Chapter 74
Hearing Lin Heng's question, Huang Yuanguang smiled slightly.

The expression on his face was neither approval nor resistance, but he said implicitly:

"The task force's conclusion...may have some flaws in some places, but—this is already the most realistic inference under the existing conditions."

"I'm afraid it's not just a flaw."

Lin Heng responded in a tone of complete disbelief.

"Oh, this matter... Xiaolin, you are still too student-ish—you know, the actual process of solving a case is completely different from what is shown in textbooks and mystery novels."

Huang Yuanguang shook his head and sighed.

"For such an extremely complicated case with few clues, don't look at how many contradictions he has, but how deeply he fits in."

"Come on, take a look. There are several major doubts about the fact that no trace of the murderer can be found in the '8 Major Case': First, such a well-armed and well-prepared criminal group obviously has dozens of people, but there is no trace of the murderer in the country. No news about them was found, nor was there any matching situation; second, only the security personnel's own weapons and bullet casings were found from the crime scene; traces of collusion;
"From the previous situation investigation, it can be determined that no criminal gang in the whole country has such manpower and material resources to cause such a large amount of damage, and can cover up the traces of their departure afterwards.

"But if this major case is planned by the security personnel themselves, and unexpected emergencies occur in the middle, won't many doubts be resolved at once?"

"—The surveillance cameras near the villa did not capture the relevant records, and the problem that abnormal ruts were not found on the passing road was solved. Because no one ran out at all; the reason why the mole could not be found was also solved. Because these dozens of people are all traitors, or they are all in the same group; Wang Changming's Maybach stopped at a blind spot for surveillance, but his own body appeared in the villa. The difficulty was also solved. This security team has been hired by him several times. In [-], they must have known the blind spot of the nearby surveillance video, and they also had a chance to let Wang Changming get off the car obediently.

"As long as you accept this inference—accept that the entire case was planned by the members of this security team, then most of the doubts can be solved. Moreover, this security company is one of the largest armed companies in the country, so this A team has a good chance of accessing channels to purchase incendiary weapons, and also has the opportunity to secretly transport such materials for several years, and store enough quantities to burn the entire manor."

Huang Yuanguang's analysis was penetrating, but Lin Heng obviously could not accept this statement.But Huang Yuanguang just pressed his hand and continued:

"Xiao Lin, you may not know that I was actually a member of the criminal investigation team. About ten years ago, I handled a case. It was a village in the city. A widow was killed in her home. I only spent three days on this case. , The murderer was found through the fingerprints at the scene of the footprints, as well as the call records in the widow's mobile phone, and the nearest contact list.

"The murderer was the widow's tenant, who was young and strong, but couldn't save any money, so he often used his body to pay the widow's rent.

"We found a bloody raincoat from his home, as well as a dagger that had been scrubbed clean, but the luminol reaction was still detected from it. The evidence was conclusive, and the man had no way to quibble, and admitted that it was himself crime committed. We succeeded in convicting him.

"However, there is another problem with this case - that is, in the surveillance video of the corridor leading to the widow's house, the figure of this man did not appear on the day of her death. Moreover, the widow lived on the ninth floor, and there were also pictures on the outer wall of the residential building. Surveillance cameras, so it's impossible for a man to sneak up. So, how did this man get into the widow's room?

"We asked the prisoner many times, and he couldn't explain clearly. But even with this doubt, the man was arrested and finally convicted.

"So Kobayashi, the real case is not a speculative novel - there may be many accidents and accidents in the process of its occurrence, and there may always be a bead on the beaded necklace that does not know where it fell, but as long as the necklace exists as a whole, then No problem. As policemen, we can only get as close to the truth as possible, and it is absolutely impossible to restore everything perfectly."

After saying these words, the dissatisfaction on Lin Heng's face subsided a little, revealing a pensive expression.

He thought for a while in silence, and then wanted to say something.But at this moment, the mobile phone on the table rang.

Huang Yuanguang glanced at it, and the person who sent the text message was a person named "Xi Xi".

Then he turned his head to look at Lin Heng, who was clutching his phone, his face turning red visibly.


Lin Heng was a little distressed, but also nodded in happiness.

"Seeing how you have been away from home for the past few months, I never thought you could have a girlfriend."

Huang Yuanguang was amazed.

"She is a doctor, and her usual work situation is not much better than mine."

Lin Heng smiled.

"Okay, why did your girlfriend send you a text message? Asking you to have dinner with her?"

Obviously did not expect Huang Yuanguang to be able to guess this, Lin Heng smiled helplessly.

"Then go quickly."

Huang Yuanguang waved his hand.

"But... there are still 10 minutes before the end of get off work time..."

"Okay, I'll take care of it for you."

Before Lin Heng finished speaking, Huang Yuanguang shook his head and looked at him with hatred.

"At your age, what if you still want to work?
"Besides, haven't you worked enough overtime in the past few months? I think you're working more than 80 hours a week. If you don't take a break, people think our police department is a black kiln."

Lin Heng pushed Lin Heng back with hisses and reprimands. Seeing his leaving figure, Huang Yuanguang smiled dumbly, put away the tea set on his desk, washed his hands, and picked up the briefcase.

At the moment when the hands of the clock on the wall slowly moved to five o'clock, he also walked out the door with his bag in hand.

After leaving the public security office, Huang Yuanguang slowly got on his bicycle and walked comfortably on the bicycle lane.

The sun was setting and the evening light was slightly warm. The middle-aged man rode his bicycle happily and stopped at the entrance of a kindergarten.


The little girl wearing a yellow duck hat smiled happily and rushed towards Huang Yuanguang who had just stopped her bicycle by the side of the road.Huang Yuanguang quickly squatted down and hugged her:
"Yiyi, don't run so fast, you'll fall."

"I can only run so fast in front of my father."

The little girl lifted her face from Huang Yuanguang's chest, and looked at Huang Yuanguang's small face full of trust:
"...Because Dad will definitely catch me!"

(End of this chapter)

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