African Entrepreneurship Records 2

Chapter 799 Venice Conference

Chapter 799 Venice Conference

The entry of agencies such as the East African Meteorological Service and the Bureau of Land and Resources Survey into Angola and Mozambique also means that the development of these two places in East Africa is about to begin.

Now it is time to conduct a rough survey of the conditions in Angola and Mozambique, and then the East African government will set development goals.



XNUM X Year X NUM X Month.

"Your Majesty, the British have begun to seek reconciliation with East Africa. They intend to use us and other countries as mediators to mediate this war."

The arrival of the British broke Franz's peaceful life. Since the 1980s, the Austro-Hungarian Empire had developed very well. It was an era of rapid development of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Franz's work was relatively easy.

"It seems that East Africa has brought a lot of trouble to Britain. What is the situation with the war in South Africa now?" Franz asked.

Regarding the South African War, the Austro-Hungarian Empire is not currently paying too much attention. Of course, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was still affected to some extent in the early stages of the war. As an important trading partner and ally of East Africa, the Austrian government was shocked when East Africa and Britain went to war.

Therefore, it can be said that it is easy for Britain to cause trouble to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and it is enough to make the Austro-Hungarian Empire feel angry and have nowhere to vent its anger.

With the Royal Navy, Britain has no other ability. It is definitely the best in the world at causing trouble. Anyway, Britain's position is that as long as the navy does not weaken, other countries can't do anything about it.

This is just like the Far Eastern Empire and Tsarist Russia were suppressed when facing the United States in the previous life, relying on the position and naval strength of the United States.

In addition to the strategic considerations of the Austro-Hungarian Empire itself, the impact on trade between East Africa and the Austro-Hungarian Empire was also a major headache for the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

First of all, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was afraid of being dragged into the water by East Africa. If it was just a war between East Africa and Portugal, it would naturally not matter. However, only the countries on the European continent felt how terrifying Britain's strength was.

Countries on the European continent, close to the British mainland, can more intuitively feel the pressure brought by Britain on them, especially the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The reason why East Africa can be "arrogant and domineering" is because East Africa is relatively far away from the British mainland, and it is more difficult for the British to intervene. In fact, if it were not for the crazy immigration policy and the development and emphasis on military industry in East Africa for more than 20 years, the British would not be able to intervene. The Indian colonies could deal a major blow to East Africa.

It can be said that in the entire Indian Ocean periphery, except for East Africa, other countries and regions did not have a single enemy of India under British rule.

Nowadays, other major powers in the world feel this kind of powerlessness when facing Britain. If they are not major powers, they will be even more unlucky. Brazil and Portugal are the targets of bullying.

Among the five major gangsters in the world, the Austro-Hungarian Empire has the worst national strength and the most domestic instability factors. The problems are more serious than those encountered by Tsarist Russia. Although Tsarist Russia does not have many ethnic groups, the occupied areas are basically Slavic. People dominate.

East Africa was an important market for the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Even the Austro-Hungarian Empire was able to get out of the economic crisis early because of East Africa's strong support. Therefore, when East Africa and Britain went to war, Austria was one of the most anxious countries.

Of course, under the strange dualist system of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Hungary was indifferent to this war, because the existence of East Africa weakened the dependence of developed areas of the Austro-Hungarian Empire such as Austria, Czech Venice, etc. on Hungarian agriculture and minerals.

Therefore, the attitude towards the South African War within the Austro-Hungarian Empire was divided, and by the way, the Austrian allies were unable to effectively intervene in the trend of the South African War. Fortunately, Ernst did not expect Austria-Hungary to be of much help to East Africa from the beginning, otherwise the outcome in East Africa might not be much different from that of the Boers in the previous life.

Of course, before the war with the British in their previous lives, the Boers had actually been incorporated into the British colonies, so the results must have been different.

Even if the military in East Africa fails, it will not be completely annexed by the British. At least the core area in the east can be preserved.

"Your Majesty, East Africa has now completely gained the advantage in the South African War. Angola and Mozambique have been captured by East Africa. The East Africans are moving south to attack Cape Town. This is why the British are so anxious." Foreign Secretary Alan Tarr said the earl.

Franz was overjoyed when he heard what happened to the British. Almost no country in the world liked the British, so Franz was very happy that the British failed in front of East Africa.

"Is it possible for Britain to make a comeback?"

"It is basically impossible, unless the British attack East Africa in an all-out way, but this is almost impossible. East Africa has faced various restrictions and suppressions from the British from the beginning of the war to the present, and the South African War is the British taking advantage of East Africa. The final attempt after the war, but now it seems that war cannot solve the strong rise of East Africa in southern Africa.”

After hearing this, Franz also stopped smiling, and he began to re-examine this "unexpected" country in East Africa.

The establishment and development of East Africa can be said to be one of the unique historical events in the 19th century, and its significance is no less than the collapse of the Vienna System, the Franco-Prussian War and other changes to the world structure.

Before this, the only country where similar cases could be found was the United States of America in North America, so East Africa could become another United States, or perhaps Brazil!
"Erenthal, how do you think we should reply to the British?" Franz asked.

"It's a good thing that the British want us to mediate the war. After all, we have very close relations with East Africa, but we still have to see whether East Africa has the need to end the war, or the bargaining chips they want." Allen Tower Earl replied.

“If East Africa agrees, what should be our attitude in the middle?”

"Your Majesty, everyone with a clear eye now knows that the rise of East Africa in Africa is inevitable, so we should stand on the side of East Africa. In addition to East Africa itself being our important ally, our country's potential interests in the future are also related to the sudden rise of East Africa in the world. Big countries are closely related. After taking over Angola and Mozambique, East Africa has a land area of ​​more than 13 million square kilometers, second only to Tsarist Russia. For such a vast country, neither resources nor military strength can be ignored. "

"What about the British?"

"The British are suffering from their own consequences. After all, what cannot be obtained on the battlefield is even harder to obtain at the negotiation table. Moreover, the British are eager to get out of the South African War and are asking for help from us, so we do not need to care too much about the British. manner."

Count Ellenthal's words gave Franz reassurance that Britain was now seeking help from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and East Africa itself had shown its worth to be attracted, so this single job was completely acceptable.

As for why Britain negotiated with East Africa through Austria-Hungary rather than Germany, in addition to the best relationship between Austria-Hungary and East Africa, the most important point is that William II had just succeeded to the throne and was not prestigious enough, so the old emperor Franz Instead, he is more suitable as a mediator presiding over negotiations.

1889 2 Month 12 Day.

Under the mediation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the East African government was invited to participate in peace negotiations with Britain and Portugal in Venice.

At this time, there is actually no need to continue the South African War, but East Africa is a master of not letting go of hawks when it sees rabbits. East Africa will not easily end its new round of offensive against Cape Town before Britain and Portugal cede territory.

(End of this chapter)

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