Chapter 6
It was the first time he had made his own direction clear, and Xi Gu felt that his whole body was filled with motivation.

Change the world, reverse the future, and make this mediocre and boring world full of incredible possibilities.

—Isn’t this the most pleasant thing?

Create an underground organization hidden in the shadows, fabricate legends and lies, and watch the human world become more and more strange and interesting with the emergence of other capable people... Thinking of this, Xi Gu's heart is full expect.

However, to do this, we first need to solve a problem.

——That is, how to let other people acquire abilities?

Although Xigu now relies on his ability to control his muscles and bones, he can easily change his appearance and pretend to be someone else.

But if I am the only capable person in the world, even if I move around, turn from left to right, pretend to be other capable persons, and perform dramas, it will be too direct, too easy to see through, and too boring .

What Xigu wants to be is an audience who appreciates this new era drama on the world stage, not an actor who sings a one-man show on the stage.

Therefore, the most urgent task is to understand how to create other capable users.

Then, start from your own body.

Xigu has tested the various values ​​of his current body - not the external data performance, but the data markers in the laboratory that go deep into the genetic level.

He once anonymously sent his body samples to hundreds of genetic testing companies, and also tampered with the university's physical examination, and preemptively tested various data of his body.

—Unexpectedly, everything is normal.

Yes, everything works fine.

Although if it wasn't for Xigu's deliberate control, even a needle made of titanium alloy would not be able to pierce his blood vessel, but after the blood enters the test tube, the data obtained after analysis are the same as other ordinary people-whether it is white blood cells The proportions, or blood components, etc., all belong to the range of normal people.

More importantly, Xigu's current data including weight, body fat percentage, bone composition, muscle density, etc. are still in the extremely normal range of medicine.

I have searched all over medicine, chemistry, biology, physics... I can't find any evidence why Shigu can use such a [-]kg human body composed of basic elements and atoms to exert the power to destroy the planet, but he just happens to be can do it.

Moreover, Xigu's talent tree that "grows [-]% every day" is too weird. It simply ignores the laws of physics and distorts the underlying operating rules of the universe into twists.

Finally, after much deliberation, Xigu came to a conclusion:
In fact, one's own ability has nothing to do with this physical body. Although it is expressed through data such as strength and speed in the material world, in fact, its essence is ideal!

——It is not an ability that can be explained under the materialistic framework, but the power derived from Xigu's ideal world!
After reaching such a conclusion, a guess gradually sprouted in Xi Gu's heart.

Since one's own ability is idealistic.

Then, can you rely on your own "obsession", "expectation", "longing" or other words that describe the direction of the soul to expand the boundaries of this ability...even to graft your own ability How about a part of it being sent to another living body?

Xi Gu decided to try.

In the beginning, he simulated the outline of his ability in his mind by learning the techniques of "meditation", "changing thoughts", and "calling God" in ancient scriptures, and then tried to realize it.

——First define your own "ability" in your brain, give it a vague appearance in your imagination, and then give it a chaotic definition, such as "qi", or "fog", or "spiritual power" or something like that .

But this attempt soon failed. After trying for more than a month, Xigu still didn't feel that his ability had a tendency to manifest. Although Xigu subjectively believed that it was ideal, it was still only in the Work on your own body.

Next, Xigu began to try other methods.

— no longer through meditation, but through concrete drive.Try not to rely on direct contact with the body, but to shake the material form through Xigu's imagination or thoughts, which is the so-called "thought force".

So Xigu sits for several hours every day like an eminent monk, staring at the paper balls or plastic bags on the balcony, imagining the images of them floating up, using his "consciousness" to influence the material flow state.

Naturally, this attempt also failed, and Xigu's physical fitness was still steadily increasing at a rate of [-]% per day, and he did not feel any "mind power" emerging in himself.

So, that is to say, although from an idealistic point of view, my ability is strongly affected by my subjective cognition, but in fact it is contained in my body, and I cannot directly affect it without relying on my body. material world?

Xi Gu was thoughtful.

This is a direction worth exploring.More importantly, relying on this conjecture, Xigu has a new idea:
Since the two aspects of "body" and "cognition" have jointly contributed to my current incredible state, and both are indispensable at the same time...

——Then, what is the definition of “body”?
For example, is the blood that is separated from the body still part of the body?

After leaving the body, the composition of one's own blood is the same as that of ordinary people.

This is the fact that Xi Gu has understood in the previous physical examination.

But he understands even more that his ability is a product of unreality—so even though the composition is extremely ordinary, it does not contradict the existence of "ability".

Therefore, Xi Gu made up his mind and began to study his own blood.

The first is the simplest, bringing blood into close contact with other things, including living and non-living things.After hundreds of blood drops, and observing reactions across the biological kingdom and man-made materials, from mammals and reptiles to metal and non-metal objects, there was no reaction.

Xi Gu was not discouraged, he decided to use his previous method of exercising control to this.

Using nails that are sharper than diamond knives, I spent 3 minutes to slash open the muscle, controlling it so that it does not heal within a ten-thousandth of a second, focusing all my attention on the blood vessels, and feeling tightly The flow of blood, and at the same time, focus on the series of states of blood from blood vessels to contact with the outside world.

A drop of blood—first flows in a vessel—then the vessel is cut open and slowly flows out of the vessel, while still inside the muscle—and then pushed slowly out of the body—until it enters the air.

This time, Xigu was not too clear about his specific training direction, so he only set a vague instruction for himself:

"To exercise the 'connection' between the blood and your body."


This is a very vague request, so Xigu has been exercising for more than 30 days without success.Until he was about to be discouraged, one morning, after skillfully opening his own blood vessels, this time, a vague and mysterious feeling came out from the bright red blood, which made Xi Gu widen his eyes. Eye.

—and then he burst into ecstasy!
There is no doubt that a "connection" is made, and the blood and body pipelines are set up.Then just wait for the talent tree to increase the strength and precision of this connection day by day.

The research on blood was successful, and Xigu began to focus on other body items.

——At first it was blood, then saliva, tears, sweat...then hair, muscles, nerve fibers, and even the exhaled air, the breath of the lungs, etc.

However, the "connection" between the body fluids and the body was easily and successfully established, probably because of the lessons learned from the blood.

However, other aspects of the body cannot be perceived by Xigu after being separated from the body, so the "connection" attempt in this aspect undoubtedly failed.

But Xigu didn't care. Since the body fluid represented by blood can establish a "connection" with your body, then you can take a peek at it and try to combine them with other things to see what you can create. up.

(End of this chapter)

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