African Entrepreneurship Records 2

Chapter 800 Changes in Venice

Chapter 800 Changes in Venice


Under the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Venice looked far more depressed than before the Italian-Austrian War. The war caused Venice's most serious population loss, severe infrastructure damage, and serious damage to its vitality that has not yet recovered.

Of course, the result was more stable rule in the Venetian region. During the Italian-Austrian War, hundreds of thousands of Italians went to East Africa, becoming one of the important population sources in East Africa. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of Italians fled to other countries and regions because of the war. This left a large population vacuum that was filled by the Austrians.

At the same time, the nobles and powerful people in Venice were also liquidated by the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which allowed Austria's various population policies to be implemented in Venice, which greatly increased the difficulty of Venice's separation from the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the future.

However, compared to Lombardy next door, Venetian people are still happy. Under the oppression of the Hungarian government, Lombardy's economy was in a mess, and a large number of factories and equipment were destroyed or relocated.

The biggest shortcoming of the Hungarian government is that it does not rebuild Lombardy. After all, the biggest financial obstacle to the entire Austro-Hungarian Empire is Hungary. It is impossible for Hungary to spend its own money to build Lombardy. On the contrary, Lombardy’s tax revenue is higher than that of Venice. Heavy.

After entering the 1980s, with the Austrian government's investment in Venice and the construction of a direct railway to Vienna, it once again became an important trading port for the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Of course, Venice is still suppressed by Trieste for the time being and can only become the second largest port city in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This is the result of historical inertia.

"At present, it seems that Venice has gotten rid of its economic decline. Many factories in the city have resumed work or been rebuilt. The Austro-Hungarian Empire has done a good job here." East African Foreign Minister Hermann told his counterpart Von der Leyen said.

Of course, it is just around the corner that Venice will overtake Tyrol again. After all, it is superior to Tyrol in terms of transportation, terrain, and other aspects. However, Trieste is ahead and wants to become the largest port in the Austro-Hungarian Empire again. Very difficult.

Tyrol is the southern territory of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In the Alps, it originally lagged behind Venice. As Venice's economic foundation was destroyed, a large number of people were lost, and its machinery and equipment were sold cheaply. Instead, it was surpassed by Tyrol, let alone the one next door. Compared to Trieste.

"Speaking of it, Venice's contribution to the economic development of East Africa is indeed not small. Before the war, Venice was a relatively economically developed region in Italy or the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Its traditional handicrafts and industry were among the best in the region. Now even Tyrol Not as good as anything.”

"Now Venice is just restoring its original role during the Austrian Empire. However, Austria is naturally a land-based country. Even if it obtains Venice, it will not change the result that the entire country's outlet is trapped in the Adriatic Sea. Of course, this will not affect the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This is already the best result. After all, Venice's more important role is to suppress the entire Apennine Peninsula and prevent the emergence of a unified Italian country," Von der Leyen analyzed.

It can be said that Nairobi, the first city in the textile industry, rose on the corpse of Venice. At the same time, the East African shipbuilding industry cannot do without the help of Venetians. There are also a large number of Venetians living in East African shipyards.

As East African veterans who cooperated with Ernst in poaching Italy, they were relatively familiar with the immoral things East Africa had done during the Italian-Austrian War.

"That's the truth. When it comes to the division of Italy, it actually counts. We seemed to be the driving force back then. There were a large number of Venetians living in Nairobi and other cities, and these people were mainly handicrafts and agricultural producers. It can be said that it cut off the foundation of Venice. ”

After all, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was not a fool. After suffering a big loss in Venice, it was destined to continue to build the already rising Trieste in the future.

Trieste's economy must rely on Austria, and it is completely constructed by Austria. Unless there is a war, there is no risk of separation or independence, and it can ensure the strategic security of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at sea.

And the most important point is that Trieste is close to Vienna and other Austrian hinterlands, easier to control, and the cost is not higher than Venice. "For comparison, Venice is now less developed than our city of Nairobi. I remember that in 1880, Nairobi's population exceeded more than , while the population of Venice's urban area has declined instead of increasing, and now it may only be over a hundred thousand."

Naturally, Von der Leyen was not very clear about the specific population of Venice, but before the Italian-Austrian War, it was certain that the population of Venice was close to 19. In the s and s, the city's population exceeded .

Since the 19th century, cities in Europe have been expanding, especially in recent years. As long as normal countries have developed well, Belgium completed industrialization during this period. Of course, there are also countries like Portugal, which are in rapid decline. Military expenditures It has seriously hindered economic development, and Portugal's economic situation is not good to begin with.

"I'm afraid there are many people in Venice who are Austrian, so the original number of Venetians is probably only about tens of thousands." Hermann added.

It is worth mentioning that the original focus of East Africa's plunder of Venice's population was not the city of Venice, but the rural areas in the region.

One was that Venice was under a long-term blockade at that time, which made it difficult to carry out immigration work, and the other was that Ernst deliberately strengthened Austria's strength.

The natural population growth rate in economically developed areas is generally not very good, especially in areas like Venice, which have been very prosperous since the Middle Ages, and the people's education level is also relatively high.

The removal of a large rural population in East Africa has caused Venice's natural population growth rate to fall into a low point. A large amount of land has been occupied by the Austrians. In the future, the entire Venetian population will slowly shift towards the Germans. Coupled with the population assimilation policy, it is really possible To achieve the goal of a German Venice.

Of course, East Africa's plunder of the urban population of Venice is not small, but it is mainly concentrated on workers and handicraft practitioners. The typical ones are the textile industry and shipbuilding industry mentioned before. In this era, they are all technical talents.

Of course, a large number of Venetians also choose to sneak into South America and other regions through black ships, as is the case in Paraguay.

With the arrival of members of the East African negotiating team, the city of Venice made headlines in European newspapers on this day, and many people began to pay attention to the African country that defeated Portugal and the British Empire.

Sub-Saharan Africa has been regarded by Europe as a poor, backward, and barbaric land since ancient times. However, a powerful country established by European colonists was born on this land. It is indeed an interesting topic.

Of course, the Kingdom of Portugal and the British Empire, which serve as backgrounds, naturally do not think so. The status of the East African Kingdom was achieved by stepping on the bones of soldiers from the two countries. Portugal, in particular, can be said to have lost face.

Described by European newspapers as: "Portugal - a European 'power' defeated by the colonial countries!" Portugal's glorious history and various incidents in recent years have been uncovered, including Brazil's independence and the South African War, which show that this country has become a mess. Not on the wall.

Some unscrupulous editors joked: "Countries like Portugal should be kicked out of the ranks of the civilized world."

In the eyes of Europeans, the civilized world is naturally Europe. This was also the consensus of the world in the 19th century. Of course, people from countries outside Europe must put their countries in the same ranks of "civilized people" as Europe. For example, following the British This is true for the Indians who show off their power in the British colonies, Japan who is eager to "leave Asia and join Europe", or East Africa who promotes the German state.

(End of this chapter)

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