Chapter 62 The Red Line of Destiny

In mid-air, a thousand meters above the ground, inside the silver-white fighter jet.

Mio Ito is sitting in the cockpit wearing a helmet, holding the propulsion lever on the side of the cockpit with her right hand, and dexterously clicking on the touch screen with her fingers, controlling the fighter jet with great interest. It is manipulated by her as she likes like a toy Flying freely in the air.

"...It has been bombed many times, plus the missiles dropped by the bombing headquarters just now. There are only two 'air-to-surface missiles' and two 'joint direct attack munitions' left on the ammunition launcher. The next one, also capable of causing thousands of deaths in a gathered crowd, is a brutal weapon."

Mio Ito sighed softly, lamenting the lethality of modern warfare technology.But at the same time, several angry voices came from the public communication channel on the side of the helmet:

"Michael, what did you do?!"

"Why did you throw ammunition at the headquarters! Are you treason?"

"Michael, do you want to go to court-martial!"

Because Smith, as a consultant, did not go through the public communication channel, but confirmed the mission execution level with the fighter pilots through private channels, so these pilots are still a little unclear about the situation, and seem to think that they are the original pilots." Michael's actions.

At the same time, on the radar screen in front of Mio Ito, several other fighter jets could be seen flying towards this side, and it didn't take long to see their silhouettes passing through the clouds through the porthole, like Like a huge iron bird, with a deep cold light on its tail

Smiling slightly, Mio Ito was about to say something, but before he could say it, the only remaining pilot who hadn't spoken before was no longer silent, and reminded his comrades in a slightly trembling voice:
"Be careful! I suspect that this guy is not Michael...he has been swallowed by that monster!"


The sound of the other three pilots taking a breath came from the communication channel at the same time. Mio Ito shook her head regretfully, and said with a smile in her own voice on the public channel:

"It's a pity, there is no way to get along with you as colleagues—but I still have to say something, that is not devouring, but redemption."

The four pilots immediately turned off the communication channel without saying a word, and the four fighter jets fled in a panic like birds encountering a raptor.For the first time, no one thought of avenging their comrades and superiors.

Anyone who can become a fighter pilot has basic scientific literacy and logical ability. Anyone can imagine that even the level of bombing just now failed to solve the monster in front of him. Instead, she captured the body of a pilot and a plane. The new fighter jets are now in mid-air, how can it be possible to solve her with the remaining four fighter jets?
The only solution - is to run away at once, and run better and better!Until the Yokota Air Force Base is withdrawn, let the headquarters and the Pentagon figure out a way to deal with this guy!

"Damn it!"

That was the only thought of the remaining four pilots.

And when escaping, in order to avoid being wiped out, the four fighters also subconsciously chose four different directions.

Watching the four fighter targets that were gradually climbing and fleeing on the radar screen, Mio Ito had a smile on his lips, and pressed the launch button, and the remaining four ammunition on the ammunition launcher poured out——

"Boom boom boom!"

With Michael's memory and consciousness, she is like an old fighter pilot who has been firing for a long time. She fired four ammunition in four different directions, followed the four fighters, and then——

Unanimously fell through.

This is a matter of course.

Whether it is "air-to-ground missiles" or "joint direct attack munitions", they are mainly used to attack ground targets and water targets. For flexible fighter jets, and the latest fighter jets in the United States, the opponent can easily get rid of their pursuit.

In this case, only the most accurate "air-to-air missiles" may still threaten the safety of these fighter jets, but it is a pity, because the only target to be attacked today is Ito Mio, who was originally in the "Fazhuang" One person, so the fighter jets are not equipped with "air-to-air missiles" at all.

However, it doesn't matter.

Because, although the previous tracking of the few ammunition was fruitless, it also deflected the flight trajectories of these four fighter jets, and the relative distance between them and Mio Ito did not continue to expand in a short time.

--that's enough.

Even if it only delays their time for less than a few seconds, it is enough.

Because at this moment, Ito Mio's "thing" finally caught up with them.

It was a very thin red line.

There are four in total, each of which is chasing a fighter jet,

The diameter of each red line is no more than one millimeter. On such a night, it may not be found if it is not placed under a high-precision camera.

The four red threads were pulled out from Mio Ito's wrist, one by one tightened, and chased over a distance of thousands of meters at a speed exceeding twice the speed of sound. At this moment, they were attached to the porthole of the fighter jet.

It's like the so-called "red thread of fate".

However, the "red line of fate" in the usual sense is used to connect love.

But Mio Ito's red thread connects life.


Make a fist lightly.

In the next second, an imperceptible "chi" sound came from the portholes of each fighter jet. In an instant, the red line passed through the breach and pierced into the bodies of the remaining four pilots. More and more red threads also gushed out from Mio Ito's body, breaking through the fighter jet he was riding one by one, spreading across the sky.


The battle and breakthrough in the sky didn't even take a few minutes, and on the ground, the troops performing this mission were still in chaos due to the explosion at the headquarters.

"What happened just now..."

"Fighter jets projected missiles, and Colonel Yokoyama Kenichi was martyred!"

"Could it be a conspiracy by the ghosts of the United States?"

"Why did American pilots come to bomb Tokyo again! Isn't this 80 years ago? If you don't sign a security agreement, you will be bombed, but if you sign it, you will be bombed?!"

"Colonel Yokoyama Kenichi won't be the highest-ranked American pilot in the bombing of Tokyo in history, right?!"

"Stop telling such hellish jokes... think about what to do!"

Messy voices came from the communication channel, and in the dedicated channel of the combat team leader, voices of excitement, panic, and anxiety came and went. The members of the Self-Defense Forces who had not experienced much battlefield training were able to attack decently even at the beginning. Once encountering such a sudden emergency, it immediately becomes a headless chicken.

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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