Chapter 7

How to combine other life with one's own blood?

The easiest way is to eat it.

From a biological point of view, this combination method is undoubtedly very inefficient, even simpler than the nostril mucosal contact method.

However, although he understands the common sense of biology, Xigu knows that his abilities are inconceivable, so the way of combination is not important, as long as they have contact on the physical level is enough.

So, after the "connection" between his blood and ability reached a certain depth, one day, Xi Gu caught some animals from the mountains.

—a mouse, a bat, a snake, a fish, a chaffinch, and a butterfly.

Across land, sea and sky, it can be said to be very comprehensive.

After dripping a drop of his own blood into each animal, Xi Gu began to silently observe their changes.

However, at the moment when he dripped blood, through the connection between his own body and the blood, a strange feeling came suddenly.

For the first time, Xigu completely sensed all the energy in his body, and it expanded to these animals in a diffuse way. Through the connection of blood, the powerful force spread freely in their bodies, infinitely magnified ...

Shigu's power beyond the planet is concentrated in each narrow body.

The high-level energy continuously expands from the condensed state and expands outwards, instantly filling every sliver of flesh and every cell of those small animals, causing them to undergo wonderful leaps in the level of life.

The size of the mouse suddenly swelled up, steel needles protruded from the wings of the bat, circles of wonderful patterns appeared on the surface of the body of the snake, horns grew on the head of the fish, eyes of chaffinches were like diamonds, and butterflies flapped their wings. Wings, shining with wonderful light spots.

But, at the same time - in Xigu's induction, his most core innate ability of "[-]% daily growth" was transmitted to these animals when its fluctuations...


"Bang bang bang!"

There was a series of cannon-like sounds, and within a short time before their nerves could react, the whole bodies of these little animals exploded, turning into puddles of blood!
Facing this situation, Xi Gu could only smile wryly.

"It seems... I also have to exercise, the control of the blood after it is separated from the body."


One's own "ability" can only exist on oneself, and it is an unbearable burden for other living beings.

——Si Gu had also speculated about this at the beginning, but when his vision came true, it still made him a little surprised and relieved.

Undoubtedly, this fact gave him a further understanding of his own uniqueness.

Although he will not become arrogant and conceited because of this, he thinks he is the king of the infinite world, but Xi Gu is also faintly relieved.

Although he wants to make this world more interesting and make human society more bizarre and rich.

But if there is no particularity in his own ability, as long as he "grafts" the past with his own will, any living body can have the same ability, then Xi Gu will still have some worries.

This is human nature, and it is also human nature.

Therefore, Xi Gu, who was freed from worries, began to boldly try how to graft part of his physical ability to other living bodies, while isolating the core natural ability to complete the experiment.

As time went by, the "connection" and control between Xigu's physical fitness and blood became stronger and stronger.

At the same time, he is also gradually able to restrain his innate ability and not combine with blood...

So, just three months later.

Shigu finally succeeded.

Looking at the crystal blood drop in his hand, Xi Gu smiled.

——Although he is well aware that the chemical composition of this drop of blood is the same as that of any other ordinary person, and the range of each composition also belongs to the category of "normal people" in medicine.

However, it is the only fantasy thing in this world that can open the door to the abnormal world and make the existing life jump to a wonderful level.

Although Xi Gu ruled out the influence of his core innate ability, this drop of blood only contains an extremely weak part of his current physical energy.

However, that is already extremely incredible.

"The blood of the fairy in the legend, the panacea, is probably nothing more than this."

Shigu sighed a little narcissistically.

But first a test subject should be found.

The sudden explosion of those small animals last time left a certain psychological shadow on Xigu, so he is not going to directly inject this drop of blood into human society, but to find animals in nature again.

Although this time Xigu has already gained full confidence, it is better to be cautious.

He thought about it, and began to look for a suitable target.





It is like being wrapped in these few words, and it is like a product after the adjective has been embodied into a living body. It shrank, chaotic, and walked in the autumn wind with shambling steps.

It doesn't know what state it is now, and it can't describe itself with accurate words like humans.It only knows that it is going to die, but it still has to try its best to live.

The former is reality, while the latter is a requirement at the genetic level.

One eye is already blind - it was broken by a good boy with a stone a few months ago, and the other eye is covered with filth, blood and stolen goods, blocking the vision, and can only see a small area in front of it .

The left front leg was incomplete, and the left hind leg was broken in half, which caused it to walk with only half of its body staggering.But even so, you have to walk for a while and stop for a while, because the nose will smell the smell.

- the taste of human beings.

It is different from the smell of garbage, the clear smell of flowers and plants, and the smell of food, and it is a smell that belongs exclusively to living humans.That fresh taste.

At the same time, it is also different from the smell of dogs, cats, mice, fish, etc. It is an indescribable smell unique to humans.

Very subtle, but recognizable.

Its cognition of this smell has undergone several changes. At the beginning, when it was in the owner's house, this smell symbolized harmless and gentle caress, which would make it involuntarily approach and rest in peace;

When it was later relocated to a small courtyard in the suburbs, this smell symbolized whipping, roaring, and severe reprimand, making it violent when it smelled it;
After being abandoned and wandering around, this smell symbolizes stones that come with laughter, sudden poles, shadows of death, and painful memories, making it hairs stand on end when it smells it. The tail backs away.

But now, it has no strength to escape, it can only shrink its body as much as possible while smelling the smell, and stay still - this can at least reduce the attention of some humans and avoid more serious injuries.This is its life experience.

That subtle human scent has remained unchanged, but its perception has continued to change.

After all, it's just for living.

But—there was no other way.

Life is leaving the body bit by bit. It doesn't know that this state is called "near death", but it is instinctively afraid of it.

I tried my best to move the two right legs that were still intact, but no matter how I moved, I could only fall down, get up again, fall down, and get up again...until it was difficult to move, my body spread out in the cold wind, waiting The coming of death.

The footsteps of "da, da, da" came from beside my ears.

This is the sound of human footsteps.

However—maybe it was because the olfactory system was completely destroyed before it died, and the human being was parked next to it, but it couldn't smell the unique "smell" of human beings.

Its mind still can't understand the contradictions, not to mention that it has reached the boundary between life and death, so it is even more difficult to understand.

Only chaos remained.

The man chuckled.

"It's really actually met me."

Clear voice.

Then, it felt its body suspended in the air, and its body was wrapped in a warm embrace, which reminded it of the first days at the master's house, when it seemed to be hugged like this.

So it quietly and peacefully fell into a deep sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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