above the galaxy

Chapter 219 Phoenix Assassination Incident!

Chapter 219 Phoenix Assassination Incident!

Bai Wuxin was washing clothes in the room, washing them by hand.

He doesn't like to use the washing machine. He feels that clothes are the items closest to him. They wrap around him tenderly, and he should be gentle with them.

Xiaolang came in holding chestnuts and said, "Brother Wuxin, the chestnuts you bought were sent back?"

"The chestnuts I bought?" Bai Wuxin's eyes fell on the big bag of sugar-roasted chestnuts and asked, "Did a guy in white clothes deliver them?"

He knew that Tang Bandit was following him, but he didn't care at all.

His social status is that of an orphan in a welfare home. There is nothing shameful about this.

It is even registered with the Welfare and Security Bureau and can withstand anyone's investigation and inspection.

"Yes. He said he was a chestnut seller. He put the chestnuts into my hand and ran away. But I didn't think he was a chestnut roaster at all."

"Yes." Bai Wuxin nodded and said, "Take the chestnuts and share them with everyone."

"Okay." Xiaolang nodded and asked, "Brother Wuxin, will everything be okay? He's already running to our door."

"What can happen?" Bai Wuxin looked at Xiaolang calmly and said, "This is an orphanage. Anyone can come in and anyone can go out. What is there to hide?"

"Yes. I'm just afraid that he has evil intentions."

"Are you planning something evil? In this world, would anyone still be interested in a welfare home?"

Xiaolang scratched his head and said, "Brother Wuxin is right. Is there any place poorer than ours? I'm overthinking it."

"Go." Bai Wuxin said out loud.

"Yeah." Xiaolang responded.

He grabbed two handfuls of chestnuts and put them on the table and said, "Brother Wuxin, you should try some too. Every time you buy snacks, you share them with everyone at the door, and you don't even get a bite."

Then he said: "I will go and give some to the dean."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Bai Wuxin continued to rub the clothes, flush them with water, and dry them to dry. After cleaning up all these, he went to the desk and sat down.

Seeing the pile of sugar-roasted chestnuts on the desk, his eyes were a little confused.

He picked one up, peeled off the purple-red outer shell, and put the golden flesh into his mouth.

Soft, waxy and sweet.

After chewing it, it turned into a warm current that went straight to the bottom of my heart.

He couldn't tell what emotion it was, but he felt...
It's a good feeling.
Xiaopang saw Tang Bandit coming back and asked excitedly: "Brother, how come you have time to come back?"

"Come back and see you." Tang Bandit said. "I bought you ten pounds of sugar-roasted chestnuts?"

"Where's the chestnut?" Xiaopang asked.

Tang Bandit's hands were empty and he didn't see any chestnuts.

There is no chestnut smell at all.

How could he not smell the sweet roasted chestnuts?

"I gave them away for you. Those children in the orphanage are so pitiful."

"Thank you, brother." Xiaopang said gratefully: "They need it more than me. I can buy it when I want to eat, but no one buys it when they want to eat."

"Yes." Tang Bandit nodded and asked, "Have you had dinner?"

"have eaten."

"Can I still eat it?"

"I think" Xiaopang smiled honestly, raised his little thumb and said, "I think I can still eat a hundred million points."

So Tang bandits cooked stewed pork ribs, fried pheasant, steamed prawns, and fried boneless fish.
The little fat man devoured it as if he hadn't eaten in several days.Xiaopang sheepishly explained: "Brother, the food you cook is delicious. The food cooked by the robot can only feed people."

Tang Bandit nodded and said, "Eat more if you like it."

"Yeah." Xiaopang buried his head in eating again.

After eating, the two brothers threw the dishes and chopsticks to the cleaning robot, then sat on the sofa to lie down.

Tang Bandit asked about Xiaopang's practice and martial arts progress. Xiaopang said that he now hits water with rocks every day. His training method is still simple, but it is slightly more fun than throwing rocks.

Because one hammer blow can always knock out the big fish in the Black Dragon Pond.

So he has been sending big fish to the master's house during this time. The master's wife was scared and said not to send it because she couldn't think of new ways to do it.
Seeing the happy look on Xiao Pang's face, Tang Bandit felt a little more at ease.

I thought, maybe coming to Xinxing is also a good choice.

At least Xiaopang got a lot of love and care.

"Brother, do you know? Phoenix is ​​not safe these days."

"Why is it unsafe?" Tang Bandit asked. "Phoenix City is the imperial capital. There are surveillance cameras and patrol cars everywhere. Who dares to cause trouble in Phoenix City?"

"Why don't you dare? Several government officials have been assassinated, and the murderer has not been found until now. I heard that people outside are panicked now, and many officials are afraid that it will be their turn."

"Officials were killed?" Tang Bandit looked horrified.

His first reaction was that the old man did it.
However, he had just met the old man, and the old man had never mentioned this matter to him at all.

Who else but him?

"Yeah, I heard that there are retired people who were also killed."

"Retired people were also killed?" Tang Bandit looked at Xiaopang and asked, "Is there any rumor outside about who did it?"

Bandit Tang has been practicing in Bailu Academy recently, and he is busy with the Tiandao exchange meeting, and rarely pays attention to the news of the outside world.

Besides, he was unfamiliar with the place here, and there was no one he could find if he wanted to pry out any information.

It's not as good as Xiaopang's information in the school. The students of the Empire's First Military Academy come from all over the world, and the information is all kinds of. It is impossible to say that there is usable information in it.

"It's the revenge of Wuyou Palace." Xiaopang looked at Tang Bandit and said loudly: "Brother, this matter has something to do with you."

"What does it have to do with me?"

"Didn't you and Sister Phoenix be assassinated by the killers of Sanssouci Palace last time? I heard that many people from Sanssouci Palace were killed in the palace."

"Sanssouci is the world's number one killer organization. They must be angry, so they sent people to assassinate imperial officials in revenge."

"So that's it." Tang Bandit said aloud.

In my heart, I disagree with this statement. Sansouci is a killer organization, and the killer organization takes people's money and eliminates disasters.

They wouldn't do something like this that no one would pay for.

It's even less possible to assassinate imperial officials just for the sake of anger. That would be asking for death.
No matter how powerful the killer organization is, when it encounters the power of the state, it will fall apart if it is not careful.

This must be a certain organization or force that is taking action against the Phoenix Empire, but Sansouci Palace is taking the blame.
After all, they can't stand up and say I didn't do it.

Even if I say it, no one will believe it.

Is this really not what the old man did?
"Brother, what are you thinking about?" Xiaopang asked out loud when he saw Tang Bandi's thoughtful look.

"I'm wondering where Ling Yunxiao is hiding. Did he do it?"

The little fat man sat up from the sofa, his face full of anger, and said: "If I find him, I will smash him into a pulp with a hammer."


(End of this chapter)

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