Chapter 41 Courage
Mizuhara Manami left the campus, and according to the reality of the smart map on the mobile phone, hurriedly ran towards the abandoned factory named "NAKAYA".

The pendant on the chest is like an external energy organ, providing a steady stream of power for her body. Although she usually runs out of breath when she runs around, unconsciously, she runs until she can see the abandoned body from a distance. When she was in the factory, Mizuhara Manami didn't feel any discomfort.

Across the bushes, Mizuhara Manami looked forward and saw the factory gate was wide open, like a dark cave, which made people unable to see clearly and daunting.

At the entrance of the factory, there were several unscrupulous girls with colorful hair, smoking and resting.

"Is Mio-senpai trapped there..."

Looking at the dark factory entrance and the unscrupulous girl guarding the entrance, Manami felt a little timid in her heart, and even naturally felt a little bit withdrawn.

... The other party is obviously just a person who just met by chance last night. He has never met or spoken to him before, so why do he work so hard for her?

...Call the police here. Although the speed of the police may be slow, and Miya Mineyama may have grabbed Mio Ito and left after the police arrive, but that is not my business. I have fulfilled my responsibility. No one can blame themselves.

Cowardly like this, or very realistic thoughts are rolling in my mind.

After all, Manami Mizuhara is just an ordinary female high school student. Although she likes the occult and the supernatural, and remembers ancient myths and historical legends better than the house numbers of the street, at least before yesterday, she had never thought of herself Be a hero who saves others.


Suddenly, Mio Ito's face appeared in Manami's mind.

Even though he was smiling, there seemed to be no emotion on his face.

And her lonely expression when she turned her head and looked at the night sky——

"...Tonight, there is no moon."

At that time, Mio Ito's faint voice echoed in his ears.

For some reason, the chest seemed to be blocked.

There is a sense of boredom and depression.

"I never thought of being a hero..."

Mizuhara Manami took a deep breath and stood up from behind the bushes.

"...But, at least I hope that Mio-senpai won't just be lying beside the trash can bleeding all over, looking lonely at the moonless night sky."

Manami Mizuhara gritted her teeth and began to tiptoe towards the gate of the abandoned factory.


Mio Ito lay peacefully on the ground, listening to the sound of water dripping from the abandoned factory, surrounded by deathly silence.

Not long after being forced to come here more than an hour ago, Mineyama Miya only let her men guard her.After torturing myself a few times, the group of bad girls with brightly colored hair laughed and left.

Numb pain in the toes, leg bones, and muscles on the legs; excruciating pain in the ten fingers and arms; because of several impacts, the brain has become a little confused, the back of the head is dull, and the part that is in contact with the concrete floor It hurts to be coughed.

However, there is no way out of this situation.Nor can the skull be more comfortable.

Because the hands have been cut behind the back and tied firmly with a rope; the legs are closed and tied with the rope; even the mouth is sealed with tape, so there is no way to speak.

Fortunately, that strange pendant was still firmly tied to her chest, and Miya Mineyama didn't take it off when she bullied Mio Ito.So Mio Ito feels that she has not reached the final limit.


Since when did the world around you become what it is now?
Mio Ito thought back.

However, I can't remember anything.

Maybe that was the case at first.

It's like luggage that has been put on the shelf from the beginning, and now it's impossible to take it down again.

"……Ha ha."

Mio Ito suddenly smiled, and an incomparably desolate ridicule sounded in her heart.

Are you mocking yourself?Or are you mocking something else?
Mio Ito didn't know it herself, there was nothingness in her heart.

The only thing I can think of is the figure of my father who stood in front of me in my childhood.

as well as……

The sudden sound of small footsteps interrupted his thoughts, and Mio Ito pulled away from the memory.

Somewhat strangely, the footsteps did not sound like anyone in Mineyama Miya and the group of bad girls around her, but it was somewhat familiar.That is--

"Mio-senpai... are you there..."

The "shout" that the girl deliberately lowered her voice fell into Mio Ito's ears.

"Senior Mio..."

That voice brought Mio Ito back to the scene last night—it was the girl who stood up in front of Miya Miya and took herself to the bookstore for treatment.

The girl's shouts were far and near, it seemed that she was looking for herself.However, because there are many sandbags and waste industrial equipment in the factory that obstruct the line of sight, it is difficult to find where you are for a while.

Although I don't know how Mizuhara Manami learned that she was trapped here.

But at this time, she must be able to find herself as soon as possible.

So, Mio Ito turned sideways without any hesitation, turned his head with the only neck that was still movable, causing the head on the side to slam into the iron bucket next to it——


Accompanied by the severe pain from the skull, the clear crashing sound resounded in the factory.

Then, the girl's hurried footsteps came, from far to near, until Mio Ito's figure completely appeared in Mizuhara Manami's eyes.

"Study... senior sister..."

The girl immediately knelt down and helped Mio Ito remove the tape from her mouth.

"Sister, how do you feel?!"

Holding Ito Mio, she asked eagerly, and at the same time untied the rope between her arms and legs.


Mio Ito didn't speak, but just shook his head, indicating that he was fine.Although there are still tingling pains in the temples because of the excessive force when he hit the iron bucket just now, but that is not something that needs to be explained to Manami.

Just when Manami was holding her in her arms and untying the rope for her, Ito Mio looked at Manami's side face, her tone was a bit strange:
"Why... is Manami-san here?"

"I got the news that Mio-senpai was kidnapped here by Mineyama, so I rushed here."

The followers of Mineyama Miya tied knots between Ito Mio's hands and legs, and it was very troublesome to untie them. While Manami was dealing with Manami's problem, on the other hand, sweat was already dripping from his forehead.

However, as a thread became loose, the movements became more and more handy, and soon, the rope on Mio Ito's leg was untied.

I was about to deal with the rope in my hand, but at this moment, Mio Ito spoke again:

"...No, that's not what I meant. It's——Why did Manami-san come here in person to save me?"

Hearing this question, Manami stopped for a while, faced Mio Ito, and said seriously:

"Because I want to help Mio-senpai."

"...So that's how it is."

Mio Ito showed a lonely smile.

"—Thank you, Manami-san."


Mana didn't have time to continue the greetings. She wanted to untie the rope on Ito Mio's hand, but found that this dead knot was much more difficult to deal with than the knot on her feet, and she didn't have any sharps on hand, so she had to look for them in the factory. No time either.

After thinking about it, she gritted her teeth:

"Sister, can you still stand up and walk?"

Ito Mio nodded.

Although her legs were painful, it was not the first time she had experienced pain like this.And this time I don't know why, there is always an inexplicable feeling, as if even if the legs are really broken, they still have the strength to stand up again.

This kind of confidence is very unreasonable, but in the dark, Ito Mio has a kind of unreasonable confidence in it.

After getting an affirmative answer, Manami pulled Mio Ito up, led her and trotted to the factory gate and explained:
"When I just came here, I saw someone guarding the door. I took advantage of the gap between them leaving and made sure that there was no one in the factory before I came in... But I guess they will come soon, and we have to take this opportunity to leave as soon as possible."

As he spoke, he had already arrived at the gate of the factory.But the moment he came to the entrance of the gate, Manami Mizuhara's face turned pale.

Because just within sight, those delinquent girls were already walking towards the factory led by a blond delinquent—it was Mineyama Meiya's group.

If you rush out at this time, you will definitely bump into them!
How to do?
How to do? ?

How to do? ? ?
Mizuhara Manami felt that her breathing was a little stagnant.

However, the next moment, when she turned around and saw the figure of Ito Mio behind her, a surge of courage was inexplicably born in her heart.

——I can’t hand my senpai over to them!

——It’s already at this time, do you still want the seniors to endure their bullying!

The moment her vision swept across, she saw a forest next to the factory. If she got in from there, she should not be noticed.But it is a pity that there is a distance of more than ten meters from the forest, and I am afraid that Fengshan Meiya will be caught before rushing in.

and so……

Mizuhara Manami took a deep breath.

Too late to explain too much, only a few seconds.

She said quickly to Mio Ito:

"Senior Mio, I will rush out later to attract the attention of Mineyama Miya and the others. When I am face to face with them, you take this opportunity to sneak into the find the manager of the bookstore, I believe him There must be a way!"

At this time, Mizuhara Mana remembered Shitiya's mysterious face.

Although she doesn't know what his identity is, Manami can only pin all her hopes on him.

Turning around, he didn't look at the expression on Ito Mio's face.

Mizuhara Manami took another deep breath.

In the next second, she strode out of the gate of the abandoned factory and met Mineyama Meiya and the others.

"Hey, you-"

"As long as I'm here, don't even think about bullying Mio-senpai!"

The moment the unscrupulous girls saw her coming out of the factory gate, expressions of astonishment appeared on their faces. Only Mineyama Miya still squinted her eyes and stared at her with sharp eyes.

Then, both the other bad girls and Miya Miya became murderous.

The bad girls rushed towards Manami.

Two fists are no match for four hands. Although she wants to resist, Mizuhara Manami quickly loses her fighting power.

Outside the factory gate, in the open space, unscrupulous girls surrounded Mizuhara Manami.

During the punching and kicking, the consciousness gradually became slack, and the last thing I could see was Miya Miya standing not far away, staring at her indifferent eyes with her chest folded.

And from the corner of his eyes, the figure that sneaked into the woods.


Joy rose in Manami's heart.

But the next moment, when her eyes went dark, she passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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