above the galaxy

Chapter 273 The guy who took advantage of the situation?

Chapter 273 The guy who took advantage of the situation?

No gifts, no flowers.

Just a cautious "Happy Birthday" made Lu Whisper's eyes sore and the urge to cry.

For so many years, so many days and nights, she missed him, longed for him, and hated him.

She expected him to suddenly appear in front of her, on birthdays or New Years, on every important moment.

Unfortunately, he didn't.

There are more and more disappointments, and my heart is getting colder and colder.

"Just treat him as dead!"

She said to herself in her heart.

However, when he really stood in front of me, when he called out his name softly, when he said happy birthday to himself.
Lu Whisper felt the ice in her heart melting inch by inch.

Blood is thicker than water, how can we just cut it off and forget it?
No matter how many years he has been away and what he has become, he still has a name called father.

She raised her face, unwilling to meet the old man's eyes, and said in an indifferent voice: "Thank you."

When you're done, turn around and leave.

Tang Bandit patted the old man on the shoulder and comforted him: "This is the best gift she has received on her birthday."

The old man's mouth moved. He was usually such a sarcastic person, but he couldn't say a word.

Tang Bandit quickly chased after Lu Whisper and walked side by side with her.

Lu Xiyu didn't speak, and Tang Bandit didn't speak either.

He knew that Lu Wuyu was in a difficult mood right now, and he might not be in the mood to talk for a while.

When he reached the entrance of the hall, Lu Whisper stopped, adjusted his mood again, looked at Tang Bandit and said, "I didn't invite outsiders, all the people here are my own. You don't have to be too restrained."

"I understand." Tang Bandit nodded repeatedly and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will treat you as if you are at home."

Lu privately looked at Tang Bandit and thought, what does this sentence mean?
He knew his life experience, was he hinting to himself that he was the direct grandson of the Lu family?

Does he know that she is his sister?Sister?
Thinking of this, Lu Wuyu's heartbeat suddenly accelerated and she became cramped and nervous.

"What's wrong?" Tang Bandit couldn't help but ask when he saw Lu Wuyu standing motionless at the door, just looking at him with strange eyes. "Is there something on my face?"

"No." Lu whispered shaking his head and said, "Go in."

Lu Xiyu is a simple and casual person. If it weren't for the strong request of the elders in the family, she would not be willing to celebrate this birthday at all.

Growing up, she didn't like celebrating birthdays.

I also don’t want to celebrate the holidays, and I miss my family even more during festive seasons.

The aunt in charge of this matter understood Lu Xiyu's temperament, so she chose a simple Western-style buffet, with drinks and pastries available for self-service. The main purpose was to bring the children together to have a lively atmosphere, and then cut a cake to have a sense of ceremony.

Not everyone celebrates their birthday by inviting celebrities like the Phoenix, singing and dancing, and the entire Phoenix Empire is alarmed.
A group of young people gathered in the courtyard. They were sitting together in twos and threes. Some were drinking, some were chatting, and some were playing a popular Star Wars game on Nova.

There is also a child squatting on the ground building blocks, layer after layer, and now it has reached more than ten floors. The pavilions, pavilions, rockeries, pools and pavilions are lifelike and majestic.

"Sister Whisper is here."

"Whisper happy birthday."

"Sister Whisper, this is my gift to you."
"Thank you." Lu whispered as he took the gifts handed over by his brothers and sisters one by one and expressed his thanks.

She held the gift, pointed at Tang Bandit, and introduced him loudly: "Tang Bandit, my classmate."

"Oh." The children nodded.

"Oh?" The older girls drawled and laughed meaningfully.

Lu Wuyu knew what they were thinking and didn't bother to explain.Life is not an expository essay, but a narrative essay.

Just stay alive and leave traces.

"Hello everyone, I am Tang Bandit." Tang Bandit greeted everyone with a smile.

Lu Xiyu can be indifferent, because everyone knows that she is an indifferent woman.

As long as you accept a person's self-setting, you won't feel weird about anything the person does.

But he couldn't do this. After all, the Lu family was his staunch supporter.If possible, he still needs to have a good relationship with the Lu family.

"Tang Bandit, I know you." A girl with long hair shawl looked at Tang Bandit and said.

"Really? How did you know?" Tang Bandit asked with a smile.

"The scandal between you and Her Royal Highness the Princess," a little girl with twin tails said bluntly, "I saw you two on the news, saying that you two are a couple. Are you two a couple?"

"Yes, I have seen it too. He also said that when the princess was visiting outside, she heard that you were sick and immediately came back from abroad to see you."

"If you and the princess are a couple, what is your relationship with our sister Whispering?"

"You don't like both of them, do you? Then I won't agree."
Tang Bandi smiled bitterly and said aloud: "Whisper and I are classmates and friends. Moreover, she also taught me a lot of mechanical knowledge. She is my mechanical teacher. You should respect my teacher."

"Oh, I understand." The twin ponytails nodded repeatedly and said, "You and Sister Whisper are classmates and friends, but you and Princess Xiuxue are lovers, right?"

This is indeed the case, but Tang Bandit cannot say it in public.

If it reaches Zhong Daolong's ears, the old father will have to chop himself up with a knife.

There are some things that cannot be said.

So Tang Bandi defended himself: "It's not like you don't know about my relationship with Princess Xiu Xue."

"We know that the princess was hunted down in the old land, and you saved the princess. Isn't this the legendary hero who saves the beauty?"

"That's right. Which woman can bear this? So, Princess Xiuxue likes you, right?"

"How could you choose Princess Xiuxue? In what way is Sister Whisper worse than a princess?"

"My sister is a mechanical genius, but your vision is really bad."

Most of these girls are thirteen or fourteen years old, and the older ones are seventeen or eighteen years old. They are at the age where they are in love and are extremely curious about such things.

Seeing Tang Bandi, a rumored figure, attending his sister's birthday party, everyone started gossiping.

Tang Bandit looked at Lu Whispering as if asking for help. He couldn't continue chatting with these women.

Lu Whisper couldn't bear the torture of Tang Bandit, and said loudly: "Stop talking to him."

"." Bandit Tang.

"???" little sisters.

Tang Bandit just wanted Lu Whisper to help smooth things over and change the topic.
Is your crutch too hard?

The little sisters looked at Tang Bandi and Lu Whisper with suspicious eyes. They were talking to Tang Bandi. Was Lu Whisper angry?
Whisper sister is jealous?Is she even jealous of us?

At this moment, a gentle and hearty voice came over: "Today is Sister Whisper's birthday. I'm here to ask for a piece of cake."

A handsome-looking man strode over and looked towards Lu Wuyu who was surrounded by the crowd.

"Brother Wuyu is here. Brother Wuyu is here."

The little girls cheered and shouted.

Brother Wuyu?

Public transport without rain?The guy who pried the corner?
 Thank you to little brother Nier for being the cute host of our "Galaxy". He has helped me so much that I can't express my love for you.
(End of this chapter)

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