above the galaxy

Chapter 243 Confrontation!

Chapter 243 Confrontation!

Seeing Zhong Tianyi leave angrily, Tang Bandit knew that his goal had been achieved.

This trip has been fruitful and worthwhile.

In the past, the conflict between Zhong Tianque and Zhong Tianyi was hidden in the dark. The world did not know that there was a sharp confrontation between the two brothers, let alone that Zhong Tianque was infamously known as the "Prince of Diarrhea" last time. The incident was caused by Zhong Tianyi.
Of course, even Zhong Tianyi himself did not know that there were other forces behind this incident that were adding fuel to the flames.

Today, due to various events, the discord between the two brothers was finally exposed to the naked eye.

Many caring people will know that their royal family is not monolithic, and the ignorant second prince does not really have any interest in that position.

Is it possible to write some articles here?How much profit can be obtained from it?
Power moves people's hearts.

Zhong Tianyi left, and so did Yu Huoshui.

The scene fell into a deathly silence.

"Should I say something?"

"Would it be possible for people to misunderstand anything if I say something?"

Everyone is trapped in this cycle of self-questioning and questioning.

a long time.

a long time.

Qin Jian stood up and walked to Zhong Tianque and said aloud: "I have to go back and pack my bags. Tomorrow I will go to the border to thank His Highness for his hospitality. We will meet again next time."

Zhong Tianque patted Qin Jianyi's shoulder hard and said with a smile: "Jianyi, thank you for your hard work. We are waiting for you to show off in the frontier and return in triumph with numerous military exploits."

"Thank you, Your Highness," Qin Jianyi said gratefully.

Zhong Tianque is the eldest prince and the crown prince of the country. He is indeed qualified to say some words of encouragement to the expedition soldiers.

With Qin Jian taking the lead, the others also stood up and left.

"Your Highness, my mother asked me to go back for a blind date. The message said that the girl has been waiting at home."

"Today is my grandpa's eightieth birthday. My dad called me several times and asked me to come over. Thank you Your Highness for the fine wine and delicious food. We will meet again next time."

"My uncle got married for the second time today"
Qin Shuang also came to say goodbye to Zhong Tianque and said bluntly: "I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

"Miss Qin, you didn't entertain me well. See you next time." Zhong Tianque nodded and responded.

Qin Shuang's eyes fell on Tang Bandit's face and asked: "When will you compete with me in sword competition?"


Tang Bandit looked helpless.

Is this woman crazy?Why do we have to compete with swords when we meet?
Qin Jianyi was horrified to see it. The outside world said that Tang Bandit and Princess Phoenix were closely related.

The two of them came to the party together just now, with no intention of avoiding others.

If the two of them really have that kind of relationship, it would be inappropriate for Qin Shuang to get involved again.

No matter how prominent the Qin family is, they can't compete with the princess for a man.
This is very irrational behavior.

So, Qin Jianyi quickly smoothed things over in the middle and said loudly: "You are all college classmates, are you afraid that you won't have the chance to compete with swords? For those who are celebrating the New Year, it is better to put aside the fighting and killing things for the time being. If you are injured and bleed, just Oh no."

"Yes, yes." Tang Bandit nodded repeatedly and said, "There will be many opportunities in the future."

"Okay." Qin Shuang nodded, turned and walked outside.

Phoenix looked at Qin Shuang's back thoughtfully.

Qin Jianyi clasped his fists at Tang Bandit and said, "Brother Tang, my sister has a cold temperament and is not familiar with the world. Please bear with me."

"It's okay, she doesn't mean any harm." Tang Bandit said with a smile, "I wish Brother Qin a bright future and a great victory."

"Thank you."

Qin Jian smiled apologetically at Phoenix, then turned and left.

Soon, most of the guests in the courtyard were gone.

When Tang Bandit was about to say goodbye to Zhong Tianque, Zhong Tianque took the initiative and said to Tang Bandit: "Stay here for a while, let's talk a few words."

Then he said to Fenghuang: "You should go back first. I will send Tang Bandit to Fenghuang Xiaozhu later."

Fenghuang nodded and said, "Okay, the little fat guy is still with me. I'll go back and eat with him."

Fenghuang glanced at Tang Bandit, then turned and left.

Zhong Tianque dismissed the maid and invited Tang Bandit to sit down again. He personally picked up the bottle and poured him a glass of wine. He looked at Tang Bandit and asked, "You don't like Shen Xinglan?"

"How could it be?" Tang Bandi immediately denied it and said, "I love and respect Senior Brother Xinglan and regard him as my brother's idol. How could I not like him?"

Zhong Tianque shook his head and said, "You don't like him, and he doesn't like you either. This is a well-known thing."

"Ah?" Tang Bandit looked at Zhong Tianque with feigned surprise and asked, "Why doesn't Senior Brother Xinglan like me?"

He thought he was hiding well, so how could he be so well known?
I, the client, don’t even know yet.

"Because of Phoenix, because of Grand Master Xuanyuan Mingjing, and because of..." Zhong Tianque looked at Tang Bandit and said, "Because you are too outstanding."

"That's not the case." Tang Bandit said, "The outstanding young heroes in Phoenix City are like the crucian carp crossing the river. Who am I?"

"Besides, no matter how good I am, there's no way I can compare with Senior Brother Xinglan. The distance between us is huge. I'm not even worthy of carrying Senior Brother Xinglan's shoes. It's impossible for him not to like me because of this, right? "

"You don't need to belittle yourself." Zhong Tianque picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and said loudly: "You saved Phoenix, and you are Phoenix's savior. She also accepted your love, and the relationship between you two is quite good."

"Anyone with a discerning eye can see that between you and Shen Xinglan, Phoenix values ​​you more. And before you, Phoenix and Xinglan had a very good relationship."

"It's not an exaggeration to describe the two of them as childhood sweethearts. They were friends who grew up together and died in Xiqi Mountain. Although this is a joke between the elders, there is no way they can move forward without pretending. What do you mean by pushing?”

"Because of your arrival, Xinglan's situation has become awkward. They have been friends for so many years. Does Shen Xinglan really have no affection for Phoenix?"

"At Phoenix's coming-of-age ceremony, Shen Xinglan gave the egret that he had fed for many years as a close friend and family member to Phoenix, but Phoenix rejected it."

"I heard Fenghuang talk about this matter. She felt that the gift from Shen Xinglan was too valuable and she couldn't accept it." Tang Bandi explained aloud.

He wanted to lighten some of the burden for himself, but he didn't want to bear the blame.

Zhong Tianque glanced at Tang Bandit and asked aloud: "If it's from you, will Phoenix accept it?"

Tang Bandi said without hesitation: "No." Regardless of whether it was possible or not, he could only give this answer anyway.

Now is not the time to be competitive, that could cost lives.

"Let's not talk about this for now. Grand Master Xuanyuan Mingjing has been cautious all his life. He has only accepted Shen Xinglan as a disciple for so many years."

"I don't know what means you used, but he actually brought you into his seat. In this way, Xuanyuan Mingjing has two disciples. If it were you, what would you think?"

"Brothers will compete with each other for favor, let alone senior brothers. Do you stand out as the only disciple of the Grand Master, or do you stand out as one of the two?"

"From the moment you became Xuanyuan Mingjing's disciple, a competitive relationship has formed between you. Although you are not as good as Shen Xinglan for the time being, you have made rapid progress and have huge development potential."

"And, the most important thing is that you are not a member of the nine major families without roots, but it is easier for you to be attracted or reused by all parties. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand." Tang Bandit said with a wry smile on his face, mocking himself: "I thought I hid my dislike of senior brother deeply, but I didn't expect that His Highness the Prince would see through it at a glance."

Zhong Tianque was quite satisfied with Tang Bandit's attitude. He was willing to expose his true thoughts in front of him, which proved that he regarded him as one of his own.

It is a huge gain to be able to get a talent like Tang Bandit to be used for his own purposes.

"When we look at people and things, we should never just look at appearances, but to see whether there is an actual conflict of interest between the two parties."

Zhong Tianque said in a directive tone: "There are so many conflicts between you and Shen Xinglan, how can you become friends?"


"But don't worry, it's not a big deal. Who doesn't have some conflicts and entanglements among people? The nine major families restrain each other. Only in this way can the empire's political power be kept stable and the imperial power will not decline. If they stick together, It’s a piece of cake, what else is going on with our royal family?”

Tang Bandit looked at Zhong Tianque with wide eyes. Can he say such things casually?
"This is a well-known thing. If I don't tell you something that even a three-year-old child knows, you don't understand?"

Tang Bandit said with a sincere expression: "I understand this. I just didn't expect that His Highness would trust me so much and tell me such private and important things."

"Don't trust those who employ them, and don't trust those who doubt them." Zhong Tianque said aloud: "If everything has to be hidden in front of you, how can there be any trust between you and me?"

"Yes." Tang Bandit stood up, saluted respectfully, and said: "You treat me as a soldier of the country, and I will repay you as a soldier of the country. If Your Highness has an errand, Tang Bandit will be there without hesitation."

"Yes. I understand." Zhong Tianque raised his hand and pressed down, indicating that Tang Bandit should sit down and talk: "You and I have not been together for a long time, and some unpleasant things happened between us before. However, Those are all things of the past.”

"We still have a long way to go in the future, and there are many places to deal with. Whether we are mutually reliable people will naturally be determined in the future."

"However, I can assure you that as long as you work hard, I will not treat you badly. What you have now, you will have in the future. What you don't have now, you will have in the future."

"Thank you, Your Highness," Tang Bandit said excitedly.

Zhong Tianque began to paint a pie for himself. It seemed that he had already decided that he was his.

His plan has taken another big step forward.

"Yes." Zhong Tianque nodded, looked at Tang Bandit and asked, "What's the situation between you and Tianyi? Why do you look a little unhappy?"

Tang Bandit immediately stood up and apologized sincerely, saying, "Your Highness, I don't mean to embarrass the Second Prince, and I don't dare to cause trouble with the Second Prince."

"That's right. It's just that Yu Huoshui and I don't get along well. As you know, when Bailu Academy was recruiting new students, there were some conflicts between him and me."

"Yu Huoshui is jealous and is trying every possible means to cause trouble for me. Today is not the first time."

"I know that the second prince is your biological brother, and you have a deep brotherhood. I am also a nephew of the queen's mother-in-law. How can I dare to provoke them?"

"That's right. I took the initiative to apologize to them. You know that they are unwilling to accept His Highness. I am a humble person and I really don't know what to do."

Tang Bandit acted very humble and very scared.

You are relatives of the emperor and I cannot afford to offend you, nor do I want to offend you.

Zhong Tianque felt happy after hearing this.

He knew about the conflict between Tang Bandit and Yu Huoshui. When Bailu was recruiting new recruits, Tang Bandit's process of breaking through was broadcast live to the outside world.

Because Phoenix was also involved, they were paying attention to the game from beginning to end.

The Tang gangster stabbed Yu Huoshui to death, which was equivalent to destroying Yu Huoshui's ideals and plans to enter Bailu Academy.
It was natural for Yu Huoshui to hate him.

And Yu Huoshui has a very good relationship with Zhong Tianyi. The two hang out together day and night and share many common interests.

He had someone investigate the video spreading incident years ago. It was very likely that Yu Huoshui was helping his second brother handle this matter.

After all, those people who were found out were all people with enough living water.

To say that Yu Huoshui was completely unaware would be to treat them as idiots.

Will Zhong Tianque forget that incident?
No, I will never forget it.

Thinking of making a fool of myself in public, I pooped my pants
What's even more hateful is that the outside world has given him the title of "Prince of Diarrhea", and he wants to kill all the insiders who have watched the video.

What a shame!

The enemy of the enemy is one's friend. Because Tang Bandit and Yu Huoshui Zhong Tianyi had an irresolvable conflict, Zhong Tianque felt more at ease with him.

Who else can he turn to besides himself?
The prince of a country doesn't rely on him, so he goes to hug the lap of an idle prince who is ignorant and unskilled?
Bandit Tang is a smart man, he can't do such stupid things.

Tang Bandit looked at Zhong Tianque with a pleading voice and said loudly: "Your Highness, you are the brother of the second prince and the cousin of Yu Huoshui. They will definitely listen to what you say."

"Can you help me set up a game so that I can apologize to them in public and settle the previous matters? What do you think?"

Zhong Tianque looked at Tang Bandit and comforted him: "Tang Bandit, don't worry. As long as I'm here, no matter it's God's will or Yu Living Water, they can't harm you."

"It's okay to form a bureau, but if you apologize now, I can't guarantee whether they will accept it. After all, it just happened not long ago. You not only joined Egret, but also became a disciple of Xuanyuan Mingjing."

"The more successful you are, the angrier Yu Huoshui will be. I'm afraid apologizing at this time will have no effect and may add fuel to the fire."

"Wait a little longer. When the time is right, I will arrange a dinner and invite Tianyi and Yu Living Water. I will help you intercede and toast them with a glass of wine with you. At that time, I don't believe they won't give us A little bit of face.”

Tang Bandit looked at Zhong Tianque with a grateful face and said loudly: "Thank you, Your Highness, then I will follow your arrangement. I will apologize to them when you think it is appropriate."

"Yes." Zhong Tianque nodded and said, "Have a good time during the festival. We'll talk about the future later. I have nothing to do here. I'll have someone take you to Phoenix. She's still waiting."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

"Why are you so polite?" Zhong Tianque patted Tang Bandit on the shoulder and said meaningfully: "After being in contact with her for a long time, you will find that I am a very generous person. Growing up, I love my sister the most."

"I will try my best to find things she likes and give them to her."

Tang Bandit's expression was slightly stiff, and he said with a smile: "Your Highness, the brother-sister relationship is so close. It's really enviable."

(End of this chapter)

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