Chapter 73 Preliminary Conclusions
In the relevant analysis of 8, first of all, the first point - criminal groups with more than 12 people and more than 50 people have already got stuck in most cases.

According to the analysis of the situation at the scene, the criminal group's internal force and level of equipment are far from ordinary groups, and its anti-reconnaissance capabilities are extremely strong.

However, after investigating the whereabouts of the resigned personnel within the police, no resigned personnel whose whereabouts were unknown and suspected to have joined a multi-person group were not found.

In addition, there are retired personnel.However, the relevant information in this area is beyond the reach of the task force, so the task force also sought help through the highest department and asked the relevant department to conduct a statistics on the whereabouts of personnel.

The efficiency of the relevant departments is extremely high, and they really gave out a list of some relevant personnel. However, after investigation, the suspicion of this group of people was quickly ruled out.

The investigation of the composition of the two possible criminal groups failed, so we had to try to investigate the situation of other groups.

Thus, the task force began tentatively moving in this direction.While mobilizing a large number of police forces to conduct evidence-gathering visits, they also collected clues and useful information from the general public.

However, most of the objects pointed to by those clues are just a bunch of half-children who went to the society without graduating from junior high school and high school, led by a few "big bosses" or "talkers".

It is no problem for these mobs to collect protection fees, but such sophisticated and terrifying criminal operations are far from their domain.

The so-called "real bosses are all in listed companies", and now they are still engaged in such small fights, the level of which can be imagined.

So soon, the efforts of the task force members also failed.Although in the course of the investigation, some relatively small vicious crimes in Qingjiang Province were also found, as well as old cases from the last century, which cleared up the local atmosphere.

...However, this is far from the original vision of the members of the task force.

Moreover, with the progress of the work of the special case group, some people in the society seem to regard them as a nationwide circuit court to crack down on Bao Qingtian who violated all kinds of crimes.Not only Qingjiang Province, but also clues from other provinces have been sent in large quantities——

However, the content of these clues is either as far back as the 90s and [-]s of the last century, or it is impossible to look across the mountains and seas, or a businessman in a third-tier city in the southwest reported that a new company in the city is arrogant and domineering, hoping that Qingtian will be ruthless Hit it - business wars like this are coming, all trivial matters.

After combing through it, the task force determined that there was basically no useful information related to the 8 case, and they couldn't find any clues related to the manor villa.

So, in the end, there was really no way to find a breakthrough from here, so the task force gave up efforts in this area and turned their attention to other relevant information.

However, the information deduced from other on-site conditions still cannot find a real focus like water droplets hanging in the air.

——The number of incendiary bombs or thermite that can cause such a violent flame effect within a range of thousands of square meters in just a few hours must be quite a few, but no matter where they investigate, the police cannot find such a large number Purchase records of incendiary weapons;
——Because it is suspected that there are foreign bounty hunter groups or mercenaries cooperating, the police sorted out the entry records of foreigners in Qingxia City and nearby counties and cities, as well as the residence records of any foreign faces in the province, but still found nothing ;

——Because it is suspected that there are internal traitors of this criminal group among the security guards or labor personnel in the manor, and there are also targets hired by the criminal group among the locals living in this suburb.So the police sorted out the chat records and transfer records of thousands of relevant people within the past year, and asked the locals in detail whether they found different faces to stay here within a few months.However, the result is still the same... This path leads to a dead end.

In the end, the 8 case still didn't even have a place to start, and it just kept going up and down there, which has troubled the members of the task force for more than two months.

Until recently, after a bold vision, there was finally a preliminary direction.


Lin Heng stared intently at the densely packed text and photos on the computer screen, and kept drawing red lines in a small window document, recording his doubts, troubles, and possible breakthrough points of the case.At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Hey, Kobayashi. What do you say? Are you still trapped by this case?"

Lin Heng pulled away from the state of anxious thinking, turned his head with red eyes, and saw the figure in the blue shirt standing aside, Huang Yuanguang still had the familiar lazy smile on his face.

With a cup of tea in his hand, he picked up another cup from the sideboard, patted Lin Heng on the shoulder, and handed it to him:
"Come on, have a drink. The freshly prepared Qinghu Longjing, even though it's after the rain, hahaha."

With a forced smile on his face, Lin Heng took the teacup, but only took a sip, then put it aside carelessly, and sighed softly.


"Hey, looking at you, Xiao Lin, it seems that you are still deeply troubled by the 8 major case? But, hasn't the task force already reached a preliminary conclusion?"

Huang Yuanguang grabbed a chair and sat down beside him. Looking at the investigation records on the computer and the dense red lines in the document, he was taken aback.

"...Are you dissatisfied with the preliminary conclusions reached by the experts of the task force after group meetings?"

Lin Heng shook his head, with a bitter expression on his face:

"Of course I'm not satisfied... how could I be satisfied...

"Section Chief, listen, it's like this—"8 Big Case" was because the security guards in the villa wanted to kidnap Wang Changming and extort ransom, but due to the uneven distribution of stolen goods, it triggered a spontaneous firestorm. The killing incident——

"A conclusion like this, can you be satisfied!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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