell, and I want to go to the health room to rest~"

With that said, he walked out of the classroom on his own.

On the way to the health room, Yoshiko Okuyama turned on the phone and talked with the person on the other end of the phone.

"Hmm...she has already passed...don't worry, I persuaded her, she didn't call the police...

"Friend? Oh, of course it's a friend...but I like Meiya-senpai more...

"I can also join in the future? Thank you so much! People have been looking forward to such a day for a long time... It doesn't matter if you call me Liangzi. In front of you, senior sister, whether it is Liangzi or 'Lucia', they are equally loyal little girls." follower"

Putting down the phone after the call, Yoshiko Okuyama sighed.

She covered her chest with her hands, and said a little tiredly:

"Really... If you don't know about the fact that you lied to me, Xiao Ma, I can smooth it out for you a little bit-but since you lied to me, Xiao Ma, then I will take my revenge~
"...Moreover, being able to join the inner circle of sisters of the United States and Asia is something I have long longed for—if I want to be in the upper class, even if it is just a friend of the upper class, I have to start cultivating relationships since high school~
"Xiao Ma, as the last symbol of friendship - I hope you won't be abused too badly by Sister Meiya, come on!"

Saying that, Yoshiko Okuyama made a heart shape on his chest, wished sincerely his friend who was speeding towards the abandoned factory, and then pushed open the door of the health room with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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