Chapter 61 The operation was successful?

The moment the fighter jet leaped out of the clouds and swooped down.

The tactical team in combat uniforms, as well as armored vehicles and chariots, all raised their muzzles at this moment——

The flames exhaled scorchingly with the whistling, and the cannonballs roared out from the muzzle.

All of a sudden, hundreds of bazooka ammunition, armored guns, and howitzers carried out a saturated attack on the inside of "Fazhuang"; in addition to ground attacks, fighter jets lowered their figures and also passed over "Fazhuang" at this moment. In the sky, the "air-to-surface missiles" on the missile racks, the missiles specially designed to attack ships and fortifications, dragged a long tail flame and hit the ground——

"Boom boom boom!"

In almost a second, the lonely figure of the girl in the "Fa Zhuang" was engulfed by the shock waves and flames brought by a large amount of ammunition, and the tens of thousands of square meters of open space were aroused to fill the sky with smoke and dust.

And this is not over yet, after the first round of bombardment, the second round...the third round...

The rounds of ammunition bombardment turned the entire "Fazhuang" into a plowed battlefield with a seemingly never-ending momentum.


"The target of this battle: Blood Angel
Object code: 1Z-2X423
Characteristic description of the combat object: The physical signs of the object are similar to a human girl between fifteen and fifteen, but it is not clear whether its internal organs and structure are the same as those of ordinary humans.

The subject's facial outline and skin color belong to the yellow race, but his appearance is far more beautiful than ordinary people. According to computer data simulation, his facial features are extremely close to the golden ratio. Through computer simulation testing, this appearance is very consistent with the calculation of big data. The "optimal face" fitted from millions of faces.It is not known whether this is a coincidence or the result of design.

Description of the event related to the object: The object first appeared in the sky above Arakawa-ku, Tokyo, and then landed on the streets of Megami-cho, Arakawa-ku. Within five minutes and 32 seconds after the object landed, a radius of 320 meters centered on the object In the space, a large number of Tokyo citizens were swallowed and melted by the red liquid released from the subject's body.Right after the devouring was completed, the figure of the subject quickly left from Muxia Town, and the cameras and surveillance satellites failed to capture the relevant images after the subject left from Muxia Town.

(Note: A video related to this incident was also circulated on the Internet, and was called the "Mexia Town Incident" by netizens.)
(The latest information is also attached: before today’s arrest operation, the subject had already created another “Pilgrimage Event” at the target location – the “Pilgrimage Meeting” of the Bliss Mingwanghui, the number of victims far exceeded that of the “Mishamachi Incident”. The estimated number of victims A major disaster event that has exceeded 5000 people.)
Object related capabilities:

1. Flying ability: This ability manifests itself in the fact that when the subject first flew over the Arakawa area, the flying speed exceeded 500m/s, and a red light would be dragged from the lower part of the body during the flight.After calculation and analysis, its flight principle is suspected to use the red liquid released from the subject's body to form a plane under the feet, which promotes the lifting airflow, thereby generating lift to complete the flight;
(A satellite image and associated video of the subject demonstrating this capability, along with a computational analysis of the clip, is attached below.)
2. Strong physical quality: the subject's physical strength is sufficient to face the tearing of the airflow at supersonic speed and bear the recoil force of falling from hundreds of meters above the ground... After calculation, the subject can at least bear the impact force comparable to that of a rifle bullet;
(A satellite image and associated video of the subject demonstrating this capability, along with a computational analysis of the clip, is attached below.)
3. The ability to release red liquid from the body to devour ordinary humans: when the red liquid in the subject's body is released, it will form a field with a diameter of hundreds of meters. Humans within this field will be entangled by the red liquid and unable to move, and will die within a short period of time. All dissolved in red liquid within a few minutes.While being entangled and dissolved by the red liquid, human beings are only limited in their ability to move at first, but then even their thinking ability will slowly freeze, and eventually they will completely lose their self-awareness.The process of dissipating consciousness is semi-synchronous with the process of dissolving the body. Some human beings have completely disintegrated when they are half dissolved, but some human beings can still maintain self-awareness until they are completely dissolved;
(The video and audio of the subject demonstrating this ability, as well as the computational analysis of this clip are attached below.)
4. The ability that the subject is suspected to have: (1) enhances its own ability after dissolving ordinary humans through red liquid; (2) the ability to disguise the appearance and voice of ordinary humans after devouring them...

Relevant suggestions: When capturing the target, carry out large-caliber firepower suppression at a position more than twice the distance outside the range that the target's red liquid can form; and use new fighter jets that far exceed the target's flight speed to conduct reconnaissance and bombing.


——This report is jointly submitted by the Yokota Air Force Base and the Special Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Defense. "

Colonel Kenichi Yokoyama, the commander of the "Special Action on the Meshitacho Incident", was sitting in a bright command car. It was almost November, but the air conditioner in the car was blowing, but he was holding the "Meshitacho Incident" in his hand. Special Report", still feeling sweat on my back.

Inside the combat command vehicle, the flickering screen in front of it marked the distribution of each tactical point—it could be seen that the densely packed star points on it were like those on a chessboard, completely surrounding a small red dot in the middle.

But at this time, the red dot in the middle was already surrounded by the roar of shells and gunpowder, and neither radar nor drone images could show her existence.

Each star point represents a combat vehicle or a tactical unit of an infantry squad. On the top of the screen, six fast-moving light points symbolize six new fighter jets that are flying and swimming.

However, the organization of these thousands of tactical units is just to deal with the little red dot in the middle, who looks extremely thin.

Why... is he covered in sweat?
"Mr. Kenichi, why are you so worried? The target is only one person, no matter how powerful he is, he can't survive the bombing of thousands of ammunition."

The blond-haired, blue-eyed man sat leisurely beside him with his legs crossed, staring at the tactical interface with great interest.

"Superpowers... I never thought that there are really superpowers in this world, and they did not appear in our country, but in Japan. But after getting the corpse of the superpower, I believe that the research institute in Nevada will be able to study out of its mysteries."

The man put the corpse of the "Blood Angel of Muxia Town" on his side with a relaxed expression, but Kenichi Yokoyama just responded indifferently, although he was sweating profusely, he didn't dare to say "no".

Because this man named Smith is one of the executive officers under the Yokota Air Force Base Command, and he is also the captain of the Airlift Wing. Be careful, let alone him.

Even if Smith's US military rank is only lieutenant colonel, one level lower than him, but in the face of the comparison of the strengths of the two countries, this gap in military rank is like a joke.

Although in this "special operation" today, Smith is only serving as a special adviser, and the U.S. military participating in the special operation is only the air force to which the five fighter jets belong. The power is still far greater than him.

So after hearing Smith's outrageous words, Yokoyama Kenichi could only pretend not to hear, staring closely at the tactical interface in front of him, and contacting his subordinates:

"Numayama-kun, how is the situation?"

"No abnormalities were found in the target's location."

"Tanaka-kun, how are you doing?"

"No abnormalities were found in the target's location."

"Liuxia-jun, have you seen the figure of the target?"

"No, the radar shows that there are no signs of life at the target location."


After a series of questioning, Kenichi Yokoyama finally heaved a sigh of relief, and finally recovered from his original state of sweating profusely.He turned on the combat communicator and released a general message:

"Prepare to clean up the battlefield, search for target remnants—"

"Wait a minute."

Smith, who had been calm just now, suddenly smiled and reached out to stop him.

"Mr. Kenichi, I think it's better for the U.S. military to clean up the battlefield."

Yokoyama Kenichi resisted the urge to stare back at him, his nostrils straightened, and his face showed embarrassment:
"But... this is in our Japanese territory."

"According to the latest revision of the "Security Treaty", our country has room to intervene in any wars and conflicts that occur on the Japanese mainland."

Kenichi Yokoyama resisted the urge to draw his gun, his face was a little stiff, and he forcibly softened his tone:

"But it seems to be an internal security operation in our country, not a transnational war and conflict."

"It doesn't matter, the relevant explanations can be made up later, the United States is a country of case law."

Yokoyama Kenichi finally couldn't bear it any longer, he turned his head and stared at Smith tightly, but the latter just smiled coldly and looked back at him with eyes full of pressure.

Finally, Kenichi Yokoyama, who couldn't bear the pressure, lowered his head and took a deep breath.

"... Regarding this matter, I need to communicate with my superiors and the Prime Minister."

"There is no need to bother the senior officials of your country, we can handle it ourselves."

Looking at Kenichi Yokoyama, who had completely lost his momentum, Smith's hooked nose was slightly raised, and a cruel smile appeared on his face. He took out the tactical communicator attached to his waist, and began to confirm related matters with the fighter pilot:

"Lock, Yang, James, Oglos, Michael... have you confirmed that the action has been completed?"

"Confirm strike completed, sir!"

"Target's vital signs have disappeared, sir!"

"You can return now, sir!"

"Mission successful, sir!"

"OK, good boy, but don't turn back now, we still have-wait."

Smith suddenly noticed that there was one remaining pilot who did not reply, and the hand holding the tactical communicator froze.

"Michael, did you encounter any situation over there?"

"Wait a minute, sir."

The calm voice from the communicator made Smith feel better again. Since his tone was so stable, the situation over there must not be urgent.

But—the next voice from the communicator completely shattered his expectations.

"...Sorry, it's my first time flying a fighter jet, and I just became familiar with the buttons for a while, but it's no problem now."

The communicator suddenly changed from the rough male voice of American English to the gentle girl voice of Japanese, just like a beautiful girl love action movie opened with great interest. It was so dumbfounding, Smith's eyes widened for a moment, and the tactical communicator in his hand fell powerlessly to the ground.


Kenichi Yokoyama, who hadn't had time to understand what happened, looked up at Smith, whose expression and tone suddenly changed, and opened his mouth wide in surprise.

Almost at the same moment, the sound of whistling came from the command vehicle obliquely above.

The two looked out of the window at the same time, and saw the fighter jet flying by in mid-air, and at the first second of its passing, the missile with a long tail flame flew towards them.


(End of this chapter)

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