above the galaxy

Chapter 274 Love rivals meet, hiding murderous intent!

Chapter 274 Love rivals meet, hiding murderous intent!
Tang Bandit had never dealt with Gongshu Wuyu. After hearing that he wanted to pry into his corner, he immediately searched on the Internet.

As the old saying goes, only by knowing the enemy can you win every battle.

It doesn't matter if I check it, I still feel a little panicked after checking it.

Gongshu Wuyu is not only good-looking and high-level, he is also quite talented in business. Various financial magazines and self-media have praised him as a "Business Genius", "Leader of the Year", and "Ten Outstanding Young People in Phoenix".
With a lot of halos and titles on his head, he looks very threatening.

It's not that Tang Bandit has no confidence in Phoenix, he knows that Phoenix won't fall in love with someone else just because they are good.

He has no confidence in himself and always feels that there is still a big gap between what he has and others.

It is a soft vine that always exists attached to other tall tree trunks and majestic cliffs, such as the princess, such as Xuanyuan Mirror, such as the old man.
He does not have a lucrative business, nor does he have any power.

Everything he has is the blessing given to him by others.

Gongshu Wuyu was very popular with the juniors of the Lu family. When he came over, all the children gathered around him.

Even the little guy who had been squatting in the corner building blocks without even raising his head when Tang Bandit came over also walked over silently.

"Brother Wuyu, why do you have time to come here today? Aren't you very busy recently?"

"Brother Wuyu, did you bring us a gift? Has the company released any new toy cars recently?"

"Brother Wuyu, my practice has been a little hindered recently. Do you have time to give me some advice?"
Gongshu Wuyu's gentle smile makes people feel like a spring breeze.Make eye contact with everyone who speaks, be attentive and respectful.

"Is it important for work to have a whispered birthday? No matter how busy I am at work, I have to rush over and give you a gift."

"Several electronic pets have been released recently. I will bring them to the housekeeper and he will help deliver them to each of your homes later."

"Is there a problem in practice? This is not a trivial matter. Let's do this. I will follow you to the practice room in a moment. Let's solve the problem quickly and not let it affect your promotion speed."

He looked at the building block kid again and said softly: "Xiaoqiu, I know you don't like electronic pets. I brought a one-meter-tall "Seraph" which is assembled from 3 mechanical components. Can you try to take it apart?"

"No problem." The brick kid said with surprise on his face: "I will definitely dismantle it and put it back together within a week."

"I believe you." Gongshu Wuyu patted Xiaoqiu's shoulder and said aloud.

Tang Bandit discovered that Gongshu Wuyu was taking the "intimate brother" route.

He can preach and solve doubts for children who are interested in martial arts practice. He can also use his status as a business boss to suit their needs and give them the gifts they dream of. He can also remember everyone's birthday, which seems to come from the bottom of his heart. He cared about them, joked and played with them.
When other elders are busy, his appearance fills an important emotional gap.

Day after day, these young people from the Lu family began to believe in him, obey him, and like him.

No one can say that people have human nature and rats have their own human nature.

Everyone's success is not accidental.

Tang Bandit thought to himself that fortunately his identity was "complicated" and he recognized his grandfather in advance under the old man's guidance.

Otherwise, he would be so defeated in front of Gongshu Wuyu that he would even lose his pants.

Gongshu Wuyu handed a beautiful box to Lu Whispering, and said with a smile: "Our little princess has grown up another year. I wish you a happy birthday, and be able to be happy every day in the future, and become the most outstanding person in the world." Mechanical master."

He knew that Lu Wuyu didn't like dressing up, and she didn't care what gifts you gave her. The only thing she liked was machinery.She is the most talented mechanic of the Lu family's generation. Her goal is to leave her name in the mechanical field like the ancestors of the Lu family and become a top figure with great inventions and extraordinary creations.

Only in that way can it shine through the ages and live forever.

Lu Wuyu took the box and said aloud: "Thank you."

Only then did Gongshu Wuyu's eyes fall on Tang Bandit's face and asked: "Tang Bandit?"

"Do you know me?" Tang Bandit asked.

A person like Gongshu Wuyu will definitely do enough research and preparation before he wants to accomplish something.

I'm afraid his information has been checked by him a long time ago. He knows exactly how many times he wets the bed every night, right?
"If I don't know such an important person who is a man of the hour in Phoenix City, a grand master disciple, and a close friend of His Highness Xiu Xue, it proves that I am blind. Our Lu family's intelligence network has really failed."

"Oh? The Lu family's intelligence network still pays attention to a little person like me?" Tang Bandit squinted his eyes and smiled, bright and pure, which made several older Lu family girls very excited.

Thinking about the way he looks when he smiles, it's no wonder that even Her Highness the Princess is deeply in love with him.
"First, as I said just now, you are not a small person. Moreover, you are closely related to the royal family and are the ones we need to focus on. Perhaps, we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

"Second, the Lu family's intelligence network will track various countries and important figures around the world. Our products will be sold to every corner of the galaxy, and everyone may be our noble person."

"Third, your ranking on the blue list has skyrocketed. It's difficult not to pay attention to it, don't you think?"

"It makes sense." Tang Bandit nodded and said loudly: "People like us are so outstanding that it is difficult to keep a low profile."


Gongshu Wuyu looked at Tang Bandit in surprise, thinking, does the princess like a man with this kind of temper?
It doesn't make sense!

Seeing his silence, Tang Bandit suddenly asked, "Do you like Her Highness the Princess?"

Everyone looked at Tang Bandit with confusion, wondering why he would ask such a question.

Some people looked at Gongshu Wuyu thoughtfully. Could it be that he had done something to provoke Tang bandits before?

Gongshu Wuyu didn't expect that Tang Bandit would ask such a question in public, which really caught him off guard.

Her expression was slightly startled, but it returned to normal in an instant. She looked at the Tang bandit calmly and said, "My fair lady, a gentleman is very kind. Her Royal Highness the Princess is noble and has both talent and beauty. What man can refuse her?"

"That's true." Tang Bandit nodded again and said, "I would like to thank you for your compliment on behalf of Your Highness. She must be very happy to hear it."


What are you thanking her for?Who wants your thanks?
What does it mean that you look so proud?
Consider yourself an owner?
Gongshu Wuyu's eyes were slightly stern, he looked at Tang Bandit with a smile, and asked aloud: "There are rumors that you and His Highness Xiu Xue are a couple. Is it true?"

This question has hidden dangers.

The Tang bandits said yes, and Jingongshu Wuyu publicized it, fearing that the royal family would be furious.
After all, this is the personal admission of the person involved, which is different from the nature of the gossip outside.

Tang Bandit replied no, then Her Royal Highness the Princess is single and everyone has the right to express love.

(End of this chapter)

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