above the galaxy

Chapter 218 The Will of Vengeance!

Chapter 218 The Will of Vengeance!
Tang Bandit understood what the old man meant. He hoped that Tang Bandit could unite all the forces that could be united and use all the people who could be used.

Such as Zhong Daolong, such as Zhong Tianque, such as Xuanyuan Mirror.

For example, Phoenix.

In order to take revenge, he even dragged his own family members into the water. What else could not be sacrificed?
Cruel and cruel, insane.

However, the whole world can say this about him, only Tang Bandit cannot.

Because everything he did was for Tang Bandit, for Tang Bandit's dead parents and relatives, and for the soldiers and brothers who fought side by side with him while drinking and talking happily.

The heart has long since died, and only a body lingers in the world.


This is obsession and ambition.

Bandit Tang looked at the old man, and said aloud, "I will do what I can do. I will do what I can't do, and I will try to do it."

"However, our methods of doing things are different. Just as you can't be me, you can't force me to be you. In that case, we will both lose ourselves. It will be harder to succeed."

"Do I still have myself?" the old man asked.


"Then what do I have to lose?"


"But there is some truth in what you said. Do things the way you are good at. As long as our goals are the same, that's enough. If I have to force you to do something you don't want to do or are not good at, On the contrary, it is easy to expose flaws." The old man said aloud.

Tang Bandit looked at the old man and said solemnly: "I will work hard and do my best."

"Yeah." The old man nodded.

"Why do you always have a bitter face all day after you arrive at Xinxing? You haven't lived as happily as you did in Old Earth. What? Life is much less fun without Mrs. Cheng?" Bandit Tang joked.

"You can escape everything there, but you can't escape everything here." The old man said in a dull voice.

Tang Bandit was deeply convinced and said aloud: "Sometimes I also think and reflect on whether we made the right choice to go to Xinxing after all the hard work. In the old land, despite the harsh environment and lack of food and clothing, But at least we face enemies and opponents that we can defeat every day.”

"After arriving at Xinxing, I found that my enemies were invincible. There were countless opponents who were groveling and cautious. I was in fear every day, and my life was not as comfortable and happy as in the old land."

Tang Bandi looked at the old man's gloomy face and said with a smile: "I even doubt that you arranged the Phoenix crash?"

"Otherwise, the old land is so big, why did Phoenix just take the escape capsule and fall to Mount Hate? Did he fall in front of me? Did I pick him up again? How can there be such a coincidence in the world?"

The old man sneered repeatedly, glanced at Tang Bandit and said, "I asked you to pick her up? If you didn't covet her beauty, how could you pick her up? If you didn't pick her up, she would be eaten by wolves. The dogs gnawed it, and the bones torn apart by the man-eating ants were all gone. How could so many things happen next?"

"Such a difficult layout, even Zhong Daolong can't do it himself. I, a bad old man living in the old land, how can I do it? I have the ability to send a fair-skinned and beautiful little princess to you? "

"It's really not you?" Tang Bandit asked with suspicious eyes.

Ever since he knew that the old man was a direct descendant of the Lu family, the mechanical clan, he began to doubt the authenticity of this matter.

Because they are engaged in mechanical research, no one can compete with them in artificial intelligence.

They could arrange a murder around Phoenix, and also had the ability to control the direction of his escape capsule's fall. The old man even knew that he was hunting in Henshan Mountain at that time.
Isn’t this precision feeding?

Pie in the sky, he can accept it.

But is a little princess falling from the sky a bit too much?Is the script too exaggerated?

"Of course it's not me. If it were me, I'd rather take advantage of Little Fatty than you."

"That's useless." Bandit Tang shook his head and said, "Even if you send people to Xiaopang, Xiaopang will carry them back and hand them over to me."


The old man was speechless.

"Forget it, if it's not you, then it's not you." Tang Bandit said, "I just asked casually. If only you really had that ability, the success rate of our revenge would be higher."

"What's your tone? It's not me in the first place," the old man said angrily. He could hear the perfunctory and doubtful tone in Tang Bandit's words. "If I had that ability, I could take care of the Zhong family one by one. Do I still need you?"

"In this way, Phoenix and I are a romance sent from heaven."

Bandit Tang sighed softly, and said: "God sent her to me just to want me to avenge her family. Tell me, isn't this god bad? It's not a big deal to watch the fun."

"There is God's will in the dark."

“I don’t believe in God’s will, I believe in technology.”


"By the way, I have something to tell you." Tang Bandit said with a smile: "Because of my outstanding performance in the mechanical competition, Zhong Daolong appointed me the position of deputy captain of the Imperial Guard."

"Palace Guards?" The old man's eyes lit up and he asked aloud: "Can you find a way to get to Zhong Daolong? If we can get to him, we will have the opportunity to keep track of his travel trends at any time. If we plan it properly, we may even have a chance. Solve the problem at its source”

What he said was to solve the problem from the source, that is, to solve Zhong Daolong.

Zhong Daolong is dead and the empire is leaderless. The empire will inevitably fall into chaos.

At that time, they can fish in troubled waters and take advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble.

Tang Bandit shook his head and said aloud: "It's not clear yet, I need to follow their arrangements. However, Phoenix's suggestion is for me to go to Zhong Tianque."

"Zhong Tianque? The eldest prince?"

Bandit Tang repeated Fenghuang's analysis. The old man nodded repeatedly after hearing this, and said, "Chen Fenglei is by Zhong Daolong's side. If you don't get rid of this old dog for a day, others will never be able to gain Zhong Daolong's trust. After you go , I’m afraid that Chen Fenglei’s surveillance of you day and night will be detrimental to your actions.”

"Zhong Tianque is the crown prince and the future king of the country. If you can gain his trust, you can gain greater authority."

"Besides, his experience and wisdom are far inferior to Zhong Daolong's. He has a lot of room for manipulation and display. Put a long line and catch big fish. It's a pity that Phoenix's intelligence is far superior to her two brothers."

"What a pity?"

"She has no chance of becoming a great person." The old man said aloud: "Zhong Daolong's preferred successor is still Zhong Tianque. The last diarrhea incident cannot shake his position. What's going on with Zhong Tianyi recently?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen him for a while." Tang Bandi said. "It should be that after that incident, he deliberately hid himself."

"Some things, once started, can't be stopped." The old man said confidently: "Since he has chosen to take the path of seizing the heir, and his whereabouts are exposed, he can only go to the dark side. Otherwise , when Zhong Tianque ascends to the throne, his life will be miserable."

"So, he is someone we can use?"

"Didn't Phoenix suggest that you go to Zhong Tianque's side? You can help Zhong Tianque fight Zhong Tianyi. The harder you strike and the harder you hit, the more you can gain Zhong Tianque's trust and reuse."

"I understand." Tang Bandit nodded and said, "I will do my job as a gold medal dogleg."

"That's really what you're good at."


"Phoenix still has no idea about that position, right?"

Bandit Tang glanced at the old man and said, "No. I don't think the time is ripe yet."

"Well, let it take its course." The old man didn't force it and said, "Everything will advance on the trajectory we have set."

"Is this expectation?"

"This is prophecy."

"It will be New Year's Eve in a while. This is the first Spring Festival we have celebrated since coming to Xinxing. Do you want to come back and see us?"

The old man was silent for a moment and said, "It's inconvenient."

The old man naturally wanted to go back for a visit and spend the holidays with Tang Bandit and Xiaopang.

After all, the three of them have been together since childhood and have never been separated.

However, he also knew how dangerous this was.

If his whereabouts were exposed, it would put Bandit Tang and Xiao Pang in danger.

All the early efforts were in vain, and the three of them were afraid that they would have to embark on a journey of escape.

A small leak will sink a great ship.

"I understand." Bandit Tang nodded.

Tang Bandit came out of the basement where they met and walked on the brightly lit street.

After walking for a while, I heard the familiar sound of selling sugar and roasting chestnuts. "Chestnuts, delicious sugar-fried chestnuts."

"Stir-fried chestnuts in the ancient way"

Tang Bandit walked up to the old man selling chestnuts with a smile and said, "Uncle, do you still recognize me?"

When Uncle Lizi saw Bandit Tang, he looked shocked and said, "That young man?"

"Two words are missing." Tang Bandit said with a serious expression.

"A handsome young man."

"Correct answer." Tang Bandi gave Uncle Lizi a thumbs up and praised him, "I have a good memory. We haven't seen each other for such a long time, but you can recognize me at a glance."

"A special young man like you is really rare. Besides, you bought so many chestnuts at once, can I not remember?" The uncle said with a smile.

I thought to myself, luckily I reacted quickly, otherwise I would have said what was on my mind.

"Yes. To make your memory memorable, give me another ten kilograms of chestnuts." Tang Bandit said.

Xiaopang likes to eat chestnuts. He managed to finish the ten kilograms of chestnuts he bought last time by himself, and he didn't even eat a few of them.

"No problem." The uncle quickly started to pack the chestnuts, and this time he didn't ask Tang Bandit if he could finish them.

"It's still twenty stars a pound, right?"

"It's still twenty stars a pound." The uncle replied.

"That guy. The guy I helped pay for last time. Has he come to buy chestnuts recently?" Tang Bandit asked.

"No." The uncle said, "I haven't seen him for a long time."

"It seems that he can't pay back my money." Bandit Tang said.

"He doesn't look like the kind of person who would default on his debt. He will definitely pay you back next time."

"How do you know he won't default?"

"How can such a good-looking young man not earn 200 yuan?"


I didn’t expect that the chestnut seller turned out to be a pretty guy. Appearance is justice?
"Uncle, I didn't bring any money today, can I give it to you next time?"

"Young man, stop joking. We are running a small business and we don't accept credit."


"Give me ten pounds, too." A cold voice came from behind.

The chestnut seller raised his head, looked at the familiar boy in white, and said happily, "Oh, young man, I haven't seen you for a while since you came here."

Then he said to Tang Bandit: "You two are really destined. When you come, he will come too."

Tang Bandit looked at Bai Wuxin and asked, "Did you bring money today?"


"No?" Bandit Tang had a bad feeling.

"I just came here when I saw you were here." Bai Wuxin said matter-of-factly, "I owed you two hundred star coins last time, and I'll pay you back together this time."

"When did I say I wanted to lend you another two hundred star coins?" Tang Bandit said angrily.

"If you don't borrow it, won't the two hundred star coins last time be wasted?"

"What do you mean?" Tang Bandi squinted his eyes and looked at Bai Wuxin, and said loudly: "If I don't lend you two hundred star coins this time, then I won't be able to repay you what I lent you before?"

"It's not that I won't pay it back, it's that I don't have the chance to pay it back."

"Can't you pay it back now?"

"There is no money now."

"This is the first time I have seen someone more shameless than me." Tang Bandi said.

Bai Wuxin frowned and said, "I don't think you are complimenting me."

"Your feeling is right. I'm really not complimenting you." Tang Bandit said loudly, "I'm criticizing you for being shameless."

Bai Wuxin nodded, looked at Tang Bandit expressionlessly and asked, "Do you want to borrow it?"

"Are you borrowing money? As if I owe you something." Tang Bandit said angrily: "I won't borrow it."

Bai Wuxin turned around and left.

"Hey, young man," the chestnut seller shouted, "How many kilograms of chestnuts will I bring you? You can take them back to eat first?"

Tang Bandit looked at the uncle with wide eyes and said, "Didn't you just say that you operate a small business and don't accept credit?"

"You have money, so you don't want to give it on credit. He has no money, so it doesn't hurt to give it on credit." The uncle said, "It's just a few kilograms of chestnuts."

"Aren't you looking for someone to serve you?" Tang Bandit said angrily.

"Hehehehe" the uncle grinned, showing his big yellow teeth: "We are all poor people, so naturally we have to help each other so that everyone can have a bright future."

"I'm a poor person too, why don't you help me?"

"You are not pitiful." The uncle handed the weighed chestnuts to Tang Bandit and said, "White clothes with gold thread, either a rich man or an academy. Haven't you heard this saying from Phoenix City?"

Only then did Tang Bandi realize that he had been picked up from the academy by the royal guards and was still wearing the student uniform of Bailu Academy.

"What about him? He's also wearing white clothes."

"The white cloth on his body is rough, and it has turned yellow from washing"

"You do have a pair of good eyes."

"The more people I meet, the more I know how to tell the difference." The uncle said.

Tang Bandit paid the money and turned to leave with Lizi in his arms.

When Bai Wuxin returned to the orphanage, the children who were playing immediately gathered around him.

"Brother Wuxin is back."

"Where did brother Wuxin go today?"

"Did Brother Wuxin bring us something delicious?"

Bai Wuxin looked at the expectant eyes of the children and said, "No."

After saying that, he walked into the courtyard.

Xiaolang rushed over and scolded in a low voice: "Do you know how to get food? Brother Wuxin has something to do every day, how can he have time to buy you food?"

"You have no money, but Brother Wuxin has money? Where can he find someone to ask for money?"

"Brother Wuxin always brings us food every time he goes out," a four or five-year-old girl said with an aggrieved face.

"When he has money, he will bring it back. If he can't bring it back, you are not allowed to argue."

"Yes, brother Xiaolang."

"Sorry, we were wrong."

"We will never ask Brother Wuxin for food again."
Xiaolang looked at the group of children of different sizes in front of him and sighed softly.

What kid doesn't like snacks?
It was only when Brother Wuxin went out that they could change their taste and improve their lives.

Tang Bandit followed Bai Wuxin to the entrance of the welfare home and happened to see this scene.

He waved to Xiaolang, handed over the chestnuts he was holding, and said with a smile: "Brother Wuxin bought this for you. You forgot to bring it to me when you left."

"Really?" Xiaolang asked suspiciously.

"Can this be false?" Tang Bandit put the chestnuts in Xiaolang's arms and said, "Hurry up and continue, I have to go back to sell chestnuts."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

(ps: It’s a new month, how many years have you got monthly tickets? There are also beautiful girls.)
(End of this chapter)

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