above the galaxy

Chapter 244 The bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish!

Chapter 244 The bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish!

This is not a wedding question, this is a wedding proposition.

Zhong Tianque said that since he was a child, his favorite thing was his sister. He would try his best to find things that his sister liked and give them to her.
It sounds like he is hinting to Bandit Tang that as long as you do a good job, he will treat you as a "thing" and give it to his sister in the future.

However, who knows if this is a temptation?
Test Tang Bandi's affection for Phoenix and test whether Tang Bandit really wants to be his brother-in-law.
If Tang Bandit showed an excited expression of gratitude, he might have turned around and had Tang Bandit dragged out and chopped up.

Accompanying the king is like accompanying a tiger, and the prince is also a king.

People in the royal family cannot trust even a single punctuation mark when they speak.

Of course, in the final analysis, there is still no trust between Tang Bandit and Zhong Tianque.

And Tang Bandit himself was not important enough to let Zhong Tianque trade his sister.

If it were Shen Xinglan, Zhong Tianque would have readily agreed.

After all, standing behind Shen Xinglan was the Shen family, the head of the nine major families.

Doesn't getting support from Shen Xinglan mean getting support from the Shen family?
It's just that the relationship between the royal family and the nine major families is complicated, and the Tang bandits are not involved in the situation, so they can't get a glimpse of the trend.

Zhong Tianque personally escorted Tang Bandit to the entrance of the small courtyard. The courtyard door closed, and a bald man in gray robe came over. After saluting Zhong Tianque respectfully, he asked aloud: "Why does Your Highness value Tang Bandit so much?"

"Didn't Mr. Qian say that? This man is new to Xinxing and has no roots and no support. Although he and Fenghuang have a good relationship, Fenghuang is a girl after all. He is an ambitious guy. What he wants, Fenghuang doesn't You must be able to give it”

"So, I am his best choice. Similarly, I also need someone with a clean identity to work for me."

"The nine major families are deeply entrenched and have many gang members. I don't want to have an undercover agent from the nine major families by my side."

"Comparatively speaking, he is indeed clean." Qian Tai'an nodded and said loudly: "Old local refugees, if they hadn't happened to save Her Highness the Princess, they would never have had the chance to enter Xinxing Fortress in this life. To say which company he is an undercover agent is simply a fantasy, it is really impossible to happen."

"However, since he has no roots and no support, he has fewer trump cards to rely on. I'm afraid he will need more cultivation from His Highness."

"I'm not afraid of his humble background, I'm just afraid of his inability." Zhong Tianque said with a high-spirited and proud look: "When I am in charge of the power of the world, am I afraid that I will not be able to accommodate an outstanding young man?"

"Your Highness, the darkness before dawn is the most dangerous. Countless heroes have fallen on the last step before success. We must be cautious." Qian Tai'an reminded in a deep voice.

"Mr. Qian teaches you." Zhong Tianque bowed deeply to Qian Tai'an and said gratefully: "With Mr. Qian here, I will always be vigilant."

"I don't dare to educate His Highness, but as a person close to His Highness, it is my duty to speak out and give advice. If I hide it and only say nice things, I will betray His Highness's trust."

"That makes sense. We are both teachers and friends. Is there anything we can't say face to face?" Zhong Tianque comforted the confidant in front of him.

Qian Tai'an bowed and saluted, looked at Zhong Tianque and said, "His Highness attracted Tang Bandit, firstly because he valued his talent, and secondly because he wanted him to solve a problem for His Highness?"

Zhong Tianque looked at Qian Tai'an with deep eyes and asked aloud: "What do you think, Mr. Qian?"

"As far as I know, Bandit Tang does have a bad relationship with him over there, but if I ask him to do such dangerous things based on this alone, I'm afraid he will refuse."

"Then put some more pressure on him. If the pressure is too great, he will have no other choice."

“The best policy is to combine kindness and power.”

"Of course." Zhong Tianque nodded and said, "The more favors I give him, the more the outside world will think that he is one of ours. In this way, they will not be merciful when they take action. .”

"Your Highness helped him at the critical moment. Are you afraid that he won't work for His Highness wholeheartedly?"

"The second child is getting more and more presumptuous. He embarrassed me in public today and did not give me, the crown prince, any face." Zhong Tianque's face was as cold as ice and he said in a deep voice: "Last time they did something like that, I endured it again and again. Pretend like nothing happened.”

"It's good for him, he actually took the initiative to overturn the table in front of everyone. In this way, who doesn't know that our brothers are at odds? Brothers are feuding. If such a scandal spreads, who will suffer the greater loss?"

"Has Your Highness ever thought about why he chose such an opportunity to expose the conflict between you two brothers?"

Zhong Tianque's eyes were slightly stern, and he said harshly: "Is he waving the flag, waiting for others to get closer to him?"

Qian Tai'an nodded and said: "Although His Highness is the crown prince, the current ruler of the country also has great trust in His Highness and has entrusted His Highness to handle some major military and state affairs."

"However, the king only has two sons and one daughter. If something unexpected happens to His Highness, or something like the last time that damages his reputation happens, it is still unknown who will receive the crown. "

"So, with a [-]% profit, they can do anything and commit any crime. From Long's Gong, the profit is more than [-]?" Zhong Tianque sneered. "I'm afraid that after today's incident spreads, many treacherous villains will take the initiative to come to your door, right?"

"This is inevitable." Qian Tai'an nodded and said: "However, there is no need to panic, Your Highness. The trend is now on our side. As long as we don't make mistakes and take the wrong path, they will not be able to shake our position as the orthodox crown prince. .”

"I understand." Zhong Tianque nodded and said, "Let people watch over there closely to see who is in contact with them."

"Yes." Qian Tai'an responded.

"But don't be anxious." Zhong Tianque looked up at the sky, where fluffy snow was floating again. "In my position, if I do more, I will make more mistakes. If I do nothing, I will make more mistakes."

"There is no need to go to that step unless it is absolutely necessary. Your Highness, please relax."
Zhong Tian's will is in front, and Yu Huo's water is behind.

There was silence all the way until they returned to Zhong Tianyi's villa courtyard. Yu Huoshui asked aloud: "Second brother, why did you fall out with them in public? Are you too anxious?" "Afraid?" A trace of ridicule appeared on the corner of Zhong Tianyi's mouth. With a smile, he said: "Every day that passes, he is one step closer to that position. The longer he delays, the stronger the crown on his head becomes."

"When he sits down firmly, do we still have any chance? By then, it will be too late no matter what we do."

"But, doesn't this expose the discord between you and the prince? What will the outside world think? And what will my uncle think?"

Zhong Tianyi looked at Yu Huoshui and asked, "What do you think they will think?"

Yu Huoshui was stunned for a moment and said: "They will think that you have the intention to seize the legitimate son."

"Isn't this bad?" Zhong Tianyi said aloud.

"Isn't this too dangerous?"

"Danger?" Zhong Tianyi looked at Yu Huoshui, sneered again and again, and said, "You still don't understand the royal family. The more he says nothing, does nothing, and acts like nothing is wrong, that is the real danger."

"After the last incident was exposed, my father handed over the trial and handling rights to Chen Fenglei and my eldest brother. They killed all the participants and insiders, and then treated it as if it never happened."

Zhong Tianyi looked at Yu Huoshui and asked aloud: "Do you think my elder brother can accept such a thing with his magnanimity? Is he willing to live his whole life as a "Prince of Diarrhea"? "

"No." Yu Huoshui responded in a low voice.

"Yes, no. Of the three of us, brother and sister, the one who really has a big heart and a big heart is Fenghuang, but it's a pity that she is a girl."

"My eldest brother wanted to learn everything from his father, his style of doing things, and his administrative philosophy. Unfortunately, he just didn't learn his father's magnanimity."

"He is hiding now because he is just the prince now. If he kills his own brother, it will only shock the outside world and damage his own reputation and image."

"When he ascends to the throne and his power is stable, will he still be able to tolerate my younger brother who stabbed me at a critical moment? Will I be imprisoned or sent to a place where birds can't shit to live a hard life?"

"Even if I were sent to the old land, I wouldn't be surprised at all. I would rather die than live that kind of life."

"So, I have to give it a try. For myself and for those of you who have been supporting me."

"Second brother."

Zhong Tianyi looked at Yu Huoshui and said sternly: "Now that the flag has been raised, we must be prepared to meet all attacks and challenges."

"The most important thing is to think about how my uncle will pass the test." Yu Huoshui reminded.

"Father." Zhong Tianyi pondered for a moment and said, "Since the incident started because of the Tang bandits, he must naturally bear the responsibility. Who makes him more popular?"

"It should be so." Yu Huoshui said harshly.

Thinking of the Tang bandit, he had the urge to gnash his teeth and cut him into pieces.

When Bailu was recruiting new students, he was caught off guard. He stabbed him to death and cut off his path to the academy. He also became the laughing stock of countless people after dinner.

Today he was deliberately provocative again, and he did not give any face to himself, a relative of the emperor and the Yu family of the nine major families.

This guy is really arrogant.

One day, I want him to know that Xinxing is not a place where even cats and dogs can stay.
The Tang bandits did not know the conspiracy and calculations of Zhong Tianque and Zhong Tianyi brothers. It was natural for them to target them. If they did not target them, then there would be a big problem.

If you want to do something, how can you do it without paying a little price?
The bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish.

The biggest gain today is that Zhong Tianyi flipped the table and stopped pretending to show off. I am also interested in that position.

What the old man had been waiting for for a long time was successful, and the civil strife in the royal family was only the first link in their plan.

When the struggle between the two brothers reaches a fever pitch and the fighting becomes fierce, that's when they will reap the fruits of victory.

Blood debt must be repaid with blood.

The Zhong royal family must pay a heavy price for their evil and bloody acts.

The old man has been waiting for this day for too long.
But, what about Phoenix?

At that time, where will Phoenix go?

While Tang Bandi was thinking about this problem in his mind, he had already been sent to the gate of Fenghuang Villa by Zhong Tianque's guards.

Phoenix's expression was solemn and worried.

Seeing Bandit Tang who had just walked in, he took his hand and said, "Bandit Tang, you are in a very dangerous situation now."

(End of this chapter)

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