African Entrepreneurship Records 2

Chapter 6 The War Is Near

Chapter 6 The War Is Near
1864 1 Month 14 Day.

Recently, Ernst has become more restrained, because Prince Constantine is coming to Berlin.

Prince Constantine came to Berlin from Hechingen on business. Constantine seldom left the country, and every time he left, there was basically a big event to happen.

Ernst is busy with the great cause of industrial expansion every day, going back and forth between the factory and the school. He promised to study abroad, but he has become a resident in Berlin, so he is still a little guilty and lacks confidence.

Of course, Ernst knew that these "little things" of his own were not worth Constantine's coming to Berlin in person, and they must be important military affairs.

In Prussia, Prince Constantine had the same status as a prince. Although the Marquis of Hechingen was merged into Prussia, his status was retained.

The Heixingen family basically has the traditional rank of field marshal, and Constantine also holds the vacant position of field marshal and is temporarily in the general staff.

This visit to Berlin is probably also to participate in the discussion of major events and prepare for the war.

Ernst's grandfather took part in the war against Napoleon.Of course, Hexingen participated in the war as one of the many German states at that time. Hexingen was a member of the puppet regime supported by Napoleon in the Rhine Confederation before.

Seeing the strength of the European anti-French alliance, the old Marquis Frederick of Hechingen jumped back in time and joined the winners' camp.

Later, after the war, Marquis Frederick turned around and devoted himself to education until his death.

Constantine later joined Prussia after a joint resolution with Prince Karl, the speaker of Sigmaringen. After all, they were both members of the Hohenzollern family. Naturally, there was no objection to responding to Prussia's "call" to unify Germany.

If it succeeds, it will be regarded as a hero of the empire in the future. If it fails, the worst is to maintain the status of a vassal state.

They are both members of the Hohenzollern family. In Europe, a place that values ​​blood origin, natural interests make the two branches move closer to the increasingly powerful Prussian main line.

The province of Neu-Hohenzollern, where Hechingen is located, is located in the southwest of Germany. There are many princes here. In the east, there is an important German state like Bavaria. In the west, it is very close to France. It is surrounded by Baden and Württemberg. The strategic location is very prominent. .

As the birthplace of the Hohenzollern family, it is itself an important military fortress, and it is still inserted in the southern German region where Prussia has weak influence. Prussia attaches great importance to Hohenzollern Province.

As far as Ernst himself is concerned, the future war between Prussia and Austria will have no impact on his family. Hexingen is surrounded by Württemberg on three sides, and the Duchy of Baden on the other side. The main battlefield is on the border between Prussia and the Austrian Empire. In Bohemia, even if Austria and Prussia do not play sneak attacks according to the script, Württemberg and Baden will be beaten first.

Not surprisingly, the Franco-Prussian War that followed was mainly in France, so my family basically had no losses in a series of unification wars in Germany.

Before Ernst started his business, the Heixing root system was a combination of traditional military landowners. The main industries were agricultural rent collection, real estate income from various places, and the salary of Prince Constantine in the army. Even if a war broke out, it would not threaten any important industries. .

Moreover, Ernst's own factories are all in Berlin. As long as it is not a world war, Berlin cannot fall.

As for the future, it will not be affected if the industry is transferred to a safe area before the outbreak of World War I. The great changes in the world will not affect the wealth of Heixing's root family, Hohenzollern.

As for the big talk of saving Germany, Ernst said that he couldn't afford it. Europe is so messy and there are many capable people.

If you want to play well in Europe, you must have top-level resources and IQ. A small place like Hechingen cannot afford it. Only small countries like Bavaria and Belgium that have a certain influence and size in Europe can only get admission. coupon.

Only by relying on Prussia can Hexingen make a lot of money in the future and accumulate capital.

Ernst was thinking about historical events. It is very likely that the Pudan War is approaching (the second Schleswig War), and he wants to speed up the construction of tobacco and lighter factories.

The army is a big consumer of tobacco, not to mention lighters, a sacred weapon of war. Thinking about the popularity of matches, Ernst felt that kerosene lighters still had a great market.

It is necessary to ensure the mass production of these two things before the start of the war, and then accelerate the recognition of the civilian market through the natural platform of war.

These soldiers come from all over the country, and when they return to their hometowns, they are natural propagandists.

While Ernst was still planning, Constantine had already returned from the palace.

The place where Ernst lived in Berlin was actually the ancestral property of the family. After the rise of the Hohenzollern family in Brandenburg, the Heixing roots acquired a manor in Berlin as a liaison office.It also has a history of one hundred years.

Konstantin would live here every time he came to Berlin. Konstantin's carriage was parked in the yard, butler Keino urged the driver to take the carriage away.

"Ernst!" Constantine greeted Ernst's name affectionately.

"Father, why did you come to Berlin? Has something serious happened?" Ernst pretended to be puzzled, although he knew that his father was probably coming to Berlin to deal with the war in Denmark.

"Well, I came to Berlin to contact the royal family on some matters, and of course I also stopped by to see my son's career." Constantine said happily.

Ernst felt a little ashamed. He had been busy with business in Berlin and didn't go back to see his old father. Although he usually communicated by letters, he had been out for almost a year, but he only went back once last Christmas.

"Father, I will spend more time with you in the future. I am a little carried away by being too concerned about business." Ernst said to Constantine.

"Okay, what do I need someone to accompany me when I'm an old bone? This time I come to Berlin because something big is going to happen, so you don't have to think about it." Konstantin continued stroking Ernst's head To: "You really gave me some surprises. I didn't expect our family to have a talent for business. I'm ready to invest in nothing, hahaha..." Constantine joked.

"Father, is the kingdom preparing for war?" Ernst changed the subject.

"Well, yes, but where did you hear the news?" Constantine asked seriously.

This kind of thing was kept secret before the war started, and Ernst was still a child, so the royal family would not take the initiative to tell him, so Constantine asked cautiously.

"Father, you also know that the Kingdom's army is an important customer of mine. Recently, they have begun to order a large number of new supplies, and some factories around Berlin have also begun to work overtime to produce, which is obviously to prepare for the army."

Seeing Constantine frowning, Ernst began to increase his persuasion.

"Of course, some business owners have business dealings with us, so they can inquire about some gossip. Moreover, the new prime minister of the kingdom is obviously not an ordinary character. He threatened to use iron and blood to solve major contemporary problems when he first took the position of prime minister. .Now, it is clear that force will be used to resolve the kingdom's troubles."

Ernst spoke out his "guess" in a few words.

Constantine looked at his son with relief and said, "That's right, it seems that the Hohenzollern family has produced another outstanding person, hahaha..."

Just laugh.

"The kingdom is contacting Austria, and is preparing to use force to force the Danish government to abandon the two German states of Holstein and Schleswig. At present, the German Confederation has sent troops to Holstein, and Prussia also intends to promote the Principality of Schleswig. independence," continued Constantine.

"At present, other countries on the mainland are watching. The countries that can really interfere are Britain, France and Austria. The Russians are still licking the wounds of the Crimean War, and the French dare not act rashly to avoid the recurrence of the anti-French alliance. , triggering a continental war, the British navy will have the strength to intervene at that time, but the British prefer to pull the Russians into the water, as for Austria, this time we will join forces with the Austrian Empire to participate in safeguarding the interests of the German region."

Constantine talked eloquently. In fact, this was a gamble. William I and Bismarck used the intrigue among the great powers to achieve a delicate international balance. At the same time, the Danish new draft constitution aroused the anger of the Germans. Found an excuse.

When things like national sentiment are well used, the iron and blood that Bismarck has always emphasized can be used to determine major contemporary international issues.

Bismarck can unite the many states and free cities in the German region by safeguarding the interests of the German region, and unify the power of the German region with righteousness.

At least in North Germany, Bismarck can realize the penetration of Prussian influence and prepare for the future unification of Germany.

(End of this chapter)

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